Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

Did someone say omake?

We need Grey or |V|
I see we discovered the mastermind.
Then here's hoping Iris makes it. Voting Conrad, Serena, and Karyl as new likely candidates.

When the bear first showed up, Octavia stared - where had - it? he? - come from? How had he slipped past them all? Then again, she didn't recall seeing everyone enter, so perhaps the bear had snuck in similarly. But when he called himself their headmaster, her jaw slackened. But... he was just a toy. How could he be in charge? She raised her bow, but apparently he had no intention of taking questions. Just kept talking. Kinda soothing in an odd way - added a dose of normalcy to the tense quiet entryway. Regardless, she kept her bow raised, hoping to get a chance to ask how he had accomplished that, being a toy and all.

And then the topic of murder came up. Her bow hand trembled, causing the bow to seize in the air. She could hear Morgan's cards fall from his hands and hit the floor. Murder... no, she could stay here. She could learn to make do. She could not kill. She hoped everyone else felt the same. It wouldn't be so bad, right? Living together, becoming friends, maybe even showing off their skills. She nodded faintly as the bear handed her the card. Though the lack of locks bothered her. She clutched the handle of her violin case a bit tighter. Yes, she could write, but the theft of her violin would be as bad as stealing a person's voice. Writing lacked emotion and sentiment.


"...this can't be happening," Karyl finally said once Monokuma vanished in smoke. "Oi, Magician-"

"If you were going to ask about trap doors, floor looks solid to me," Morgan replied, sounding distracted. Karyl rolled her eyes.

"Go look." Morgan shrugged, picking up her cards before walking to where Monobear had vanished, looking over the floor. Two guys were freaking out - one was the guy she'd seen fallen in the hallway, who claimed to have a talent of Luck. Maybe send them both off to the cafeteria. And then the Fashion Designer - Rosemary, right - spoke up. Right track, but...

"There are sixteen of us. Groups of three aren't going to work out so well. Not that it'll help anyways if two of them gang up on the third." Perhaps she had been in too many performances, but it struck her as a legitimate concern. If people wanted out, they'd find loopholes. "How about we start easy? Who actually wants to leave?" She had begun to raise her hand - she wasn't going to lie, she'd get rusty staying here, and she'd miss the stage before long. Might as well figure out who else might take advantage of the motive.

Then Morgan coughed, the kind of sound meant to grab attention. Karyl nearly threw both hands up into the air. "What?"

"Oh, I was just thinking about Monokuma's words. A few just struck me as a bit odd. 'Despairful actions', right?" She glanced to Iris - who, Karyl realized, had a rather familiar color scheme. "Iris, what was your talent again?" Karyl took a step back, stepping on some of Octavia's papers in the process. The mute violinist seemed too unnerved to complain.
To be fair, you did confirm for me this wasn't okayed so not so much a Shedinja'ing
You realize Missingno can canonically (for a given value of canon) warp reality, right? Did you talk to Ob or Unending?

Happy birthday, Psych.

Karyl had begun to calm down - no thanks to anyone else. Liar? Thief? Torture specialist? Despair? What kind of sociopaths was she staying with? She could count the number of people she could trust not to murder her on one hand! And when Morgan chuckled, flipping her eyepatch back down and shuffling her cards once more, Karyl struggled to mask her distaste.

"It can't be anything worse than what we've heard so far," she said in response to Lucas' introduction. Octavia's bow clattered on the ground and Karyl sighed as she picked it back up. "You're fine, Octavia." Octavia accepted the bow back, looking much less despondent.

"Am I?" Morgan asked.

"No." Karyl looked to the steel door. "Well, Anna, if you steal, think you could get this door open?" She was already fed up with this little joke. It looked solid, yeah, but if she was so good, she could give it a shot.
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