Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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Seems fair. Looking over Jenny's sheet, think I'll keep it as is at this point, barring any mistakes you see.

Also, weekend was alright. My family picked out a Christmas tree. Yours?
Here's hoping it goes well, am I right
Appearance: About 5'8"

Name: Diarmi 'Dimi' Akiyama

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Diarmi tends to stick his nose into other people's problems, offering his help without hesitation or foresight. He gets a little disappointed when he's turned away. That said, he's very tight-lipped about his own problems and tends to refuse help. Even when he's getting overwhelmed, he tries to fix his problems on his own occasionally with disastrous results. He's generally distrustful of most adults, even those around his age. Despite his general cheer, he seems to dislike talking due to an inexplicable (and apparently Russian) accent. He's chosen to fashion himself into a real-life superhero to protect the city and, more importantly to him, his little sister.

Hero Appearance: Though with a blue weighted scarf around his neck.

Hero name: Flip

Powers: He has a small variety of psychic skills that is granted by his item - the production of a levitation bubble, psychic shield, extra field of vision, and pyrokinesis. The power of these abilities do rely on his state of mind - for example, increasing anger or happiness can give a major boost to his pyrokinesis, resulting in a larger, longer-burning fire. However, he mostly relies on sleight of hand - since he lacks the physical strength to outright face opponents, he tends to "cheat" a bit. Distract, blind with his scarf, keep them at a distance, pickpocket their weapons, that sort of thing, as using his powers can be draining. In addition, several years of gymnastic classes have given him a fair amount of agility and flexibility.

Transforming item: He does need to apply pressure to the eye on the back of his neck and be able to focus on transforming - loud noises, sudden flashes, and the like can prevent the process from occurring.

History: Dimi's family absolutely loves tourists. His father runs a souvenir and knickknack shop year-round. His mother may be an elementary school teacher for most of the year but over the summer and breaks, she takes her two sons to the streets and they put on shows. Dimi was always the one to collect the money at the end, and he quickly learned how to play up his youth/cuteness for more money. His older brother also taught him how to get even more money through 'other tricks'. Off-season, Dimi was enrolled in gymnastic classes to learn more tricks for his mom's show. He was generally very happy with his home life and, when his mother gave birth to her first daughter, Delfina, Dimi doted over her as well. Innocence doesn't last forever, though, and at 10, he was caught pickpocketing. As it was his first offense, he had to return the money and was left off with a stern warning. His mother expressed shock apologized to the cop and the man (and made Dimi do likewise). It wasn't until he got home that his mother revealed how disappointed in him she was - that he got caught. Apparently, his mother's family had been con men and scammers for generations. His father knew but hadn't cared since, hey, they were tourists, they'd likely never meet again and he loved his wife dearly. Dimi couldn't tell anyone since there was his little sister to consider and, well, he was a criminal too.

Dimi ended up dedicating most of his time to trying to protect Delfina from being caught. He unfortunately couldn't stop performing in his mother's shows (with his older brother away at university) and was joined by Delfina. It was during one of these performances over the spring break before school began that he lifted a man's wallet. Inside, of course, was money and cards but also a strange little black paper packet. He opened to find within an odd orange eye-shaped pendant. He decided to hold onto it, figuring maybe the person would stop by the next day, and he could slip it back in. His family probably couldn't get much for it anyways. That bit of guilt assuaged, he went to bed that night - and woke up before dawn with a stabbing pain in the back of his neck. Reaching for it, he found the eye, fused slightly beneath his skin. His reaction of freaking out was natural, though, for a few weeks, nothing more happened. It was just a strange new addition he tried to keep covered. The man never returned, and Dimi did consider the possibility it was a cursed item he'd taken despite having no other effect.

Then he accidentally triggered a transformation while trying to sleep one night. The second freak-out was notably subdued compared to the first one, though he didn't calm back down until he managed to deactivate it. The second transformation was intentional, and he began to try to figure out what it was he was wearing. It took a few hours before he discovered his new psychic powers. After that, he made a decision: since he can't stop his own family from committing crimes, the best he can do is vent his frustrations onto other criminals.

Other: He seems to have an undiagnosed bipolar disorder that he refuses to have examined or treated, lest the results interfere with his life, abilities, or powers.
If anyone can also suggest a better armor suit, all ears. This one's a bit more armor-looking than I'd like.
EDIT: ....I feel like I chose a bad time to post this.
Hmm, interesting. I can probably write up a sheet regardless, but mind if I do run an idea by you first in PMs?
Unfortunately, those stories are all too common in customer service. Instances of being acted upon are rare and, at worst, you're more likely to get a notice from corporate headquarters, based on how they perceive the situation. So if nothing else, as frightening as it was, you'll probably be alright even if she comes back. Though I hope she doesn't, that shit's scarring.

I can only remember one real genuinely angry death threat. Reacted about the same as you - teared up and freaked out - with a few differences aside.
I suppose maybe a soldier? Assuming one person per role.
Sunday, maybe - my cunning plan to finish my sheet this afternoon was thwarted by the fact that I'll be on a bit of a cleaning flurry after the haircutter appointment.
(Also no problem)
I'll start working on a sheet - kinda late so will likely go up as a WIP:

(There also seems to be a tiny typo in the History of Puerto Libre - specifically, fourth bullet point under European contact)
Doubleposting - gotta hate it, eh?

Here now, sorry. I actually am rarely in the habit of poking around this forum, didn't know there was a separate check now. Not that I mind.
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