Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

### Human Name: Valdi Mori Age: 15 Gender: Male Designation: Child 03 File Photo: [Since the picture's pretty large](http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/323/5/7/infectious_adoption_pure_stone_scythe_2_by_lily_lyn_rain-d5li8ai.jpg) Dossier: Valdi is, in his element, generally a carefree young man who is laid back and more interested in playing games and reading horror stories than getting involved with fights. He'll occasionally pop out a reference to something he's played or read but is usually far more content to go with the flow. He may not be the most empathetic person and if you just need a shoulder to cry on, he's not your guy, but he is someone who will stick around and keep others going, trying to push them to get better. That said, with V-mon around, certain other traits come out. For instance, he tends to be rather mocking and sarcastic towards things he finds unbelievable. While he's not violent, he can get a bit passive-aggressive and notably more blunt than normal. He's quick to criticize, though it's rare for him to not have some idea to fix the problem when he does so. Valdi lived a relatively plain life for the most part - his mother was a foreigner from Iceland, and his father was a Japanese man, and he had no siblings. In his younger years, the family was quite peaceful and, though of course Japanese life and language was his main focus, his mother would teach him bits about her land - the legends, the language, the culture. As he got older, though, his parents began to argue more and more often. When he was 11, they divorced, and his father maintained custody of Valdi. Valdi became far less amicable afterwards, making fewer friends and grades dropping enough to get him in trouble with his father. It took until he was 14, but he managed to shove those nasty parts down and even join a soccer team. At least, until he ended up becoming a digidestined. Other: (Notes, voice actors/actresses/seiyuu, associated tropes, etc) ### Seat: 02 Control Method: Probability alteration - while Magnamon may be one of the weaker Knights (barring an attack that requires her to sacrifice herself) and certainly far from the quickest, she is capable of performing actions that would be deemed impossible - dodging an unwarned attack, making what should've been a too-wide jump, hitting the unhittable target. This effect is not always active, however, and she cannot will it to be so. ### Baby Name: Chibomon Gender: Female Attribute: Vaccine Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://wikimon.net/images/d/da/Chicomon.gif "enter image title here") Her color is a pale green though. Technique: - Acid Bubbles: Shoots small slightly irritating bubbles Personality: As Chibomon, she's oddly quiet and watchful, allowing herself to be carried and responding to little. ### In-Training Name: DemiV-mon Gender: Female Attribute: Vaccine Appearance: ![img=http://wikimon.net/images/2/2b/Chibimon.png](http://wikimon.net/images/2/2b/Chibimon.png "enter image title here") Her blue color has turned into a vibrant green. Technique: - Hop Attack: Tackles her foes Personality: Now that she can easily move on her own, she's beginning to develop a bit of an attitude and mocking people at first opportunity before scampering away. ### Rookie Name: V-mon Gender: Female Attribute: Vaccine Appearance: ![img=http://wikimon.net/images/3/3b/Vmon_art_dss.png](http://wikimon.net/images/3/3b/Vmon_art_dss.png "enter image title here") Her blue color has turned into a vibrant green. Technique: - Vee Headbutt: Charges at the foe and attacks with a headbutt - Vee Knockout: Charges to strike with her fists Personality: As V-mon, she has developed a permanently surly nature. It's quite easy to get her aggravated and insulting people. She's no fool - she won't necessarily fight fair or stick around for a hopeless fight, though it doesn't stop her from picking the fight in the first place. She's also developed a habit of referring to Valdi as her 'Earthly guide' and is quick to talk over him and for him, regardless of what he wants. Oddly enough, despite her short temper, the only person who doesn't seem capable of triggering it is Valdi, no matter what inventive curses he comes up with to describe her. She's not fond of the fact that he can still pick her up with ease, but instead she'll find a way to annoy him. In short, it's been questioned how Valdi and V-mon were ever chosen to work together. ### Champion Name: XV-mon Gender: Female Attribute: Vaccine Appearance: ![http://wikimon.net/images/9/93/XV-mon_collectors.png](http://wikimon.net/images/9/93/XV-mon_collectors.png "enter image title here") Her blue color has turned into a vibrant green. Technique: - X Laser: Fires an X-shaped laser from her chest - Critical Crunch: Grabs the enemy between her teeth to inflict damage Personality: The only thing that's really changed is that XV-mon gloats about the fact that Valdi can no longer pick her up. ### Ultimate Name: Paildramon Gender: Female Attribute: Vaccine Appearance: ![http://wikimon.net/images/0/07/Paildramon_collectors.png](http://wikimon.net/images/0/07/Paildramon_collectors.png "enter image title here") Her blue skin color has turned into a vibrant green. Technique: - Desperado Blaster: Fires an energy wave from the two cannons growing from her arms - Voltage Laser: Creates a stream of energy Personality: See XV-mon ### Mega 1 Name: Ancientgreymon Gender: Female Attribute: Vaccine Appearance: ![img=http://wikimon.net/images/4/4e/Ancientgreymon.jpg](http://wikimon.net/images/4/4e/Ancientgreymon.jpg "enter image title here") Here, the visible bits of orange skin have turned blue. Technique: - Omega Burst: Triggers an explosion of fire with herself at the epicenter - Gaia Tornado: Ensnares the foe within a tornado of energy Personality: See XV-mon ### Mega II/Royal Knight Name: Magnamon Gender: Female Attribute: Vaccine Appearance: ![img=http://wikimon.net/images/a/aa/Magnamon_collectors.png](http://wikimon.net/images/a/aa/Magnamon_collectors.png "enter image title here") Her blue skin color has turned into a vibrant green. Technique: - Plasma Shoot: Fires missiles from her armor - Aura Barrier: Creates a barrier of golden light to ward off attacks - Extreme Jihad: By using up all her energy, she can emit a massive explosion that miraculously only harms those she considers enemies Personality: See XV-mon Other:
Seems like, sadly.
Life on my end.
Hey, just wanted to check in, see who survived the move and what people think of it :p
I'm pretty sure he won't mind. Though once things settle, may snag an Insect for a Knight. If no one minds me doubling?
Alright then. So anyhow...
To help, [one wiki](http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Gankoomon) seems to suggest ideas for how the moves work without being overly powerful. Regarding stages, why don't you swap Lycanmon and Wolfmon? Make Lycanmon the higher stage?
Now, now, Tob, if I don't have to alter V-mon's personality for Magnamon, then it should probably be fine if Gankoomon is consistent with past digivolutions. They're new Knights, aren't they?

And I'll go tweak colors.
Before I try doing a post, can I ask who will and won't stick around in the auditorium?
tobiax said
It's fine. Some times subtle changes are employed between forms, and other times not. I thought that particular V-mon was a different color, yes? Or are you deciding against that?I really like the use of alternate art. I used a few, since the regular BlackWarGreymon X art is obscured, and I just felt like using the figure image for Alphamon.

Alright, good. There'll probably be changes, but they'll be a result of what happens in the rp more than anything else, I think.
Thanks dude. Admittedly, I know she was a different color before but A) the alternate art all keeps the blue color and B) I actually forgot what color I'd made her. I think it was green? Can't be certain.

@xander: Have you checked Tob's sheet or Fellsing's/my sheet? It may help you see what you need to do.
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