Avatar of RBYDark


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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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Generally, it's like a hallway with separate rooms lining it and somewhere around the middle is a nurse's desk. Usually T-shaped, though I don't think the ward needs to be that large.
He was aware of feeling first - namely that he was lying down on his back, something soft under him. Sheets? Felt like it. All things considered, very odd since the last thing he recalled was falling forward towards his bed and unless he had managed to pull himself all the way onto his bed and turn over while - Asleep? Unconscious? - then this couldn't be right. He still had his hand around the theoretical digivice - so he assumed, anyhow, it felt like he was holding something made of the same material and same weight. He had yet to actually open his eyes. Right. He should probably fix that. Nathan had begun to stir when he felt his arm bump into Gazimon, who grabbed it (or something very much like Gazimon). The fact was confirmed when it spoke, and Nathan recognized that whispered voice. "Don't move too much. There's something out there." His stomach dropped and, sure enough, there was something very much like footsteps headed his way. He kept his eyes closed, trying to still appear asleep. Yes, even without opening his eyes, it was becoming clear he wasn't home. The steps echoed like in a late-night hospital hallway, and it smelled terribly like... Like- Despite Gazimon's warning, his eyes opened and he sat up. A hospital room. The walls were a washed-out green, the floor white tile, the whiteboard cleanly erased with no markers visible. The air was too hot, he was sweating through his hoodie and gloves, the air rushed away when he tried to breathe. Oh god he was losing it wasn't he this couldn't be real none of it could be real god no- "Nathan? ...Nathan." Gazimon was talking. He was trying to focus on its voice, but it was hard to do when he could feel the blackness trying to seep back in and knock him out once more. "Nathan, I don't know where we are, but I don't think it's a hospital. The bed's wrong, there's no table, and I don't see an IV holder in here." Breathing was still harder than it should've been, but he began looking around once more. Its words were true - for a hospital, this room was oddly ill-prepared for patients. The feeling of suffocating heat began to drain away, leaving him tired and suddenly acutely aware of the footsteps still echoing outside his room. "Don't know how we got here, right?" He kept his voice quiet, tugging on the edge of his hood to make sure it was still in place. "Correct. I believe I fell unconscious first. I only woke up minutes before you did." Nathan thought for a moment, gingerly touching the bruise on his face. It still ached, but it was the only thing that hurt. "And how fast can you dig?" Nathan slid off the bed. "...Nathan please do not go chat up our captors." "You have to admit, we're not exactly stealthy. So either we go talk or we blast our way through." Gazimon blinked and then sighed, hopping off the bed and following Nathan to the doorway. Both peeked around its edge to see a long hallway ending in an elevator and a person with... a digimon. Gazimon's eyes widened and yet it couldn't help but smile. Nathan pocketed his digivice and then cupped a hand to his mouth to speak: "Hey! Did you also get dragged here or were you the one doing the dragging?"
The text color or the setting because again not sure what Fellsing intended.
As someone who volunteers at a hospital, I will say I've not seen anything of the sort. Then again, the wards I worked in were aimed at adults. Besides, may be best for convenience's sake. And once more today I am glad I went with small text as opposed to grey-colored text. Apparently today I've made all the good choices instead.
Suddenly glad I didn't try applying with Keramon.
Eh, it's intro, lots of space to write in an intro. I'd be surprised if I get the opportunity to write such a long post again.
Heck yeah kept my word. Hope it's ok.
"That thing's your partner? You must be seriously fucked up." Zurumon could hear one of them stammering how that was a bad word and receiving a torrent of abuse in turn as it flattened out, trying to retreat into itself and only succeeding in resembling a rather viscous puddle. The afternoon had been going well at first, the four children (so to speak) of the Foxe family going out to play. Nathan, the oldest son by three years and Zurumon's caretaker for the past month, had brought along a soccer ball, and he and the twins were playing apparently some form of the game. Zurumon, not even as big as the ball, stayed to the side and watched quietly. It had been pleasant to watch, even if it didn't really understand what was happening. Then, the fourth boy arrived - taller, probably older, carrying a Nyaromon under his arm. The sons all seemed to recognize him with some degree of annoyance; apparently, he was 'Noah'. Noah was going to play with the soccer ball. The younger brothers protested, but Nathan had rolled with it, said they could play two teams without a goalkeeper, though maybe he should put his digimon on the sidelines. Noah agreed, walked to the side - and shouted at the realization of Zurumon's presence, Nyaromon hissing and flicking her tail. She almost even attacked it, until Nathan confirmed it was his digimon. Now, Nathan was not responding or even frowning at the accusations. Nyaromon's hisses had turned into low growls, clearly ready to attack. More than anything, it wished it could turn invisible; a close second, though, was that Nathan had not said anything. But why wasn't he responding? Noah finally turned his attention back to Nathan, who had picked up the soccer ball. "You know, soon as you're 13, they'll take you away and throw you into prison for the rest of your life. It's a law. Only the worst people get something like-" He had clearly intended to finish that sentence with more cruel words. The soccer ball hurled directly in his face made that a little difficult; he dropped Nyaromon, instinctively reaching to cover the reddening skin, and Nyaromon yowled as she hit the ground. "Huh. You have a cat digimon, but your reflexes suck. That's weird, isn't it?" "You little psycho!" Noah swung, and after that it devolved into chaos. Both digimon were stumped as to what to do and so, by the time the parents arrived, they were still sitting to the side. In the end, the three Foxe boys had received a sound scolding and had the soccer ball taken away for two months. Zurumon slumped - it had been its fault, after all - before finally looking up to its partner's face, lip split and scabbed, eye blackening. Nathan was smiling. Noah hadn't bothered any of them again for as long as Nathan had lived there. -- Of course, they no longer lived there, and it was no longer a Zurumon. It felt the passage of time, perhaps more keenly than anyone else, and it doubted such an encounter would ever happen again. It found it strange that, after so long, its mind would finally wander to that memory, but its mind frequently wandered while working and the sock - right, yes. It checked; there didn't seem to be any glaring errors in its work, so it would just need to cut the thread and knot it. With more dexterity than its long claws would suggest, the Gazimon managed to do so without tearing a fresh hole into the fabric. It tossed it onto the pile of the other clothes it had mended over the day and checked its basket. That was the last one. It picked the stack up and walked back to its aunt and uncle's bedroom to put them away. It was a fairly simple apartment: two bedrooms, a sink with an adjacent small room for the toilet and shower (the latter of which Gazimon had been banned from using again), leading into a fair-sized living-room-that-reached-into-a-kitchen space. A bit expensive and small, maybe, but apparently Nathan's relatives were fine with it, and it allowed Nathan and Gazimon to have their own room. After that, the only real issues had been Nathan and Gazimon figuring out their own sleeping arrangements and, well... Its ears twitched as it heard the entry door open - probably Aunt Jules, though she would've been late if it was her. It listened to the sound of plastic bags rustling. Oh. Groceries? Gazimon set down the basket and walked back out to the living room. There were only two bags it could see on the kitchen counter; Uncle Ash was taking out a jar and placing it near the stove, and Aunt Jules was emptying the second bag - salad, milk, and yogurts. Gazimon walked over. "Do you need help?" Though it was quiet, Aunt Jules had noticed and looked down to it. "Nah, Kitten, we've got it." She ruffled the fur on its head. "Didn't need to get much, just something for you to eat tonight. Ash was going to make pasta, but he called me at work since we only had meat sauce. Rest is just extra." "Oh. Thank you." If Gazimon had to point out the second issue, it was that these two were sometimes almost too considerate and it'd feel guilty that they'd spend on it. No wonder Nathan frequently worked late, as rude as the thought was. "I'll finish putting back the clothes." "Oh, thank you. You mind turning the news on before you do?" She opened the fridge as she spoke. It nodded, even knowing she wouldn't see it, and walked over to the TV in the corner of the living room. She was probably wondering if there were any updates on the missing digimon. To be honest, the situation still felt unreal to Gazimon; Uncle Ash and Nathan had been out on a hunting trip, and Aunt Jules and Gazimon had been cleaning when the light happened. Gazimon didn't know how those two responded, but it and Aunt Jules had checked the windows. When the city was not seen to be suffering untold horrors and devastation, they had decided maybe it was a power surge even though the lights were still fine and then resumed working. They hadn't seen the news that night, since Uncle Ash and Nathan had come home late (apparently there had been an unusual number of traffic jams and crowds). The next morning, Nathan had overslept and it was a rush for him and Gazimon to get to school, skipping over the newspaper and ignoring the stares of people. After all, Gazimon was supposed to look over Janice's Armadillomon and try to figure out why he had suddenly gotten so temperamental. Gazimon was good at that. It had only been when they arrived at school and everyone fell silent that they noticed: there was no beating of wings or buzzing. No slightly-slimy slithering. There were only people. Janice had staggered to them, shocked, and only finally explained that all the digimon had just vanished. During first period, Nathan excused himself to the bathroom with his phone, leaving Gazimon unfortunately alone. Even if they thought they were being sneaky, it could feel the stares of the students and even the teacher on its skin. The student to its right actually reached forward and, before Gazimon could ask what it was doing, ripped out a chunk of fur. All to confirm that Gazimon was in fact not an illusion, hallucination, or robot. That hurt quite a bit. It hurt even more when Nathan returned nearly ten minutes later, his gaze at something a hundred miles away, and finally whispered to Gazimon that the twins had lost Terriermon and Lopmon and that his parents wanted him to send Gazimon to them. Gazimon breathed its paralytic breath onto Nathan, knocking him out of his seat, and then asked that it be allowed to take Nathan to the nurse's office. The confusion of the students at once turned into fury and hatred when the teacher said yes; it realized, too late, that it had reminded them of what they had lost. Even when the paralysis wore off, Nathan said little. The final straw was when they finally made it home, running, and Nathan made the mistake of checking his email. The unknown name and slightly ominous title had upset Gazimon, worried that perhaps Noah or someone worse was coming back. Nathan had slammed the laptop lid down so hard its plastic casing cracked. It hadn't been touched since. Gazimon finished putting away the clothing and came back out as the pasta timer beeped. Soon after, the three sat down at the table to eat and watch the news together. Even as Gazimon listened, it didn't expect any updates. Its prediction was proved accurate, and there was little fanfare as they finished and cleaned up. Gazimon made sure there would be enough for Nathan once he came home, and then went back to Nathan's room to continue reading its e-book. Around 10, Aunt Jules and Uncle Ash went back to their shared bedroom. Around 11, Gazimon heard the door lock click and came out to see the door swing open. "Hello. I trust everything was-" Gazimon stopped. It had been so long since it had seen Nathan with a black eye, and yet, here he was."Nathan! Do you need ice?" Gazimon had already begun running to the fridge. It reached the door and was about to jump up when Nathan replied. "No, this... it was hours ago. Some guy at school..." Nathan shrugged. "Doesn't even really hurt anymore. It's not a big deal." Gazimon frowned, though what else could it do? Nathan would just push back harder if it pressed him for details. And yet... "Was it about me?" Nathan didn't need to respond. It saw the way he tensed, even for a second. "I see then." It walked away from the fridge. "It's late, we should go sleep." "Yeah, just a bit." Nathan had shrugged off his backpack near the door, the restaurant's shirt peeking out. "Homework?" Yes, that made sense. It hadn't considered that- "Nah, I'll do it before school." -though it would've been wrong. It blinked as Nathan went back into his room, and followed in time to see Nathan retrieve the dusty laptop. "Nathan?" "What, I haven't checked my emails in forever." The screen glowed, welcoming him. "Might as well." "Nathan." He didn't respond. Gazimon approached him. "I must insist you stop." "It'll just take a minute." Nathan nudged Gazimon away, and it could feel, even through the gloves, how cold he had to be. It was unreal; he always took the bus home, so he was usually only outside for maybe ten minutes. How- "Did you get to work safely?" Nathan didn't respond. "Nathan?" "...I'll explain it tomorrow." That was never a good sign. Gazimon already had a fairly good idea of what happened, namely that Nathan had never went to work after school, and not by his own decision. The browser popped up. "Just, let me check." Gazimon finally nodded and jumped onto the bed. It'd let Nathan do it, no more questions, no- "Whoa." Gazimon stood to look over Nathan's shoulders. Interspersed with the various junk mail and notices were many more emails from the unknown address. Had they been sent daily ever since Nathan refused to open the first one? It boggled the mind, to borrow a common phrase. Nathan sighed. "Fine, you douche, I'll play your game." He clicked the topmost email from EBE. Whatever message was there, Gazimon couldn't read before the screen indicated an error of some sort. To the right, on the bed, the e-reader was glowing a soft golden color before it changed shape. Gazimon frowned; but it hadn't finished that story yet. When it realized what it was looking at, however, it gasped audibly. Nathan turned to see Gazimon staring at the strange device now on his bed. "What the heck?" Nathan carefully picked it up between two fingers. "It's not..." He looked to Gazimon. "Is it?" "I am almost positive it is a digivice." But how and why? Gazimon didn't even know if any existed in this world. Darkness seemed to be hanging around them; Gazimon knew it was tired, but this seemed strange. "Nathan, who was the email from?" Its voice felt even quieter than usual, and Nathan, who was swaying to stay upright, didn't answer. "Nathan?" If the boy responded, Gazimon couldn't stay awake long enough to know. Unconsciousness forcibly claimed it, shortly before Nathan fell down as well.
One now, just me. Sorry, did like three posts drafts so far and erased them all. I think fourth time's the charm though.
Heh, things are looking good. I'll post in the IC tomorrow.
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