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Just throwing my hat in the ring.

I'm definitely interested.


The plan was a success though he was now in a different spot of trouble; that Butterfree was high above the arena, which made it hard to close the distance between the two Pokémon before his Hawlucha could land a finishing blow. They needed to be able to create some diversion to sneak around and deliver a clean hit. Well, it turned out that Glory was a much sneakier bird than he let on.

The bird Pokémon kept itself covered behind the rocks, sneaking a peek over them at the Butterfree. There were plenty of pebbles from the Pebble Slide from that Shuckle earlier. Without Basil giving him any orders, he tossed a pebble at a rock to make a noise for the sake of misdirection. If it worked , Glory would do so again from another location and Basil caught on.

If there was a moment of opportunity from the misdirection, Basil would yell out”Leap our and use wing attack!”



@red faction

Well there was no point in trying to convince Clarenzio and his Servant to give any information about themselves since they were so adamant about it. Hopefully they realized the kind of bed that they had made for themselves. Within this team, Clarenzio had established himself as someone who will not trust others and gave them no reason to trust him in return with their lives. He was a foolish young man with a savior complex, that was all. "You'd think a mage his age would have grown out of this phase already..." Kaden muttered to himself.

It was right then that Kaden would receive that telepathic message from Karna that raised his concern quickly. A blizzard in Greece? "Everyone, we're-!" The threat was too quick; Karna assaulted by a volley of projectiles though his servant was not phased by such attacks. Shielder was quick to react and erected personal shields to each Magus and Servant though it did nothing against the rapidly decreasing temperature though his jacket did give him some protection. The enemy was quite literally at their doorstep and they certainly did not take their sweet time in revealing who they were.

The Philosopher Kings really were an ostentatious bunch; not only did they appear on their turf declaring an overwhelming victory before the battle had truly started, but had the gall to make an offer to serve under their ridiculous banner. Let's not forget to mention that they really were expecting to overwhelm them with superior numbers when they only had one Servant and a single Apostle, and an army of mediocre mixed bloods."You overestimate yourselves." Kaden said, preparing to give his order to his servant like the other masters, but the imitation of divine lightening crashed down from Saber of Red's sword and erased all of the weak mixed bloods and destroyed Oyuki's attacks in one fell swoop.

"So this is the power of a Saber." Perhaps it was true what they said. Perhaps the Saber class was the mightiest of all the standard classes.

Well, despite an attack that tore through heaven and earth, the main three of the Philosopher Kings had made it out alive though that snow woman was on her last legs already though in an act of desperation she summoned her servant, Rider, and with it came a massive ship floating in the air. To not repeat everything, the ship had ran off with the Masters and Servants of Purple and left a miasma of smallpox that lingered in the air. "Archer, aim your attacks at the snow woman!"

Even with the chaos unraveling in front of him, he saw an inactive figure begin to make his move.

For the entire time the meeting took place Adam was present in his master's stead, sitting on a rock and silently was observing Vanitas' allies with those large, expressionless, golden eyes even when the threat of the Philosopher Kings was at their doorstep. It was not that he did not recognize the impending threat that the enemy was, but rather, he simply did not have the urgency that many of the Masters and Servants possessed for the situation. To him, this whole surprise attack was irrational; there were only three beings that posed a threat while summoning an army of beings that were scrapping at the bottom of the barrel in terms of strength. While it was puzzling how the Kings found them so quickly, attacking without having a real information on who their opponents were was suicide. Either way, they were completely underestimating the Red Faction.

Adam's eyes trailed down to the human skeleton that was Vanitas familiar and heard his master requesting his aid through it. "As you wish, Master." The Caster stood up unceremoniously and pulled his hood down from his head while he walked to the center of the uninfected area. As this was a weapon of those from evil alignment, this was probably something that he could easily deal with.

The white cloak began to glow with a radiant, pure light that could only be described as something that was not an imitation of divine light, but the genuine thing. "Shroud of Yahweh." That light erupted from the cloak and enveloped the area to repel and burn away the evil that is the biological weapon of a disease that killed so many indiscriminately in the past.

Meanwhile, Patroclus saw this as an opportunity to deal an even bigger blow to those Philosopher King bastards."We must not let them get away!" It was as if ash was forming around his body and then focusing itself around his legs. An impossibility for any servant other than himself, Berserker of Red had access to the legend of one of the fastest heroes to exist for their very being and fate is tied to one another.

"Dromeus Komētēs"! With a speed that surpassed any modern vehicle, Patroclus went after the airborne ship with hopefully other Servants following in suit.


That attack was right on the money! That Butterfree was on its last legs just from that one Wing Attack! Just one more and this round was as good as theirs. Awesome! Now let’s- huh? Basil’s excitement took a back seat the moment Glory shook as he realized that his Hawlucha was not fast enough to prevent it from getting attacked.

One more hit and his Pokémon would not be able to continue battling. Rushing to get the final hit in was not possible and Detect’s success rate falls off the more it’s used so he had to think of something else. The thing was that the terrain of the battlefield had altered dramatically from the meteoric landslide from earlier. [color=882be]Take cover begins the rocks![/color] The basic idea is Butterfree couldn’t land an attack on anything if there was something obstructing it’s vision.

If this gambit worked out, Basil would order Glory to move from rock to rock to keep the Butterfree from figuring out its location.


She sure could bet that Basil was keeping track! It was a 5-2 lead and he was close to winning this whole thing! If he somehow blew this lead he would absolutely never forgive himself!

And there was that Butterfree again and from what he knew last time, her strategy was obvious.

"Detect and Wing Attack!" The logic is that if Glory could predict the timing of the Confusion, he would be able to use his superior speed to close the distance before the Butterfree could get the attack off and land a one hit blow.
Kaden and Berserker

@red faction

Well at least one of them had some basic manners. Kaden extended his hand and grasped Ismael's for a surprisingly firm handshake that was not befitting for someone of his elderly age and smiled courteously in appreciate that there was someone here that could act professionally among this hodgepodge of egos and philosophies clashing. "My pleasure, Mr. Helstein." The professor warmly said to the 6'4 Goliath of a man who was now taking center stage to give his own thoughts on the matter though it seemed like Ismael shared his sentiments in not trusting the likes of Darnic, even if it meant a hastier destruction of their mutual enemies.

It seemed like this man certainly knew what he was talking about, after all, he was someone who fights Magus on a daily basis instead of being cooped up in his studies such as the professor himself. Everyone else was so preoccupied with the short-term solution that they did not not consider the long-term effects of working together with Black except for himself and Ismael, but he must admit, Kaden did not expect to bring up a non-aggression pact instead of a partnership. This boy really did have a good head on his shoulders.

"I concur with Mr. Helstein's opinion. A non-aggression pact is the best way to keep ourselves safe while ensuring that we do not waste resources if we were betrayed by the Black Faction until the Purple Faction is eliminated. For now we should observe our rivals and fortify our defenses. I wouldn't say no to a shower, maybe a stove to boil a kettle." The elderly man chuckled to himself and glanced around the room to gauge how others would react to this proposition. Of course, the gentleman wearing bondage gear decided to speak up again in his overly wordy manner.

Seems like Clarenzio was not overly keen on the idea of sharing any information about himself or his servant besides his own name. There was being guarded and then there was just being obstinate. "While I understand your concern Mr. Clarenzio, I believe we stand to lose more than we gain if we keep the names of our Servants hidden. Their names carry power and their legends allow us to understand the true powers and capabilities that they possess. Besides, if you're worried about turncoats or squealing then we can put a curse on ourselves to prevent the issue to begin." Of course, that is if they would willingly subject themselves to it in the first place though such a countermeasure could placate the man, and yet he was not satisfied with the matter of Darnic still. Of course he wouldn't, neither Clarenzio and his servant would not be aware of the man's reputation.

"In all do respect, you don't know Darnic like I do. The moment we form an alliance with him is the moment we seal our fates." said Kaden curtly, as if he was trying to get this idea through the blind man's own concrete skull. However, before he could continue speaking, a new member of their party had arrived. Specifically it was the heir to the Norwegian throne, Princess Hildegard. "It is quite alright, we'll catch you up to speed."

While the princess curtsied, speckles of golden light flickered next to her before they took shape of a young, handsome man with tanned skin, jade eyes, and dark brown hair standing next to the young girl. "So this is the war council? Not the worst I've seen." The young man stated with a smirk though despite that calm, snarky attitude there was an aura of madness that he gave off that made it impossible to hide what class he was. Berserker was eyeing all the servants visible, sizing them up despite the fact that they were his allies.

The meeting went on and Daniel gave important info about the Purple Faction and made his decision regarding the Black Faction.

"Very well, I find your decision to be most satisfactory. For now, I believe it is best if I begin my preparations, as should everyone else."

"Well Princess, as much as I'd like to stick around I think it would be best if I patrolled the area. Anyone wanna come with?"
Well, this was an eclectic group of magus. Kaden found himself with this ragtag crew of magus that was being led by that Palaiologos boy, among them a scantily clad Egyptian woman and a muscular man that blinded himself with a leather strap that had what the professor assumed to be a familiar taking residence in his shadow. Of course there was plenty of talking, mainly about alliances, tactics, and agreeing with what they had already known and yet, they also seemed to be quite eager to rush into decisions.

Like an old man weary of the impatience of those with youth, he finally threw his hat in the ring."Youngsters these days, always rushing into things." Kaden said in response to that woman simply brushing over the discussion of alliances with someone as untrustworthy as Darnic. Obviously she was trying to take control of the conversation when this was supposed to be an exchange of ideas.

"While I do not completely disagree that we should request a truce with Darnic, we must remember that he is a dog that bites at the hand that feeds him. Treachery is part of his nature and I dare say that it would not be out of the realm of possibility that he is scheming to betray us already if we offer a truce. We would always have to watch our backs so I ask if his aid outweighs the risk. This also why we must work together instead of individually." Out of everyone on the Red Team, Kaden was probably one of, if not the only one who had experience with that devil. Daric was a first-rate swindler that had ruined the lives of many who stood in his way and would do it all again happily if it meant getting what he wanted.

The lecturer glanced over to his servant beside him to see if he had been paying attention to the meeting. Of course, he would only ask of his servant to share who he was if his servant were on the same page mainly due to respect to the power and legend that is the king right by his side. "Archer can introduce himself if he wishes, but I am Kaden Trask, a lecturer at the Clock Tower. I am primarily an Alchemist and produce artificial pseudo-dragons. I am capable of using other spells besides Alchemy and have the ability to use three elemental magics."

He gave them something to work with so hopefully now that would encourage everyone else to give away their own information. Of course they were free to do what they want, but without cooperation they would not last long against the other factions.
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