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9 yrs ago
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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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Bruh, Isaiha is going to make him earn that right to use surfer lingo. I hope Tofu doesn't sink because he's gonna need a board soon.

Thanks, and yeah, them having some shared classes makes sense and I can definitely see them getting along since they are both extroverted, energetic things. It takes a lot to make me uncomfortable so double down all you like though thanks for being considerate.
<Snipped quote by Remram>

Open to interpretation :D

I interpret it to be an amusing one. For us at least.

Makes sense. They'd probably be neutral leaning to positive though that seems to be a bit clearer cut than his relationship with Ginko

Ramos had a pleased smile when Tristan accepted the offer. "Good, good. You catch on quick." The old gardener turned his head towards Louis who definitely did notice the look that Tristan gave the esteemed gentleman. "Louis, would you kindly ref our match?"

"Are you for real? We only have a day left before the guest arrives and you-?" The finely dressed man looked like he was about to go on a tirade though realization came upon his face quickly that this was not going to be negotiable followed by bitter acceptance. With a click of his tongue Louis said, "Fine, I'll do it. The sooner we finish this the sooner we can get back to work." He clapped his hands together loudly and in a pavlovian response the workers stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to their boss who announced "Everyone, take a twenty-minute break."

There was a collective audible sigh of relief from the workers. Yeah, they were definitely a little stressed. Just a tad. Anyway!

Ramos turned to Tristan and said, "Okay, Tristan. Since this is just a test, this will be a three versus three battle. Don't worry, I'm going to only use a few sprouts that I brought along. Are you ready?"

What does Tristan do?

(GM Note: If you feel that you aren't ready, you can challenge Ramos another time.)


Yes, Jason looked at internet forums and Not Discord for answers about strange holes in the sky. Next time, let the GM roll for knowledge.


"Yes, they were. They were Pokemon from another time and place far beyond the reaches of this world. What you fought earlier was a manifestation of a time long past though for simplicity's sake we can call an Echo. I drew upon that time and gave it shape and intention to act as a guardian for my shrines," explained Celebi. It looked concerned"Truthfully speaking, I hope that Night Touched's claim is only that, but I can't even begin to investigate without your help."

Helga gritted her teeth and shouted out at the deity, "And I said that he shouldn't get involved! You know better!" The Houndstone by her side barked in agreement with its partner.

"And you should've known better than to bring him here. I didn't expect you to be so reckless," chastised Celebi, earning the burning gaze of Helga.

The giantess stomped up towards Celebi and angrily jabbed a finger in its chest. "You and I both know that nothing would've happened to him. You don't kill. That's why you have me." She hissed venomously between her teeth while her Houndstone growled with a deep and gravelly voice. It looked like it was ready to pounce though Celebi remained unphased by this woman towering behemoth of a woman or her dog.

Celebi asked not angrily, but curiously, "Why did you bring him here?"

Helga glanced back to Jason before she focused on Celebi. "He needed to be humbled. I would've told him that it was all just a dream, maybe a warning. Anything to get him to stop and think about his actions," said Helga dourly. She looked weirdly tired as if this was not exactly the first time she had dealt with someone like Jason and perhaps he may not be the last. "The kid walks face first into danger because he's young and naive enough to think that he can just tough his way through it with pure determination and selfish and stupid enough to think his consequences are his own. Maybe he can brute force it for a little bit, but there's always a reckoning. We all pay a price, but it is never ours alone. It's a ripple and that ripple turns into a wave that swallows and drags everything else down with it. Hell, we're all standing here today because of the sins of men three thousand years ago."

There was a silence that hung in the air because Celebit knew exactly what she was talking about, Jason could see it on its face. It focused on Jason and asked, "What is it that you want to do?"

Well? What does he want to do?
Oh yeah, I guess I should figure out Isaiha's relationship towards those who aren't first years.
Simple, we can stop him by giving intense bi-panic.


Basil followed Lesley without question out of the Pokemon Center. It had not escaped his notice that she was indeed quite popular with the townsfolk though they really loved her for her. Lesley, for as terrifying as she was when she really wanted to be, was a genuine person that cared for the townsfolk of Lakewatch Town and the dragons of the lake. Could I ever be someone like her? Or is that ideal out of my reach for someone like me? He thought to himself.

His train of thought was interrupted Leslie's loud, high-pitched whistle... And she turned back at him with a smile? "What do you mean?" It did not escape his notice that the people around him gave them a great berth as if they knew what was coming. That's when he noticed something in the sky, something approached them at blinding speeds. The next thing he knew, Lesley had grabbed him and jumped. They landed on something, and he held on for dear life on whatever he could as they rocketed up into the air though they eventually leveled out. This gave him enough time to frantically pull out his Pokedex and scanned the creature he rode on.

Pokédex Entry #373 – Salamence, the Dragon Pokémon. Bagon’s dream of flying finally comes true, and it celebrates by flying all over and sometimes spouting flames at random. While associated with the joy of flying, if enraged Salamence is known to go uncontrollably berserk, rampaging and scorching all in its way.

Basil thought to himself with great admiration, What an amazing Pokemon. It was one thing to read the entry or even see them on TV used by trainers overseas, but it was another to experience it himself.

Now that there was a moment of calm, he finally looked around and had his breath taken away from the view. Of course, one would think that it would be odd for someone who lived in a floating city to be taken with a view though there was something else to it. To feel the breeze upon one's skin as they raced through the skies and see the bounty of nature was incomparable. In response to Lesley's question, he said without thinking with the biggest grin on his face, "This is incredible!"

However, it would have to come to an end. From the distance he could see that they were rapidly approaching two very pointing islands, so they must have been landing soon. Any moment, except they weren't. "What're you doing?" asked Basil when he felt Lesley's grip, but before he could even protest he was pulled off the speeding Salamance with the armored woman who skidded with her feet while holding him. Was she superhuman?

Anyway, their very stylish entrance attracted quite the crowd of dragons. Lesley really was loved by the dragons. She eventually did let him go and pushed him away like an unwanted pest which in the current context was not entirely incorrect so she could play with the dragons while he went upon his business. "Believe me, I couldn't forget even if I wanted to."

Basil could feel the gazes of the Lakewatchers burn a hole in him. He turned his attention towards them and gave them all a polite bow of his head to acknowledge that he was indeed aware of them. Hopefully they would figure out that he had no intention to cause any more trouble than he already had though it was better to ask for forgiveness than approval.

With that it was his time to now explore the island.

Obviously, Basil had never seen so many dragon-types before in his life, but it was incredible, nonetheless. Of course, he read the entries of whatever little scaly and sometimes furry critter he came upon from a safe distance. "God they're so cute..." He mumbled to himself. Well, not the Druddigon, but Druddigon was pretty cool. In particular he found himself quite taken with the Dratini and Deino that wandered around though he knew he couldn't be greedy. He could only take along one young dragon if its mother agreed to it. That was the deal after all.

Still, he could not let himself get carried away too quickly. There may not ever be a chance where he could explore the island as uninhibited now. He decided that he needed to explore the caves within the protrusions that pierced the sky. Basil looked up at one of the spires and said, "Fortune favors the bold." Well, hopefully it did.
@Crimson Flame

I mean, Pine could interact with Tofu. It's probably hard to ignore someone that looked an Alolan Muk vomited on them.
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