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@Sanguine Rose
Sage is just getting pelted by the leafy projectiles, taking a chunk of damage though not enough to take him down just yet. In an effort to obscure itself, the Eevee obscured itself with Sand Attack to kick up a pretty impressive cloud of dust and hid in it, which resulted the onslaught of projectiles to cease. It just kept itself in the air in place, flapping its wings as it squinted its eyes to scan for any shadows or such in the cloud of dust moving about though it failed to see a thing. What happened next was that Sage burst out of the cloud of dust and smashed his head into the leafy owl. The Rowlet lost its balance in the air and fluttered its wings violently to regain its equilibrium and land on its feet.

The bird was beginning to glow a deep, forest green aura as it became apparent that it was becoming exhausted from the hits. If it were not for the fact that the Eevee's attack was lowered, that last Tackle may have taken it down though because of that it had triggered the Rowlet's ability, Overgrow. When at a low enough HP, the ability increases all grass type attacks by 50%, which was very much apparent by the next Leafage it used. The leaves were larger, and they rocketed towards Sage with an even greater force than before.

Let's assume that Sage landed back in the cloud of dust after using Tackle. Lucky for Sage, the dice were on his side. Since the cloud of dust obscured the Rowlet's target, the leaves just whiffed by the Eevee and leave Faye with an opportunity to react. It was preparing to attack again.

"A Ralts huh?"

The Breeder mulled over in silent at Jason's question, mainly doing his best to remember what exactly Ralts compatibility was. Eventually, he did speak up.

"Well, for someone that has yet to get a badge the only moves that your Ralts are compatible with that I can teach are Swift and Shock Wave. Each would cost 750 P though the stronger ones that become available from your badges will be of a higher price. If that doesn't tempt you, perhaps I can offer you something from the catalogue that would tempt you for your other team members?" said the Breeder, pushing a list of moves that he could currently offer to someone with no gym badges.

If this does not interest him, then what does he do?

Connected Areas
Starbor Forest. A forest filled with ungodly huge trees and many secrets.
Lake Charity. A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.
Blue Lichen Cave. South of Starbor Village.


"As much as I would like to show you around, I do have to get back to Starbor. Being a gym leader is cool and all, but it comes with its own set of responsibilities. It was great to meet you though Stell! When you get to Starbor, you better tell me!"

She had a wide grin on her face and when they said their goodbyes, Stella was soon by herself again and to save time, we'll say that she decided to walk through the floral and music filled streets of the town until she soon found herself in the Pokemon Center and greeted by the kindly smile of one of the many Nurse Joys in the Evig region.

"Welcome to the Florasong Pokemon Center. Let me take care of your Pokemon." After sitting around for a few minutes, she was called up to the counter to retrieve her now healthy Pokemon. "Here are your Pokemon. Thank you for coming!"

Just as she was about to leave, she looked as if she suddenly remembered something. "Oh, by the way, our Move Tutor services has returned. If you are interested, please go to the counter on my left." Nurse Joy said, motioning towards another counter where a breeder was standing behind.

What does Stella do?

Connected Areas
Route 1. A hilly route filled with many ranches and farmland.
Lake Charity. A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.
Route 2. West of Florasong.


"Right. With any luck, we'll find whatever it is with everyone working together. I'll see you out there." said Bill, rushing out of the barn as fast as he could to go find his employer. Everyone that was in that room knew that if they found whatever this thing was and caught it then they would probably find whoever it was working with. Time was of the essence now that the creature knew it was found out so everyone would have to work quickly, including the criminal that partnered with it.

The only ones left now who were not on the search for this thing was now just Tristan and Robbie, both who were still in the barn. At the mere suggestion of having King travel along with Robbie, the young farmer's face flashed with panic.

"No!" That 'no' sounded far more desperate than what Robbie had meant judging by the look of shock on his own face. For Princess, she could tell that whatever veneer of calm that this man had was beginning to crack though he seemed to regain his composure and smiled embarrassedly. "I mean, that won't be necessary. I'll ask Hurley if I can use the cameras to help look instead. It'll slip up, eventually. Good luck to you though."

As fast as he could, he limped his way out of the barn.

What does Tristan do?
@Joshua Tamashii
Lucky for Ame, the Mimikyu did not lash out at her, but instead flinched as soon as her hand patted its (the costume's?) head simply because it was so unused to any forms of kindness and affection that it was not used to the touch of another. It looked up at her with a confused expression on its obscured face and even more so when it was picked up. It was so surprised that it did not have any time to react or protest to being picked up, but it was soon huddled against the weak Ratata to comfort it while she carried the two Pokemon off in the box out of the alley. So, there was now just an alley filled with Kalosian bistro cuisine just sitting there randomly. Free food for the other wild mons?

Anyway, Amelia found herself at the nearest Pokemon Center and when she entered, she is greeted by the friendly smile of the city's Nurse Joy. "Welcome to the Grand Glort City Pokemon Center. Let me take care of your Pokemon." Amelia would hand over the injured Ratata and just hang around the lobby with her shiny companion and depression incarnate. While they were waiting for the Ratata, they could see a child sobbing about his missing Pokemon with his mother kneeling down and gentling stroking his hair.

Eventually, the Nurse Joy calls Amelia to pick up the injured Ratata. The little fella seemed to be full of energy again, no longer feeble. Its ears perked up at the sound of the sobbing, as if it was familiar to it and rushed to the child who then squealed with absolute delight. "Chewy!" He picked up the purple rat and the mother approached Amelia with a smile. "Were you the one to find my son's Pokemon?"

Meanwhile, the Mimikyu was hiding behind Amelia. It wasn't out of fear of the woman, but more that most people aren't fond of these sorts of Pokemon.
"We hope to you see safely again." The Nurse Joy said with a kindly smile as she watched him walk over to the Pokemon Breeder. The Breeder was leaning against the counter with a bored expression on his face as if he had not had a single customer all day, which was probably the case so when he was approached by Damian, he looked relieved that someone wanted some form of human contact with him.

"Oh, so that's what they were. Great to know that their numbers are coming back." The Breeder did seem to at least be genuine in his reaction though it would make sense given his profession. After all, the breeders in this region have been doing their best to help increase the lowered populations of Pokemon within Evig.

He then said, "Oh, well, Scyther's already have a disposition for violence and are well known to be extremely good hunters. I guess after what Cipher had done to their populations this only made their behavior worse. It'll probably take a few generations to improve their views on humans again." Again, given the history of the region, this aggressive behavior should not have been as surprising as it was, but then again, not everyone thinks clearly when they are besieged by murder bugs.

"You've got a long road ahead of you, my friend. Why not make it easier for yourself and teach your Pokemon some moves? With each badge you obtain, the more that will become available to you."


"Oh, um, okay sure?", said Robbie, letting the Rilou come in contact with him.

Okay, so, Riolu is too young and inexperienced to really try and read the man's mind with aura just yet. However, what she could do was sense emotions and with the roll that she got, Princess could sense everything that this guy was feeling at that moment. Feelings of rage, fear, paranoia, desperation, regret, and guilt of great intensity hit her like a flood. She could sense all of these feelings, however, she lacked the ability to pinpoint to the reason to why this man was even feeling this strong cascade of emotions, but it was obvious that this man was going through hell. These emotions would actually cause Princess to recoil from the man and force her back to Tristan for it simply was too much both mentally and emotionally for the bipedal pup.

While that is happening, King had arrived and began to sketch out what he had seen during his patrol of the farm.

So, apparently King was Thomas Eakins because for a bird that only had a beak to draw with, what he drew was an exact account of what he saw and what had happened down to the very last detail in an artistic realism style. There was no room for error to misinterpret what King had seen during its flight around the farm.

The older farmer that had been accompanying Tristan just looked at the drawing in both awe and shock for two very different reasons. One was because a bird drew it and two was that it meant that there was a shapeshifting thing going around in the farm.

"Well I'll be damned," said Bill, the older farmer. "I've got to tell the boss to look out for something with magenta feathers stuck to it."

Robbie spoke up. "Let me help find it too! I can't stand being around being useless and let it make a fool of me!"

@Joshua Tamashii

Yeah... that was really not the right thing to say at that moment. That Mimikyu was just about a thread away from snapping and attacking, but something happened. The Rattata grabbed it by the edge of its costume and gave it a weak tug to get its attention. It looked back at Amelia, to the Ratata, and would repeat this for a few more seconds, its form looking more defeated as time went on. Its long claws slid back underneath its costume as it seemed to go limp in despair. The Mimikyu stepped aside to let her go pick the Ratata up.

Connor smiled at Jason and said with a laugh, "Yeah, that was a pretty brutal battle. I've got me some business up in the Entertainment District. You've got my contact info so if you need anything, hit me up. I'll see ya later." And the cowboy walked away and watched him as he entered one of the many cable cars that went to the upper levels of the village.

For Jason, if he ever had been to Foretree City before in his life he probably understood what the way of life here was like for these people to a degree, but this was of a completely other order. In a way, it was like being back in Grand Glory City though it had a different sort of magnificence to it. If Grand Glory was a testament to the region's sheer resilience and carving their own survival through sheer force of will in what would culminate into a colossal monument of defying fate, Starbor Villag was the opposite. This was a place that represented human ingenuity that strove for coexistence with nature and technology rather than just survive. In one way, this place represented a hopeful future for the world.

Still, while not of the audacious size of Grand Glory, one could easily find themselves turned around in this village. In such a large city with many tiers, one would find that getting around Starbor would be complicated, but after asking around Jason would eventually find himself in the Pokemon Center.

Approaching the counter, Jason would meet one of the many friendly Nurse Joys all around the region. She smiled at him kindly and said, "Welcome to the Starbor Village Pokemon Center. Let me take care of your Pokemon." After sitting around for a few minutes, he was called up to the counter to retrieve his Pokemon. "Here are your Pokemon. Thank you for coming!"

Just as he was about to leave, she looked as if she suddenly remembered something. "Oh, by the way, our Move Tutor services has returned. If you are interested, please go to the counter on my left." She said, motioning towards another counter where a breeder was standing behind.

What does Jason do?

Connected Areas
Starbor Forest. A forest filled with ungodly huge trees and many secrets.
Lake Charity. A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.
Blue Lichen Cave. South of Starbor Village.


The man was quivering in his boots, ready to get his shit kicked in by two teenage girls, but instead received the full price of this less than exciting specimen. "You know what, I will do that because honestly you two scare the shit out of me." He just broke his stall down and just booked it in fear though because he did so in such a rush, he dropped the 500P that Steph had given him for the Pokemon. Sometimes, just the threat of overwhelming violence is enough.

Oh, and her new Pokemon!

Freya had an expression on her face that said, That just happened though shook it off.

"We're spoiled for choice here, but I think I have an idea where to go. It's a pretty short walk for here." Freya lead Steph along the busy, noisy port. It was filled with many citizens, but also with tourists from all over the region as well as sailors who were shaking off their sea legs and relaxing around the many cafes and pubs that were scattered all over the port town area. Speaking of pubs, the two of them soon stopped outside of one that looked like it needed a fresh coat of paint after being exposed to the sea salt air and had a lot of noise considering that it was only a bit past the afternoon at this point.

There was a large sign with red letters that said Mitski's. "Well, come on!" Upon entering, they would see that it was crowded with raucous, joyous people drinking and eating merrily while loud music was blasting in the background. For Steph, she would probably recognize the style of the interior; it was modeled and furnished in a very general Galarian style. The two of them were seated in a booth by an open window.

"Finally, I can rest my feet. I'll let you two out for a bit too." Freya leaned back in her seat and pulled out a couple Pokeballs and out came two Pokemon that were now sitting next to her in the booth.

Growlithe, the Puppy Pokémon. It has a brave and trustworthy nature. It fearlessly stands up to bigger and stronger foes. Extremely loyal, it will fearlessly bark at any opponent to protect its own Trainer from harm.

Deino, the Irate Pokémon. When it encounters something, its first urge is usually to bite it. If it likes what it tastes, it will commit the associated scent to memory. Because it can't see, this Pokémon is constantly biting at everything it touches, trying to keep track of its surroundings.

Almost as if on cue for the Deino, it began to bite the table.

What does Steph do?

@Joshua Tamashii

The Mimikyu did not move a bloody inch though it wasn't attacking her so at least that's good. It did seem like Amelia meant no harm, but... She could tell that this Mimikyu was hesitating by the way it was looking back at the Ratata and then back to her as if it cannot make its mind. It wants to help its friend with all of its might, but there seemed to be many other things running through the creature's head. If the Ratata is healed, then the Mimikyu wouldn't be needed. That means that it would be left alone again. It would be abandoned once more. Unloved, once again.

Something seemed to be very wrong with this Pokemon. Its eyes seemed so dead all of a sudden and now it is bearing its shadowy claws at Amelia and her partner Pokemon. Could she avoid confrontation or was it unavoidable?


"You're telling me. Those things can shatter bones with ease!" He said a bit to excitedly, shifting some weight onto the wounded leg only to shift it away fro his leg after wincing. While recovering, he responded to Tristan's question. "Oh, we tend to climb over it to get out of the pen quickly. It's a lot slower to just walk over to the gate."

Meanwhile, King gave chase though it was quite difficult to keep up with the Pokemon. However, as all hope seemed to be lost as the strange Pokemon made its escape, it did not do so without getting pelted by feathers and a few actually stuck onto the creature without any notice luckily. King was successfully able to mark the Pokemon and was now flying back down to the last place where it saw Tristan last to relay the information that it had learned.


Thora arched her brow and had a slight smirk at Stella's panic. To be honest, she didn't expect that kind of response. What a funny girl. "Stell, Stell, chill. I was only joking. The gym guides literally tell you what kind of strategies and battle formats I prefer. Heck, they'd probably tell you my mom's maiden name if they could." She joked again, watching Stella return her shiny dino dog back into its Pokeball and then pet her Joltik. Thora walked over and knelt down slightly to be eye level with the Pokemon and smiled.

"Ah, Joltiks are always hungry little things." She giggled as she gave the small electric tick a head scratch with the top of her finger.

After that, they walked for a bit and was then asked a question that she thought was pretty clear from the start. She had a wide grin and laughed while doing a twirl, the various bangles around her clinging and clanging from her movement, her hair swaying around. "Yup, I'm the youngest gym leader in the league! I'll tell you what, the application and tests were brutal! They put almost every gym leader applicant for their specific type specializing in a marathon tournament against others of the same typing until there was only one of us standing. It was brutal to the say the least though I'd take it over having to test the current Elite 4 again. They're so strong it's almost unfair."

As she explained, Stella would soon realize that they were standing at the entrance of her destination.

"Well, here we are! Welcome to beautiful Florasong. Well, not as beautiful as my Starbor Village. Do you need me to show you around or are you good to go by yourself?"

What does Stella do?

"I never expected them to be this aggressive. This behavior is unusual, even for them. Perhaps the Scyther in Evig have grown a strong disdain towards humans after the damage Cipher caused. Even though we've caught them, we've yet to gain their trust so be careful."

"I mean, could be worse."

"It literally can't get any worse."

The three of them made their way out of the deep forest back to the main part of the forest where they were met with the other group of bug-maniacs and catchers. The maniac that accompanied them left Jason and Connor to report his findings, leaving the two of them to head to Starbor Village. Following the path, they would eventually find what they were looking for.

@Joshua Tamashii

The Mimikyu jumped at the sound of some random noise and turned to see the culprit was a little girl though who it was did not matter to the Pokemon. It growled at Ame and those long ghostly arms snaked out from under the cloth and bore its shadowy claws at her. This thing was not happy that it was followed nor was it happy that it was found out though it most of all it seemed to be extremely protective of the Ratata in the box. The Mimikyu was staring her down, watching to see what Amelia would do next. It did not matter if she had no ill-intent, it was desperate to not let anything happen to its friend.

What does Amelia do?

@Sanguine Rose

Quickly, the Rowlet was able to dodge back away from the incoming kicked up puff of sand, but what it did not expect was for the Eevee to come bursting through the cloud and slack it with a Tackle. The bird was sent flying back from the impact though it fiercely flapped its wings to regain its balance in the air. It used Growl defiantly, the sound causing Sage's nerves to tighten out of unease, which lowered his attack.

The Rowlet flew up with a strong flap of its wings and then proceeded to use Leafage, which was a move where leaves were being pelted at high speeds towards Sage. It would proceed to follow up with a divebomb Tackle attack using its own previous attack as cover for itself.

What does Faye do?


"I mean, yeah, but I wouldn't say that work is all that stressful in general. If it weren't for the robberies, things would be fine." He said with a shrug. When asked about his leg he laughed nervously as he looked down at the leg that had the less weight placed on it. "Eh, actually it's a bit embarrassing since everyone saw it, but a Tauros was misbehaving something fierce and kicked my leg while I was getting over the picket fence. Luckily, I got away with just a nasty bruise instead of a broken leg. I typically work with the cattle, but the boss said to take it easy today and put me on egg duty." He explained to Tristan. It seemed like that this guy had a decent alibi given what was already explained to Tristan before.

King lacked any sense of subtlety and stealth when trying to get a better view of the creature. Then again, being magenta makes it very hard to be sneaky Murkrow. The creature noticed the shadow flying above it and saw the very bright colored bird flying above it. In a complete panic from being spotted, the creature transformed back into a Tauros again and ran at full speed to get away.

What does King do?


"There didn't used to be any regulation, but a law was passed a few years ago where selling Pokemon can only be done by those with a license. The licenses are very strict and as long as the Pokemon are properly taken care of then people can sell them though there is no regulation to what the seller can advertise. This place is filled with tourists so there are always a few poor gullible saps that take the bait." Freya explained to Steph. There was a lot about this that they could get into about the intricacies of the law, but really, they would be there all day and Steph probably was not that interested in the long answer anyway.

The man was being to sweat just a bit slightly from the sheer intimidating aura that this young woman gave off. "Well, uh, okay." He grabbed the Pokeball that contained the Pokemon that he was selling, and a flash of white light shot out to form into one the least impressive sights that Steph may have ever seen in her life. It was this tiny bug-type that looked like it was in a perpetual state of discomfort and fear. If Steph and Freya were to scan it with their Pokedex, they would find that it was far worse than they thought.

Wimpod, the Turntail Pokemon. This Pokémon is a coward. As it desperately dashes off, the flailing of its many legs leaves a sparkling clean path in its wake. Its habitat varies from beaches to seabeds. A natural scavenger, it will gleefully chow down on anything edible, no matter how rotten.

The salesman was silent for a a brief moment before he said, "Look, I admit it doesn't look very... impressive, but I guarantee you that it becomes something quite extraordinary! Besides, this one is actually quite special because it knows a move it can't normally get! 500P is a generous price for what you get in the future! If you are a serious trainer, it's an investment!" One could not tell if this man was trying to sell her a product or pleading for his life. Or maybe it was both?


She did say that she was the electric-type gym leader, so chances are she's using electric types. Also, if Stella were to guess Thora's age just by appearance, it would be reasonable that the two of them were around the same age.

"Oh, it's just a Pidgeot." She said nonchalantly though it explained everything and nothing at the same time.

"Yeah, but I think your Tyrunt has it beat by a few millennium " Thora joked before she followed Stella along to which ever town or city she decided to go to. Her Electrode was just rolling by her. While on the way there, Stella asked her a pretty interesting question.

"You're really trying hard to figure out my team, aren't you?" She said with a joking smirk though she actually did give her a serious answer eventually. "That depends when you challenge me. Like almost every other gym leader in the league, I have many Pokemon for challengers of all levels, but this Electrode in particular is one of my strongest Pokemon though I do have a few more too for weaker challengers. If we all went full strength for every challenger we met, we wouldn't have a league."

"Uh, chances are you probably heard what has happened every time I am on the cams. It really isn't a good look." He said though he looked incredibly bothered. "I don't know what the heck the deal is with that. It sucks enough that I am being played a fool and I sure don't need to tell you that interrogation rooms are exactly welcoming." It seemed more like this guy was venting than being helpful though one could not exactly blame him considering the scrutiny he'd been under recently.

However, there is something very odd that Tristan would notice about this man, well nothing about his appearance, but the way that he is standing. It seemed like he was shifting most of his weight on one leg to mitigate the weight placed on the other. One could only guess why he was doing this.

What does Tristan do?

Meanwhile, King saw something that would've caused its Murkrow brain to be fried from confusion. It was flying over the pen that held the Tauros and really there was nothing out of the ordinary there. What was strange though was when far out in the field it saw a Tauros' body begin to shrink and morph as if it was made of jelly into a far smaller, gelatinous creature that was now scurrying through the grass.

What does King do?


The Pokeball met its mark and was absorbed in a beam of red light. It fell on the ground and began to shake.

It rolled once... it rolled twice...

The pokeball broke out in a flash of white light and the Scyther growled ferociously at Jason and dodged the Water Gun while dashing towards Sable. It swung its scythe arm at it and completely whiffed the Totodile, giving Jason another chance at catching it. To save time on posts, let's assume that Jason threw a Pokeball at the Scyther again and was absorbed back in a flash of red light.

It rolled once... it rolled twice... it rolled thrice!

"Sable grew to level 7!"

If Jason were to check on his comrades, he would see that they had just about finished up their battles too. The Bug Maniac was drenched in sweat, quite literally as if he just fell in a pool and was shaking while holding his now newly acquired Scyther's Pokeball. "Oh my god we could've died." He muttered repeatedly to himself with this thousand-yard stare.

Meanwhile, Connor wiped a bead of sweat off his head as he picked up the Pokeball holding his newly caught murder bug. "Well, that was an experience. I sure as hell didn't expect to be the hunter to become the hunted." He turned to Hason and said, "I better help get this guy out and head to Starbor. My team took a heck of a beating. What about you?"

While Jason was down one Pokemon and had a very weakened Scyther, he still had two Pokemon that were intact. Does he follow Connor or does he go deeper into the woods to find anything else?

@Joshua Tamashii

So, Amelia decides that the best course of action was to follow the ghost carrying the sack through the city. Every now and again, the creature would turn back to see if it was being followed, but luckily, Amelia rolled high enough that it never noticed her hot on its trail as she was able to quickly able to hide behind walls and various objects. She even hid behind a streetlamp, and it didn't even notice her. One could imagine that the Mission Impossible theme was being played in the background while this was happening.

Eventually, the thing soon went down an alleyway and then stopped by a box. Upon observing from wherever she was, Amelia would notice that the box contained a Ratata with a very obviously injured leg. Long spectral hands began to pull out food and placed it in front of the normal type. One would realize that this thing wasn't stealing food for itself; it was helping its friend.

As the bag shrunk with the contents being removed, Amelia would finally see the ghost's true form.

What does Amelia do?

No idea where the beard came from, but sure, okay.

The young man looked at Tristan with a very kind, warm smile. "You're the kid the boss hired to investigate the latest burglaries? Sure, feel free to take a look around for as much as you need. I've got to check on the eggs, but I can answer whatever questions you have." He seemed like a helpful enough kind of guy.

So, what does Tristan do?

Meanwhile King would fly around the property looking for anything strange. It was quite big so it will take some time for it to find anything out of the ordinary, if it finds anything at all.


Freya sighed and shook her head. This is not the first time she's seen something like this around the port. "Yeah, things like that- Hey wait!" Steph was already approaching the salesman while Freya spoke and was catching back up to her.

The 'salesman' looked at Steph in complete confusion because, like most normal people, could not understand a word that came out of her mouth. In fact, the more he tried to figure out what she said, the more puzzled he became as trying to figure out what a bogan was saying was akin to trying to understand Eldritch speech.

The confused man said, "Uh, I'm sorry, but your accent is very thick, miss. Do you mind repeating that?"

Freya rolled her eyes in response and said, "She said you're full of shit."

The man looked like he was offended on a personal level, perhaps a bit overdramatically so, by what he heard "You wound me miss! I am a legitimate salesman, and I can assure you that the Pokemon I sell, which I have a license to do so, are all very high quality and for the best value."


Given that Jason did not order Murus to dodge any of the attacks, the Scyther just slashed at it with three Fury Cutters, the two slashes slashing against an already damaged Murus until the third slash came down on it with an even greater impact than what the Golett had experienced before. It was a critical hit! The automaton was sent flying back and crashed into a tree before it could even use Astonish and be switched out. Its body left a circular indent within the wood.

Jason still would have been able to send out Sable and luckily for them, the Scyther was not able to dodge the Water Gun. The bug-type skidded across the ground and its knees buckled, kneeling down and breathing haggardly. It looked very weak! Jason could make a reasonable attempt at catching it now!


Thora just smiled and shook her head. "Nah Stel, do you mind if I call you Stel? It wouldn't be bother. If I was really in a rush, I'd just fly back on my Pokemon."

She actually was a bit surprised by it. Well, her Electrode looked very different, but she was not expecting Stella to actually get the typing off the bat. Sure, it looked like it was made of wood, but so does Sudowoodo and then there were grass-types that don't look like grass-types like Dhelmise.

"You've got a good eye. Yeah, this isn't a typical Electrode. It's a regional variant from the Hisui region, or what we know as Sinnoh today. They're extinct back in Sinnoh, but the people of Starbor Village had been selectively breeding Hisuian Voltorb for centuries so it's the only place in the world where you can still find them.", Thora continued, "You're also correct about the typing. Pokeballs used to be made of Apricorns so they adapted to mimic the material and were originally part grass-types. Makes you wonder why they aren't part steel type now."

@Sanguine Rose

The Rowlet did not seem to understand the question as it did not have an understanding of what a camera or a photograph was. It was a wild Pokemon, most of them have never seen a camera before so it just looked at the camera inquisitively. However, it did not seem to object to whatever Faye was requesting as it didn't seem to be something harmful, so she was free to take her picture.

After taking its photograph, the Rowlet looked like it thought about the offer to join her. "Hoot!" It flew down to the ground and spread its wings in a gesture that screamed come at me then. It looked like if she wanted to have it on her team then she was going to have to prove herself to it.

@Joshua Tamashii

As she followed after the ghost-type, she would sense that it was beginning to move away from the restaurant, but not too far. Now the thing was that she did eventually catch up to it, but whatever it was, it was obscured by a comically large sack that it seemed to be holding with two black long arms. The Pokedex seemed to not be able to scan it though that was likely due to the fact that it was obscured. The thing was still walking in whatever direction it was heading to. It does not appear to have noticed Amelia and her Phantump yet.

What does she do?
@Joshua Tamashii

The chef scratched his chin in thought on how to satisfy her request. Typically, one would order dessert after a meal, but that isn't to say that this was an impossible request. He then snapped his fingers and flashed a grin. "I've got just the thing. It will not take long."

He said and then went off to go prepare her dish so the only thing that she could do is wait though while waiting, something would've not escaped her notice. Her ability to sense ghostly beings was now flaring up. Something was very close by, as in only a few feet away from her. Whatever it was, it was able to conceal its presence long enough to keep her from detecting its location until now.

Someone yelled out, "Hey, what the hell?!"

This was soon followed up by more shouts of surprise and anger by other patrons as one by food was being snatched off plates by long, shadowy hands with quick precision. People stood up and looked around in a rush to try and spot the thief. However, Amelia would have sensed that this thing was moving around the place and quickly too. It was likely that only she could follow it given her abilities.

What does Amelia do?


Since Freya knew the layout of the city very well, she led Steph to a bus stop, where this time, they actually got on a bus without any actual issues. It was a relatively clean and spacious interior, and the seats were somewhat comfy enough for longer trips around the city. Then again, it would be expected for a place that was approximately the same size as New York City given that the bus was also crammed with people as well. There were subways, but they weren't close to a line that went to the docks.

The two were lucky enough to find a couple of open seats in the bus to sit down. The ride itself took about forty-five minutes though that was because the traffic actually wasn't that bad for a city that usually has abhorrent traffic. As time moved on, the buildings gradually were becoming smaller, no longer towering over them like great monoliths. Even the style of the architecture changed drastically from magnificent buildings of glass, lights, and concrete to humble buildings with tiled roofs, cobblestone sidewalks, and soon the smell of salt in the air.

In the middle of whatever conversation that they may have been having, Freya said, "You know, I'm really surprised you kept your cool around Basil. I would've thought you'd have more of a reaction meeting a member of the Elite Four."

After any reaction from Steph, the bus would slow to a stop. "Alright, we're here." The two girls would get off the bus to face a bustling crowd of people.


The festive girl arched her brow in a bit of surprise to see that Stella had in her possession a Pokedex of all things. That and once she got a look at her Tyrunt, the damn thing was a shiny variant, which needless to say, was something incredibly rare for an already super rare Pokemon. "I get it now. You're one of Adriane's chosen. You must've gotten that Pokedex from that jerk, Kapoc." She said with a chuckle. She walked over to Stella with each movement marked by the sound of her bangles gently bumping into each other with a middle clang.

She held her hand out to the very green trainer. "My name is Thora. I am the Gym Leader of Starbor Village and as you can see, I specialize in electric-types.", said Thora, patting the Electrode next to her. "Your Pokemon look a little worse for wear. Do you need me to walk with you to town?"


Hurly shrugged. "Yeah, but they're more web-builders than software developers. That's a very different skillset"

When asked if Tristan could go inspect where the eggs are kept, the large man nodded. "Actually, that's not a bad idea. I think Robbie is actually on egg duty today so you can ask him. I can't leave my post, but Bill can show you where it is." Hurly said, motioning to the farmhand that Tristan who has just been standing there silently in thought.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sure, I can do that. I'll see you later Hurly." The farmhand motioned Tristan to follow him out of the shed and a few minutes later they arrived at another barn. When they entered, Tristan would find himself in a room filled with incubators containing Pokemon eggs though some of them were empty. "Hey Robbie, you here?"

From around the corner, a thin, red-headed man with freckles that barely broke into his twenties came around the corner with a happy-go-lucky expression on his face. "Hey there Billy. How can I help-?" He then noticed Tristan and looked at him curiously. "Who's the kid?"

To restate what was said in an earlier post, any attack would land automatically, not attacks. So, the first Astonish landed with no problem and did a little bit of damage. However, after the first Astonish, the Scyther had gotten luck with its roll and was able to forcibly break out of the webbing it was trapped in though it was still open to an attack as it was still regaining its balance. Unlucky for Murus, the Scyther had just barely dodged the second Astonish though the third Astonish met its mark and it was a crit.

The Scyther stumbled back in shock that it was actually being pushed back by this Golett of all things though once the shock wore off, it was incensed. The humiliation of getting caught in a web and then to be pushed into a corner by this thing.

Murus got off the Defense Curl just in time as the Scyther made a mad dash towards it and swung its claws using Fury Cutter in three quick consecutive slashes.

What does Jason do?


So, by going triple battle rules, Electroweb can hit potentially hit three Pokemon. All three of the webs did hit and contracted around the birds before shocking them to the point that all three of them fainted. They were probably of a lower level compared to the one that she just caught. Due to the fact that Niblet took down three of them by itself, it gained a large amount of experience.

Niblet is now level 7!

Meanwhile, Kaebe threw its body weight for a fierce Tackle that was a critical hit. Some poor Rookidee just got completely rocked by some dino pup with a danger tick on its back and was sent packing into the earth.

Kaebe is now level 8!
Kaebe learned Ancient Power!

Scamp the Yamper dashed forward as much as its stubby little legs would allow it to. Luckily, the flock was focused on Kaebe and Niblet trying to Rambo through this battle. He came back with the newly acquired Rookidee's ball in its mouth.

It was a valiant effort and her quick wit and ability to keep a cool head in the midst of a dangerous situation was commendable, but her Pokemon were tired from their previous bouts and there were just too many of these birds. As much as they tried, it was impossible to avoid getting pecked by these birds. It was very obvious that she was getting overwhelmed.

"Electrode, Thunderbolt."

A booming crackle followed by a blinding blast of yellow electricity crackled and consumed all of these birds in one fell swoop. They all just dropped to the ground unconscious; their feathers all fluffed up by the electricity coursing through them.

The one responsible was off to her left a bit off the path. It was a girl that looked about her age with blonde hair pulled back into an impossibly spiky ponytail that had various feathers somehow attached. She had these large, bright green eyes did betray the energetic demeanor that she just seemed to radiate with. Her attire was relatively simple that consisted of a white tank-top, torn up jeans, and red sneakers though her wrists were decorated in various different wristbands and bangles.

"Jeez girl, you were just gonna fight a flock of Rookidees on your own? You've got some guts! I like that." "But you looked like you were in a bit of trouble, so I thought me and my buddy here would lend a hand. Metaphorically speaking." She patted the round Pokemon next to her. It was strange because this Electrode looked very different compared to most mainly due to the fact that it looked like it was made out of wood.

"Electrode, the Sphere Pokemon. The tissue on the surface of its body is curiously similar in composition to an Apricorn. When irritated, this Pokémon lets loose an electric current equal to 20 lightning bolts."

How does Stella respond?


"Well, yeah. Honestly, I'm not really surprised that it happened under his watch. The kid was born under the unluckiest star. It's almost supernatural how bad it is, but the kid makes up with his effort. That and he is one of the few guys here, including me, that is good with computers and tech in general. "

He continued to explain.

"Yesterday was his shift so he won't be manning the station for about three days. Scheduling is handled way in advance as to accommodate any future plans such as vacations or personal things such as holidays that correspond with practicing religions. Sometimes it has to be adjusted if someone is sick, injured, or some other emergency that would keep them from manning the security station. We all have digital copies and there is a physical one posted in our breakroom."


"The docks? Not a bad idea. It's a bit rough, but you two would probably be fine." Considering the circumstances of how he met Steph, he was more worried that she would be the one to throw a punch.

"Well, I only arrived last night so I don't really know what's happening in the city currently, but I'm pretty certain if you are going to the docks then you are bound to hear something. It's just a general hub for most people in the city so I'd be shocked if you didn't hear something.", Explained Basil.

"Well, seeing as everything's resolved, I'll get out of your hair. I do have some business I need to attend, but, despite the circumstances, it was nice to meet one Adriane's chosen trainers. I look forward to seeing how you all grow." He turned around and detached a Pokeball from his belt and tossed up in the air. In a beam of white light formed a very formidable draconic beast with two proud, red wings. Its very presence exuded great force and domination, a being with incredible pride in its strength. Just one look in its eyes would send shivers down the spine though Basil greeted his companion with a gentle smile and the creature lowered its head for him and received a pet.

"Salamance, the Dragon Pokemon. Salamence is an unusual Pokémon in that it was able to evolve a body with wings just by constantly wishing to be able to fly. While basking in the joy of flight generally keeps this Pokémon in high spirits, Salamence turns into an uncontrollable menace if something angers it."

Basil hopped up on the pseudo-legendary and sat down on the space between its neck and shoulders. He turned back to the two girls. "Goodbye and good luck on your journeys. Also, hold onto your Litwick." Steph would soon understand why in a second. The Salamance beat its wings and with that came a great force of air to propel itself in the air. That gust would certainly knock Dusk off her shoulder. Very quickly, the Salamance was flying high in the air with Basil in tow.

After a moment, Freya turned to Steph and asked, "To the docks?"

@Sanguine Rose

She had a moment of brief pause as she thought about what Faye asked and whether or not helping the kids catch Wooly was a good idea. "It's...fine. It gives them something to do and it's not like the hill was that steep, so they probably caught up to it by now. Besides, Wooloo are lot more resilient than you'd think they'd be. I'm certain things are fine... Probably."

If Faye was really that worried, she was free to go check on the kids to see if they really needed help with catching Wooly, otherwise she would just be continued to be led through the hilly fields and farmland.

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