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9 yrs ago
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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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@PlatinumSkinkI'm sorry. I keep forgetting to tag you in my posts.

Basil had questions, several questions, like who were those two trainers battling and why are those two brown haired twins so eager for blood. The big question though was why one of the Elite Four watching a battle that was not exactly of highest stakes or level. He was to afraid to ask and he was completely uncertain about what to do, looking around with a slight panic for the professor, but luckily it looked like she found him. Really, he did not know how he did not notice the woman wearing the white lab coat. He sighed with relief and greeted the professor with a sheepish smile. "Uh, hello Professor Kalmia."

Wait, Jacques was looking at Basil. Why was he looking at him? Alright Basil, keep it cool, keep it cool. He repeated over and over in his head. Maybe if Basil didn't look Jacques in the eye then maybe the Elite trainer would not sense his fear.

Oh thank Arceus, they were going to go inside. Basil followed Kalmia inside and left his bag at the door. What he saw, well, it certainly was a lab alright. He imagined that it would look something out of a movie or TV show, or at least having enough space not to shoulder check the shelves. Just how in the fresh hell did she get anything done around here? There was barely any room to breathe let alone work. Also, was it safe for the Pokemon to be wandering around in such a tight space? Couldn't that Pikachu just fry the servers or the Spiritomb just be a spooky terror the other Pokemon and just cause panic?

Considering the importance of her work, wouldn't the government be more interested in funding research? At least not attached to someone's house. Can't imagine not bringing home your work when your work is your home. You know what, it's probably best not to think about these things.

Besides, with a Pokedex presented to him it would be hard to think of anything else. It was a dark, desaturated purple for the main body with silver streaking through the middle. An actual, honest to god Pokedex from Professor Oak presented by Kalmia. In that moment, he was then struck by a stream of words as she explained everything. She must have been tired repeating it to every newbie trainer that walked through her doors. "Thank you very much Ms., I mean, Professor Kalmia. I won't let you down!" He said, perhaps a bit too eagerly as he tried to show that he had some sort of confidence. She was trusting him to complete the journey, not remain a spineless Jellicent.

More importantly, Kalmia presented him with a Pokeball. For a moment he thought his heart stopped. It suddenly became more real that he was doing this, that he was going to have to be responsible for living beings and take care of them and himself out on the open road. Would the Pokemon even like him? Would he even be good at this? He stared at the ball, almost afraid to receive it, visibly shaking.

Oh to hell with this! He took the ball slowly from Kalmia and looked down at it, taking a calm deep breath before releasing it from its ball with a white flash of light.

"Dar?" The little creature surveyed her surroundings before looking up at Basil with quite an inquisitive look.

Basil knelt down so he was closer to her eye level. He did not think that she would be so small, but it could probably knock the air out of his lungs if it wanted to. His hand reached out for the creature, not touching her, but allowing the pokemon to sniff it before she pushed her own head into his palm for rubs. ""You're a sweet one, aren't you. For the first time since he left home, there was a genuine smile on his face, calm, enjoying the moment.

He took this moment to scan her with his Pokedex before the device spoke in a very digital voice.

- You've obtained Darumaka! -

Pokédex Entry #554 – Darumaka, the Zen Charm Pokémon. When its internal fire burns, it cannot calm down and has to run around. When the fire diminishes, it falls asleep and pulls its limbs into its body to form a state where it will always right itself no matter how it is pushed or pulled. Because the droppings of a Darumaka never cools down, they can be used to heat clothes by those who doesn’t consider that disgusting.

- Would you like to give Darumaka a nickname? -

A nickname? The thought didn't occur to him until now."Hm... Hey little one, how do you like the name Cecil?" He didn't even get a chance to check for a reaction when his Darumaka tackled his chest, knocking him down on his back, and then snuggled on him.

"I think she likes it." Basil said with half breath. Holy Arceus above, Cecil was heavy. It took a considerable amount of effort just to sit up while holding onto the Darumaka. "Thank you so much, Professor."
@PlatinumSkink@Savo Sorry! I forgot to tag you both in the post.

Typically one would be asleep at five in the morning, but today was anything, but typical for Basil; today was the day they would arrive at Pureplain Town and begin his journey as a Pokemon trainer. Now sure he was a native to Isson, but he was some ways away from his destination. As a native to Worldedge City, he lived essentially on the opposite side of the north-east on the southern landmass and since crossing the region via air or train was not viable, he has spent who knows how long on a ship travelling.

To say he was excited would have been an understatement. He gave up any attempts to sleep because his mind was filled with so many things at the moment, good as much as bad. To know that his own family was not going to support him on his efforts though that was completely unexpected. It wasn't all bad though. He smiled at the hiking pack that was given to him by the servants that he had treated so kindly. At least he had their support.

Many hours later he could see the destination, as well as the rest of the ships passengers. When they would arrive at the port, people were pushing and shoving their way through as if there was a prize for being the first to get off. When Basil tried to make his way down, two rather large people sandwiched him unintentionally though they did not notice the scrawny young man between them. Squeezing his way through, he was free at last and rushed down the stairs to get away from the crowds.

Well this was it, Pureplain Town. It was a modest place, much unlike the grand city of Worldedge that spanned as far as the eye could see, but the quiet, inconsequential monotony of this small town was very much welcomed. Basil was walking down the streets, passing a bay where ships were docking and fisherman shooting the wind as they stand around with their lures bobbing in the water. He had never been this close to the sea before; back in his home city the only way to get close to it was a steep death drop by the cliffs.

It could not have been a nicer day to start this journey; the sun was shining with comforting warm rays and there was a gentle breeze of cool air coming from the bay. Basil smiled at the prospect of finding himself a cozy spot and paint the scenery, but he had an appointment he had to keep! Professor Kalmia was expecting him to arrive today and he certainly did not want to make her wait after being so kind enough to let him go on this journey to begin with.

"Stay focused Basil, focus." He said to himself as he surveyed his surroundings. Right now he had to find out where the lab actually was. Of course he knew the address, but the professor forgot how to actually get there. Just the thought of getting lost in an unfamiliar city made him shiver, but he had to remain calm. He was on this journey to better himself, not freak out.

Okay, maybe he could just ask someone. There was a very pretty looking girl with a green bonnet and a grey cardigan walking by so he thought to ask her instead. "Uh, hello miss? Could you tell me how to-?"

She turned to him with gentle smile, but what she said could not have been further mismatched by how she looked. "What do ya want ya wee posh cunt? Ya lookin' to fight or not?" She said in an accent thicker than a muddy bog.

Basil trembled in absolute shock and horror as she continued to hurl sentences at him that he could barely understand. At this point he looked like the breeze could knock him down.Oh no, she's Galarian.


He could not have been any luckier when a very nice lady from a local flower shop found the distressed young man and gave him directions. Well, that was one hell of a first step to this adventure; getting berated by a very aggressive Galarian tourist was not one of the things he expected to happen, but all that mattered was that he finally found the lab. It did not match the image he had for it in his head; the lab was rather a bit more homely than he anticipated. There really was not that much funding for research on Pokemon in Isson was there.

Okay, he was staring at the building for way longer than he should have been. Basil smacked his cheeks lightly to get himself out of it and said with as much determination as he could muster, "Alright, let's do this." He walked towards the facility and noticed that there people standing out on the front yard. Well it looked like there were people that arrived ahead of him and...Wait, wasn't that man in the ridiculous suit and top hat part of the elite four? Why is he here?!

They must have not noticed him, it looked like they were caught up in their own thing at the moment. He glanced around to see if the professor was spectating though he was not exactly sure what to do in this situation.

My bad on the incinerate part. I somehow read the 6 as a 5. Writing profiles when I’m falling asleep isn’t a good idea. XD

Oh cool. A discord link would be great.
@hatakekuro ... And I just noticed that this question here's the last you did on this site for the last six months, hah. Well, um. I did want to ask if you were still interested? Because, unless I am completely forgetting someone, you'd be next on the waiting list.

The reason there's barely been any comments since is because it's been all on Discord for a while, now.

Oh, uh, I had been busy. I'm still interested.

I kinda didn't notice the notification because I am idiot that never bothers to clear them.
I mean my guy was part of the mafia so she's not alone(?)
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