Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

@MechonRaptor Oh, heya! Welcome to the OOC!

Anyways, your sheet looks good. As was explained, though, due to limited slots and other expressed interest, can't say it's approved quite yet. We'll be making decisions Friday or Saturday.
@Vongola_Hasayo Sorry, pretty concrete. Mostly the logic is, most 3-stage pokemon have similar growth patterns. Axew is an exception, but just means might evolve more slowly. I can look up similar lines, and in the meantime, you can put dibs and trade for Phanpy in Anistar?

And gonna check sheets shortly.
In Masked 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@masterwriter234....dude, I've seen angry GMs. That's not an angry GM.
Hello, I'm awake. @Fish of Oblivion thanks for taking care of things while I slept. Yeah, meant to mention Gible, though the rest of the sheet struck me as pretty alright.

Agreeing with the criticisms @Ashevelendar's sheet. Now, some starters I could be persuaded to change the rule for. Considering it's Torchic, however, I'd prefer not to waive the rule there. Nothing personal against Torchic, it's just definitely one of the more powerful starters. If you want a Fire-type, I could suggest Magby's line or Litwick's line.
In Masked 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Sammy was about to shout down and ask if the guy would go already - maybe people would wander back and he could keep trying. Or throwing down bigger globs of poison. Either way, he didn't need this guy to hang around and either try taking care of the problem before Pyro and Witch arrived, or to keep everyone else away so the two didn't need to show up. Guy was looking for them too, but he could look elsewhere! This was Sammy's idea, and it was going to work! Just...not right away. And maybe not here. Ok, maybe Sammy could leave, but he'd have to walk all the way downstairs first and that didn't sound very fun. He'd probably want to go home after that or find somewhere to crash at, but that sounded like a waste of time too.

He then noticed the guy touching the people. What was he doing? Sammy lowered his hands to brace himself on the ledge of the building and lean forward for a better view. Lucky for him, there was no strong breeze or anything to knock him over. The guy was... moving people. Why? He already scared everyone away! What was going to happen? Or maybe he wanted in on Sammy's turf. Jeez, go into hiding for a while and now other people try playing Keep Away with wallets! First of all, he came up with that-

Ok, no, he was looking up now. And- and- Sammy's eyes widened as the guy cleared almost three stories in a single bound. What the-? Oh, this was going to end badly. Sammy pushed away from the ledge, trying to rebalance himself so he could run for the doorway back into the building. The guy didn't seem like one of them, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to hurt him! The guy was huge! Unluckily, just as Sammy felt the world straighten out before him, the guy swung over the ledge and landed in front of Sammy - between Sammy and the door back inside, more precisely.

"What'd you say?" he asked, curiously. "Am I one of what?"

Sammy gulped. Ok, guy looked big on the ground - but, up here, he easily had a foot over the short teenager. And definitely looked like he could pound Sammy flat if he tried fleeing. Sammy weighed his options - well, maybe he was more like Witch, fine playing around as long as Sammy tried playing nice. And he was looking for Pyro and Witch too...

"Uh, them. I... don't really know what they call themselves." Sammy shrugged. "Witch told me a little bit. They hunt for Powered people and... I dunno, drive them nuts?" She had been vague, but based on what little Sammy had seen, that sounded right enough. "She told me to hide. Said she and Pyro could handle it." His speech began to pick up. "But, well, I saw that video and Witch wasn't anywhere to be seen and I've seen Pyro, like, the only person she asks for help is Witch so unless it's all a trap, I wanna ask Witch what's going on!" He punctuated the river of words with a stomp of his sneaker on the rooftop. Putting it all out there too... it made it feel that much worse. Why WAS Witch missing from the video? Why was Pyro calling for help? And why hadn't either one shown up yet?

Oh, poor Derek, why would you target those sweethearts?
@AtaxiaIV I'm going to hold off formal acceptance due to the limited number of slots and give others time to post their sheets, but this one looks fine to me. Will notify you if you are one of the accepted three and tell you to put your sheet in the Characters tab, alright?
@MissCapnCrunch -waves hand-
@Vongola_Hasayo I won't begrudge an application. Just, may not get in? My co-GM and I were planning on three players beside ourselves.
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