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Current -Insert bs here-
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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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1. Alrighty, I'll be sure to amend that.

2. I wrote it up actually, but I was afraid of bloating the description. A single dose dulls the pain around 25%, but due to the lower dosage the side effects are minor such as nausea, minor fatigue, brain fog after it wears off. A double dose will nullify the pain around 50%, but the side effects including much more severe nausea, brain fog, severe fatigue, double vision, and general bodily weakness. Three doses completely nullifies the pain and as well as the mentioned side effects all of the pain that his body ignored not only comes back in full, but it's also doubled. By the way, additional immediate doses after another dose will have the same negative side effects.

3. Yeah, that's cool with me. Should I send the PM or do you want to?

Oh and that's cool with me if Tristan recognizes him. It makes sense so I see no problem with it.

Good, I need a character that Ludo will hate, but will ultimately have to come to begrudgingly acknowledge over the course of the rp.
I'm just gonna drop this here. If anything needs to be changed or developed more, please let me know and I'll be happy to do that.

This seems neat.


She's pretty fast. Basil thought to himself as he watched the receptionist dash off to find someone with a bit more experience. Just as quickly as she went, she came back with a very floral woman and a bipedal walking cherry with technically two heads. When asked about the berry, Basil said, "Oh yes, I have it here," and held the strange fruit out to her to inspect though it was no dice.

Basil held back a disappointed sigh and said, "I suppose that's to be expected and I say that not as an insult to your expertise. I'm not sure if this berry would've been catalogued considering who gave it to us but thank you all the same." However, instead of discouragement he was met with exuberance for the mystery fruit he held.

"We could..." There was hesitation in his voice. The thought of planting it had crossed his mind, but what would happen afterwards was completely up in the air. Then again, what was there to be nervous about? Basil asked for a blessing from Landorus and that's exactly what he received, so maybe he needed to not complicate things. He turned to Anise. "What do you think? We could do it, but it's not like we'll get to ask for another one."

@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

Clearly Anise was just as lost as he was regarding how they were actually going to capture Landorus though she was the more frustrated of the two, which she showed through a passionate display of martial arts. He looked at her with great awe at her skill though he would be hard to deny how adorable it was to watch her Pokemon do it alongside her. Still, it wasn't like Basil didn't understand her plight. Does one remain true to themselves, or do they adapt? Basil looked like he wanted to say something to Anise, but at the moment he held his tongue. After his own verbal slip up, he was not sure if it was best for him to make his thoughts known.

Considering that Amelia was just along for the ride, it was safe to say that they made their way to the garden. Eventually the found it underneath one of the few patches of actual sun that would be needed to grow berries, so it actually made it easier to find it. Looks like this place is making a killing. Basil thought to himself. They were soon flagged down by the receptionist and when they approached they were soon showered with items. "Uh... Thank you?" That was some aggressive marketing strategy.

After the receptionist gave them the run down and the sales pitch, Basil gave her an apologetic smile. "Oh, um, I'm sorry, but we're not here to rent a plot. Well, maybe not yet. We're here because we are in need of some expertise. You see, we were gifted a berry except it's not one we've ever seen before." He fished around his bag and pulled out the strange orange pear-shaped berry that Landorus gave him. "Do you think anyone here can assist us?"

Strange nightmares aside, Stella had a relatively normal morning. She could hear a faint ticking in the back of her mind, but eventually it went away.

The Nurse Joy smiled when approached by Stella and when asked what Gastly ate she said, "What do Gastly eat? If they're like any other Pokemon, they're probably picky with what they like, but they eat normal food." She squinted at her and followed with, "Just don't hunt people down for their souls. I don't know where people even got the idea that they eat souls from." Clearly, she was not the first person to have the same thought.

Anyway, back to the house!

The house looked exactly the same as she left it yesterday. It was still falling apart and entering it was a hazard to her own health, but it looked the same. Time rotted away at it every second, not just the mansion per se, but the memory of what it once was to the people in this town. It was just another building that needed to be renovated though the history and the memory of the people was long gone, except it was partially untrue. The only true remnant was the maintained garden that stood in stark contrast with the rest of the estate. That and the potential ghost tethered to the building.

"Gastly gaaas!" Well, yes, it could. From what it could, there was something inside of the building. What it was, was the question. The dead are dead, and the living were living. The distinction was clear. However, there was a difficult, borderline undetectable distinction between the souls of humans and of Pokemon. There was something off though; Spoops could not tell if whatever inside was dead or alive. It was as if it was teetering on the border of the two.

The door slowly creaks open, but there was no one there to greet her this time. There were no builders either. It was eerily quiet, they could almost a pin drop.

If she went inside, then she was free to investigate as there was no one there to actually stop her at the moment.

Does Stella go inside?


Blades of nature's energy were ready to come down and cleave the magenta bird, but there was a catch about being in midair; one would struggle to be able to maneuver through the air if they needed to and that was the exact problem that the Grovyle was facing. In that instance, it ate a face full of glittery feathers. It cried out in annoyance as it swung randomly, but instead of drastically lowering its attack in its case it lowered its accuracy, so it was only hitting air.

The Grovyle's momentum carried it forward through the air and with no way to see where it could land with its currently obscured vision, it took a tumble along the ground. Back on solid ground, it ripped the feathers right off its face to show it gritting its teeth and glaring something awfully fierce at King.

Ramos, not leaving a moment of Tristan to breath, yelled out "Grovyle, keep a cool head and keep use Energy Ball!" Balls of swirling green natural energy and one after another they were being thrown up towards King.

What does Tristan do?


The good professor demeanor went from an excited puppy to that of disappointment in a blink of an eye. Her shoulders slouched upon the news, and one could almost imagine she deflated on the spot. One could only imagine the amount of work that she poured into her research only to go up in smoke. "Oh, that's a shame. And here I thought I was finally making a breakthrough after all this time." She said with a heavy sigh, not suspecting that Jason was withholding information from her even if it was possibly for her own good. Hopefully Jason was happy with himself, the monster.

"Well, I shouldn't let you leave empty handed. Here's your reward." She rummaged around her pockets and pulled out a small golden sphere for Jason to take.

Jason received a Nugget!

Yup, Jason was holding a sphere of gold in his hand. Before he could leave, Professor Jacques asked, "By the way, I heard that you may have gone to see Helga. If you did see her, could you tell me how she is doing?" From what he could tell, she was asking with concern, but thankfully with some emotional intelligence helped by a die roll, he could tell that it was not concern for him. She was concerned for Helga.

What does Jason do?


"Isn't this the part in the movie when one of us becomes the first victim?" Freya said with apprehension while she walked side by side with Steph towards the cabin. It was actually quite odd; the closer they got to the cabin, the bigger it got. Now, that's normal, but the thing was it was abnormally large for the average human being. Walking up the steps, they stand before a door that was well over 12 feet tall with a door handle made of iron that looked like it was made for the hand of a giant and it sure looked like it was beaten and twisted into shape by one.

They could hear something inside, some clanking and clinking of something. When they knocked on the door, it came to a stop and was followed by a pair of heavy boots stomping and another pair of skuttling bones making their way across a wooden floor. Eventually, there was a clunk and shift of some lock from inside followed by the weight of the door shifted and was pulled back to reveal the inhabitants of the cabin. What they saw was an elderly woman, except this elderly woman was eight feet tall and built with muscle on muscle beneath her wrinkly olive skin exposed by her white tank top. Her hair, pulled back into a loose ponytail, was long and straight with a color akin to gold that had lost its luster and share stared down at the two girls with equal parts curiosity and annoyance in her brown eyes.

However, there was something off about her. She wore an apron, and it was covered in a suspiciously red splotches of color. That and she held a serrated knife covered in the same liquid. "Huh, more of you?" She said with a calm, gravelly voice.

Standing next to hear was a skeleton dog with a tombstone on its heads, panting with its tongue lolling out. Despite its eyes being covered by silver purple strands of hair it was easy to tell that there was not a thought behind them. Still, it was 6'07" so it was rather hard to ignore it's presence.

Pokedex Entry #972-Houndstone, the Ghost Dog Pokemon. Houndstone spends most of its time sleeping in graveyards. Among all the dog Pokémon, this one is most loyal to its master. A lovingly mourned Pokémon was reborn as Houndstone. It doesn't like anyone touching the protuberance atop its head.

"Borf!" It barked out at the two girls with its constant skeleton grin.

Freya, who typically was not one to crane her neck up when speaking to others, looked like her soul was escaping from her mouth.

@Joshua Tamashii

Meanwhile, Amelia approached one of the Pumpkaboos and it looked at her with great curiosity. "Pumpka?" It said before it circled around her. Other Pumpkaboo noticed this and drew closer to her, also curious due to the strange tinge of death that emanated from the girl. It was a little uncomfortable with how close they were getting, but they meant no harm.

She had their attention at least. Now what?

@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

Basil blinked a few times with a head empty of thoughts because that was not the response that he expected from an eleven-year-old child. Normally kids her age and heck, even the older ones were a bit more gung-ho about the chance of finding a legendary Pokemon, but instead she was keener about an actual solution. That and she had some thoughts on his sitution too. He squinted his eyes when he tried to think about who in the world she was talking about until it clicked. "The champion? You mean Jacques? He's part of the Elite Four, not the champ and to be honest that flashy guy just shows up whenever he wants." The memory of Jacques descending down from an Aerodatctyl was still fresh in his mind.

"But I will mention at some point to the professor and send it to her. I just need to inform both of them because I don't want to set loose a Pokemon that can destroy a city block upon her. That and I think I should at least make the effort to learn about her. At the moment, she is part of my team so it's only right." At the very least, he knew how to relate to something that was running away from its own problems. That and he really was not planning on sending a level 74 Gothita that could use its psychic powers to cause mayhem without proper planning.

However, that was his plan. Meanwhile, he glanced to Anise and said, "Uh, I mean, we were planning on getting stronger first, but I guess it's possible though considering how prideful that Pokemon is I don't think it's going to be swayed easily by words. Unless... No, well, hmmmm..." Basil folded his arms and had an unsure expression while he was thinking about what she said. There were gears whirring in his head though he wasn't sure if what he had was actually something or just smoke. "Maybe before I jump to conclusions, we should do what we came here for and investigate the berry that Landorus gave us. Perhaps that will shed some light on this?"

@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

Basil stared at Anise as he felt the tips of his ears heat up for an entirely different kind of embarrassment. "Oh, a joke. A joke." That was a joke? She said it in the same exact way that she typically did. Maybe she was so earnest and serious that it was hard to separate, but Basil felt like that was not the case. In his gut, he felt like that what he had done was hurtful and she was just covering up how she felt by saying it was a joke. Either that or he was spiraling down a rabbit hole of over thinking

Anyway, to clarify Anise's confusion Basil said, "Sorry, that's not what I meant. I meant you could explain while we look together so I could stop putting my foot into my mouth for longer than a minute. I'm just gonna... just wait I guess." And there he stood awkwardly watching Anise explain the situation, wishing that the earth beneath his feet would open its maw and swallow him whole to escape from his own bloody social awkwardness.

@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

Basil just stared at her in silence after her suggestion seemingly stunned by her suggestion. He blinked a few times as he processed what she said and if Anise noticed, it looked like the corners of his mouth quivered as if they were valiantly doing their best to hold something back. Alas, his lips gave way to a push of air and for the first time Anise witnessed Basil laugh without any anxious undertones. If anything, he seemed relieved. "Bodyguard? Do you offer a hand to everyone, or did I endear myself to you that quickly?" He said in between laughs though eventually he stopped after taking a breath and maybe taking a step back to stay out of roundhouse kicking range. "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you. Honestly, you'd be a really good bodyguard. It's just you're just so earnest and straightforward in everything you do that it's actually kinda cuuuoooooool. From his cheeks to the tips of his ears he lit up red when he realized what he was about to say. "It's kinda cool. Totally cool and nothing else," he quickly said in a panic, his words were almost hitting each other. Maybe the spores were making him a bit too honest?

Basil cleared his throat and pivoted the conversation away from his awkward hiccup. "To be honest, I have no idea what I've gotten myself into. What's weird is that the Pokemon hasn't even evolved past its first stage, which is how it was able to go around unnoticed. I didn't even know what I exactly had until after I caught her. Either she was stubborn about not evolving or they viewed her more as a pet." Whatever she was, that Gothita was a mystery. However, there were only a few certainties that he had.

Basil folded his arms and with strong conviction said,"Whoever is after her, they have the resources for manpower to track her down and capture her, so they're not weak. That means they are either a noble, someone of equivalent standing, or a group. Whoever they are, she certainly does not want to be caught and if she had a previous owner then there is no love for them."

The young man sighed, but forced a smile as he clapped his hands together as if to drown out his problems. "But that is a problem for future Basil. We're here because we need to investigate whatever Landorus gave us." He peeked down to look at Amelia and said, "We should get Amelia caught up to speed. How about we catch her up while we look for some leads? I think that Berry Garden will be a good start."
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