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When the hell was this here?


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Basil did not take any note of his surroundings even when he first entered the town, save for looking for the red roof of a Pokemon Center that was really hard to miss in such a small town. Inside, he was greeted by a Nurse Joy who asked him if he wanted his Pokemon healed, which was an obvious yes. He handed his Pokemon over to the nurse, the first of many to be sure.

Huh, who would have thought that the healing machine would have such a satisfying jingle.

"Thank you very much, ma'am." He smiled shyly as he collected his Pokemon before he made his way out of the facility.

It was definitely because he was perhaps a bit too focused on getting his Pokemon healed, but he only just noticed how beautiful this quaint town was. This was certainly different from the hustling bustle of Worldedge and Pureplain, but there was something soothing about the slower, quieter pace of life that was attractive to him. Basil took a deep breath of the country air and just drank the scenery in. So much to do, so much to see!

Well, the first thing he should do is actually stock up on items so it was off to the Pokemart. Ever the array of items they had in stock, but he could not spend willy nilly.

Basil bought five Pokeballs, four potions, three antidotes, and three paralyze heals. So it was around 3,100p?

Well stocked on supplies, Basil left the store and looked at his Pokedex, curious to see what was around the general vicinity. What caught his attention was that a Pokemon called Karrablast. If he remembered correctly, its evolution had a very strong type combination so he definitely could use something like that on the team despite the fact that most of his team is weak to fire types. Eh, he'd worry about that later. It's an uncommon Pokemon so it won't be exactly the easiest thing to find.

Interest piqued


There is something both terrifying and oddly admirable about these creatures battling with such reckless determination. A primal desire to conquer those in combat for either their supremacy or for the safe of survival. Or perhaps it was for some sort of Poke blood god. It was probably that.

"Keep at it Cecil! You're doing great!"

He had to hand it to the Bulbasaur; it was taking one heck of a beating and it still would not let up at all, but even with all the determination in the world it would be able to withstand Cecil's strikes. "Now's my chance." At the moment it staggered back, Basil had clicked the button on a Pokeball to make it expand before throwing it straight at the wild Pokemon. It bounced off its head and was absorbed into it with a flash of light and fell on the ground with an unceremonious thud.

It was eerily silent as he focused on the ball as if staring at it would increase his odds of catching the thing. With each shake, Basil tensed in anticipation."Come on, come on, come on..." Basil repeated almost like a chant.

And then it clicked...? Wait, it clicked. He walked over to the Pokeball and picked it up, shaking before his grip tightened around the ball."Yes!" He practically screamed out as he jumped for joy, throwing his arms up in the air. Of course, he realized what he was doing and composed himself. Hopefully no one was around to see that happen. He already suffered from enough embarrassment from playing as The Bard and he was certain Cecil had experienced it second hand.

His Pokedex buzzed. It was probably the money from the catch being transferred to him. "Holy sh-!"


"Sorry Cecil..." But still, that's a hefty sum! That was more than three times the amount he received when he added Lupin to his party. That's what catching a crazy rare Pokemon would do.

"Now what to name the little guy?" Basil asked himself as he glanced down at the newly caught Pokemon. Well, he had a name in mind, but perhaps now was not the right time; the Bulbasaur was heavily wounded and Cecil certainly was not too spry herself considering she just marathoned multiple battles in a row prior to catching their newest team member. So there would have to be a change of plans; instead of heading into the woods like he planned earlier, but his Pokemon required attention and to be frank, he was desperately in need of supplies.

He returned Cecil to her Pokeball and rushed over to Highhill Town as quickly as he could on the safe roads to avoid both wild Pokemon and overeager trainers. Whenever he arrives, he will head straight to the Pokemon center for his tired Mon's to get some well deserved rest before they make their next move.


Oh yeah, Pokemon were battle hungry monsters. It was sometimes easy to forget that when some of them look like living plush toys rather than the little blood knights that they are.

And this little death bulb was raring to go! "Alright! Cecil, come on out!" He tossed out a pokeball and with a flash of white light and the Darumaka stood there glaring at its opponent!

"Dar dar!"

So the strategy was simple; Basil was going to order Cecil to use Rage, which would mean that she was going to have to eat a hit in exchange of a boosted attack stat before following it up with a Tackle. Cecil's special attack was not exactly the best and even with a type advantage it definitely would take quite a few hits to finish the fight.


It only occurred to Basil that he may had screwed himself out of the chance to get the Bulbasaur; by the time he would climb out of the drain it would have probably ran off somewhere so when he saw it peeking its head out of the grass he was pleasantly surprised, but also slightly nervous about what to do. He couldn't go and stupidly toss out his Pokemon or else he'd probably scare it away! Maybe he could bribe it with food or maybe he could just be forward. Actually, maybe being forward was the better idea.

"Would you like to have a battle with me?" said Basil, smiling gently, yet a little nervously at the creature as it analyzed him. Hopefully, his action of kindness earlier would have persuaded it to agree to battle him and hopefully catch it.


Well, that happened. It was great that they won, but as soon as Cecil was out of the Tengela's vines she had the expression that she had seen something that she was never supposed to have seen while she was wedged in it."You did well Cecil, take a nice rest." Basil recalled her back into her Pokeball as well as Lupin, who had been standing by his side watching the battle.

Jeez these kids were quite dramatic though he had to admire their dedication to play their roles. They even made their little tournament some big thing about determining who was worthy to go catch an apparently rare Pokemon from the drain.

Of course he was interested in what this mystery creature could be. Of course, it could have been that the kids were being dramatic and at the end of the drain is a really fat Rattata or something, but what did he have to lose?

"Thank you, my lord." Basil smiled and gave him a polite bow before he went further ahead into the drain.

So he had set off to search for the supposed rare Pokemon and boy, did the trek feel awfully long though there was definitely something relaxing about going down this path. Still, he must've crossed into Highhill Town at some point.

After awhile, he stumbled upon something quite odd; a Pokemon with a giant bulb on its back with vines from its body latched onto a bridge."What in the?" He took out his Pokedex and it said in its polite robotic voice:

Pokédex Entry #1 – Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokémon. It is born with a seed planted on its back. At first, it survives on the nutrients from the seed, but then the seed and Pokémon starts growing side-by-side, taking in food and sunlight. Typically likes napping in bright sunlight.

Wait a minute? Wasn't this one of those really rare Pokemon that are given out to trainers as starters in Kanto? Even there it's been said to be extremely hard to find and it was just hanging there helplessly in front of him. It would have been too easy to catch it, but Basil wasn't that kind of person.

"Don't worry little one, I'm not gonna hurt you." He smiled gently as he looked up at the bridge it was clinging onto. Well, it certainly wasn't going to be able to get up there on its own. "Do you want some help?" Well, it actually was not in any position to object so Basil had just gone ahead and grabbed the Bulbasaur delicately before he gave it a boost up to the bridge.

Basil had soon followed by scaling the walls with some effort, but he was out of the drainage.


And first blood goes to Cecil! Incinerate was of course super-effective and it looked like that it just had enough of an impact to deal more damage than the Tangela could heal from. All they needed was one more solid hit and then it would be over... is what he would be saying if it weren't for the fact that that the living tentacle monster getting its grip on her.

Oh come on! "Cecil, throw yourself at it!" Cecil used the momentum of being pulled in by the Tangela to close the distance even faster for a Tackle attack. The intention was to knock it down to delay it from using Sleep Powder and then follow up with Incinerate to deal with the final blow.


Jeez, these kids were really taking their roles a tad more seriously than he thought they would. Like really, an assassin? He was as intimidating as a Dunsparce and had the presence as one. Sure he defeated the first three trainers, but two of them were just kids so it's not like he should feel any ounce of pride over that. Not that he wasn't proud of his Pokemon, but uh, the only actual threat was just the girl with the Skitty though that "king" was making some pretty big claims about having the greatest monster in the kingdom.

Basil strummed a melodic tune with his mandolin. "May they sing tales of our battle." God dammit he needed to stop playing along.

From the kid's Pokeball came out a mass of living vines with two big eyes staring at his soul."Huh, what is that..." He pulled out his Pokedex and with its robotic, yet friendly voice it said,

"Pokédex Entry #114 – Tangela, the Vine Pokémon. It is constantly wrapped in countless constantly jiggling blue vines that never stop growing. The vines cloak its unknown contents, and are known to entangle anything that comes close. The vines easily detach if grabbed and grow back within a day."

So if its body comprised of vines did that mean that it was a grass type? If that was the case, the game plan was simple; throw Cecil in and spam the hell out of Incinerate from a distance. It did not look like it would be that fast and Sure, special attack wasn't Cecil's greatest stat, but it was still better to make use of the type advantage.

So they were going to just ignore that machine? Was he the weird one to find that strange event with the ANP at least a little bizarre? Okay then, he was the weird one then.

"Well if there was a goddess I certainly wouldn't mind taking her over. I still can't believe I didn't take over that dragon when I had the chance." Sure, they were tasked to kill the dragon, but what were the odds that this would ever happen again? It certainly would have been useful for the upcoming job.

The fact that this mission had be passed around from various guilds and had to be bumped up a rank because all of those guilds failed certainly was a bit worrisome to say that least. So they would have to go to some new village out in the sticks and Torys wasn't even going to help with the travelling fees. Hell, even if they hired Obsidian Kite they still would not be able to land directly in the village so they would still have to either get some wheels or take a long hike. It looked like they were on their own for this one.

"We're as tough as they come. We've got this." Zenith said with a grin. Sure it was an S-Class job, but he was confident in the abilities of his guild mates and his own. Perhaps that sounded a bit overconfident though that may have been coming from the fact that he was finally stretching his legs as a mage after being cooped up in the kitchen for so long. If he had stayed in there any longer he was going to turn the skillet into his next squash racket. He really needed to thank Marduk for this.

And then the newest slayer came back from a job. He seemed like a nice enough guy, a bit of a meat head, but a nice. However. Zenith couldn't say that being called a woman by Tone felt good, but the Dragon Slayer was not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. "Yeah, a bit of a beast of a job, but nothing we can't handle. Try to take it easy; save some fun for the rest of us."

Well, it looked like the train was the preferred mode of transportation."I wouldn't mind at all." Zenith smiled kindly, which then turned into surprise at Gwen's requip. She really made a lot of progress during those weeks. It looked like Zenith was gonna have to take some time to train too and hunt down some beasts to take over. "Damn Gwen, you're making me look like a slacker here!" He said with a chuckle.

His brow arched at Gwen's comment about Chimera Meat and took a step back from her. "Yeah, I'd prefer if you didn't take a bite from me so you can have your own seat. Let's move."


Seriously, was it okay for him to be beating up a preschooler's Pokemon? Those Rattata did not stood a chance so if he had to take a guess this group wasn't particularly strong...and soon enough he was eating his words.

Turns out Cecil's special attack stat was worth absolutely nothing; her attacks stung a little at best. She got a clean tackle in though it was not enough to take it down and as consequence, the Skitty used Sing to put her into a deep slumber. Cecil tucked her arms and legs into her body and chirped in her sleep.

Well crap.

"Cecil return!" Basil yelled out as he recalled his Darumaka back into her pokeball. Without skipping a beat, he tossed Lupin out and the general plan was to have him use Taunt, which were two obscene gestures he made with his fingers, to prevent the Skitty from using status moves and then rush in with Scratch.
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