Avatar of RBYDark


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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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For the record, also open to PMs. Did a cursory glance-over when first accepted, but going to look again.
In Masked 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
>just posted
>come over to see this

...well, he lives in Chicago anyways.
In Masked 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Sammy preferred to move around at night. It meant he couldn't return to the foster care building, true - doors closed at 7 PM, no one allowed in or out barring a medical emergency, he did actually remember the rules for the record - but the night just felt better for walking around. Well, it had before, anyways, before, well, things had started going badly. For all his positivity, even he wasn't sure he could find something nice to say about the situation. It was just better to make sure he made it back in time and keep away from the windows and try to keep his pranks small, stuff like loosening saltshaker lids on outside tables. Nothing they could call police on, at least. He just wanted to keep out of the situation as much as possible.

His social worker Hugo commented that he hadn't behaved so well in years and asked if he might be able to focus enough to consider a GED or online high school. Sammy just nodded in response, watching the window in his office.

Maybe he should've accepted the Obsidian offer back when he first got started. He hadn't really liked the idea - tying himself down, no joking around, all very boring things and not really why he pranked people - and instead politely refused by blowing multiple raspberries until the Obsidian representative finally walked away in disgust. He wasn't sure how Obsidian was doing these days, since he hadn't heard much, but maybe he hadn't heard much because they had holed up someplace safe. Or maybe he wasn't paying attention enough.

Honestly, that sounded equally likely.

But the point was, things were going sour, and it was probably best to try looking after himself because not like anyone else would but that wasn't really their problem anyhow, and honestly it wasn't too bad. He could deal with it, and he was doing a pretty good job of it - excepting when he had to get new gloves. That had honestly gotten pretty harrowing, and hiding in a mall dumpster wasn't exactly fun, but it was effective. Now, though, he was starting to get bored. He could go for a classic at this point, like going out and high-fiving people. It'd be better than the twitchy fear. At least, until he saw the video.

It was corrupted, and his first glimpse had been over a man's shoulder in the library. Sammy had just gone to cool off and try to sneak one of the free meals they offered to children when he caught a glimpse of Pyro onscreen, before corruption distorted the image. The man watching looked genuinely afraid, and Sammy couldn't tell what was going on exactly. Just that it was Pyro. Had he missed Witch? He hadn't seem much of either, but chalked that up to trying to lay low. He waited among the book aisles until one of the users got up and headed towards the bathroom. Sammy snuck over and checked; a few minutes left. Hopefully enough time. Searching for Pyro brought up news stories and interviews - he chuckled as he caught a glimpse of himself in one of the thumbnails - but he tried again. And again. There was only a minute left before he thought to check by the upload dates.

It was the first one - a re-upload, apparently, by a concerned citizen who wanted to get the story out as far as possible. With no earphones, the computer's speakers crackled and buzzed. The message was short, but Sammy's felt his curiosity fading as well. Why was Pyro calling for help? Where was Witch- she wasn't even in the background anywhere.

Was it a trap?

Yet, he hadn't seen Witch in a while. He looked down at his soggy gloves and then at the smear on the edge of the keyboard.

He wiped it off with his sleeve and left the computers, left the library. Maybe Witch could explain this.
After a day of searching, he realized he hadn't seen either of them. Sure, he had to keep low, but he expected they'd be somewhere, protecting the city. They... they were fine.


Sammy slumped down on the park bench. It was well past 7, he was tired and hungry and...bothered, maybe? That seemed like the word. He crossed his arms. How in the world was he supposed to find them? Just looking wasn't working! They were always around when he just wanted to have a little fun, but now that he wanted to talk to them-!

He paused, and he grinned. Well, there was an idea. It was risky, to be sure, but so was just searching blindly. May as well try it.
Hour 1 of "Operation Gravel Drop" was so far not a success. Sammy had already decided he was going to keep going until Pyro or Witch showed up, but so far, nothing. It was just him, a bag of gravel 'borrowed' from a parking lot, his bare hands, and unsuspecting passersby six stories below, several tending to the oddly-collapsed people.

Jeez, where were they?
@gohKamikaze Nah I'm still around. Just, ONL's replying to both you and Sigurd, and school's starting for him soon. Ob has no such excuse. I'm stalking him.

Good choices, good choices c:
Sorry - just, yeah, need Filthy's post before I can consider doing anything. So -shrugs-
In Masked 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Name: "Sammy" Samuel

Alias: None

Age: 17

Abilities: Sammy has two main abilities. The first is a poison that oozes from his fingertips: a bluish viscous substance that can be easily absorbed through the skin. In small quantities, it only produces a mild numbing effect. In larger doses, however, it can cause paralysis or even unconsciousness. This poison can be smeared onto objects and remain just as effective on living creatures.
The second ability is one Sammy isn't one he even really realizes he has. It's localized around him - anything in 20 feet is affected - but he seems capable of manipulating probabilities. It has to be something possible, though. He can't dodge a point-blank punch, and he can't make a leap that's beyond his physical capabilities. Nor can he make fish rain from the sky, or knock someone out in one blow. Things like a pursuer tripping, or recovering from a fall before he can be caught, he can achieve.
Neither power is particularly under control: he can't stop the poison secretion, even if he wants to, and the probability manipulation can work for him or against him.

Appearance: Sammy's on the short end of things, with a very light build. He's not exactly very strong. He's got dark skin, black dreads, and deep blue eyes. He prefers to wear bright colors - an orange hoodie, green capris, over-the-knee black-and-white striped socks, worn-out sneakers with rainbow laces. He also wears green, audibly-squishing gardening gloves - practically overflowing with poison.

Personality: Sammy at a glance is a person of high spirits who enjoys the world around him. He tries, almost desperately, to ignore the negative side of things. He's a trickster too, enjoying playing pranks on people, like dumping rubber balls down a store aisle. This would be less of an issue if he didn't have contact poison. Closer examination, however, hints that Sammy's ability to understand the feelings and pain of others is quite impaired. He even has trouble identifying his own feelings and pains.

Backstory: Sammy was dropped off at a Chicago hospital when he was just a toddler, with no name and just a note saying that his parents couldn't care for him. There wasn't much else to be done - he was entered into the foster care system and given the name of Samuel for legal records. Sammy wasn't exactly a bad child, though perhaps a little too energetic. His first family lasted 8 years, though, until the "incident". While details remain unclear, Sammy was taken to the hospital with a very nasty-looking bug bite on his ankle. It seemed to keep getting worse no matter what staff did - first washing the wound, treating with epinephrine and antihistamines and prednisone, x-raying the leg, surgical intervention. The wound simply oozed and remained swollen. Then, it appeared he had managed to get another bite wound while in the ER. He was kept under surveillance, various treatments being attempted and failing, and he even slipped into a coma for almost two days.
In the end, while no diagnosis was made, he did appear to recover, though his foster family ended up giving him up: with the hospital bill, and the threat of recurrence, they just couldn't keep him. His worker noticed one change almost immediately: his eyes had changed from brown to blue. Further changes came later - or, rather, lack of changes as he failed to mentally develop as he should have over the next few years. Intellectually and physically, he was fine, but emotionally, he seemed to struggle. Then the poison started to ooze.
Needless to say, it became increasingly difficult to place Sammy with a family.
He became something of a troublemaker, staying out far later than he should have, causing trouble for people with increasingly large-scale pranks. He became something of a troublemaker, staying out far later than he should have, causing trouble for people with increasingly large-scale pranks. He may have remained a police matter were it not for the poison that made him a danger, and the mere act of dealing with him a danger as well. Luckily for Chicago PD, they had their own superheroes to call upon to help. Sammy didn't exactly stand much of a chance; while he evaded capture twice, he wasn't so lucky the third time and was arrested. Typical juvie troubles aside, he didn't mind it so much and decided people over-exaggerated the problems in prison - not that he cared to go back.
It was difficult to put him away for longer, even as he grew older for the next two years and kept going. After all, despite the harm he was capable of accomplishing, even an overworked public defender could easily show he didn't fully grasp the dangers he posed and so could not be tried as an adult. The foster care system paid less attention to him - he was almost 18, he'd be out of their hair soon enough. Meanwhile, Witch could tell he could be made into less of a danger. She did her best to try to reach him and, while never quite fully succeeding, Sammy came to the conclusion he liked her better, and she did convince him to wear gloves unless he felt threatened. It proved capable of containing his powers to a degree, though he's also gotten in trouble for shoplifting replacements.
He had been considered relatively inactive for a couple of months when the troubles started, and went into hiding. When the video was released, and he caught a glimpse of it, he wondered where Witch had gone. Despite his own uneasiness, he decided to try to find Pyro and figure out what was going on.
In Masked 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Hm, feel like creating some OOC chatter (since ONL's got a lot to reply to). So, do you guys have a favorite H.P. Lovecraft story besides Call of Cthulhu? I have a fondness for The Case of Charles Dexter Ward and The Diary of Alonzo Typer.

Alternatively: anyone else here excited for Pokemon Sun/Moon?
@LovelyAnastasia@MechonRaptor I guess I'll give it a go. Thank you for the answers c:
Welp. I'll bite - what's the secret to getting ships? I think in my 12 or so years of rping, I've only ever made 3.
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