@Zeroth@imiaIt was assumed correctly that Ludo would try to dodge the attack, but how does anyone avoid an invisible attack. The answer was that they couldn't. All he could do was recoil from his body being bludgeoned by an unseen series of blows. Blow by blow his body was beginning to be wracked with pain as he could not guard against attacks that he literally could not perceive. With his one free hand he held onto his broom to brace himself to maintain his balance while his grip on the sphere tightened.
On one hand, he knew that he could Death's Touch to protect himself from the attack, but he couldn't keep burning through his supply before the final round. Ludo didn't need to. All he could do was just keep eating the attacks and hope that Wildcard would be able to land the finishing blow.
"Hey Wallflower! I'm not the one you need to watch out for!" He shouted up towards her with a big grin even when he was getting his pelted with invisible blows.