Tristan, faced with very little options lest Angel and the rest of his team be steamrolled by a spin dashing goat, decided to face the threat head on! Angel would emit a pink powder with a tantalizingly floral and sweet aroma like a fine honey or for something that related to Tristan a bit more, a luxurious perfume. Even the spectators enjoyed the scent wafting about the impromptu battlefield, which included the rapidly approaching Skiddo. It turned out a move that attracted Pokemon to the source of a scent was highly effective at doing that.
Luckily for Angel she was able to elegantly sidestep like she was dancing with the wind and sung a lovely lullaby for the leafy goat. Slowly the Skiddo lose momentum before it just slumped on the ground and ever so adorably was sleeping with its hooves neatly tucked underneath.
"Huh, well played," said Ramos with a mildly surprised expression. Not at that his Pokemon fell asleep, but more at the fact that the trainer that said 'Plant Type' was not flailing about.
What does Tristan do?
(GM Note: Instead of turns, a Pokemon inflicted with sleep will wake up within 1-3 actions. If withdrawn, the counter starts up again.)
As Stella approached, she would see that they were men in all black that wore balaclavas to hide their identities. One was an overly skinny man, an absolute bean pole and the other was built like an Emboar with a great barreled chest and thick, massive arms and surprisingly stumpy legs. They still were blissfully unaware that they were no longer alone and completely unaware of what was about to happen to them.
On Stella's mark, electricity crackled, and this had not escaped their notice.
The lunk turned his heavy form to look for the source of the sound. "What was da-?" It was too late. A net of electricity flew towards them, and the bean pole managed to dodge out of the way. However, his partner was ensnared and like a tree he fell with a great thud, well except it wasn't just a fall. It was a web made from electricity. His body twitched and convulsed as he made strange unintelligible sounds that certainly was not the sound of screaming, but he was definitely not having a good time. The net eventually faded because it was not design for long term confinement, but the heavy was not going to get up. He wasn't dead, just unconscious and a bit smokey. His leg still twitched though that may have been the electricity.
The other looked down at the sight in abject horror and legged it with no hesitation. "Gotta get out of here, gotta get out of here!" He chanted to himself. The robber had made quite a fair distance before the Gastly popped out of nowhere just a couple of inches away from his face, which caused him to freeze up instantly.
"Gas!" It licked him with its big ol' tongue, a thick layer of saliva coated his face.
"What the fu-?!" Suddenly, he felt his body freeze up and collapsed on the ground. Yeah, turned out that it was not just disgust that caused paralysis when Lick was used on some unfortunate sod.
Well, uh, that happened. Now what?
@Sanguine Rose
For the sake of convenience, the unconscious Tinkatink was absorbed into the ball.
"Don't worry, I got you," In most cases, one would expect someone to pull out a cellphone. Except she didn't. Rosa fished from her jacket pocket a Pokedex just like the one that Faye was given the day before. She tapped on the screen and held it up to her ear while it buzzed, tapping her foot impatiently until someone picked up. "Hey dad, I... No, I'm- Oh for the love of God, we need your truck! Yeah, we. Faye's here. What? Rosa looked at Rose and said, "Dad says hi."
She focused her attention back on the call. "Look, we need find a way to get truck engine back to Voltorb Orchards. Long story. Are you gonna help? Cool, we're by the abandoned farmhouses. See you soon." Her eyes widened for some reason followed by a pout. "Come on, don't make me say it right now."
Whatever her dad said, she turned her back towards Faye and held her hand up in some attempt to keep her voice from projecting. "Love you too"
The young woman hung up and sighed like every teenager when dealing with their parents. However, it had not escaped her attention that her Pokedex was directly in Faye's line of sight. "Oh, uh, I can explain."
True to her word, Helga indeed was waiting for Jason to finish up her business. She stood by the doorway to the temple arms crossed wearing a scowl that would cause the typical person's skin to crawl back. However, she could see that Jason had a panicked look about him and her scowl became a look of concern, which then turned into disbelief. "You mean intentionally?"
Helga stood there processing what Jason had just said, struggling to really grasp it. "That's... That shouldn't be possible. It's weird enough that Celebi can't enter Evig anymore, but that's another order. That would mean that whatever it was, it was aware that Celebi was here." She was no longer looking directly at him, but there was fear in her eyes. This was not what had expected to hear though there was something else. Jason would not be able to decipher it, but he could tell that there was something she was holding back.
Through her fear though there was a look of realization. Helga's gaze returned to Jason. "The fact you're still here could mean two things. One is that whatever dragged Celebi isn't aware of you yet and that's why you're still in the present or there's the real head scratcher. It is aware of you, but it can't remove you from this time for some reason." The way she looked at him said it all. He was in deep shit. There was pained guilt etched over her face though she quickly turned around just so he would not be able to look at her face.
"No point in thinking about it. There's nothing you can do it about it now." She peeked over her shoulder. "Come back with me to my cabin. I'll tend to your Pokemon's wounds. I think we all need a rest," gruffly said by the woodswoman.
Does Jason follow her back? If not, what does he do?
@Lunarlord34@Joshua Tamashii
Well, no one was going to stop her from investigating every strange oddity she found.
Anyway, Steph decided to go after one of the adorably grumpy looking mushrooms and decided to send Jack the Sneasel out to fight. The Shroomish bravely let out a war cry and braced itself for battle. The Sneasel shot an icicle that darted through the air straight towards the grass-type far too quickly for the Pokemon to avoid. On impact, the Shroomish bounced along the ground until it landed on top of its head. Its nubs for legs kicked the air as it tried to correct its position.
It eventually rolled back onto its feet and let out a triumphant roar even though it had a large bruise on its forehead. Before Steph could throw a Pokeball, the Shroomish shook its body, and a cloud of yellow spores was emitted from its body. Jack was unfortunately caught in the collection of spores, and it stood there stiffly. It was paralyzed!
Steph eventually threw a ball, and her aim was true; the ball smacked against the same spot where the Ice Shard hit it and it was absorbed into the ball.
It rolled once... it rolled twice...
Meanwhile, Freya politely clapped for Steph. Like it was really a golf clap. "Nice job." She glanced over to Amelia who probably was uncomfortable with the whole thing. "Hey, did you want to do that thing you asked about?"
Tristan, faced with very little options lest Angel and the rest of his team be steamrolled by a spin dashing goat, decided to face the threat head on! Angel would emit a pink powder with a tantalizingly floral and sweet aroma like a fine honey or for something that related to Tristan a bit more, a luxurious perfume. Even the spectators enjoyed the scent wafting about the impromptu battlefield, which included the rapidly approaching Skiddo. It turned out a move that attracted Pokemon to the source of a scent was highly effective at doing that.
Luckily for Angel she was able to elegantly sidestep like she was dancing with the wind and sung a lovely lullaby for the leafy goat. Slowly the Skiddo lose momentum before it just slumped on the ground and ever so adorably was sleeping with its hooves neatly tucked underneath.
"Huh, well played," said Ramos with a mildly surprised expression. Not at that his Pokemon fell asleep, but more at the fact that the trainer that said 'Plant Type' was not flailing about.
What does Tristan do?
(GM Note: Instead of turns, a Pokemon inflicted with sleep will wake up within 1-3 actions. If withdrawn, the counter starts up again.)
As Stella approached, she would see that they were men in all black that wore balaclavas to hide their identities. One was an overly skinny man, an absolute bean pole and the other was built like an Emboar with a great barreled chest and thick, massive arms and surprisingly stumpy legs. They still were blissfully unaware that they were no longer alone and completely unaware of what was about to happen to them.
On Stella's mark, electricity crackled, and this had not escaped their notice.
The lunk turned his heavy form to look for the source of the sound. "What was da-?" It was too late. A net of electricity flew towards them, and the bean pole managed to dodge out of the way. However, his partner was ensnared and like a tree he fell with a great thud, well except it wasn't just a fall. It was a web made from electricity. His body twitched and convulsed as he made strange unintelligible sounds that certainly was not the sound of screaming, but he was definitely not having a good time. The net eventually faded because it was not design for long term confinement, but the heavy was not going to get up. He wasn't dead, just unconscious and a bit smokey. His leg still twitched though that may have been the electricity.
The other looked down at the sight in abject horror and legged it with no hesitation. "Gotta get out of here, gotta get out of here!" He chanted to himself. The robber had made quite a fair distance before the Gastly popped out of nowhere just a couple of inches away from his face, which caused him to freeze up instantly.
"Gas!" It licked him with its big ol' tongue, a thick layer of saliva coated his face.
"What the fu-?!" Suddenly, he felt his body freeze up and collapsed on the ground. Yeah, turned out that it was not just disgust that caused paralysis when Lick was used on some unfortunate sod.
Well, uh, that happened. Now what?
@Sanguine Rose
For the sake of convenience, the unconscious Tinkatink was absorbed into the ball.
"Don't worry, I got you," In most cases, one would expect someone to pull out a cellphone. Except she didn't. Rosa fished from her jacket pocket a Pokedex just like the one that Faye was given the day before. She tapped on the screen and held it up to her ear while it buzzed, tapping her foot impatiently until someone picked up. "Hey dad, I... No, I'm- Oh for the love of God, we need your truck! Yeah, we. Faye's here. What? Rosa looked at Rose and said, "Dad says hi."
She focused her attention back on the call. "Look, we need find a way to get truck engine back to Voltorb Orchards. Long story. Are you gonna help? Cool, we're by the abandoned farmhouses. See you soon." Her eyes widened for some reason followed by a pout. "Come on, don't make me say it right now."
Whatever her dad said, she turned her back towards Faye and held her hand up in some attempt to keep her voice from projecting. "Love you too"
The young woman hung up and sighed like every teenager when dealing with their parents. However, it had not escaped her attention that her Pokedex was directly in Faye's line of sight. "Oh, uh, I can explain."
True to her word, Helga indeed was waiting for Jason to finish up her business. She stood by the doorway to the temple arms crossed wearing a scowl that would cause the typical person's skin to crawl back. However, she could see that Jason had a panicked look about him and her scowl became a look of concern, which then turned into disbelief. "You mean intentionally?"
Helga stood there processing what Jason had just said, struggling to really grasp it. "That's... That shouldn't be possible. It's weird enough that Celebi can't enter Evig anymore, but that's another order. That would mean that whatever it was, it was aware that Celebi was here." She was no longer looking directly at him, but there was fear in her eyes. This was not what had expected to hear though there was something else. Jason would not be able to decipher it, but he could tell that there was something she was holding back.
Through her fear though there was a look of realization. Helga's gaze returned to Jason. "The fact you're still here could mean two things. One is that whatever dragged Celebi isn't aware of you yet and that's why you're still in the present or there's the real head scratcher. It is aware of you, but it can't remove you from this time for some reason." The way she looked at him said it all. He was in deep shit. There was pained guilt etched over her face though she quickly turned around just so he would not be able to look at her face.
"No point in thinking about it. There's nothing you can do it about it now." She peeked over her shoulder. "Come back with me to my cabin. I'll tend to your Pokemon's wounds. I think we all need a rest," gruffly said by the woodswoman.
Does Jason follow her back? If not, what does he do?
@Lunarlord34@Joshua Tamashii
Well, no one was going to stop her from investigating every strange oddity she found.
Anyway, Steph decided to go after one of the adorably grumpy looking mushrooms and decided to send Jack the Sneasel out to fight. The Shroomish bravely let out a war cry and braced itself for battle. The Sneasel shot an icicle that darted through the air straight towards the grass-type far too quickly for the Pokemon to avoid. On impact, the Shroomish bounced along the ground until it landed on top of its head. Its nubs for legs kicked the air as it tried to correct its position.
It eventually rolled back onto its feet and let out a triumphant roar even though it had a large bruise on its forehead. Before Steph could throw a Pokeball, the Shroomish shook its body, and a cloud of yellow spores was emitted from its body. Jack was unfortunately caught in the collection of spores, and it stood there stiffly. It was paralyzed!
Steph eventually threw a ball, and her aim was true; the ball smacked against the same spot where the Ice Shard hit it and it was absorbed into the ball.
It rolled once... it rolled twice...
Meanwhile, Freya politely clapped for Steph. Like it was really a golf clap. "Nice job." She glanced over to Amelia who probably was uncomfortable with the whole thing. "Hey, did you want to do that thing you asked about?"