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@Joshua Tamashii@PlatinumSkink

A quick puff of air escaped his lips while he made a concerted effort to hide a smile. "You sure have a lot of questions."

Basil stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets and looked like he was in thought. The woman that he traveled with? For a moment he had no idea who she was even referring to though a look of realization came upon him. "You mean Lesley? Nah, you've got the wrong person. We're looking for Anise. Red head, doesn't really smile, but she's a good person and tough though that's to be expected from a disciple of a gym leader. Nearly jumped me when I first met her, but that was kinda my fault. It's a long story, but we'll catch you up to speed." That was his excuse at least. It wasn't like he had no idea where to start explaining that he helped expedite the release of a literal god of harvest and said god gave him and Anise a berry that no one had ever seen before or the existential dread that there two more of these things and they were becoming restless.

Moving beyond that can of worms, Basil pulled a Pokeball from his belt and nestled its marble sized form between his fingers. "As for your other question, I'd sure hope I caught something interesting after all that." With a click on the button, the ball cracked open and from a flash of light formed a little dragon with black fur speckled with purple spots and blue scales. Its vision was obscured by a thick layer of fur.

Dein? It tilted its head in confusion because again, the little dragon could not see a thing. It sniffed the air and made its way over with its stubby legs towards Amelia with Basil not too far behind.

"This is Soren. Careful, he can and will bite you if you get close enough." On cue, the little dragon opened its mouth and tried to jump up to chomp on the little girl's leg only for it to get a mouthful of metal. Basil intercepted with the piece of armor on his arm, which the dragon now hung from. It was wagging its even stubbier tail. "Case in point." A beam of red light absorbed the little biter back into its ball.

"I had to convince his mother to even get the chance to recruit him. Problem is that Hydreigons are incredible intelligent and violent with one heck of a malicious streak so you can't just say fluffy words and that be it. I found myself staring down its maw as it was ready to blow my head clean off and instead of running, I told her to do it. Can't say it was my brightest idea, but it worked. Still got lectured for it." He chuckled nervously, knowing that he was probably going to get the same treatment because frankly he deserved it. He was incredibly stupid. The only reason why he was not crumpling into a ball and meltdown from the absolute post-panic was because he had enough adrenaline coursing through his system.


"Anise would've liked to come along if she knew what I was up to. Then again, it was probably for the best that she didn't. She'd totally kill me for how reckless I was. Not like she'll ever know." Well, unless the universe said otherwise.

@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

Under literally any other circumstances, Basil would have found a somewhat comfortable spot to sit down and draw the beautiful splendor that laid before him. Instead, he was hightailing away from Lakewatch because he just had to accept a Pokemon that could level city blocks onto his team. Well, that and the main priority was to make sure that Amelia could get medical treatment as soon as possible. The only solace he could take was that at least none of those weirdos attempted to look beyond Lakewatch's outskirts.

Speaking of weirdos, the singular very red house with its door wide open in the middle of the route had not escaped his notice. Then again, there were so many things to explore that it was a little overwhelming. It was as if the region was becoming more open to him. Perhaps when things settled, he could see what that was about, but for now he trudged along the worn-down patches of grass that acted as their path up north. Eventually, he would find himself in a forest.

The first thing that hit him was the aroma of the woods. Basil felt the tension leaves his body and almost melted into a puddle of relaxed muscles. The second was the sight of a village in harmony with nature. In a way, it reminded him of home. It was mainly the calmness. It was like the energies of Worldedge City that kept it afloat, the thing that made its residents feel at ease with the world. In his chest, he felt a twinge of homesickness though he shook it off. There were more pressing things to deal with.

Basil turned to Amelia and said, "We'll head to the Pokemon Center. My acquaintance and I are supposed to meet there. I'm sure a Nurse Joy could look at your ankle." Sure, they weren't people doctors, but surely, they knew how to tend to humans. Trainers were prone to getting hurt, so it wasn't unthinkable.

So, Basil would lead Amelia though with less anxiety about her being held up by her Drifloon. Frankly speaking, most of the people in the village were probably too blazed to even really notice or care. The only thing that made him anxious was making Anise waiting for as long as she did because he probably made her wait considering the misadventures he had.


Ahem, perhaps it was not something that needed special conditions, but practice? Or bullshit anime logic? Who knows? I'm just a disembodied voice that no one can actually hear.

Well, Rapid Spin's speed boosting effects would actually work if they made contact with the target. However, fate decided that Tristan rolled high enough. Anime bullshit logic it is. Angel's speed was beginning to pull up the leaves from her previous attack and spun around her. The leaves ripped up the grass up from beneath and sputtered all over the crowd watching them. A particular large patch of earth hit Louis square in the chest, leaving a brown blotchy stain on his nice suit.

"Are you bloody-?!"

But we don't care about Louis. What was important that Angel rushed towards the energy sapping beams of light with her swarming leaves and broke through! The Gossifleur charged and the Lombre was slashed by a series of leaves before being knocked on its back with X's for eyes.

Louis, in his ruined suit, lifted a handkerchief towards Tristan. "Lombre is unable to battle! Gossifluer wins!"

Just has he said that Tristan's Pokedex rang with notifications.
Angel is now level 11!
The combination of Rapid Spin and Leafage created a new move. Would you like to name it?

Meanwhile, Ramos rubbed his chin with a grin. "Oh ho? How interesting. Maybe my instincts were right about you, sprout. Don't celebrate just yet. The real fight starts now." He grabbed one more Pokeball from his belt and out from it came his final Pokemon. It was this large green and red bipedal lizard with a singular long leaf protruding from its head and leaves protruding from the sides of its wrists and two leaves for a tail. It stared at Tristan with cool, collected yellow eyes.


After a meal and a rest, Jason stood outside the cabin with Helga by his side.

"Well, I guess this is it. You better see that scientist or whoever ask you to check down the shrine." In case Jason forgot, he originally went to find the shrine at the request of Professor Jacquelyn who was probably still waiting for him in the Scholar District. It had been a while, so it would've been easy to forget.

Anyway, the titan of a woman stood there with her arms crossed, uneasy. "Again, I'm sorry. I never imagined that things would've escalated like this." There was definitely guilt there, but acceptance of what she had done. However, she still had that look that she knew more than what she was letting on though her lips were sealed. "Remember the favor I asked in return? Consider it null and void since I never really expected you to actually do it. However, what I said wasn't a lie. The moss found on Ekans in Blue Lichen Cave is quite useful for medicine. If you do catch one, bring it to me and I will reward you. The least I can do after all of that."

Goodbyes were said, yada yada yada.

Well after all of that, Jason had the reigns returned for his journey. What do he want to do?

If he decides to leave.


The Lombre repeatedly smacked the Leafages as they came, getting ever closer to and closer to its opponent. With more leaves scattered about Tristan ordered Angel to spin once again and... nothing happened. The leaves glowed faintly with green light, but for some reason they would not take off from the ground again Perhaps it was something that needed to be practiced in order to be pulled off consistently.

Its hand came down and smashed the opposing grass-type back though it was a trade of blows. After all, Angel still used Rapid Spin. The Lombre was smacked in the face by an errant leafy hand before it landed its blow against Angel. The little plant was sent flying back and perhaps that would've scared Tristan though perhaps he had not really noticed it yet, but the diva was somehow nimbler than before. It was like she was gliding about in the air though that should not have been a surprise. After all, Rapid Spin and her previous attack increased her speed by two-fold. At this moment, she was just barely faster than her opponent.

"We still have the momentum! Use Mega Drain!" Ordered Ramos.

A sickly green energy glowed around the Lombre and it then it darted forward towards Angel.

What does Tristan do?


"Of course I'm right. Now, relax. I'm going to make some food." She placed some kindling in her woodstove, small sticks that were made from cutting logs down further and further until their diameter resembled that of a matchstick. Carefully she placed a match in the heart of the kindling pile, and it took a little bit of time for the fire to really catch, but eventually it became strong enough that she threw three smaller logs inside it and slammed the door shut. Jason would feel the room become warmer, if not slightly uncomfortably so if he was heavily dressed, as the logs caught fire.

It was actually quite the device that stove. It had rivets on the top that allowed for stove top cooking and an oven. If Jason watched, he would see that she was rough chopping various vegetables, onions, carrots, peppers, celery, potato, and so on before throwing them into a pot filled with premade stock. It was a sweet smell; warm spices filled the air and was soon accompanied by the smell of bread baking in the oven. Obviously, she had made the dough prior to Jason arriving at her doorstep. Then at some point she pulled out a grate full of mushrooms of various shapes and sizes that she soon chopped up and fried on the stove. The scent of mushrooms was accompanied by rosemary and thyme.

Now that Jason had a moment to sit down and actually look around there was something off about the cabin; there were no personal effects. Yes, there was furniture, but they looked like they were scrapped together crudely just to be functional enough to be used for moderate comfort and durable enough to take some punishment. They were tools with no emotional sentimentality attached to them. What was weird was that there was nothing in the cabin that was not like that. There were no pictures, no meaningless knick knacks, or anything, nothing that showed anything about her life or whatever her life was before living in these woods. It was all rugged and cold utilitarianism.

However, those thoughts would probably have been pushed to the side as food was placed in front of him. A bowl of soup with a red surprisingly red stock packed to the brim with vegetables, a big hunk of bread with butter on the side, and a pile of mushrooms on a plate. Now, it was questionable if the food would've been good. After all, her coffee would've been considered cruel and unusual punishment. However, this was actually good. The soup was light and refreshing with an acidic kick towards the end, the bread was light and fluffy, and the mushrooms were very much meaty, herbaceous, and savory.

So, they could act out the meal or just move forward.

@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

The only thing that ran through his mind when he saw Amelia supported by her Drifloon was its entry when he first encountered them on Route 3. This could only lead into so much misunderstanding, but right now he was not going to fight her on this. Basil glanced down at his Pokedex to look at the map to get any sense of where they could go, but to his dismay there really was only one place that was close enough to get Amelia the treatment she needed.

"Okay, we'll just off road it to Route 5. Man I'm gonna have a lot to explain to Anise." He muttered to himself. Sure, they could try their luck with Lakewatch, but if these people were smart then they would have been looking for a trainer matching his description and had a few of their members keeping watch at the entry points. That was if they haven't already figured out that he already left town.

Basil pocketed his Pokedex and turned his attention back to the little girl dangling by a haunted ballon. "We should leave. I don't know who they are, but if they have any sense then they're probably looking beyond the town. I say we have some time before one of them finds their way up here. They're after a Pokemon I caught and if they as strong as her then we're in real big trouble."

Unless Amelia had any protests, Basil was going to take them a bit off the beaten path because he wanted absolutely no smoke with a group of people that were hunting for a level seventy-four Gothita.

@Joshua Tamashii@PlatinumSkink

For the entirety of his escape from Lakewatch Basil kept looking back to see if anyone was following him. Luckily for him, it looked like no one had figured out that either he had the Gothita or had left the city yet. The thought that he at least had given some comfort while he trudged his way up the hill though his head start could only have given him so much time before they would look around the outskirts outside. Basil looked severe as he was lost in thought about his situation until he reached the top of the hill. His eyes fell upon Amelia from a distance, sitting on a rock while she waited for him.

I need to calm down. No need to stress her out. The young noble exhaled deeply and forced his body to release its tension before he approached her. "Hey there, Amelia. How are you holding up?" He asked with a warm smile. "Sorry if my message scared you. I think I invited trouble upon us." Basil lifted his arm up and pulled his hood down from his head though the arm he used to do that was the one that looked like a crime scene.

His eyes darted at the sleeve, and he tensed up. "Oh, uh, this isn't related. It's my blood. Wait, that doesn't sound better." Great, he looked like a serial killer. If he made it through this then he needed to get that jacket washed. Basil sighed and said, "One of my new partners did that. It's a long story, but that's not important. We can't go back into town. Things have gotten complicated." He glanced down at her leg. "Can you bear weight on your foot?"

@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

Basil waited to see if the Gothita even would click on the ball though the Pokemon's shiftiness had not escaped his notice. His eyes trailed over to where it was looking though his attention was brought back to the little psychic-type when it tapped on the button of the Pokeball and allowed itself to be absorbed into it. The young noble smiled down at the Pokeball and them looked at his Pokedex to study up on its profile. That smile of his soon curved down and he squinted his eyes to make sure his vision was not playing tricks on him. "Level....74?" He muttered to himself while he stared at the screen.

"Huh...?" Basil leaned back on the bench. His face was that of a Slowpoke, processing in such a delayed manner that the reality had not sunken in yet. "HUH?!" He almost bowled himself forward when he sat up with a start. Understandably, he was in a confused panic. It was expected that this would have been a low leveled Pokemon. The only Pokemon that could even be in the same ballpark that he knew of were back on the lake, so it was completely unknown as to why there was just some obscenely strong, unevolved Pokemon just wandering around a town where the highest leveled Pokemon was like level twenty.

To add to his confusion, he heard the thumping of many footsteps clamoring his way that ran through the street but stopped practically right in front of him.

‘Didn’t you say you saw her around here?’
‘I did! She was around here, I know it!’
‘There’s no way any of the trainers around here would be able to capture her.’
‘If she engaged in a battle, we’d have heard it from a mile away.’
‘Grrr! Spread out! Look for her!’

It would've been unfair to say that Basil eavesdropped when they were being loud right in front of him. Who were those people anyway? Poachers? Plainclothes cops? He glanced down at the Pokeball of the newly caught Gothita. "What kind of trouble did I catch?" He asked himself as he watched the group disperse.

There was only one way that this was going to go. Whoever they were, they were going to come after him at some point. If they asked around, they were going to find for someone that would give them his general physical description; white hair, yellow eyes, piercings, a bracer on one arm, and a bloody sleeve on a purple hooded jacket lined with white fur. Frankly speaking, he stood out like a sore thumb. Curse his desire for individuality! At the first chance he could get, he needed to skip town.

His Pokedex buzzed and saw that Amelia had sent him a message again. Quickly, he responded, We've got a problem. I'll explain when I pick you up.

He sent Lupin, the Sneasel, to the PC and looked down at the Pokeball that contained the Gothita. "This is a bad idea, but we need to talk. First though, get Amelia." Quickly, he packed up his instrument and pulled his hood over his head in hopes that would at least help him blend in as much as he could and sneak through the town to get to Route 2 and then hopefully wind his way down to the Wet Caverns.
@Joshua Tamashii@Lunarlord34

Everything made an active effort to avoid Steph's attempt at training her Pokemon more lest they would be reduced to nothing, but experience points. Yup, that was definitely the reason. It was not like the GM was not trying to keep everyone from getting over leveled. Yup.


The Aipom pouted, dissatisfied that it had not gotten the reaction that it sought. It just climbed up higher in the towering trees until it disappeared from sight. Well, it was not like they were going to go after the mischievous ape. After all, Amelia was the one that was trying to direct them away from potentially chopping down or climbing up a tree from getting to the ape. Well, at least Freya was trying not to at least.

"Alright, fine. It gets to see another day," she said with a shrug and followed Amelia's lead. What was she going to do? Not follow the small medium currently at large that could hopefully lead them through the woods? Well, maybe she should have not done exactly that. The further in they went in the forest, the darker it got as the canopy above somehow grew denser with each step they took on what was increasingly becoming an incline. Stone and other bits of dirt crunched beneath their feet as mist began to roll in and the sound of rushing water could be heard down below.


Helga looked up towards Jason while she treated his Pokemon, currently the very sparkly Totodile. She was applying ointment to the gator on her table before he came back in from whatever business he had outside. "No thank you for patching up your Pokemon? How rude. Isn't that right?" The gently pat Sable on the head with her oversized gorilla hands before she returned it to its own ball. "Still, I have to say. You're really living up to your epitaph."

She lumbered over to her cabinets and began to fish around them; a gentle clatter of dishes could be heard. With her back towards him she said, "There is no shortcut, Jason. I understand that you're impatient, but you will not find strength by rushing headlong and it will bring you no peace. To seek strength recklessly, no matter well intentioned, only brings despair." Helga pulled a couple of wooden plates out though in her hands they looked more like toys used by kids when pretending to be cooks. She placed them on the table before returned her focus to Jason.

"Continue your journey and grow, that is your only course of action. Face its challenges and adversities, and then perhaps you will become stronger. Was that not your original plan anyway?" She looked apologetic for not being able to give him the answer that he was looking for though she had things that she needed to do. "But right now, what you need is rest. You're no good to anyone if you burn yourself out. Now be a dear and sit down while I make some food."

If her coffee was anything to go by, this could be horrifying.

@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

I didn't think its eyes could get any wider. I guess it does want another song. Basil thought to himself. It seemed like he at least had one very enthusiastic audience member. To the best of his ability, he bent down to be as eye level with the little one and smiled. "I can see you're very excited. If you could step off my shadow, it would make it much easier for me to play."

Once the Gothita stepped off his shadow as per his request, he sat back down on the bench and took the mandolin out of its case. "Now what to play..." The young noble felt compelled to do something a bit special since the little doll was so excited and waited ever so patiently. Folk was fine, but perhaps he needed to switch things up and put in some more effort. Basil smiled as a thought came to mind and he started to tap his foot to a beat. "One, two, three, one, two, three."

His fingers plucked the strings and glided along the fret board with an elegant ease, playing an upbeat jazzy waltz that would not be so out of place in a Kalosian evening. It was something that someone could dance around without having to think too hard to follow the rhythm, even for a little strange creature like the Gothita. That's when he started to sing, and no one would probably understand him because he was singing in Kalosian. Totally not because the person pulling the strings behind him was not in the mood to write lyrics. Yup. Still, one would get the vibes that it was a romantic song judging by the tone.

Basil's voice was that of a young baritone that had not fully yet matured though for now settled on the higher range. In a way, his voice was not exactly suitable for the song. It was folksy and bluesy, soulful with a smokey finish though not smokey as in raspy like a chain smoker. It was more like the feeling someone would have if they were sitting around a campfire and yet it was uncompromising, powerful. No one would think it would come out of this scrawny kid though he paid no mind to whoever passed him by. He only focused on his audience of one.

Eventually, however, the show had to end. The song came to a close and he would find himself feeling his Pokedex vibrate. Did Amelia respond? Basil glanced down at its screen and felt his blood run cold. Quickly, he shot a text back at her.

Don't move. I'm coming to get you.

His chest swelled with air and then deflated. Basil could only kick himself for leaving a little kid like her alone for so long. He glanced down at the Gothita and with an unapologetic smile said, "Sorry, but that's going to have to be my last song for now. Someone I know got hurt and I need to go help them, but..." He rummaged through his bag and held out a Pokeball for the little psychic-type. "If you don't have anywhere to go, how about you tag along? This won't be the last time I'll be playing."

He waited to see what it would do.

There was a moment of silence from Professor Kapoc's end when Jason asked his question. Eventually, he said in a neutral matter of fact tone, "No, nothing like that has happened."

Jason heard a sigh from the other end of the line. "If it's any comfort to you, you're more than likely safe. This stays between us, but I am privy to certain information." In the background he could heard the clacking of a keyboard. "There was an incident in Sinnoh regarding Team Galatic's previous leadership. He tried to remake the world and to do so, he summoned the two legendary Pokemon of time and space and bound them to his will. If neither of them could remove him from our timeline in such a dire situation, then whatever forced Celebi out can't do it to you if it hasn't done so already. We're all bound to a logic, even Celebi's ability to time travel has its own rules."

There seemed to be some noise in the background, as if there were people yelling. "I'm only going to tell this to you once. Let this lie and continue on your journey. I know that you think you're an adult, but you are not. You are still a kid. Enjoy it while you still can and let us deal with the situation."

There was some shrill, unintelligible yelling, but there was one word that Jason could make out. Rather, it was a name, Amelia. "Look, I've got to go. I've got another mess I need to clean up. Take care."

Kapoc hung up on Jason. Now what?


So, in a desperate attempt to get distance from the kappa menace Tristan ordered Angel to use her Rapid Spin to kick up her own leaves. However, as soon as she spun and kicked up the leaves something happened. The leaves that she kicked up began to glow green and instead of turning into some sort of nuisance, the leaves smashed against the Lombre and physically pushed it back. Angel would have been just as confused as to what happened. Whatever happened, it wasn't on purpose.

"Oho? Now isn't that interesting," Ramos mused to himself. "Cover your ears and then follow up with Water Gun!" The Lombre covered its earholes and shot a stream of water at what would probably be the Leafage and pushed through the mass of leaves and hit Angel for not very effective damage. "Don't let up! Use Knock Off again!"

Once again, the Lombre's hand crackled with black energy and charged straight at the Gossifleur to slam it down on its shiny flowery head.

How does Tristan react?


Did the watchman believe her? Absolutely not. Was he going to push the matter? Absolutely not. He just watched this kid hog tie a man with great efficiency. Between all the ghosts and graverobbers, Stella scared him more. "Uh, have a good night miss."

Well, that happened.

But anyway! She went back in town and before stopping by the old manor and saw that there was a light on in one of the windows and a shadow waiting by it though rather than reporting back to the old man, Stella decided to call it a night after a pleasant stroll with her newly acquired Gastly. Luckily, there were some free bunks to accommodate her, so she was not sleeping out in the open that night. She could lay in bed and close her eyes and drift off into sleep.


Stella stood in darkness. At least, she thought she was standing. There was a weightlessness, as if she was barely tethered to what she could assume was the ground. If she down there was an inky darkness and if she looked up, side-to-side then it was there as well. The only source of light was that of a pale full moon as white as freshly fallen snow above her.

She could hear something, a ticking. It was not coming from any particular direction. In fact, it was coming from all sides. If she was so inclined to look for the source, she'd walk aimlessly for what felt like hours or minutes. Time was hard to grasp in a dream after all. Eventually, she would find herself standing in front of what she could assume to be a clock tower. It was tall and had a clock face as bright as the moon though the tower itself was obstructed by shadow. It just ticked, ticked, and ticked on and on.

For some reason, Stella felt a sense of familiarity with it. She had seen it before, but she just couldn't place it. Not that it mattered for she had other problems. That clock ticking? It was getting louder and louder, except it sounded like it was coming from inside her head. At some point the noise became so deafeningly loud that it had lost any semblance from being from a clock. For a dream, it was strikingly painful as if her ear drums were going to blow any second. The last thing she would see was the full moon was no longer in the sky; it was now a crescent moon just below her feet.

Then she wakes up, safe in her bed.

What does Stella do to start her day?

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