Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

Apple could say she'd achieved one of her goals – Vincent and Bailey both now seemed more confident about their new partners, especially as Bailey's Duskull let loose another Night Shade at Honedge. Honedge was starting to sway a bit, though not as badly as Miu's Poliwag. Another Fury Cutter landed, and Poliwag rolled back into Miu's legs. The Poliwag staggered to her feet, and Miu nudged her forward. Miu might've considered herself superior to the rest but she wasn't showing Apple it was true. That left Jess – a nice kid, to be sure, but she really needed to learn a bit about her pokemon. Especially the fact that eventually her Zubat would need a strong relationship with his trainer to reach his final stage.

It was Miu's turn – her voice was no less annoyed, but this time, the Poliwag's Bubble connected. It didn't do a lot of damage, but with Bailey's move next, she knew her Honedge wasn't going to last the round to finish the Poliwag. Just a reminder that some battles would be struggles.

Bailey's enthusiasm wasn't dampened by the need for a final attack. Honedge went down, and Apple called it back. It was interesting to see how the two reacted – Bailey invited the Duskull to rest on her shoulder, and Miu crossed her arms and waited for Poliwag to walk back to her side. Unsurprisingly, the Poliwag blew another raspberry at her trainer before sitting down on the ground.

“There's a healer just down the street, on the way to the bridge.” Right, the reward. “B, your bag?” B nodded, though it was the S-Unown that brought the bag to her. First, the money. Miu pocketed it immediately; it was a little amusing to see Bailey and Duskull admiring it before tucking it away. Then the Revive crystals (B had paid for them under the belief they wouldn't get far otherwise). “These are Revives.”She spoke up – unlikely B had bothered to explain what they were. “If a pokemon faints, use it to wake them back up.” Simple enough. “You'll also probably need these.” She now offered four small bags – in each, five pokeballs and a pokedex. That was her contribution. “They'll help with data-gathering. That only leaves one last thing – my first errand.” She walked back to the table and sat, where B was struggling to unfold a map. She managed to hold it down and indicated to Snowbelle City. “The gym leader, Wulfric, reported that he found something of interest to my evolution research, at the Pokemon Village. He couldn't stick around long enough to collect a sample for me, and he doesn't have the time to spare to go back. I'd like you four to go investigate. I'd send B, but he's going to Shalour City for me.” Here, B waved. “Does everyone understand?”
Welp, guess he's not settled yet. So no objections, anyone? Assuming you're around, since I know some people are busy with graduation parties and whatnot.
SDR2 murders all fucks.

Ah, shame, though at least they did better than Spain. 5-1 anyone?
Postage included everywhere!
Yo c:
The Y-Unown might've managed to cling to life if only the Water Gun had connected. But again, the combined attack knocked this Unown to the ground, and B called it back. The S-Unown was spinning, perpendicular to the ground and clearly irked. B shared none of its irritation, instead beaming at Vincent and Jess. "I have to admit, you two are naturals! Maybe I should step it up..." There was a second of ominous silence before he chuckled. "But I jest. I'm just glad we won't need to worry over you two." He glanced to Apple's fight, still in progress. "Nor will we have to worry about them. It's pleasant, having competent help." The Unown drifted back over to the table and laid down flat, squeaking. B looked over to it. "Now, now, we lost fair and square. Speaking of-" He went back to the table as well, rummaging through a bag for something before producing it - two small stacks of credits and, on top of each a Revive crystal. He held them out to the two new trainers. "Take these with my compliments. Arceus knows they can only help!"
Sounds good c: I'm so far considering a Litleo and a Gligar or Scyther. Maybe a Seviper or Zangoose. Pretty much going for relatively fierce-looking pokemon.

As a note, Unending did give me a bit of an idea of which way we're going (and as a note, he also added wild pokemon levels will be adjusted accordingly). Pretty much, headed up to Santalune and then to Snowbelle City. As a second note, if Unending isn't around by tomorrow night, I'll post for B and give him a day. If that passes, I'll take over briefly for Apple and Bailey.
Well, guys, to keep the thread going:

What pokemon would you guys want on your teams?

Miu's probably getting a Fletchling at minimum, if no one objects.
What do you mean JUST Voc? Neither Tob nor Vin have showed up either. If you're gonna drop Voc, you have to drop those two as well, in which case then congrats, the vote is unanimous.
Ganon. You asked. You got a reply. People want it to be common knowledge. You want a MIB situation, write a fanfic. (And sucks to hear about that loss)
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