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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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It happened so quickly. They were about to exchange pleasantries when the fire mage was blasted by an attack that he couldn't even perceive. The next thing he knew saw some pretty boy hurtling towards the ground with a god damn rapier.

"The hell?!" Where in the world did that guy even come from?! He was literally looking up two seconds ago! Ludo watched as the two nobles descended at a rapid pace towards the ground while it turned into a match to retrieve the sphere that blue haired fancy fuck. However, that one moment of distraction would prove to be fatal for him.

He heard the mage cast his spell before he saw it. Translucent green tendrils wrapped around his body and pinned his arms to his side and a second ensnared the hand holding the Angel Sphere. And the one responsible for it? When people talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater, his parents really should have done exactly that. Of all people he had to be caught by, it had to be a guy who looked like the leftover pooled grease from an on old griddle given flesh.

The grip on him tightened, but he refused to make a sound. On a quick glance down, he could see that the poison around his hand was floating like ink in the slime. The magic was still there, so the slime wasn't absorbing his mana. So why was it that he could feel not only a powerful well of mana flowing from this slimeball, but it was growing stronger? Now, Ludo had no knowledge about the Heart Kingdom's Mana Method, but generally he understood that as a rule of thumb that people cannot use more mana than they have. Of course, he had no way of being certain what this guy's upper limit was, but it was if he was pushing past it every second. It was almost as if...

Ludo remembered something, something that he saw earlier that day. It was when he was walking along the festive streets, littered with stalls. Some stalls sold trinkets, some sold food, and then there were peddlers pushing for a certain miracle in a bottle.

The tendrils tightened their squeeze to the delighted perverted glee of his captor. Ludo let out a blood curdling scream of pain like a wild animal being tortured. One would think that he was about to throw in the towel, except the corners of his mouth curved upwards. His animalistic scream turned into mischievous cackling. "Did you seriously think I was going to give you the satisfaction, you fraud?" He asked with the widest grin, but Edward could see it Ludo's eyes; the Poison Mage saw through him, and he was livid.

"Death's Touch," He intoned. The tentacles suddenly started having trouble squeezing his body; that same poison that was on his hand had begun to grow from all over his body, shimmering with a strange aura.

He chuckled with that wild grin and a violent glint in his eyes. "You wanted to play with the big boys, right? You've got your power. Let's play you rat." While maintaining Death's Touch, Ludo drew from the deep well in his body, but here was the part that would throw most for a loop. Instead of trying to break it out, he casted his magic through the slime that ensnared him. Like he had noted before, the magic in the poison had not been absorbed by the slime so he decided to overflow it with as much of his own Poison Magic as possible.

Magic was not just about having the most amount of power, it was also about control. The question was how well Edward could control a large amount of a mana that he was not used to when Ludo was pumping his slime construct full of poison. It wasn't just random magic either, there were serpents swimming in his smile, writhing and pushing against the blob's form in an effort to make Edward concentrate on maintaining the slime and its tendril's shape and size. If Edward could not maintain it, well, hopefully he liked snakes.

Alright, I'll think on that. Sorry that I am being a bother by the way.
I mean, I'm asking because that's what he's gonna try to do. Figured that's what he would do and suffer the consequences before he rips him a new one. Would it be easier to collab this or is that unnecessary?
Hey, sorry to bother you again. I'm just gonna assume that if Ludo tries to blast his way out that the tendrils won't break?
<Snipped quote by Remram>
Uh, hmm...I guess it'd be from his mana, but the spell itself is manifested from his mana, so it's probably not evident to someone without a well-developed mana sensory skill? Ludo would probably just be able to feel that he's getting unusually stronger than a normal commoner would be.

Fair enough. Ludo wouldn't be able to tell since he doesn't have a well-developed mana sensory skill. I guess it was more of a question if that pulsation was a separate spell from the slime holding onto Ludo or was more like his mana like a core, but Ludo probably wouldn't be able to know that.

Hey sorry to ask, but I just need some clarification on the pulsing thing. When you mean it's coming from his magic, do you mean the spell itself or his mana?
Gotta say, glad my trademark joke caught on lol

Eh, it couldn't be too easy

Once again, Jason would take the cable car up to the Entertainment District. The cart shook slowly against the breeze as it ascended higher and higher, pass the canopies. Once it came to a halt, the sliding doors opened, and people rushed out to the wooden streets.

@Lunarlord34@Joshua Tamashii

The tall behemoth of a woman stared in silence; her face completely unreadable. She turned to look at Freya and said, "What the fuck did this gremlin just say?" She pointed at Steph like she was referring to some ill-begotten beast that had lurked out of its hole, speaking in tongues to drive those who listened to it mad like some being foreign to their sense of reality. She wasn't that far off.

"Uh... she said her name is Steph and she asked if you're going to kill us." Freya said, her eyes not pulling away from that suspiciously red covered knife.

The woman arched a stern, yet confused brow at the strange, very unreasonable "Why in the world would I want to murder two teens who wander to my cabin in the middle of the woods?" Clearly, she was not an expert in horror movie tropes. Freya hesitantly pointed towards the knife and the apron covered in the red stains. The woman glanced down and then squinted at them. "It's tomato soup. I'm doing my dishes. I just had another kid here like five minutes ago and I made him food."

Her eyes fell upon another figure that hung further back on her property. "Did you seriously bring a kid here?"


In response to her proposition the pumpkin ghosts huddled each other and whispered, glancing back to look at Amelia. Eventually, they broke up and a representative came forward to her.

It said to her with a surprisingly formal tone, "Pumpka, pumpka pump. Pumpka pump pump pumpka. Pumpka pump pumpka!" ... That would have actually meant something to her if she could actually understand what these haunted gourds were saying. However, her ghost-type Pokemon caught the gist. Amelia needed to play hide and seek with them. She needed to five representatives in the woods and then she could be able to choose a partner.

@Sanguine Rose

Rosa looked at Faye as if she had Claunchers crawling out of her ears. "I'm sorry, but did you say the Illusive Woods? The woods where people go in and are never seen again? Those same woods? Are you high?" Her reaction was understandable. She lived in close proximity to those woods for her entire life. She knew the stories, heck, she knew people that entered those woods and never came out. However, she seemed to relax when Faye brought up the incident with the Tinkatink.

"Well, you're not wrong. We know that they live there because they sometimes wander out of the forest, but I've never heard of them trying to turn an engine into clubs," she conceded. That was definitely out of the ordinary. That thought had to be put on hold when they saw Tristan's Pokemon throwing hands with a gardener's own in battle. "Huh, you know I know he battles but it's actually weird to see him do it."

The farmgirl shrugged and turned her attention to her companion. "Just the two. I think I'll take a page out of your book and find a new team member."

With that, the hunt was on. However, finding a Rare Pokemon was not something someone could do by walking around. A Rare Pokemon could only be found if you either were specifically looking for it after obtaining the correct information, delving deep into territories, or sometimes blind luck. Faye however had no such luck, but she did find some uncommon Pokemon while wandering around. She found some plucky blue birds in the trees and at first she though she saw a piece of fruit on the ground, except it started to walk on its stubby legs.

Pokedex Entry #276-Tailow, the Tiny Swallow Pokemon. Taillow courageously stands its ground against foes, however strong they may be. This gutsy Pokémon will remain defiant even after a loss. On the other hand, it cries loudly if it becomes hungry.

Pokedex Entry #761-Bounsweet, the Tiny Swallow Pokemon. Because of its sweet, delicious aroma, bird Pokémon are always after it, but it's not intelligent enough to care. Its sweat is sweet, like syrup made from boiled-down fruit. Because of this, Bounsweet was highly valued in the past, when sweeteners were scarce.

What does Faye do?
<Snipped quote by Remram>

Ludo's mana isn't being absorbed--rather, the pulsation is coming from Edward's magic itself. And the poison pretty much just mixed with the slime, yes, it's not being dissolved or anything. It's just like something being mixed into water, it's sort of "breaking up" but it's just diluted, not being "eaten" or "absorbed" or anything of that nature.

So it's not absorption. Oh Edward is so fucked.

Sorry just one more question. The poison just simply mixed in with the slime. That's it? Like he didn't feel his mana being absorbed?
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