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When the hell was this here?


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Okay, so he wasn't going crazy. Something actually did hear him though they only listened the first prayer. Basil did not know whether or not he should take comfort that something actually heard him or terrified because something heard him. Lorette did not share those thoughts and chuckled nervously "I'm afraid to ask for more than I already have."

Okay, maybe he could have asked more because it looked like Basil was not going to get any information from her for free. Ever the generous soul she was to help him on his quest! Well it's not like he was actually surprised, but a guy could hope. Besides, if he investigated the lost shrine then maybe he could find some info for his own investigation. "Sounds like a fair enough exchange. I'll do it." He nodded in affirmation.

"Find and examine the lost shrine. Is there something specific I should keep my eye out for?" He asked inquisitively. If he was going to go search some abandoned shrine, he may as well have an idea of what he was looking for.

If there was nothing else important to note, Basil would give his goodbyes to the gym leader and Raltses and make his way through the forest to route 11.


Shrine of the Center? Well, that either was a coincidence or the shrine was really in the center of the rain like the rumors said though it was strange. How could there be so little information on this place when it's just a stones throw away from Highhill Town? It must have been abandoned long before the town was established that the history behind it was lost through the generations or there wasn't much information on it to begin with.

"Oh! Um, this is gonna sound a little silly, but I asked around town for rumors and such that I could investigate because, well, being a trainer is about adventuring and investigating. Right?" Basil said with a sheepish smile. "So I settled on investigating this endless rain and the Silent Shrine, but I ended up with more questions than answers." And did those questions come in spades! There was that strange experience at the Silent Shrine, the forest of fae with those oddly placed arches, and now this abandoned shrine. Were the Silent Shrine and the Deepforest Shine related somehow just because of how close they were? There had to be some crossover if they were built around the same time, assuming if they were.

Maybe Lorrette had some answers? "Uh... This is gonna sound really weird, but whenever you prayed at the Silent Shrine did you ever get the impression that something was listening to you? Not like in the metaphorical, religious sense of having faith that something heard me, but as in something actually heard me?"


Basil smiled and looked down at the Pokeball now containing the Jigglypuff. "Welcome to the team, Aria."

Back to the actual moment, Basil jumped a bit from the Ralts teleporting and sighed. Well, it looked like it did not want to answer his questions, or so he thought. There was a familiar dot of green up ahead behind a tree motioning with its stubby little arms to follow it so Basil did what any sensible trainer would do; he followed the Ralts down the path of oddly placed gates that quite literally lit the way.

It was a deep trek, far longer than he actually anticipated, but he only grew ever more curious where the Ralts was leading him. There were a few moments where he lost it, but the little Pokemon would always make itself known if he was just clueless though through all that they arrived at whatever the Ralts was leading the young trainer.

"A shrine this deep in the woods?" He scratched his chin as he looked up at the red arch. Wait a minute, a shrine deep in Northern Silent Forest? Didn't he hear about something like that when he was inquiring about any local rumors and legends back in High Hill? That the endless rain centered on a shrine? So there was some truth to it after all.

Perhaps even more puzzling were the many little green capped attendees maintaining the temple. Some fled and some stood there with curious gazes as they tried to get a read on Basil. He just waved at them with slight smile just to show that he wasn't a threat.

His eyes trailed about until they fell upon an unexpected sight; a young girl was just sitting on the stairs up the shrine among the little attendants. Basil would have greeted her, but the Ralts that he was following teleported by her side and pointed at him. Turns out this girl was the gym leader of High Hill and the Shrine Maiden of the Silent Shrine! Well, she certainly was ready to throw down if he was, but Basil was just unprepared physically and mentally,

He shook his head vigorously and kept making a hand waving motion as if he was dismissing the idea. "Uh, no, no not yet! I didn't even know you were away from the gym. That Ralts lead me here..." He trailed off as he glanced around the shrine. If it were not for the Ralts, this place would just be completely abandoned though they had to be here for a specific reason. There had to be some importance to this place.

It was then Basil realized that he was perhaps not being the most courteous of guests of this shrine "My apologies, I'm being rude! My name is Basil and I, well, just started my journey as a trainer today." He said in a bit of panic, his words almost running into each other and his face lit up red. Inside, he was screaming at himself.

Basil cleared his throat and tried to play it off as if it didn't happen. "What is this place? It's so out of the way that I didn't expect to find another person here."

Great, this asshole really wanted to play it like that. "Oh ouch, what cutting words. It's not like I've heard that from you for the fifth time since you joined. Now how about you think of something original you syphilis carrying piece of shi- " And he barely just stopped himself when he realized he was about to say in front of Akemi, Zen cut himself short. It was always a point to keep himself from acting out of line in front of her just to be a good example of what kind of mage she should become though that is not to say that there were moments where it slipped through the cracks, particularly when it came to her father.

Zenith smiled a bit at Akemi brightening up at the prospect of going around the festival. She certainly was not the most expressive of all people, but she had her tells.

And then Kaden had to just egg him on. Zenith kept that smiling face of his, but anyone in the guild would have felt an animosity that would have scared off an entire forest of animals seeping from him. It was a good thing that nothing came from Kaden continuing to poke the not so metaphorical bear lest he would be the one with a fight on his hands.

Well, at least he was out of sight, out of mind. He sighed and looked down at his 'sister,' only just realizing that there was no way that she would have heard of it considering she was bedridden for most of the week. "Prince Ryokugyoku Fiore is turning 21 next week so they're holding a festival until then and well, it started today."


Holy hell he never played as hard as he did in his life before. Seriously, his mandolin was going to need a smoke after the way he had been playing, but he wasn't falling asleep! Perhaps the style change and constant improvising kept it finding the frequency that its lullaby was known for? Whatever the case, it worked and as his hands came to a stop, the fairies around him erupt in cheers for the little performance. The Jigglypuff really was happy to have a performance and fell asleep with a smile on its face.

He packed his mandolin back in its case and slung it over his shoulder. Just as he was about to walk away, he turned back to the sleeping Pokemon and approached it. Basil knelt down to the Jigglypuff and placed his hand on top of her head, rubbing it gentle to coerce her awake. As soon as she woke, he held out a Pokeball to her and said with a soft smile smile, "There's a greater audience beyond this forest for you. Would you like to come with me?"

Regardless of what happened, Basil would approach the little odd Ralts. Was it from the wild? It would be pretty odd for a Ralts dressed up in Shinto garb to be an actual wild Pokemon, but there were stranger things than this. He knelt down and spoke ever so gently to the tiny creature before him. "Now where are you from, little one? Do you have a trainer or do you live somewhere close by?" Who knows, maybe it would help him find some answers in this eternally dark wood.

Well, so much for catching a Flabebe, but he did not want to startle the Ralts so he would probably catch one on the way back if he didn't catch something else that caught his eye on the way out of the forest.


There, now everyone was going to be happy; Zachery got a new customer, the bug maniac was going to be one of the first among Isson to have foreign bug types in his collection, and Basil got some crucial information on where to find Pinsirs. All roads seemed to lead to the Northern Silent Forest.

Now back to the present!

Basil had completely underestimated how much attention his music would bring, but honestly, it was his own fault for not thinking this through. He was playing his mandolin in the Silent Forest so of course playing his mandolin would draw attention to every single creature within earshot. It was not unwelcomed, don't get him wrong. There were many fairies around him though he caught a strange little green Mon wearing what appeared to be Shinto garb hiding behind a tree.

Before he could even react to them all, a Jigglypuff came upon the scene starry eyed as if it had found the one to realize its dream and was beginning to open its mouth as if to...Oh no.

In a desperate attempt to avoid being put under its lullaby, Basil fingers began to fly across the board as he played an exotic song that could be danced to which was pretty much Chick Corea's Spain if played on a mandolin and at a higher tempo. The hope was that perhaps the Jigglypuff would have a hard time keeping up with him due to the speed and improvisation he would use.


Ever the generous soul this bug maniac was. Well, nothing in this world really came for free so he couldn't complain if he was being asked for something in return. That being said, what the heck could he even offer to this guy? Money was definitely not something he had in spades and he sure as hell was not going to use his family name to get what he wanted. Actually, he doubted this guy would have been swayed by money, but what if he could tempt him with something far more valuable?

"Alright, how about information in-exchange for information? There's a very strong trainer by the name of Zachery, going around selling Pokemon that are not native naturally to Isson and despite his appearance, he is quite legit. He even gave me a rare Pokemon egg from Galar for free." As he said that, he pulled the egg out of his bag to show that he was not making this up because really, why should he take his words at face value? But hey, it's up to the maniac to believe him or not. "I can imagine that he has any number of foreign bug types that you wouldn't have the means to obtain normally. He travels by ship so you'd find him around harbors, but if you rush now you can probably catch him at Pureplain still."

And then there was the guy at the souvenir stand. What a fountain of information! If only that information was actually useful. To be fair, it did specify something; the guardian Pokemon weren't spirits, but fairies. There was always some hint of truth to these legends, but otherwise not of much substance. "Well, thanks anyway. Good luck with your stand."

Back into the woods he went and the rain was beating down on him with almost no warning. Basil fumbled about to get his umbrella out though he was already looking pretty drenched before he got it over his head. "Can't say I'm a fan of the never ending rain." He muttered to himself as he kept walking, his surroundings were just getting darker as the forest just grew thicker... And then light? Blue lanterns were strewn about everywhere and there were gates placed in random locations that lead to nowhere. There was definitely some other worldly power at play here though he could not help, but wonder if this was related to the guardian Pokemon. He had heard rumors, but he never really expected this places to truly be a fairy forest. What a strange, wonderous place.

Basil had sat down on a tree route and just took everything in around him, finding some sort of peace in the melancholy, mystical wood as well as intrigue. What else could he find in this wood? Of course his main objective was to still find the abandoned shrine, but there was no rush. Those Floettes were certainly all too tempting to catch, but considering how many were around, they had the advantage in numbers so he had a thought; he could lure one over to him.

He whipped out his mandolin and begun to play a calm, atmospheric tune in hopes of luring one over though it was possible that other Pokemon would get curious about it too.

Well, those cookies were beyond his abilities to save them so he just tossed them into a bin, clanging inside like rocks. Talk about a waste of ingredients, but at least the kitchen wasn't a pile of ash; the festival was quite soon as Torys reminded them so there was going to be quite a decent amount of foot traffic. "I wouldn't worry about it. Everything is in working order, but I'm sure Lavina would be more than happy to clean up the mess she made." He wasn't asking either.

And Ria decided that he needed a cookbook with exotic ingredients for Felix's... peculiar tastes. "You may as well just ask Akemi to cook for him." He muttered to himself as he flipped through the pages of the book before placing it down on a counter."Thanks anyway Ria. Now, if anyone needs me, I'm gonna be in my roo-" Zenith walked out of the kitchen to see that Kaden was talking to Akemi even after he told her to keep away from him and yet, he wasn't surprised.

"Hey Mimi!" The S-Class mage said to his little sister as he approached the two of them, giving her hair a little tussle and then gave a sharp look at the troglodyte as if he was annoyed at the idea of acknowledging his existence. "Kaden."

Zenith quickly went back to ignoring him and focused on Akemi. "You know, we haven't hung out in a long time. Do you want to explore the festival?"

To address the elephant in the room, yes, he was aware of what she was drinking, but it no longer phased him anymore.

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