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9 yrs ago
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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he felt something odd; something actually heard him and it sure was hell wasn't the idol. "Thank you for listening." Basil bowed his head to the idol, really, to whatever the heck was listening to him ramble on.

There were two things that he wanted to do: first Basil, perhaps against his better judgement, went to approach the bug maniac to make some inquiries. Specifically, he wanted to ask about what the parasol lady said about Pinsirs being located on route 3 or at least the general area and some info about their behavior and where they would most likely congregate.

The second thing was that Basil wanted to talk to the man with the stall outside the shrine. He simply inquired the nature of the spirits that aided the hero long ago, such as their abilities or if they had any attributes that stood out.

If nothing of note happened, Basil would head north to explore the North Silent Forest.


Wow, the rain really did have a set perimeter; he just walked right out of it and turned to look at the drops pouring down behind him. "And they think this is normal?"

Basil walked down the path to the shrine, glancing at the grass types that had made their home in the path. There were also a couple If he didn't catch Crocus early that day he would have definitely been tempted to catch a Cottonee, but it would be for the best to have a spread of types in his arsenal. Well, at least until he had a way of dealing with fire types. The most amount of excitement that could be found were just occasional gusts of wind and travelers coming and going from the town or the shrine.

Besides taking note of those passing things, he did not spend much time on the path and found himself outside of the shrine. It was a serene, well maintained place, obviously because its an important cultural landmark for the town and for trainers beginning their journey. Strangely enough, there was a booth selling souvenirs and leaflets that explored the history of the shrine. Turned out that even sacred landmarks were not immune to consumerism.

Basil entered the building and witnessed the strange scene of an overenthusiastic bug maniac scarring children. He was just going to ignore that chaotic mess and approach the idol before kneeling down.

What the heck do people even pray for? Sure he could pray for having a smooth journey and become champion though that was not entirely what he really wanted. Even if it was, why would any higher power listen to him? He wasn't a hero seeking strength to destroy a monster, heck, he could not even say that he was even the protagonist of his own life. All that bravado and display of ambition Basil showed to Jacques and Rodger was more to convince himself that he can grow because deep down, he knows that the only one getting in the way of his journey is not a staggeringly strong trainer or Pokemon, but himself.

Well, he certainly was not in control of his fate and that was not going to change anytime soon so why not just surrender. He bowed his head and held his hands together in prayer.

"I am not a hero like the one who defeated the beast nor am I remarkable. I do not ask for you to help me defeat the league and become the champion; that task falls upon my Pokemon and I. All that I do ask is for your hands to guide me to become the person that I hope to be."


Huh, that was actually a whole lot easier than he thought it was going to be, but hey, he won't complain about things going in his favor.

"Um, yes, actually I am." Who would have thought that it was that obvious. It's not like he was that strong considering he just started today.

God she was creepy. She could stay in the rain for as long as she wanted as long as she kept as far a distance from Basil as possible. He used this as an opportunity to use a potion on Lupin since he had a feeling that the Sneasel was really going to be pulling its weight in the foreseeable future.

With Lupin healed, Basil returned him to his Pokeball and began to make his way down to the Silent Shrine so he can pay his respects.
Seems interesting


So word to the wise, don't train your fire type Pokemon when it's raining because the rain weakens fire type moves, which was already pretty weak to begin with because Cecil's special attack was just hot garbage. Thankfully almost all the Pokemon he fought against were grass types though those Shroomishes were a bloody pain with their status effects, but it was worth it; his team had gained a level so it gave them more of an edge.

Basil found a woman in a yellow raincoat with a parasol and asked her some questions about the route and anything he could use as a hint for his investigation. While some of the information he already knew from the Pokedex, the Psyduck and Pinsir were definitely not listed on Pokemon that can be found so he should really search for them later after his expedition. He could only imagine how useful the information would be for the Professor if he cataloged them in the Pokedex.

Apparently people around here do not understand the concept of cause and effect. Well, he was completely on his own in that regard. At least she also offered to battle too!

"Alright, I'm up for that."

For the first battle against the Lotad, Basil would use Lupin to battle it. While they would have been caught off guard by the initial start due to Lotad's enhanced speed, ghost type moves aren't effective against dark types. Basil would order Lupin to use Quick Attack to fight it so it would essentially turn into a speed battle.

Basil would use Crocus against the Psyduck since the type advantage would make sense. The plan was to just use Leech Seed to drain its health while also using Vine Whip to strike the water type from a distance.


Wow, those black clouds looming in the distance were sure welcoming. Basil bought an umbrella from the stall because the last thing he needed was to look like a Furfrou that was just taken out of a bath.

As he walked to the entrance of the route, he saw the sign warning about the Drifloons in the area. Those stories were actually true? Basil had thought it was just a myth that parents tell their kids when they misbehave, not an actual case of children being kidnapped and never seen again! For as peaceful their world is, it was just plain creepy at times.

His feet splashed about in the puddles of water that littered the cobblestone path as he walked down the route and admired the beautiful trees, especially the ones with the strange colors. This place definitely was atmospheric. If it were for the fact that he already had a goal in mind, he would have sat down around the driest possible spot on the route, take out his sketch book, and start filling some pages in. Well, it certainly wasn't going anywhere.

First order of business was to ask around the people travelling routes some questions. While his Pokedex holds information on Pokemon in the area, it certainly was not complete so the best course of action would be to ask what kind of Pokemon could be found here. He also asked if they had seen anything unusual in the area in hopes to find any hints on what could be causing the route to be in a state of constant torrential downpour.

Whatever the outcome was, there was one reality that Basil could not ignore; his team needed some extra oomf before they could travel onward. For the next period of time, he spent it training his Pokemon


So basically Basil was completely out of his depth in terms of rumors he could explore. They either involved beings of unfathomable power, strange atmospheric phenomenons that kept Route 3 drenched in rain and he could only assume that something stronger than he was responsible for it, or mysteries so old that they predated the existence countless centuries of this region. All he was looking for were just things happening right now, but it looked like those were the main rumors going about. He would be lucky to be to even encounter anything as amazing as those legends or solve something like those strange stones, unless they just kicked his teeth in.

And here he is, with nothing else planned. He really did not want to leave just yet; there was still the gym, but he needed to get a whole lot stronger before he could even attempt that and he already stocked up at the Poke Mart so there was nothing he needed to buy. There was a lake, maybe he could fish... Wait, he didn't have a fishing rod.

Oh screw it! What's the point on going on an adventure without taking a little risk? Second guessing himself and shirking away from taking chances was exactly what he wanted to change! His next course of action was to go to Route 3 to go pay his respects at the Silent Shrine and then head deep into the Northern Silent Forest to investigate the strange meteorological status of the wetland.

Filled with newfound purpose, he marched his way to Route 3.

So Zenith was trying to have one of his day offs from dealing with people, a process that consisted with him laying on his bed and binge watching shows that he had been meaning to catch up on while eating his junk food of choice, which was just fast food that he bought just for today. Yes, he typically was a people person and he also typically ate healthy meals, but dammit sometimes he needed to be left the hell alone and treat himself to something nice for a change! As much as he loved his guild mates, there are times when they really make his blood pressure skyrocket with the shenanigans they get themselves into.

It was because of this that he did not know that Lavina entered his kitchen. Well, not until she started screaming for him. "Not again!"

He hopped off his bed and sprinted out of his room and through the guild, the smell of smoke grew stronger until he slammed the kitchen door wide open to find the evil mistress of darkness panicking while his poor oven was being consumed in flame! Even the stove top was burning?! How?! "Don't you dare spray blood on it!" Zenith barked at her as he fished around in a cupboard until he found a fire extinguisher, for the times when Ria is not around.

"Stand back!" She better have stepped back or else she would have been caught in the crossfire of the extinguisher. Zenith kept blasting the oven until there was not a trace of ember left. The only thing left to do was the see what the damage is.

Taking precautions, he made sure to open the window before he pulled the oven door down, smoke poured out into his face. Zenith coughed as he pulled out Lavina's briquettes and placed them on the table. "So...cookies huh? What happened?"


And caught! That could not have gone better at all! He was lucky that it was able to eat blows like that or else it would have been like a bug against a windshield. What a curious Pokemon though; the only way that it could evolve is that it was bathed in electricity at the same time with a Shelmet. Okay seriously, how does something change through millions of years, adapting to survive against various predators and environments, and that method was how they evolved?

That aside, Basil made a quick stop to the Pokemon center again to heal Lancer, the Karrablast before going back out to the town. There were those stones, but he wanted to save that for later and explore the rest of the town. What he wanted to do was talk to the locals to hear about any rumors or strange happenings on the country side because that's what typically happens in rural places. Things like crop circles, haunted places with spirits, local mythical monsters, and all that stuff that just seems to only happen out in the country. Who knows, maybe there will be a lead worth investigating.
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