Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

Important NPCs:

@Ashevelendar Yep, they can be.

And everyone else: OOC is up. Remember to subscribe!
Welcome back to Kalos Region, ladies and gentlemen. It's been a solid five years since the whole crisis with Team Flare came and went, and the esteemed Professor Sycamore has moved on to other regions to further his research into Mega Evolution. So who, just who, would take over his research? Meet Professor Apple, a Unova-born genius who shared Sycamore's interest in Pokemon evolution. She's gathered up a group young would-be Trainers from across the Kalos Region via mail, explaining her interest in Pokemon research and how her studies mostly have her tied down in Lumiose City. Naturally, they accepted. The appointed group is to meet up at Aquacorde City, where they are to finally meet Professor Apple in person and receive their first Pokemon.

The time has finally come. A small band of young aspiring Trainers-to-be have gathered at Aquacorde Town, where Professor Apple is waiting for them.

Rules/information to keep in mind:
  • Of course, no powerplaying/godmodding.
  • Be reasonable in your decisions. I won't punish you for whatever choice you make regarding the plot. I probably will punish you if you, say, provoke a notably more powerful enemy.
  • Don't expect a lot of gore/sexual content; besides being a Pokemon rp, the age cap for player characters is 14. Swearing is alright though.
  • As the plot will be driven by your decisions, I strongly urge everyone to communicate, either via PM or in the OOC.
  • If you are a slow poster or unable to post for a while, please notify me.
  • There is something of a dibs list - that is, one a player has claimed a certain pokemon species, other players may not claim it without express permission. The idea is to reduce confusion and fighting over ‘duplicates’, particularly for plot-relevant pokemon.
  • Due to your GM controlling several rps, IC posting may be slow. OOC posting will be semi-constant. Please join if you are sure you can be reliable.
  • The rules and available information may change, but I will post the changes before editing them in, and there will be no punishment for anyone who broke a rule before it was made.

Character sheet template:

Dibs List:

Catchable pokemon:

Ohey a Discord chat.
@Ashevelendar Honestly, sounds pretty reasonable to me. The rp's not gonna be lore-heavy and, due to the nature of the planned research, I'm going to be tossing up a list of obtainable pokemon anyways. So you might want to look up Kalos' cities, particularly when writing up your sheet, but that's about all I'd ask of you.

@MechonRaptor @Fish of Oblivion @Mag Lev @Seagull Bay I'll get OOC up in a bit, once I start laundry.
@Mag Lev @Seagull Bay Awesome, guys. I'm gonna try to get my co-GM @Fish of Oblivion in and bump one last time for one or two more people, but OOC will likely go up today then.
If it's ok, gonna have Selene late to lunch, so may take a bit to post. Let everyone start sitting.
Tob can't progress until the lot of you do, Vin can be assumed dead, Drac's computer has apparently been busted, Vo's working, and Ob's motivation is bust.

Not sure what your excuse is.
@MissCapnCrunch If you will let me bring Mitzie in she is being made. I kinda want to make her to make a point

Important NPCs/my own character:

In Masked 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Oh good. He had been heard. Jeez, though, this guy was loud. He hadn't expected to be able to hear him back. Then again, he looked a little...off, to say the least. People who noticed the blue eyes and blue slime gave him crap, but that was nothing next to the look this guy sported. Briefly, Sammy wondered if blue was just magical.

Then again, Pyro didn't exactly have blue fire. Nevermind. That theory lasted all of three seconds. Oh well.

"No idea! Trying to get her attention, but you scared everyone off!" Of course, had his mood been a bit better, he would have to admit it wasn't like his plan was working anyways. He was causing some trouble, yes, but he was facing some pretty stiff competition too. There were probably bigger things for the cops and Pyro and Witch to deal with than just knocking people to the ground. It was the one thing Sammy heard over and over again: he just wasn't really a danger. He couldn't kill people with his powers, and he knew when a joke was likely to turn deadly. Those jokes weren't fun, so he didn't go out of his way to try them. "But you're not one of them, right?" Probably proven by the fact he had yet to be blasted from the rooftop. Guy seemed reasonable enough.
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