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"Roxanne, return." There was no point in making her suffer if there was no way for her to end it quickly. She was absorbed back into her Pokeball with a red beam of light and Basil now had to make a choice of who to send out. Aria wasn't going to be of much use and Crocus was already close to fainting so there was only one Pokemon that he could send out for this situation. "You're up, Cecil!" He tossed out a Pokeball and out came the Darumaka though there were not follow up orders. It was pointless to give orders to attack something that was hiding so he was just going to make it a waiting game.

"No, this little bugger needs to learn from right and wrong."He fished around his pockets until he found his wallet and pulled out a wad of money and held it out to Arlo. It was a stack of cash that was obviously more than what they used to pay for it, but there was not a chance in hell that he was going to owe anyone anything. "Pokemon food is already expensive enough as it is so take it and split it with your friend there. As for you," said Ferris, turning to the little bearded thief, "We are going to go apologize to that lady for you stealing from her and making her run while she is sick, and I'll have to apologize for letting you out of my sight, but before I do... I believe I owe an apology." The photographer turned his focus to the rightly pissed off Felix.

Perhaps he needed to practice what he preached to Fjord. He had done it again; he let the first thing that popped into his mind blurt out from his mouth and now things were only the more awkward because of his lack of self-control. "Teasing or not, I really did go too far. We've only just met and I already was making you the butt of the joke. I'm the dick in this situation so, uh, my bad. See you all at the office!" He walked away followed by his Pokemon, but he wasn't exactly sure where that girl could have gone. Well, he did, but he heard the sounds of retching and followed it until he found the girl barfing up this mornings breakfast.

Ferris approached her though it was not like he could interrupt someone who was mid-vomit so he waited for her until there was nothing left for her to heave. "You're with Mr. 'Survivalist' right?" He asked the girl as soon she emptied the contents of her stomach. "We would like to apologize for the trouble we caused, don't we Fjord?" He glanced down to the bearded little munchkin.

"Mreow mreow!" There was not an ounce of guilt on its face.

The photographer squinted at the Meowth. "At least pretend to sound apologetic, you little psycho." The trainer sighed and looked back up at the girl. "I should apologize too; I should've kept an eye on him, but the gremlin snuck off as soon as I took my eyes off him." Now he understood why his Perrserker handed her offspring to him; she was the one who needed a break from this little demon so she put the responsibility of taking care of Fjord on her trainer instead.
The photographer ignored the incomplete thoughts of Mr.'Survivalist,' mainly just to annoy him for not giving the satisfaction of paying attention to the blowhard. One thing he did not expect was to be scolded and boy did he not expect her to actually buy what this big mouth was saying though he took it in his stride. Besides, it was funnier to see how this dude would flounder about trying to maintain the lie. "You're right. I need to buy him dinner and then do him like that. Or I could take you out to dinner instead." Ferris chimed in brightly, never missing a beat even if it was more of a detriment to himself.

As they followed the Machamp, Ferris' Ninetails did not give much thought to the little Zorua prancing around her ankles. Such things were beneath her though the Dark-Type certainly made for far better company than that little hellcat, Fjord; being admired for the majestic beauty that she was was quite satisfying, but that Machamp was a different story. If it were not for the fact that Ferris had ordered her not to start fights then that muscle butler would have been fish food.

Up on the upper deck the trio met with the Machamps trainer, a pleasant, more energetic woman, and an ever unexcited young man that looked like he was rooting for the iceberg in Titanic or whatever Pokemon version existed in this world. While the red-head with the sunhat was quite oblivious to Felix's discontent, Arlo had caught the scent like a bloodhound and honed in on it with Ferris who followed up with,"Huh, I was thinking he was the butler. Isn't there a minimum height requirement for marriage?" If Felix wanted to punch him for that not even the older trainer would blame him.

This Botan lady was basically searching for a team and let her Machamp do the scouting. Huh, that was definitely one of the more unique ways that he could've been asked to join. "A team up huh? Well, adventures are always better in groups." Not that he would know, he always travelled on his own.

"Ferris Roe, photographer and trainer extraordinaire." He bowed in a very Galarian manner for his introduction, yet there was a confidence about it as if he was not being polite nor was he submissive. If Jarvis' senses were as good as he thought they were, then that Pokemon should have had a grasp of what kind of strength that laid beneath the surface of this trainer.

Meanwhile, Fjord was being chased by a Rockruff and now he heard over the PA that they were going to be docking soon! The Meowth sprinted around the ship, ducking and weaving through people and Pokemon until he caught sight of his trainer up on the deck above so he made a mad dash towards him. "Mreow!"

"Fjord? What's going...? Where did you get all that food?"


Bloody hell it could never be that easy could it? That Butterfree went down, but not without its own little parting gift of powdered chloroform putting Glory into a bit of a snooze. Lorette meanwhile had sent out her next Pokemon, a Bug-Fire Type if the entry from his Pokedex was anything to go by and now it was rocketing towards Glory in a trailing blaze of flames.

There was only one thing that Basil could do; as he watched the Larvesta charge at Glory, he did nothing and just let the attack knock his Hawlucha out. "Sorry Glory, it had to happen." The trainer returned his Pokemon to its ball and grabbed another from his belt, tossing it into the air as the familiar rock-type came out for another round. "Roxanne, keep using Rock Throw and don't let up!"

The Nosepass would hurl an assault of rocks at the Bug-Type as fast as she could, trying to crush it faster than the poison still in her system could hurt her.
Aw yeah, scritches! Analise had actually forgotten all about the reason for getting her attention and closed her eyes while her leg thumped repeatedly as she got the good spot. However, when he heard the camera click, she instantly remembered why she was even doing this in the first place and embarrassedly regained her composure. She was supposed to be a graceful, majestic Pokemon! Not some dumb, common Growlithe!

Ferris could only laugh and flashed his most charming, handsome smile at the red-head. "A happy angel huh? Well, I would call her a bit stuck up and self-important, but I'm glad she wasn't any trouble." His Ninetails only gave him the most indignant look at the slight that her trainer gave her. Her, stuck up and self-important? Never!

The girl looked like she had something else to say, but her attention seemed to be else where and said something a bit strange. "What fella?" He asked as he turned to look what was behind him...

Well that was new, a Machamp dressed in to the nines making from what Ferris could tell demands to go talk to the young woman waving at the pair of them. She looked like the kind of girl whose daddy was made of money if the three piece suit wearing fighting type didn't give it away already, but he was not one to turn down an offer without hearing them out. It also helped that she was pretty easy on the eyes too. "Nah love, I've got no idea who she is." He answered in response to the red-head's question. Things were certainly becoming more and more interesting.

Analise was less so enthused with the idea of having some brutish Pokemon walk up and order them around, letting out a growl to show her displeasure. Only one Dazzling Gleam would be enough to knock that arrogant mass of muscle down on its back though Ferris' palm pressed down on the top of her head and stroked gently down her neck. "Easy girl, it's okay." Ferris cooed to the agitated Ice-Type who most certainly needed to be like its type and cool down. If the girl wanted to talk to him then he would and if she only wanted to talk to the perpetually smiling red-head then he and his Pokemon would be on their merry way so seeing as he had nothing to lose, he made his way up the stairs to the upper deck where the woman was.

Well, they were, but this random guy with a Zorua popped into the middle of the conversation. This sort of person looked like a bullshit artist, but there was nothing more fun than seeing how far they go with it until they fall flat on their face. "Oh? Then I'm sure your talents lend themselves to being excellent bait then." Ferris teased, laughing at this man gassing himself up to being something bigger than he actually was. Now he went up the stairs to where the Machamp's trainer was and now saw that there was a boy with a Mawhile who had his hand in its mouth before it let go. Seems like everyone was being pulled to this spot one way or the other.

Meanwhile, Fjord's little thieving bearded bugger was caught red-handed by the sea-sick woman with his arms full of Pokefood."Mrraow..." The Meowth glanced at the bag, to her, back to the bag, to her until the little gremlin skedaddled away with its stolen haul before the woman could stop him from.

@red faction

Now here's the funny thing about Patty's Noble Phantasm, Dromeus Komētēs; its speed was completely outrageous even when compared to the chariots and lightning used by his fellow servants. It was equated to instantaneous movement and in a single breath anything within his field of vision would have its distance closed in a mere instant. Of course, it was impossible for anyone to know that a Servant wielded such an absurd ability and the snow woman was so focused on not being felled by Archer of Red's arrows that she could not even worry that another could take her head in a second.

Faster than she could have ever possibly conceived, Patroclus' leaped high in the air at meteoric speeds towards Oyuki who was still distracted by the volley of projectiles directed towards her and who in turn kept returned fire with her own icicles. While not a Noble Phantasm, he had been summoned with a sword-spear and a Greek shield as his armaments in the same way that Alexander still had his sword. The weapon then was emitting a crimson light, a light that truly was a Phantasm that belonged to the Berserker and him alone. His sole accomplishment that he was remembered for in his legend, the death of Sarpedon, Sarpedon's Blood.

In the split second that it would have taken him to close the distance between him and the snow woman, he would swing his weapon with the intention of cleaving her head right off her shoulders. There was no point in giving her a chance to recover only to return to seek vengeance for this humiliating defeat so granting her the cold embrace of death that she had avoided for centuries was the best decision.


Ferris' had his camera pointed towards a flock of Wingull flying by the god ol' MS Marlow. The photographer looked down at the image on the small screen of the obviously super expensive camera with a self-congratulatory grin on his face. "Not a bad shot if I say so myself." There wasn't a shortage of subjects to direct his lens' at; there were all sorts of people and Pokemon from all over the world, even from some of the few regions that he had yet to visit and they haven't even made it to shore yet. Of course this cruise was nice; the food, the sea air, and the views were all first-class, but the real star was going to be the new region that no one had even photographed extensively yet.

He hung his camera back around his neck and sat down next to a table with a nice, refreshing pina colada when he heard the announcements from the PA system. It felt weird for him of all people to be told to seek safety in numbers though then again, he didn't bring along any of his actual mainstays. They were older and deserved to have some form of stability and rest instead of toughing it out in the great unknown while his Ninetales and Meowth were young and ready for adventure. That and he couldn't exactly bring a Salamance on a ship considering the weight restrictions nor did he want to set the ship on fire with Cinderace.

Ever since he was a kid, he had struck out on his own, but perhaps it would be wise to join a group considering they were about to embark on an adventure into the unknown. Well, he would've, but it had seem that everyone and their mother had decided to group up far ahead of time and he knew this already; Ferris had chatted with many who introduced him to their travelling companions way before hand. Perhaps if he had asked earlier then maybe someone would have let him join, but it was far too late to make any last minute adjustments.

"Eh, fuck it." The photographer muttered to himself and stood up; his glass was far too empty so he needed remedy this issue. Ferris and his duo of Pokemon followed him though his Analise, the Alolan Ninetales, was taking this whole teaming up idea far more seriously than her trainer was. She glanced around to see if there was anyone out on the deck who looked a bit too lonesome.

Well, her eyes fell upon a certain red-haired girl standing all by herself and an idea ran through the Pokemon's head. Analise broke off from Ferris and approached the girl, nudging her snout against the girl's free hand as if she wanted to be petted. Of coure, Ferris would catch on that she was no longer by his side.

"Analise? Where did you... Snrk!" Seeing Analise demanding pets and attention when he turned around to see where she went made Ferris laugh softly and instinctively he held his camera up to catch the moment.


Once he had the picture, he approached the girl with a lighthearted smile. "Sorry about that. I don't know what got into her; she normally doesn't do something like that. I hope that she wasn't too much of a bother."

Meanwhile, with Ferris' attention turned away and Fjord having left his trainer's sight, he had decided that this was ample time to look around and get into some mischief. That little gremlin of a Meowth was scurrying around the deck searching for something to do when his big, freaky eyes fell upon a backpack from a certain blue haired boy who went off to go get some drinks. Now being the curious feline that he was, the Pokemon went over to the backpack and sneakily opened it as quietly as he could and then rummaged right through the bag without any second thought.
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