Avatar of RBYDark


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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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Glad to hear c:

Also, let the record show - there may be times where I can't be around for at least a few days, but as long as everyone else wants to continue, I'll be right there.
And you know what? People also know Uwe Boll and Michael Bay. What's your point?
Update: PM'ed Hiro, no response.
Hm, Ed Wood?

Ed Reynolds: Perfect? Mr. Wood, do you know anything about the art of film production?
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Well, I like to think so.
Ed Reynolds: That cardboard headstone tipped over. This graveyard is obviously phony.
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Nobody will ever notice that. Filmmaking is not about the tiny details. It's about the big picture.
Ed Reynolds: The big picture?
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Yes.
Ed Reynolds: Then how 'bout when the policemen arrived in daylight, but now it's suddenly night?
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: What do you know? Haven't you heard of suspension of disbelief?
Well, it is a 2-on-2. Both of Apple's pokemon are targeting Poliwag :p Though I do wonder where Hiro is.
I'm still here. I guessed you guys had exams?
Miu smirked as the Aron fainted. Yeah, this battle wasn't too bad after all. She didn't even need Bailey's help to pull through - heck, maybe she'd win on her own. Odds were good. Then the Honedge struck Poliwag, the pokemon too off-guard to try dodging. The water-type rolled to a stop near Miu's feet - not fainted, but the battle was clearly wearing on it. Miu knew as Fury Cutter struck, it'd only get stronger each time. Well. "Poliwag! Bubble again!" Poliwag struggled to get back onto its feet and fire off the attack - which went absurdly wide. The tadpole pokemon didn't look steady enough to try dodging - Miu took a step back, in case the Honedge tried attacking the Poliwag where it stood. She had enough half-healed scars to know pokemon attacks did hurt.

The A-Unown, which Zubat had targeted, began to level out and drift to the ground. The attack had been critical - between Azurill's Water Gun and the super-effective Leech Life, the Unown could no longer fight. Only the pokeball light enveloping the Unown kept it from hitting the ground and instead returning to the pokeball B held. This left only the Y-Unown out, who could only hit Azurill. Well, best to keep going. The Water Gun sent the Y-Unown spinning before it righted itself and shot off Hidden Power at Azurill again. It had no choice but to ignore the Zubat.

"You two don't seem bad," B commented cheerfully. The S-Unown rolled its pupil.
You realize EVERY SEASON BUT FRONTIER (in which it was a nonissue) at least acknowledged stuff happened, right?
Dude, when Loki trashed NYC, EVERYONE knew. And you also had the Cap, who was famous enough for a Smithsonian exhibit. Hulk remained a secret because the big guy's dangerous, and people are dangerous to Banner. That one wasn't for everyone else's sanity - it was to prevent Banner from coming to harm and to ensure another rampage doesn't happen.

See, if they aren't doing millions of dollars worth of damage in a large public area, it's possible to enact a coverup. Here's actually a writing article on how to write a coverup that goes into the logistics of it all. But frankly, this version would be the equivalent of covering up Godzilla.
Azurill's Water Gun hit, making the A-Unown reel backwards. The two Unown exchanged a glance, as if thinking. The A-Unown then shot a Hidden Power at Jess' Zubat, though the attack seemed to glance off - in fact, even B wasn't sure if it connected. The S-Unown hovering by him chirped as if in concern, and he nodded, as though he understood it. The Unown were doing the best they could - the Y-Unown had a Ground-type Hidden Power, and the A-Unown had a Grass-type Hidden Power. Neither were at a particular advantage against that Zubat, nor particularly effective against the Azurill. Even as the Y-Unown fired off its attack at Vincent's Azurill, he could be fairly confident this fight wasn't going to last long once Jess went for the more reliable attacks. Or if that Supersonic hit.

Mui pumped her fist. Yeah, that sure did a lot of damage! Though so did that Headbutt. She cringed at the way Poliwag landed on its tail and tried to get up. Well, her options were Bubble or Water Sport. And as far as she knew, Aron couldn't use any fire attacks. "Use Bubble again! And if it charges, roll out of the way!" She could do this. Bailey was actually doing a bit better than she was. How annoying.
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