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There were times when victory was so clean cut that there were no worries to be had. This was not one of those times.

Basil and Lupin looked up at the literal boulders raining from above, knowing that they had absolutely no way of avoiding the devastation of the attack. "Snease. (Shi-)" "Shi-". And then Lupin was buried by the Rock Slide with only its twitching arm poking out of the rocks and then absorbed back into its Pokeball. All things considered, this wasn't the worst possible outcome.

"You did a good job Lupin." He smiled at the Pokeball before placing it back on his belt and grabbed another. "Let's wrap this up, Glory!" Coming back for the finale of the gym battle, the wrestling bird came flying out t-posing in an assertion of dominance.


And bam, that attack connected! It was such a clean blow that even Lorette finally showed any bit of concern for the first time in this battle. "Good job Lupin! Now... huh?" Yellow tentacles burst from the Shuckle's shell and wrapped around Lupin's arms. Both trainer and Pokemon were caught completely off guard That thing was still able to withstand a direct attack like that and retaliate?! Just what was the level difference between these the two of them?

That bloody Shuckled wasn't done trying to bind the Sneasel up; it was going after its legs! He wouldn't be able to order Lupin to break his arms free or else he'd be trapped! "Lupin, flip forward over it!" Considering that the Shuckle's attack stat was so much lower its target. it would be a miracle to keep in in place even with Lupin's arms wrapped. The Sneasel would leap forward over the Shuckle to avoid its legs getting tied up.

They may have avoided getting tied up, but it looked like Lorette had something planned. "Power Trick?" Basil thought to himself out loud while he looked at the purple aura that flashed briefly over the Shuckle. Something was changed, but something in his gut told him that it was dangerous. Judging by its name, it was probably a move involving its attack stat though he wasn't sure what it was. Either way he couldn't allow it to make it easy to attack. "Use Quick Attack and take it for a ride!"

What Basil essentially ordered Lupin to do was use its high attack stat to drag the Shuckle around like a person bound by rope and dragged around from a horse. Of course, Basil didn't know what Power Trick did though it didn't matter; considering that Pokemons defense was miniscule, being dragged and bounced around was probably not going to feel good. That is if Lupin's attack stat was enough to pull this off to begin with.


Having Lupin constantly deflect rocks wasn't tenable even against a Shuckle. Eventually he would give out against the hail of rocks and Basil would be down a Pokemon for the rest of the battle. The Sneasel would have been barely able to do any damage to it anyway, well, under normal circumstances. "Quick Attack to close the distance and grab a handful of the rocks!" Lupin had no idea why in the world why Basil would order it to grab handfuls of the pebbles while using Quick Attack, but it sure wasn't going to question it.

Now if nothing happened to stop Lupin like slipping on some pebbles or getting critted to no tomorrow, as soon as the Sneasel closed the distance between it and the practically immobile Pokemon, Basil would have given his new order. "Bash it over the head with the rocks and don't let up!" There's a funny thing about rock-type Pokemon, they don't resist their own typing and in the Shuckle's case being part bug was a detriment to it. So when Lupin had a handful of rocks from the bug Pokemon's own attacks and was going to smash it against its very squishy noddle head, it most likely would not be able to resist it so easily with its own defense nor did it see the possibility of its own attack being used against it.

So, uh, Lupin used Rock Punch? Accelerock?


"Lupin, what did you tell it?" Basil said not angrily, but more shocked that his Sneasel had such a cutting tongue. The taunts were supposed to make it angry, not break its spirit! Maybe they needed to work on toning down his taunts in the future.


Pebbles were hailing from above and while the attack itself wasn't very impressive, getting pelted by rocks when Lupin was weak to it was not ideal. Does he use Quick Attack to outrun the attack or was there something else he could do? Even if Lupin was fast, there was no way of predicting the random trajectory of the rocks so there had to be something else.

"Lupin, use a flurry of Scratches to deflect the rocks!" And with that order, the Sneasel used its razor sharp claws and impressive speed and superior strength to knock away what pebbles that came its way though very likely still took some damage since it was very improbable that Lupin would have gotten them all. Of course, this was not really a solution since the Pokemon would not be able to hold up against this type-match up forever, but there were ways of getting around it.


Well, so much for that. "Uh, sorry Aria. You'll have your chance later." Basil returned her back to her Pokeball, not without many protests and yelling for cutting her debut off so quickly, but this was not something she would be able to handle at the moment. So who exactly what could he do if he couldn't use status inflicting moves?

Basil stood here in thought, tapping his foot as he weighed his options. Roxanne would give out from the poison long before she could take the Shuckle down, and if he tossed out Crocus then they'd probably be in another game of switching Pokemon in and out of the battlefield considering that Lorette is all too aware of Leech Seed. In general almost anything he threw at the Pokemon would either be resisted or neutral against that thing's shell. It is certainly hard though it was not like its squishy looking limbs were able to take hits though all it had to do was duck for cover in its natural bunker and do whatever it had to do to outlast any attacks that were thrown at it so he was going to have to be a bit creative.

Well, what if he had a way to prevent that?

"Lupin, you're up!" Basil shouted as he tossed a Pokeball and out came his Sneasel baring its claws and a smirk as it looked at its opponent. "Okay Lupin, use Taunt."

The Sneasel would make an incredibly rude gesture with its fingers while sticking its tongue out at the Shuckle. "Snease, sneasle, snease!" For the sake of the RP, what he said would not be translated, but for the context Lupin was insulting the bug-type's mother very vulgarly and then would unceremoniously turned around and started shaking his butt at it.

Meanwhile, Basil was mortified at what his Pokemon was doing and simply shook his head. "That may be a little much..." Well, it probably was, but there was a point in doing this. The aim was to make the Shuckle so angry that it would act out on its own and make it hard for Lorette to order. If this worked, then there would be an opening to exploit.


First the Beedrill and now this? What the heck was with this Loony Tunes act? In hindsight, it really shouldn't have been surprising that the move Incinerate would incinerate the floorboards into ashes though that was good info to have. "Uh, that didn't go exactly how it did in my head." Basil admitted to Lorette.

He watched her throw in her next Pokemon and out came a strange looking creature in a red shell with yellow limbs. "Huh, that's new." The gym challenger pulled out his Pokedex and scanned the creature for its entry. So the short was that it was another bug-type with extremely high defensive stats just like her Escavalier though unlike it, from what he could tell this was not a Pokemon that could dish out heavy damage normally nor did it look like a speedster like her Accelgor with that body. That meant that it would use different means of defeating his team by taking advantage of its absurd defensive stats, meaning that Basil would have to use other means of taking it down.

He could send out Crocus and use Poison Powder and Leech Seed to bypass that Shuckle's defenses, but that Bulbasaur had already taken enough of a beating and he probably shouldn't keep destroying the battlefield. Actually, no one on his team could brute force it though... was it really necessary?

"Well, not much of a choice. Cecil, return." The Darumaka returned to her Pokeball in a beam of red light and he grabbed another from his belt. "Take the stage, Aria!" From this Pokeball, the pink puffball that was his Jigglypuff had taken center stage. It was very likely that Lorette would still not give her command until he did so if that was still the case Basil would order Aria to use Sing on the Shuckle.


It was a win, a messy one, but a win nonetheless. Crocus had taken quite the beating and at this point a gentle breeze would had been enough to knock the poor little Bulbasaur out so Basil saw it fit to return it to its Pokeball. "You did great Crocus. Get some rest. He smiled at the Pokeball and watched as Lorette brought her Escavalier back into the fray. It had only taken slight damage from its previous bouts with Crocus and Roxanne and now with the Bulbasaur being to heavily damaged to be reliable in a fight, he'd have to change up strategies.

"Come on out, Cecil!" Basil tossed his starter's Pokeball and in a flash of light the Darumaka made its first ever gym debut. Since she was switched out in the middle of the Escavlier's attack she would most likely take the hit, but regardless if the attack landed or not, Basil's order would be the same.

"Cecil, use Incinerate on the battlefield! Light it up!" He knew that in terms of stats, that knightly Pokemon surpassed Cecil many times over, but not even that unit of a bug would be able to put up with an inferno for too long.
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