Avatar of Red Wizard


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6 mos ago
Current No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.
6 mos ago
Today is my birthday! I wish you all a truly enchanted day!
2 yrs ago
Arguing over petty details at times of dimensional emergency was a familiar wizardly trait.
2 yrs ago
It's my birthday! I wish you all an excellent day!
2 yrs ago
A wizard never had friends, at least not friends who were wizards. It needed a different word. Ah yes, that was it. Enemies. But a very different class of enemies. Gentlemen.


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Hai Pie! Welcome to the thread! :)
they just seem more like a weird magical race than vampires to me
Which is ok. We should all be open to feedback, and not set our thoughts in stone. Then again, vampires and demonic beings are DiamondBlizzards responsibility, so s/he has the last say about it. Also: @Pie Flavor, your title shall be Lich Queen! :D @Sessamaru, you need to check those ideas with Pie Flavor, too. She's responsible for the undead.
Magic might not even need mana to cast, if that's how Sessamaru wants it. You two work that out! Remember to compromise and respect each other! I'm happy if you are, and I trust you'll do a good job! WIP posts goes into the Character section in the game thread :)
@DAWNSTAR, it's yours! @Guilty Spark, I think we will all try to see to that :) What would you like to do? @Grey Star, the Elves are yours, if you want them! @Voltus_Ventus, looks great! What do the rest of you think? @Sessamaru, "in parts" sounds just fine! By the way, check out the thread!
Post your WIPs here!
This section is for completed posts, only!
Read the OOC before posting anything!
Here we construct the World
Welcome to the thread! Read before posting!
This is a game of worldbuilding, where several people collaborate to create a fictional fantasy world. Each participant has a main responsibility, with a fat title attached to it, and is the authority on matters regarding his/her subject. People may of course delve into other subjects if they have ideas that they'd like to incorporate into the lore, but if that idea involves another participants subject of responsibility it has to be accepted before being made official. The OOC is for discussions about the game and comments on the posts in the Character section. The IC is reserved for completed posts with information on the world. WIP posts are kept in the Character section. If you wish to join, find the Interest Check and apply there. Once accepted and tasked, you can get to work here. Below is the list of accepted applicants. @Golem, High Administrator, responsible for the wellfare of all players, and the game in general. @Rin, Adeptus Ky-Ree, responsible for the Ky-Ree race. @DiamondBlizzard, Grand Demoniac, responsible for Demons, Hell, and the Underworld. @VitaVitaAR, Adeptus Nem, responsible for the Nem race. @DAWNSTAR, High Biologist, responsible for Flora and Fauna. @Voltus_Ventus, Master of Charts, responsible for drawing the map/s. @Sessamaru, Archmage, responsible for magic. @Grey Star, Adeptus Elf, responsible for the Elf race. @Pie Flavor, Lich Queen, responsible for the undead. @SillyGoy, Adeptus White Star, responsible for the Technocracy of the White Star. @The Patriarch, Adeptus Ratmen, responsible for the Ratmen race.
Ok, bunch of stuff to comment on! @Rin, That race sounds swell! Go ahead and do your thing. What would you like to call your species? @Diamond Blizzard, Sounds fine! Seeing that you want to work with demons and stuff like that, your title shall be Grand Demoniac! @VitaVitaAR, Go ahead and work on that! What's the name of that race? @DAWNSTAR, You could work with any of those things. What'd interest you, specifically? @Voltus Ventus, Thanks! As stated above, your title will be Master of Charts! @Sessamaru, Great! Start with the magic! You can have the title of Archmage, if you want ;) And I think we can all work on human civilization. I know I will :) This is enough interest to get things started. I'll set a proper game-thread up so we can start piling information :)
I am quite interested, I would love to work on Vampires and Dragons, perhaps also work on the serperation of Hell and the Underworld. I've got a bunch of ideas to help this along. I also wouldn't mind working on Youkai and Oni.
Not sure if Vampires should belong to the Undead or not. And I'm guessing the Underworld is where undead come from? I'll let you and Pie Flavor work on that. Might be you want to speak to BrassOtter about dragons too. Anyway, glad to have you and welcome to the crew! :D
Well, this seems interesting dibs on the undead ;3
Pie Flavor
Nice to have you along! And they're yours! Now, for a title... do you fancy yourself a King or a Queen?
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