Items: Key Items: Pokedex, Umbrella, Mandolin, Sketch pad and Graphite Pencils, Pokemon Egg, sketch of mirror (probably useless) Abundance Berry (An orange, pear-shaped berry from Landorus), Old Rod, Forearm Guard (Bracer), Dragon Chew Toy, Swanna Pail
General: 6x Potion, 5 Super Potions, 4 Great Balls, 12 Pokeballs, 3 antidotes, 3 paralyze heals, Red Scarf, Blue Scarf, Fighting Gem, Rock Incense, Repel, Ability Capsule, Moon Stone Black Belt (Equipped), Cheri Berry, Chesto Berry, Pecha Berry, Rawst Berry, Aspear Berry, Leppa Berry, Oran Berry. Persim Berry
TMs: TM57 Charge Beam, TM89 U-Turn
Badges: Shrine Badge
Pokédollars: 19,935
Pokémon Name: Cecil Species: Darumaka Gender: ♀ Type: Fire Personality: A jolly, over confident creature that will sass the hell out of people and demands cuddles. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: It tries to mimic Basil drawing, but all that it makes are just scribbles and blobs. Also likes marmalade sandwiches. Her goal is absolute domination on the battlefield and help Basil out of his shell. Level: 15 Moves: Rollout, Tackle, Incinerate, Rage, Fire Fang, Headbutt Ability: Hustle Held Item: None Health & Status: 20%
Pokémon Name: Crocus Species: Bulbasaur Gender: ♂ Type: Grass/Poison Personality: Crocus is a curious, friendly creature. A bit too friendly and trusting for its own good. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: His goal is to be an adventurer and go where no Bulbasaur has gone before! Smells like freshly cut grass. Level: 15 Moves:Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Take Down Ability: Overgrow. Boosts power of Grass-type moves when heavily damaged. Held Item: None Health & Status: 100%
Gender: ♂ Type: Fighting/Flying Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 17 Moves: Detect, Tackle, Hone Claws, Karate Chop, Wing Attack, Roost, Aerial Ace Ability: Limber. Cannot be paralyzed. Held Item: Black Belt Health & Status: 100%
Pokémon Name: Gender: ♀ Type: Psychic Personality: (Not entirely up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Not entirely up to player.) Level: 74 Moves: Pound, Confusion, Tickle, Play Nice, Fake Tears, Double Slap, Psybeam, Embargo, Feint Attack, Psyshock, Flatter, Future Sight, Heal Block, Psychic, Telekinesis, Charm, Magic Room. Ability: Shadow Tag. By standing on a target’s shadow, this Pokémon prevents the target's escape. Held Item: None. Health & Status: 100%
Gender: ♂ Type: Electric/Poison Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 1 Moves: Belch, Tearful Look, Nuzzle, Growl, Flail, Acid Ability: Rattled. Raises speed if hit by a Bug, Ghost or Dark-type attack, or if Intimidated. Held Item: None.
Gender: ♂ Type: Dark/Dragon Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 9 Moves: Tackle, Dragon Rage, Focus Energy, Bite Ability: Hustle. Pokémon’s attacks are more powerful, in exchange for accuracy. Held Item: Health & Status: 100%
For some reason, he felt like the universe was compelling him to plan this berry. Don't know why, just a hunch. Either that or it was the intensity of Heather's desire to see what the mystery berry would grow into. She was definitely more into producing rare berries than actually finding out what it was, but he couldn't exactly disagree. He just wasn't sure if the berry would turn into a world tree or just do nothing. However, he relented and said, "Well, I guess we have nothing to lose. Alright, I'll do it." He tried to say it with conviction, but he was definitely more nervous about what would actually happen.
"I'll take an Amaze Mulch without the surprise effect. I've never gardened before though. Do you have any guidance?" Yeah, being a noble never really gave him a chance to actually get his hands actually get dirty. They had people for that.
Stella called out, but there was no response. Her voice echoed through the rotting manor; her steps loudly rung out against the wooden flooring. It definitely would have felt weird to just call out to an empty space, but considering who she was actually speaking to then maybe it wasn't? Or maybe it was even weirder since, well, she was talking to what she assumed to be a ghost, or whatever was haunting this house.
Now, this was the first time that Stella had a chance to actually look around the house. Before, she followed Mr. Osman through and had no chance to explore, but now that there was no one particularly there to stop her from snooping around if she so chose to, or not. It would've been fair if she had the Heeby jeebies being all by herself in a haunted house and not being able to electrocute a ghost to unconsciousness like she had done so to that graverobber the night before. That and Spoops would've felt agitated; he felt like that there was something watching them, but to reiterate again, they were alone in that space.
She was free to leave, but if she did then there was a chance of not getting the reward that she was promised. Then again, she found Spoops so maybe the real award was the friends that she made along the way? That and the charred electrocuted body of a criminal. If she does stay however, what exactly investigate first? There were many things such as old furniture that smelled mustier than an old folks' home, photographs, paintings, pottery, and so on along with the actual peeling paint on the walls and the floorboards that squeaked beneath her feet. That and the other rooms of the house.
There was a sign of relief when Jason told her about Helga. "I see. I'm glad that she's doing okay. It's just been years since..." She cut herself off, realizing exactly what she was about to say and knew that she had to stop. "Right, you're not from around here. You wouldn't know what happened. It really isn't my place to say." Jacquelyn was definitely a bit shifty on the subject on Helga, but perhaps she could be swayed if Jason asked.
However, there was soon a spark of hope in her eyes when Jason told her that there may have been more locations. "If you do find them, then report back to me. I'll reward you in whatever way I can." If she had any sense of distrust in her body, she would have found him suspicious considering he said that he had not found him much in the shrine before, but now found something that led him to two different locations. However, she had the trust of puppy and rather than press him on this information, she gladly just accepted it completely on face value. Again, for shame Jason, for shame. The narrator was totally not just giving him shit.
Rosa gave an amused chuckle and said, "Well, he's a bit of a twig. He looks like he doesn't eat enough. I swear, I thought my mother was going to have to shove his dinner down his mouth." Memories of last night dinner of her mother less asking him to eat more and more she kept piling his plate with more and more food without taking a single no for an answer. It must've been a traumatic experience for him. Anyway!
"Yeah, I'm kinda done with rotting buildings," Rosa said with a shrug. She watched Faye pull out her buzzing Pokedex, wondering if speaking of the devil actually summoned him, but apparently not. "Huh, you know, I forgot that all of our numbers were shared among us." Under any circumstance, it would have been creepy to suddenly get a text from somebody that they didn't know to meet up. Then again, if anyone was creepy, they'd have to answer to either Professor Kapoc or Adrianne.
Anyway, she arched her brow at the strange wording Faye had when regarding to traveling with Tristan. "Responsible? It's not like you have to travel with him. Did you make a blood pact with him or something?" Rosa asked, not knowing what exactly Faye actually had planned out with the rich boy. "Sure, let's go, but you better explain to me what you meant by that."
For the actual first time, Faye finally decided to actually look around town. They would walk along the cobblestone streets and pass by the many cafes and street musicians who were bouncing ideas from one another as they played. Flowers were everywhere at every turn, planted in any pot, any plot of earth, and so on. It was quaint little town with an array of color at every turn. Eventually, the sound of music would begin to die down as they approached an area surrounded by a black wrought iron fence with an arch that acted as entrance. Walking through...
Aria's Park
Beyond the joyful, improvised tunes of musicians one would find a silent serenity. Aria's Park is one of the crown jewels of Florasong, a public space filled to the brim with an unsurpassed collection flowers as far as the eye could see. One could see the love and care in maintaining the garden and in the artistry from every plant that was planted and in their arrangements to be as visually pleasing to the eye as possible. To step into the park is to feel like stepping into an idyllic painting.
People could be seen as one would walk around taking in the pleasant surroundings. There were those passing through to take their daily walk while there were those having a picnic in what one could see to be a designated area. Artists with their easels sought to capture the beauty of the park through their craft. Of course, maintaining the garden beds in the park did not happen magically. There were gardeners working away to make sure that there was nary a weed sprouting or flower with wilting petals.
In the middle of the park was a manor painted white with large windows that let in all the sunlight, vines with blooming flowers of various colors climbed up its walls. There was a slab made of red brick that held in place a plaque engraved, 'Aria Eberg estate. Aria Eberg founded Florasong in 1892 to spend her final years and in her charity and love of community left a legacy that cannot be erased. Aria Eberg donated her estate to the citizens of Florasong and her home is now a research facility to respect her love of learning and growth.'
There were Pokemon that one would expect to find in such a garden. A Pokemon that would be considered a pest was eating the weeds in the garden, a strange insect that adorned itself with leaves. Not too far off though were walking flowers with great yellow petals and something akin to red hair
Pokedex Entry #540-Sewaddle, the Sewing Pokemon. This Pokémon makes clothes for itself. It chews up leaves and sews them with sticky thread extruded from its mouth.
Pokedex Entry #829-Gossifleur, the Flowering Pokemon. It anchors itself in the ground with its single leg, then basks in the sun. After absorbing enough sunlight, its petals spread as it blooms brilliantly. Gossifleur whirls around in the wind while singing a joyous song. This delightful display has charmed many into raising this Pokémon.
Flying between flower to flower were these hexagonal flying creatures. One could see that they were collecting nectar from the plants before flying away in the same direction.
Pokedex Entry #415-Combee, the Tiny Bee Pokemon. The trio is together from birth. It constantly gathers nectar from flowers to please Vespiquen.
What would've been typically quiet, there was actually quite a ruckus going on from behind the manor. Walking over they would find an odd sight. There was Tristan in a Pokemon battle against an elderly man of a short stature wearing a gardening attire.
What does she do?
1. Find Pokémon.Can be specified what kind of Pokémon is being searched for, and how you search 2. Talk. In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. 3. Exit. Exit the park. 4. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 5. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 6. Aria's Manor It's open to the public. It's a good start to learn more about the park and the plants and Pokemon that live in it.
"I'm here for a good time, not a long time."PERSONALITY: | Ludo can be described as a 'thug with a heart of gold.' Sure, he is prone to getting into fights and other unsavory acts, vulgar, and generally rough around the edges but beneath all of that he is someone that at the end of the day tries to do right by others. If he could screw someone over and still do right by someone then that's even better.
He is a social, charismatic, and affable young man that lives his life doing what he wants though that goes typically hand in hand with his tendency to take risks. Ludo loves fighting and is ready to throw down at a moment's notice, except if he thinks his opponent is not challenge as there is no satisfaction in beating the weak. However, he does have a bit of a temper and sometimes his first reaction is to solve it with violence, and he does hold a grudge.
As a commoner, Ludo is not only sympathetic with the ongoing social movement but wishes to be a participant if it were not for his situation. He does show disdain towards most nobles, which does not help keep him out of trouble. |
MAGIC: | Poison Magic: This allows Ludo to generate and shape a variety of different poisons in different states of matter. The effects of each poison could vary wildly, such as debuffs or more direct damage such as flesh eating poison. However, poison in certain doses is medicine, so Ludo can create poisons that have temporary buffs though they are not without side effects. |
Touch of Death- Reinforcement, Offense/Defense - Essentially a lesser Mana Skin, Ludo coats his body or body part with a layer of mana infused with poison magic. Not only increasing his durability, anyone or anything organic that touches him will receive corrosive burns and this can be used offensively too when he goes in for close quarters combat. However, the durability/reinforcement effect will not be as effective as Mana Skin until he learns it.
Lernaean Serpents - Curse/Creation, Offense - Ludo creates serpentine creatures made of poison that lunge forward to bite their target. The bite injects paralysis venom into the target, which will cause the user to struggle to move their own limbs. The bite strength can break through low levels of reinforcement
Painkiller - Curse, Support - Ludo injects venom into himself or his target to either dull the sense of pain or turn it off completely, but the side effects of each increased dose or continuously applied dose will become more severe. The limit is three. A single dose dulls the pain around 25%, but due to the lower dosage the side effects are minor such as nausea, minor fatigue, brain fog after it wears off. A double dose will nullify the pain around 50%, but the side effects including much more severe nausea, brain fog, severe fatigue, double vision, and general bodily weakness. Three doses completely nullifies the pain and as well as the mentioned side effects all of the pain that his body ignored not only comes back in full, but it's also doubled. By the way, additional immediate doses after another dose will have the same negative side effects.
Beloved by Mana - Ludo would be considered an outlier by having mana rivaling that of the nobles. His large reserves would allow him to not only cast multiple spells at the same time with ease and cast large spells, but allows him to withstand battles of attrition when mana is concerned.
Adept Brawler - He is not someone that has shied away from scraps and his many brawls have given him a certain set of skills. Despite not receiving any formal training, he has a good sense for combat and knows how to hold his own though his brand of fighting could be seen as dirty than honorable, but to him a win is a win.
Keen Mind - While it would be fair to assume that he has a rock for a brain given his thuggish disposition, it would be wrong. Ludo is an intelligent young man with a very sharp eye for detail and is like a sponge for knowledge. He is very good with money and offers very good customer service though that last part was more because his father would lecture him about a happy customer is good tipping customer. |
| His only goals are to become a Magic Knight, get his freedom back, and climb up the ranks to hold the people that have held a tight grip on him and his father's life responsible. Beyond that, he wants to make sure that his father will have a life where he would not have to work so hard anymore, but still work. He has to keep the old man busy somehow.
He fears of what would happen if his plans were to fail. Ludo feels trapped in a situation that if anything goes wrong, his father suffers the consequences for his son's actions. |
The Liszt family is as normal as any other family in the Clover Kingdom. They were fortunate enough to run an inn and tavern on a major trading route, albeit it is quite a modest abode that acts as their home as well though it is just Ludo and his father. Not too long after he was born, Ludo's mother took off and his father, Marco Liszt, did his best to raise his son on his own. He never really knew who his mother was, his father did not like to talk about her much, but it did not matter. They didn't have a lot, but they had each other and that was all they needed.
Ludo was considered a special child, someone beloved dearly by mana unlike so many commoners. To other commoners, he was a star and a protector and to nobles he was nothing more than a nuisance, which was not helped by Ludo constantly butting heads with them. Other kids would become his followers, which would lead to him inadvertently creating an actual gang where he would lead them into all manner of trouble and mischief to the point, he was on a first name basis with the local authorities. A troublemaker he definitely was, but he was also known as the kid that would do favors for everyone without expecting anything in return and a good son that helped his father with the inn and tavern. For every bad thing someone could say about him, there were another ten things to speak positively about his character.
Most children dream of being a Magic Knight and Ludo was no exception. He dreamed to one day be a captain and make sure his father never lifted a finger to work again and Ludo unlike most commoners had the means to do so. Things should've been straight forward, except they weren't. When Ludo was fifteen, he received is grimoire and that should've been the happiest day of his life. Instead, Ludo's father suddenly collapsed while in the middle of working. He had fallen ill, and he was not responsive towards treatment. The only thing that they had yet to try was to get someone to heal him, but there was no world where they could have afforded it. Desperate to save his only family, Ludo sought out known gang in the area that had connections and begged them to help, that he would do anything to help. They agreed and it was not long until a healer treated his father back to health. Now, the problem was the matter of payment. Ludo could not afford to pay, so he had two options: become his boss' child's servant or they would harvest his father's body and sell his parts on the black market. The gang members knew who he was, so they figured that his boss would see the novelty of owning a commoner with a deep well of mana. It was an ultimatum, but one that Ludo had no choice but to accept.
His father knew none of it. Ludo made up a half truth, saying that he was able to get a healer, but he would have to go away and work off the payment. Of course, his father protested, but Ludo convinced him that he still needed time to recover and that he would visit whenever he could. There was very little time to spend with his father before Ludo was forced to depart, left to wonder what kind of person his boss was going to be. What he had not expected was to arrive at an estate. The boss of that gang was a royal. It had turned out that this royal had a criminal network all across the kingdom working under their thumb. They agreed that Ludo would work for him for a year, serving his child hand and foot as their personal attendant.
That year he spent there was hell. The boss' child treated Ludo like a dog beaten by a stick and he could only take it. Any act seen as rebellious would void their agreement and his father would've been the collateral. All he had to do was stick it out until the next year, except that didn't happen. They never intended to let him go and he could barely hold it together to not fall into despair, except he received a new order. His son wanted to become a Magic Knight and in order to maintain the status of his son's servant he also needed to join the Magic Knights. If he were to fail, then there would've been consequences. However, Ludo saw this as an opportunity. A plan started to germinate, a plan to get his freedom back and it all starts to with becoming a Magic Knight.
2. I wrote it up actually, but I was afraid of bloating the description. A single dose dulls the pain around 25%, but due to the lower dosage the side effects are minor such as nausea, minor fatigue, brain fog after it wears off. A double dose will nullify the pain around 50%, but the side effects including much more severe nausea, brain fog, severe fatigue, double vision, and general bodily weakness. Three doses completely nullifies the pain and as well as the mentioned side effects all of the pain that his body ignored not only comes back in full, but it's also doubled. By the way, additional immediate doses after another dose will have the same negative side effects.
3. Yeah, that's cool with me. Should I send the PM or do you want to?
Oh and that's cool with me if Tristan recognizes him. It makes sense so I see no problem with it.
"I'm here for a good time, not a long time."PERSONALITY: | Ludo can be described as a 'thug with a heart of gold.' Sure, he is prone to getting into fights and other unsavory acts, vulgar, and generally rough around the edges but beneath all of that he is someone that at the end of the day tries to do right by others. If he could screw someone over and still do right by someone then that's even better.
He is a social, charismatic, and affable young man that lives his life doing what he wants though that goes typically hand in hand with his tendency to take risks. Ludo loves fighting and is ready to throw down at a moment's notice, except if he thinks his opponent is not challenge as there is no satisfaction in beating the weak. However, he does have a bit of a temper and sometimes his first reaction is to solve it with violence, and he does hold a grudge.
As a commoner, Ludo is not only sympathetic with the ongoing social movement but wishes to be a participant if it were not for his situation. He does show disdain towards most nobles, which does not help keep him out of trouble. |
MAGIC: | Poison Magic: This allows Ludo to generate and shape a variety of different poisons in different states of matter. The effects of each poison could vary wildly, such as debuffs or more direct damage such as flesh eating poison. However, poison in certain doses is medicine, so Ludo can create poisons that have temporary buffs though they are not without side effects. |
Touch of Death- Reinforcement, Offense/Defense - Essentially a lesser Mana Skin, Ludo coats his body or body part with a layer of mana infused with poison magic. Not only increasing his durability, anyone or anything organic that touches him will receive corrosive burns and this can be used offensively too when he goes in for close quarters combat. However, the durability/reinforcement effect will not be as effective as Mana Skin until he learns it.
Lernaean Serpents - Curse/Creation, Offense - Ludo creates serpentine creatures made of poison that lunge forward to bite their target. The bite injects paralysis venom into the target, which will cause the user to struggle to move their own limbs. The bite strength can break through low levels of reinforcement
Painkiller - Curse, Support - Ludo injects venom into himself or his target to either dull the sense of pain or turn it off completely, but the side effects of each increased dose or continuously applied dose will become more severe. The limit is three. A single dose dulls the pain around 25%, but due to the lower dosage the side effects are minor such as nausea, minor fatigue, brain fog after it wears off. A double dose will nullify the pain around 50%, but the side effects including much more severe nausea, brain fog, severe fatigue, double vision, and general bodily weakness. Three doses completely nullifies the pain and as well as the mentioned side effects all of the pain that his body ignored not only comes back in full, but it's also doubled. By the way, additional immediate doses after another dose will have the same negative side effects.
Beloved by Mana - Ludo would be considered an outlier by having mana rivaling that of the nobles. His large reserves would allow him to not only cast multiple spells at the same time with ease and cast large spells, but allows him to withstand battles of attrition when mana is concerned.
Adept Brawler - He is not someone that has shied away from scraps and his many brawls have given him a certain set of skills. Despite not receiving any formal training, he has a good sense for combat and knows how to hold his own though his brand of fighting could be seen as dirty than honorable, but to him a win is a win.
Keen Mind - While it would be fair to assume that he has a rock for a brain given his thuggish disposition, it would be wrong. Ludo is an intelligent young man with a very sharp eye for detail and is like a sponge for knowledge. He is very good with money and offers very good customer service though that last part was more because his father would lecture him about a happy customer is good tipping customer. |
| His only goals are to become a Magic Knight, get his freedom back, and climb up the ranks to hold the people that have held a tight grip on him and his father's life responsible. Beyond that, he wants to make sure that his father will have a life where he would not have to work so hard anymore, but still work. He has to keep the old man busy somehow.
He fears of what would happen if his plans were to fail. Ludo feels trapped in a situation that if anything goes wrong, his father suffers the consequences for his son's actions. |
The Liszt family is as normal as any other family in the Clover Kingdom. They were fortunate enough to run an inn and tavern on a major trading route, albeit it is quite a modest abode that acts as their home as well though it is just Ludo and his father. Not too long after he was born, Ludo's mother took off and his father, Marco Liszt, did his best to raise his son on his own. He never really knew who his mother was, his father did not like to talk about her much, but it did not matter. They didn't have a lot, but they had each other and that was all they needed.
Ludo was considered a special child, someone beloved dearly by mana unlike so many commoners. To other commoners, he was a star and a protector and to nobles he was nothing more than a nuisance, which was not helped by Ludo constantly butting heads with them. Other kids would become his followers, which would lead to him inadvertently creating an actual gang where he would lead them into all manner of trouble and mischief to the point, he was on a first name basis with the local authorities. A troublemaker he definitely was, but he was also known as the kid that would do favors for everyone without expecting anything in return and a good son that helped his father with the inn and tavern. For every bad thing someone could say about him, there were another ten things to speak positively about his character.
Most children dream of being a Magic Knight and Ludo was no exception. He dreamed to one day be a captain and make sure his father never lifted a finger to work again and Ludo unlike most commoners had the means to do so. Things should've been straight forward, except they weren't. When Ludo was fifteen, he received is grimoire and that should've been the happiest day of his life. Instead, Ludo's father suddenly collapsed while in the middle of working. He had fallen ill, and he was not responsive towards treatment. The only thing that they had yet to try was to get someone to heal him, but there was no world where they could have afforded it. Desperate to save his only family, Ludo sought out known gang in the area that had connections and begged them to help, that he would do anything to help. They agreed and it was not long until a healer treated his father back to health. Now, the problem was the matter of payment. Ludo could not afford to pay, so he had two options: become his boss' child's servant or they would harvest his father's body and sell his parts on the black market. The gang members knew who he was, so they figured that his boss would see the novelty of owning a commoner with a deep well of mana. It was an ultimatum, but one that Ludo had no choice but to accept.
His father knew none of it. Ludo made up a half truth, saying that he was able to get a healer, but he would have to go away and work off the payment. Of course, his father protested, but Ludo convinced him that he still needed time to recover and that he would visit whenever he could. There was very little time to spend with his father before Ludo was forced to depart, left to wonder what kind of person his boss was going to be. What he had not expected was to arrive at an estate. The boss of that gang was a royal. It had turned out that this royal had a criminal network all across the kingdom working under their thumb. They agreed that Ludo would work for him for a year, serving his child hand and foot as their personal attendant.
That year he spent there was hell. The boss' child treated Ludo like a dog beaten by a stick and he could only take it. Any act seen as rebellious would void their agreement and his father would've been the collateral. All he had to do was stick it out until the next year, except that didn't happen. They never intended to let him go and he could barely hold it together to not fall into despair, except he received a new order. His son wanted to become a Magic Knight and in order to maintain the status of his son's servant he also needed to join the Magic Knights. If he were to fail, then there would've been consequences. However, Ludo saw this as an opportunity. A plan started to germinate, a plan to get his freedom back and it all starts to with becoming a Magic Knight.