Avatar of RBYDark


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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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Also, hi. Probably just gonna stalk. Mostly because my one character idea may cross the boundary into unnecessary edge. And it's fun stalking rps.
@Snarl How would you feel about a semi-open storyline? Trainer meets trainer, trainer has a mission from boss/friend to go out and find a legendary relic, travel together because there's strength in numbers and also a team of pokemon anarchists causing trouble around the region. If you want your guy to also do the gym leader challenge/deliver an important item/study pokemon/just about anything, will likely fit right in. I'm fine using any region and any gen, excluding the newest one (unless the rp goes that long. Then we can start incorporating stuff from there if you want).

EDIT: as a bonus, maybe we can both draw the same scenes and stuff, and then compare how each turned out?
<Snipped quote by RBYDark>

I'm 100% sure that Rose never killed pink diamond but poofed her and put the gem into a lion and made her a slave.

I believe that's what we call Laser-Guided Karma.
Of course, the only alternative I can think of is that Pink Diamond wasn't as corrupt as the other Diamonds and saw Rose's rebellion as an excuse to start over. So turned into the Lion willingly.
<Snipped quote by RBYDark>


Rose episodes best episodes

Somehow I'm not surprised she was running around with a pack of them.
@Neurovoid Alright c: And just wanted to say, tonight's episode was just adorable :D
@Neurovoid I, uh, think Mimi's done? If you'd like a look?

Incidentally, taking it you watch Steven Universe, right?
Jeremiah Dupree

Physical state: Chilled but healthy
Mental state: Alert

No one was coming forth to greet him, a fact Professor Dupree found both a source of relief and of anxiety. So Dr. Atkins hadn’t come back wondering where the other professor had gone. His presence had either been yet to be missed, or it had been decided to find him later, once the tour ended.

Of course, this brought up a different question: who was coming then? It was possible it was a nurse delivering medication to another patient. Coincidences did exist, after all. Some coincidences, however, were too perfectly timed to be considered coincidences. Too contrived by the universe to be anything but part of the greater pattern. This felt like one of those. Finding the infamous Faye Desdemona, only to be frightened away by an approaching asylum worker? If he was caught, he’d likely be banned from the building and unable to fulfill his promise of returning. Surely, this wasn’t a coincidence. He slowed and and glanced over his shoulder, distant mumbled words echoing. The dim lights made it hard to see who it was, at the corner of the hall. Perhaps two of them? One walked away, one walked up the hallways. Professor Dupree considered going on, hoping he wouldn’t catch the person’s attention.

Yet, as the man passed under a light, deliberately and slowly walking up the hall, Dupree blinked. Now, there was some distance between them. He didn’t know the staff of the sanitarium particularly well, having always been an outside observer. He could simply be imagining it, as Emil had gone off a while ago, and surely it wouldn’t take so long to find a nurse to return to the group. He could even be back already, the nurse knowing the building’s layout better than any of the teachers or students.

Because the alternative was that Emil was the one walking down the hallway, wearing a doctor’s coat.

Jeremiah watched, a little dumbfounded and not unimpressed as the doctor walked to Room 125 - Faye Desdemona’s room, it was no coincidence - and spoke, too quietly for Jeremiah to hear as far as he was from the door. He watched regardless. Despite the inability to hear, the long pause in front of the door told him enough: an exchange was occurring. This was no mere notice of an entrance, this ‘doctor’ was speaking to Faye Desdemona, not as a deliverer of medicine, but as another - another curious scientist? Just like him. It had to be Emil. Emil had deceived him, given him the slip to visit her. He may not have gone to the bathroom at all, instead sneaking off to find a suitable disguise. A key too, it seemed, as Emil reached into his pocket and slipped something into the lock. The door swung open and Emil stepped inside. Faye Desdemona had said she wanted to meet with him as well.

Coincidences existed, but they were exceedingly rare.

As Emil went inside, Jeremiah slowly walked down the hall, careful in his steps - heel-toe, heel-toe, not too fast, leave no sound. Emil would be allowed his time. Jeremiah had been allowed it, after all. It was a clever idea, he’d say that much.

But later, he was going to give this sneaky little brat a thorough scolding.
Alright, works for me! Gonna start drafting.

Alright, works for me! I suppose could play an officer on the case. Any preference for romance (since I guess depending on your preferences will affect gender) or nah?

Sorry for all the questions! Just, y'know, looking forward to this.
@Neurovoid Checking in?
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