Avatar of Red Wizard


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1 mo ago
Current No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.
2 mos ago
Today is my birthday! I wish you all a truly enchanted day!
1 yr ago
Arguing over petty details at times of dimensional emergency was a familiar wizardly trait.
1 yr ago
It's my birthday! I wish you all an excellent day!
1 yr ago
A wizard never had friends, at least not friends who were wizards. It needed a different word. Ah yes, that was it. Enemies. But a very different class of enemies. Gentlemen.


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Most Recent Posts

So... Ricon was, like, the richest man in the world before getting captured, or something? I mean, man, when we discussed this earlier and you mentioned the idea that he could have some old caches, I didn't think you'd give him a damned batcave with treasure to boot. Maybe a treasure chest in an unmarked grave or something, you know? But a bloody marble throne encrusted with rubies and "piles of gold" and all sorts of other treasure? I just... And that's just the tip of the iceberg. The way some of you "handled" the combat earlier was just a fucking disaster. Just descriptions of whatever stupid anime attack your character does, but never a single word about what happens to your character, only moronic AOE "I killed everyone"-posts written in the worst way possible. I know this is Casual but come on. And the way you spam the Discord with bullshit and some kind of poorly drawn fucking porn? What the fuck?!

This isn't about all of you. A few are great writers. I think you know who you are. You can disregard my ranting.

I really tried. I tried to hold on and stick to it, hoping that things would get better. But I don't think they will, and I'm all out of patience.

The game is over. Class dismissed. Go ruin someone elses game with your stupidity.
Terribly sorry about the delay. I'm back on track now. Let's get the show back on the road!

S y l v a i n e

Now, Sylvaine had seen her fair share of death and destruction in her day. Hells, she'd dealt some of it too, and been on the receiving end more than once. But what had transpired in front of her was of another magnitude altogether. This gang, this... freak show, didn't just look dangerous - they were deadly. Upon seeing the ease with which they dispatched of not only the easterlings, but the Sulfreyans too - with a wyvern, no less - she had decided that she was going to have to be careful around them. That, and that they could be useful. It seemed the Warden knew how to pick her prisoners well. Which should come as no surprise - she had picked Sylvaine too, after all.

Hearing the group discuss the next step as they handled the aftermath of the fighting, Sylvaine caught wind of some kind of cache. Riches, perhaps? Supplies of some sort, hopefully. Safe though she was hiding in the tall grass a ways back behind the group, the moment was rapidly approaching when she would have to break cover and introduce herself. Would it be sooner rather than later? Perhaps. Probably. Better now than when they had already plundered the supposed cache of its supposed resources. Far better if she had become a trusted, or at least tolerated, ally by then. And if she chose to do it now, chances were she could get her hands on a good sword from one of the Sulfreyan knights. She felt naked without that reassuring weight on her hip. The wind whispered through the stalks surrounding her, blowing distorted fragments of their banter with it to her ears. They would probably be moving soon. Her window of opportunity was closing. Decisions, decisions...

With a final deep breath, she forced herself to stand up and approach the strangers. Hopefully, someone would recognize her from the little rendevouz in the mysterious house-of-crashing-cards chamber that the Warden had awakened them in. Then again, she had tried her best to stay out of sight and earshot - and that she was pretty good at - so maybe not. Only time would tell. Now, how to do this? Same procedure as last year, madam? Yes. Same procedure as every year, my dear. Straightening up, Sylvaine adopted a confident swagger as she drew near the stragers, a warm and friendy smile on her face. Bravo! she exclaimed, clapping her hands, I must say, I'm impressed! Never did I know that the Maw held such an interesting and formidable gathering of individuals as you! Please, let me introduce myself, she said, giving a courteous bow, The name's de Vermeille, Sylvaine. I, too, was spat out here by our mutual jailor the Warden to attempt suicide going after Ael-Gol. Unfortunetly, I was separated from you by some distance when she made us... apprear here, but I heard the commotion in the distance and now, as you can see, I'm all caught up. But enough about me! Who are you, friends? What's your story?
Seeing as no one seems to object to me joining in, I'll create a character and post the next update in-game after that. Should be a day or so, so everyone who hasn't posted in a while should have time to get something up!
In retrospect, I wish I'd decided on playing a character. I miss engaging with your guys, doing dialogue, and stuff like that. Being a once-in-a-week narrator really isn't too much fun -_-
@Lurking Shadow I don't think you should wait, I think you should post. It's been two weeks.
It's been a while since some of you posted. Can I help you in any way?
I'm going to have to put a pin in this for now. There's too much going on IRL, so I have to focus on one game at a time, and I'm already GMing one. Thanks for the interest shown, and sorry!
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