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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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"What the hell?!" The window shattered from something being propelled like a damn fast ball and what landed so near Zenith was a peculiar machine. Was it just him or did this thing have a face? He was at a loss of words as he tried to wrap his head around what the hell was actually going on. Did it just offer him a beverage? "I, wha-?" The machine did not even wait for him to respond and created a glass cup filled with iced tea out of thin air. What kind of black magic was it that could create anything from magic and not just ingredients, but already brewed iced tea in a crystal clear glass in a matter of second. Hesitantly, he took a sip and it was...delicious? Slightly tasted strange, but overall was palatable.

Among all of this, Holly had somehow ignored this thing's shattering entrance and its magic that created something from nothing. Seriously, how in the fresh hell did she miss that?!"I, uh, am I high or is that a walking, talking miracle machine?" Well, she was probably more focused on the details of the job.

Was it just him or was Holly putting a lot of emphasis on spirits when talking about the job? Was there something he missed or was she just correcting Gwen on what the root of the trouble was? "Well, we don't really know for sure if they are actually spirits or if they were the byproduct of something else. My money is either on a cursed artifact or dark mages being involved. Either way, we aren't going to get anywhere standing around here. Let's notify the village that we accepted the job and that we will arrive ASAP. We can work on our game plan on the way over."


Well, today was certainly lively; Lavina was lobbing blood spears at Gwen's fans, Leon's fairies ruining Zenith's hard work again, and then there was...ugh, Kaden. Zenith would have been okay with anyone else becoming an S-Class, but this guy was an exception. The first day that they met, that asshole was flirting any woman with a pulse and hurled insults at Zenith when he made a sarcastic remark, like "washed up Rune Knight" straight to his face, but it would take a lot more than that to get under his skin. With every insult, he did not take the bait and just smiled as he calmly retorted. This Kaden guy was someone with way too big of an ego for this guild, but he was just going to have to trust Torys on letting this troglodyte of a man be a part of Fenixtear.

Maybe he needed to take a job request, but many of them either were escort missions, stopping another student revolt at Era University, or S-Class missions that were too far up the rank for him to go without asking of the rest S-Class mages if he could join them on a job and he sure as hell is not going to ask Kaden. Well, he shouldn't be picky about what jobs to pick though it typically meant that he would have to find someone to team up with to increase the odds of accomplishing a job without a hitch.

Zenith picked at the remaining fries, wondering what course of action he should take when Holly came in with her offer to work an S-Class job with her with persuasion from Marduk. She was close, really close. "I'd be more than happy to. Anything to liberate me from this hell." He said with a playful smirk.

Gwen decided that she was not going to be left behind and made her presence known. "Well, I can't argue that. Let's see what else it says."


Ohhhhh so these kids were just playing make believe! The empty channel was their kingdom and they were the residents, well, 'royalty' in some cases. "Then I, Basil the Bard, shall be your opponent!" He said as he whipped his mandolin from his bag only for his face to light up red when he realized what he said. That was embarrassing. Please, please kill me. Basil thought to himself.

But that would have to wait as first battle began! Basil had sent in Lupin the Sneasel out to fight against the "knight's" Rattata with the complex strategy of just using Tackle. The strategy to counter this one was really simple; take advantage of Lupin's superior reach and greater speed to land Scratch attacks before the Rattata could even land a hit until it could no longer fight. It probably would not take very long considering they aren't known for being able to taking many hits.

For the second Rattata, the second verse was the same as the first except if they were given the chance, Basil would have Lupin grab its tail if the Rattata was clumsy in its use of tail whip and beat the living hell out of it with Scratch.

Once the battle ended, a young girl in green came up to bat. It looked like she was playing along with them as well. "Well met, mercenary! Let's battle!" Jesus Pokemon Christ could he stop?

Against the Skitty, Basil had sent in Cecil and while there was nothing they could do about the Fake Out, they could at least keep it at a distance. Cecil had been ordered to use Incinerate to keep the Skitty back and to take advantage of the tight, narrow space where it should have been pretty difficult to avoid projectiles. Should the Skitty somehow find a way through, Cecil would use Tackle to throw in some heavy damage.

When that battle ended, the little girl that they were protecting decided to join the fray. "Well, uh, good luck princess." Should he really be beating preschool children like this?

Against the "princess," Cecil was kept out against the Pidgey and used the same strategy of using Incinerate though this was mainly because the bloody thing could fly and avoid close quarter attacks. The Pidgey would have to come down to attack her anyway so it would have to maneuver the flaming projectiles coming its away.

For the Buneary, he sent Lupin in against it. To keep the Buneary from abusing Defense Curl, Lupin was ordered to use Taunt to aggravate it into attack only to follow up with its own flurry of Scratch attacks.

Business was booming, which was great and all, but it came with a side-effect that he should have seen coming; his work life in the kitchen was turned into a fucking hell. Torys, in her wisdom, hired people outside to help tend the bar, but what she did not do was hire any more chefs so it was up to Zenith to keep up with a sudden demand for food and that's when he was not taking missions. Food was sizzling on cast iron pans, the oven was baking with warm, comforting aromas coming from, and simmering in tall soup pots filled with various kinds of different colored broths. Various meals were being plated while the poor man juggled with prepping and searing, sweat was rolling down his head from the intense heat of the kitchen. And another order came in. His eye twitched at the sight of that slip of paper. "Oh come on!" God dammit he'd rather fight the dragon again!

Moments later, the kitchen doors swung open from Zenith's foot as he carried out various bowls and plates as if he was from some circus with the impossible balancing act he was pulling off. Again, Torys, in her infinite wisdom, did not higher a waiting staff to help. "Alright, let's see." Table 12 had the meat loaf with mash potatoes and chicken schnitzel with red cabbage cooked with mustard seeds, table 5 had the two cheese burger with fries, no pickles and extra onion, table 13 had pea soup with sharp cheddar and turkey chili with goats cheese over grits. Of course there were more dishes, but he could not remember what was what after being stacked on top of another. They better tip well or so help him god he will never work in that kitchen again.

That still did not stop him from serving everyone with a smile on his face.

"Thanks Zen!"

"Looks good!"

"Time to tuck in!"

Once everyone was served, he untied his apron and tossed it across the bar before collapsing on a stool. Thankfully, the bartender at the time served him a roast beef sandwich with broccoli rabe, roasted red peppers, and provolone and fries on the side from the kitchen with a tall glass of ice cold tea. "You are a savior." He gulped down the tea in one sitting and asked for another, also to bring some mayo for his fries. Hey, don't judge it until you try it.

There was Holly again, talking very loudly about one of the job missions. She was also making a subtle remark about Gwendolyn's very open nakedness. It's such a common occurrence that it doesn't faze him anymore. "Gwen, I'm certain that your stripping sends a signal for the creepers to gather."
Alright, thanks for letting me know!
Hi, I saw this and was wondering if you were still accepting?

Wait, was that a giggle from Holly? Holly, armored and serious from what he assumed to be the moment she was out of the womb and she was giggling. It was cute. Why the hell was it cute? Cute and her never entered the same equation and yet, here it was.

Thankfully, Holly had became her more professional self before he could do anything stupid. "Hopefully the tabloids don't get their hands on one. I can only imagine that they would implicate us as secret lovers or something." Zenith joked though it was entirely possible that could happen; tabloids have done more with less and there was no doubt that they would want to write dirt on the mystery guild that just appeared in the public eye. There was also the fact that he was just in a recent scandal with the Rune Knights with the whole whistle blower thing so he could only imagine that the media was just going to love seeing the ex-knight involved with the guild that killed a dragon. This was going to be an interesting week that is for certain.

Lavina was more concerned about whether or not she would appear in the headlines. Considering that she looked like the stereotypical image of a dark mage, perhaps it would be better if she wasn't on the front page, but he would not tell her that. "Nah, they'll have your name in neon lights and a portrait of you right above it. They will have a speaker telling the tail of how the villainous Lavina slayed a dragon with her wicked blood magic as all of Era knelled in fear and awe of her presence." Okay, so he was pulling her leg and eventually she will be disappointed and then angry at him. Joy first, disappointment and rage later.

"Oh hey Ria. We're doing fine! Lavina patched me up and Holly and I are just shooting the breeze. You doing well yourself?" He said, ignoring the elephant in the room. He glanced back at Grasidia who announced she was returning to the guild without them. Cold, but nothing the was unexpected from her.

What was unexpected was the appearance of an airship descending down. "Today is just full of surprises." Two young men ran out of the ship and explained why they were there. So that explained how the Saint came plummeting down from the sky and yet, he only appeared when they killed the damned thing. At least these Obsidian Kite mages were offering them a free flight back to Crocus.

"We're the traditional guild, Fenixtear." Zenith said to the two Kite mages coolly. "Take care not to forget it."

It is odd to say that being washed over with fresh blood was soothing, but there was a gentleness in Lavina's magic that betrayed her supposed villainous nature. There was absolutely nothing that she can say that will convince him otherwise. The pain of the lacerations subsided, as if they simply were never there to begin with; there was not even a hint of a scar on any part of his body. "Bring it all down Lav, bring it all down." He smirked at his sarcastic encouragement in response to her evil declaration. Zenith was quite keenly aware that she was done healing him, but he figured that it was to keep Asher from trying to skew her for cracking his nuts.

To his surprise, Holly approached him through the crowds of inquisitive townsfolk. He thought that she was still working the crowd and yet, here she was, kneeling down and asking him how he is doing. Hell of a question to ask while there are many peering eyes focused on her and now him, almost uncomfortably so. Funny how they were trying to become more famous and yet here he was, feeling a bit self-conscious about having this much attention. Slowly he pushed himself up just enough so he was sitting up, if only to create the image that he was a strong mage in the public eye.

Was he okay? Physically, yes he was, but the storm brewing inside of his head was another story. Was he too hard on Felix? Was it his fault that the boy was injured the way he is because he was too harsh? And yet, Zenith only flashed one of his award winning smiles at Holly. He was a soldier, he couldn't show any weakness."I'm doing fine. I got to elbow drop a dragon so I can cross that off my bucket list" He said jokingly, chuckling as he pushed tussled hair away from his icy blue eyes that stared directly into hers.

"You were looking pretty cool striking a pose up on that dragon. You're definitely going to be on the front page tomorrow with the headline Unknown Mage Guild Slays Dragon." He motioned his hand in the air as if he was summoning that imaginary headline.


There he was in the wide open world with many directions that he could take before he could arrive at Highhill Town; there was a forest that he could see in the distance and sprawling plains that went as far as they eye could see. There were a variety of Pokemon roaming, mainly a common variety though there were also Ekans and Growlithe, the latter he heard about while he was at Kalmia's lab. Actually, there was the very familiar face that was Chloe that was chasing a Growlithe with absolutely no success. While he could go and greet her, it looked like she had her hands full enough already. He silently wished her good luck in her endeavors and glanced around to see what else was going on.

He was not all too tempted with the Ekans in the field considering that he already knows what will hatch from the egg, but it was a bit unpredictable when it will happen. It could be the next few steps or it could be until he gets to Highhill depending how off the beaten path he goes. Well, whatever! They will still be there should he decide to catch one. He still needed to get a third team member before he would feel comfortable enough to enter that forest if he so decides to. Decisions, decisions!

Okay, no point in rushing things. He just needed to take his time and look around for something to catch his eye. In this case, it would be a very empty drain save for a few kids holding a little tournament to battle in the narrow space. It was tempting, but he also had a lingering thought on what other Pokemon could be scurrying around that he would not find up there. Oh man, it would be great to find something there, but he possibly could not pass up the opportunity to strengthen his Pokemon up a bit. He could just explore, but what were the chances of those kids still being around if he does search for Pokemon? Ugh, why couldn't he make up his mind?!

The decisions was not his to make; the Pokeballs containing Cecil and Lupin shook before they somehow released themselves from their own confinement. "W-wait!" He called out, but the Darumaka and Sneasel ran towards the kids with way too much eagerness to battle.

Basil hopped down into the drain and ran after them, catching up once they were in front of the children."Sorry! These two are a little too eager to battle. Do you mind if we challenge you?"

"Always look on the bright side of life." He whistled a very copy righted tune. You lay bleeding on the ground and try to find a way to amuse yourself, it certainly isn't easy.

So the news media, townsfolk, and the like were beginning to swarm the area. Just about everyone else in the guild was getting an interview and meanwhile, he was laying on the road. Their first big mission to fall into the public eye and he looked like cattle left to be bleed on the floor. At least he finally got his guild mates' attention.

Zenith raised a bloody arm and waved at Ria's direction. "Thanks Ria." He said, stretching his words a bit too long. Was it just him or was the world becoming a little fuzzy and lopsided? It must've been the blood loss, no biggie. What was happening in front of him captured his attention more than his own wounds; Lavina's foot busted Asher's nuts with absolutely no mercy. Even Zenith felt an empathetic pain just from watching.

He just watched that Lavina's little freak out from where he was. What in the world was happening over there to make Little Miss World Domination so worked up? It was just Ria being held for warmth...by a half naked Asher... Oh. "Lavi, you're as subtle as a brick thrown against a window." Was all he said to her when she arrived after her mad dash towards him.
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