Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

Im sorry but I dident do the header for my post... Call me lazy and all the rest of the clever names, I just didnt wanna do it again...

Dude, I just click 'Edit' on my last post, copy my header over, and edit only if anything needs editing. Maybe a helpful trick? Because I'm not used to these headers either.
...I admit, I am LOUSY with shipping. I'm about as adept in real life as I am in rp reading shipping cues. One reason I made Selene ace.
The account still spammed multiple rps in the span of 8 minutes or so. Still an issue.
Who's this twat called @Anarchy? Who let a 5 year old in here?! C'mon guys.

So who wants to go report spam to the site mods?

So who wants to go report spam to the site mods?

LOL. Oh geez. Will we be saying goodbye to those characters then?

I noticed posts are slowing down as well- is that because people are busy or because they need some guidance?
Please let me know any way I can help rejuvenate things. I'm here for that :)

I mean, happens a lot with rps I've noticed? Probably because it feels easier to write out an introduction than to do interactions?
Ezera Porter (EJ) / Selene Cross (Shades) / Amelia Rashfree (Fire)

Location: Jacob's ladder game
Interactions: Collaboration with @carla6677 - Amelia and @King Tai - Ezera; @Filthy Mudblood - Indiana and @smarty0114 - Caleb

Ezera was waiting in line, with Amelia and Selene, not particularly interested in this little game or whatever that Amelia was about to try out. He had his arm around her shoulders waiting for her go so he could simply watch and support her until he heard what sounded like a challenge. He turned to look at this girl, possibly another freshman, speaking cocky as if she was some pro climber olympic athelete or something. With a smirk, Ezera looked back at Amelia "You hear that babes?"

Selene nodded. "I did. I mean, I suppose we are in a sense - " She glanced over at Amelia, making sure she wasn't going to take the fellow student by surprise, and then put an arm around her shoulders casually. Hopefully, nothing too startling. "But really, how is it her fault she's never been allowed to a carnival before in her life? That's bad enough, we've gotta make this a good day for her! I sure hope that girl was just joking and not teasing her over something like that." She paused. "Oh, dear, was I being loud again?"

It almost seemed a bad habit for Selene - when she felt hurt or offended, she made it perfectly clear why the thing was hurtful. Making sure everyone nearby heard it too. How intentional it was, was anyone's guess.

Amelia's eyes shone brightly. "Is that a challenge, I did not do it at a carnival but it was a challenge at my gymnastics class, I added my own flair and I was still the fastest, while turning it into a gymnastics routine, I don't just climb the ladder, I do it in style and with speed and grace, just you wait and see" She laughed mockingly. Gymnastics was her passion as well as dance, trampolining, acting and music. She also liked books. "No one messes with this girl when it comes to balance, this is the easiest challenge you can put in front of me" she rolled her eyes at Indiana and got ready but it didn't look like she was about to climb the ladder, more like go into a gymnastics routine but she quickly whispered into Selene's ear. "I do not need the trick" she giggled.

Ezera's eyes widened and raised his eyebrows from the response that both of the girls made. He looked around and chuckled a little. If the girls wanted to be acknowledged...he felt they got that attention now after their expressions. "Well....all eyes on you two then.' he simply responded. "Alright then Babes...let see what you got." and then turned to Selene "Hehe...don't let them words get to you, Shades. I don't think we need to show off in a rap battle so soon. I know you can spit a few lines" putting his hands in his pockets waiting to see what Amelia will do.

Selene nodded and removed her arm from Amelia's shoulders. "By all means. Go ring that bell, Amelia." Hey, if she could follow through on that claim, all the better. Selene had a feeling she could, especially considering how the girl had spoken earlier. No wonder EJ called her 'Fire' - well, besides the hair. That was obvious. She stood back a bit with EJ. "...though a rap battle might be interesting first day."

Amelia started with an ariel onto the ladder and then went into a handstand and walked on her hands and then got back onto her feet and did a 1 handed cartwheel and rung the bell with her other hand. She then did a triple somersult off of the ladder and landed in the splits. She stood up and did 5 roundoffs to show off then ran back to them. "See" she giggled.

After seeing what Amelia did, pulling off some crazy moves, Ezera was trying to look all cool calm and collected when on the inside, he wanted to scream out that he was proud of his girlfriend. Selene certainly didn't have the same kind of relationship - she'd only met Amelia today - and yet one could think her an old friend of Amelia's as she clapped loudly at the performance, grinning broadly. Once she had finished, Ezera turned to the girl that spoke earlier and noticed a male with her and introduced himself "Sup...I'm Ezera....and this here is Selene and that Olympic gold medalist over there is Amelia" he pointed "Are you guys freshmen?" he asked.
<Snipped quote by RBYDark>


Her gaze left his face to examine their surroundings once more, stopping to rest at the Jacobs ladder stall. After waiting for his reply, she threw a cheeky wink to Caleb before approaching the stall, arms folded and brows raised. Her eyes bore into the red-haired girl who was preparing to give it a go. She looked determined, to say the least, but the smile was plastered on her face like paint - it was there for the time being but just about anything could scrape it off.

"I'll let these amateurs go first." She announced, sounding extremely bored.

And thus:
@King Tai@carla6677 Well. On the one hand, our guys got dissed. On the other, I'm tired. Respond tonight or tomorrow?
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