Items: Key Items: Pokedex, Umbrella, Mandolin, Sketch pad and Graphite Pencils sketch of mirror (probably useless) Old Rod, Forearm Guard (Bracer), Dragon Chew Toy, Swanna Pail, Fruit Basket
General: 6x Potion, 5 Super Potions, 4 Great Balls, 12 Pokeballs, 3 antidotes, 3 paralyze heals, Red Scarf, Blue Scarf, Fighting Gem, Rock Incense, Repel, Ability Capsule, Moon Stone Black Belt (Equipped), Cheri Berry, Chesto Berry, Pecha Berry, Rawst Berry, Aspear Berry, Leppa Berry, Oran Berry. Persim Berry
TMs: TM57 Charge Beam, TM89 U-Turn
Badges: Shrine Badge
Pokédollars: 19,935
Pokémon Name: Cecil Species: Darumaka Gender: ♀ Type: Fire Personality: A jolly, over confident creature that will sass the hell out of people and demands cuddles. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: It tries to mimic Basil drawing, but all that it makes are just scribbles and blobs. Also likes marmalade sandwiches. Her goal is absolute domination on the battlefield and help Basil out of his shell. Level: 15 Moves: Rollout, Tackle, Incinerate, Rage, Fire Fang, Headbutt Ability: Hustle Held Item: None Health & Status: 20%
Pokémon Name: Crocus Species: Bulbasaur Gender: ♂ Type: Grass/Poison Personality: Crocus is a curious, friendly creature. A bit too friendly and trusting for its own good. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: His goal is to be an adventurer and go where no Bulbasaur has gone before! Smells like freshly cut grass. Level: 15 Moves:Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Take Down Ability: Overgrow. Boosts power of Grass-type moves when heavily damaged. Held Item: None Health & Status: 100%
Gender: ♂ Type: Fighting/Flying Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 17 Moves: Detect, Tackle, Hone Claws, Karate Chop, Wing Attack, Roost, Aerial Ace Ability: Limber. Cannot be paralyzed. Held Item: Black Belt Health & Status: 100%
Pokémon Name: Gender: ♀ Type: Psychic Personality: (Not entirely up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Not entirely up to player.) Level: 74 Moves: Pound, Confusion, Tickle, Play Nice, Fake Tears, Double Slap, Psybeam, Embargo, Feint Attack, Psyshock, Flatter, Future Sight, Heal Block, Psychic, Telekinesis, Charm, Magic Room. Ability: Shadow Tag. By standing on a target’s shadow, this Pokémon prevents the target's escape. Held Item: None. Health & Status: 100%
Gender: ♂ Type: Electric/Poison Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 1 Moves: Belch, Tearful Look, Nuzzle, Growl, Flail, Acid Ability: Rattled. Raises speed if hit by a Bug, Ghost or Dark-type attack, or if Intimidated. Held Item: None.
Gender: ♂ Type: Dark/Dragon Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 9 Moves: Tackle, Dragon Rage, Focus Energy, Bite Ability: Hustle. Pokémon’s attacks are more powerful, in exchange for accuracy. Held Item: Health & Status: 100%
Well, he certainly had not expected her to go along with that easily. Basil blinked with a blank expression, expecting that he would have to bargain with her, but there was he was. "Well..." He trailed off as he thought what he should ask her. The Gothita strangely enough tilted her head when he stated who she was. Was she even that same Gothita or was he jumping to conclusions again? That seemed to be a developing habit.
Deciding on the most pertinent question, the young noble decided to just go for it. "Let's confirm it. Are you the same child of that powerful Gothitelle in Worldedge?" He could only hope that she would be honest with him. Any information should be taken with a grain of salt.
"Ho ho, don't panic when you're in the lead," Ramos called out with that amused elderly grin though his Grovyle did not share its trainer's sense of levity. It viciously kept swinging its blades at the Murkrow and with a held breath and a dream the little bird kept dodging and dodging though King was cutting it closer and closer with each swing. Taking a chance, the bird dashed and threw its weight forward to just barely land a peck! The Grovyle recoiled in pain and for maybe a second there was a sense that victory was on the horizon.
And then a blade came down on King and smashed him straight down into the ground with vicious force. The sound that King made as if all the air was forcibly pushed out of his small body while the sound his body made as it made contact with the ground was a resounding boom.
Critical hit. King for all of his valiant efforts was knocked out.
Louis held up a handkerchief towards Ramos and his Grovyle and shouted out, "Murkrow is unable to battle! Grovyle wins!"
"Your Murkrow put up a great battle. What do you do now?" Ramos asked, standing patiently waiting for the younger trainer to make his move. The Grovyle, strong as it was, had taken damage and Tristan was up two more Pokemon. King did what he needed to do. All that was left was for Tristan to seize the win.
And back into the spooky woods she went with no supervision! This could only end well.
Deep Starbor Woods
Deep Starbor Woods was a place that many actively avoided and perhaps for good reason. The mist that permeated the area cutdown the visibility within the woods and somehow, the canopy above was thicker than before, making it darker. This was a tad big dangerous as there were some drops that if someone were not paying attention, they would find themselves with some very broken limbs or fall in a river down below. That is if they don't fall in some webs and find themselves on the wrong end of a hungry bug-type. Actually, people just needed to be careful of these webs in general as they were littered all over the place.
Due to the lack of people travelling and lack of people volunteering to enter, the path that led to the Deep Woods was essentially now just a dirt, rocky path covered with moss. Yes, this place was not exactly a place that experienced a lot of foot-traffic in general, but that meant that there were possibly encounters that people had limited experience about or never had seen before.
From what can be seen, the Pokemon responsible for all of the webs in the area were these green spiders with markings meant to scare predators away from them.
Pokédex Entry #167 – Spinarak, the String Spit Pokémon. With threads from its mouth, it fashions sturdy webs that won't break even if you set a rock on them. Although the poison from its fangs isn't that strong, it's potent enough to weaken prey that gets caught in its web.
There were also these horned caterpillar things with big, pink, round noses and every now and again, sentient yellow cocoons could be seen hanging above from strings of white.
Pokédex Entry #013 – Weedle, the Hairy Bug Pokémon. Weedle has an extremely acute sense of smell. It is capable of distinguishing its favorite kinds of leaves from those it dislikes just by sniffing with its big red proboscis (nose).
Pokédex Entry #014 – Kakuna, the Cocoon Pokémon. Kakuna remains virtually immobile as it clings to a tree. However, on the inside, it is extremely busy as it prepares for its coming evolution. This is evident from how hot the shell becomes to the touch.
However, the main reason as to why many people avoided took the form of very angry bees with drills for arms. You know what they are.
Pokédex Entry #015 – Beedrill, the Poison Bee Pokémon. Beedrill is extremely territorial. No one should ever approach its nest—this is for their own safety. If angered, they will attack in a furious swarm.
Amelia's feet crunched against bits of stone while she walked through the dense, misty woods. It was one thing to travel with a group of people, even if one of them had a severe fear of bugs, but it was another to traverse these woods herself. Any moving branch, every slight shift of rock, every skitter, every bit of movement from the corner of her eye could've been a threat. There was no room for carelessness unless she wanted to end up as bug chow.
However, she would have to focus her sixth sense on finding one of those Pumpkin ghosts. To answer her question, she could sense ghosts in these woods, but the question of whether or not it was the Pumpkaboo. Still, it was a better than nothing so if she went towards the closest ghostly source, walking through the eerie silence only accompanied by her footsteps and her entourage of friendly ghosts. Eventually though she arrived at a clearing filled with webbing where the ghostly presence was at its strongest though there was oddly enough nothing there. There was not a soul to be seen, quite literally and figuratively speaking. Even odder, she could feel the presence of two ghosts there.
"Pumpka!" She heard, but she couldn't see it was coming from. She looked to her left, to her right, behind herself, nothing. Then she would finally look up and see...
"Pumpka Pumpka Pumpka Pumpka!!" Amelia looked up to a very distressed Pumpkaboo caught in spider web surrounded by Spinarak that were slowly encroaching towards it. There was a human skull in the web as well, but she could feel the second source of the ghostly presence.
The skull suddenly twitched and then twitched again. Red dagger-like spider legs slowly pushed out and then from its mouth popped out a... a black Spinark head? It was certainly one that she had never seen before. It had bulbous white eyes that had a glassy, sheen and its pincers were purple though it retained the tiny white horn on its head. Suddenly, her Pokedex read out an entry.
Spinarak, the Soul Ensnaring Pokemon. Their webs are said to ensnare the souls of their prey which they feast upon. The skull that they wear is not a human skull, but actually a naturally formed carapace. This Pokemon is beloved by edgy teenagers.
It was pretty obvious what was about to happen if Amelia didn't interfere. What does she do?
It was a strange egg, one that Stella had never seen before. It was a white egg with a metallic sheen and dark pink bands around it and a lighter pink sphere in the middle of it. To her fingers it was cool to the touch like when someone would run their fingers through sea water and yet she could feel something pulse gently from inside.
With the egg on her lap and a diary in tow, she began to read.
April 4th, 1895
Dear Diary,
How does someone bloody start one of these things? It's just a one-sided conversation with myself. No 'how you dos' and what not. Just me and my thoughts though I supposed that's why I'm doing this. My husband said that maybe it would be good for me to write down my thoughts and feelings, to give them more shape so we could talk about what happened. I don't suppose he's wrong, but how am I meant to process a death of a child? I carried her under my heart and then I watched her slowly wither away. She didn't even have time to learn to walk. I'm just... I'm just so tired. I know Sven is trying his best to comfort me and taking care of Louisa, but I am so tired. I can't get these thoughts out of my head, these what ifs as if we didn't try everything.
What's worse though is the pity. It just makes me feel so small and pathetic. I can't go out without someone saying that they are so sorry for my loss, and I just have to politely say thank you when all I want to do is tell them that their self-gratifying apologies won't bring my daughter back. Maybe I'm unfair, but I can't take it. I would rather be locked up in this house than being the subject of their pity.
Well, at least I can safely say that Aria never would do that to me. She's good friend, a loyal friend. I know that she would do anything for me, for my family, if I asked though I dare not abuse her goodwill like so many do. She deserves a better fate. Actually, Sven told me he received a phone call from her. She said that she a surprise for all of us. I wonder what it could be.
April 5th, 1895 Dear Diary,
I must say, today was certainly full of surprises. When Aria visited us, she brought us a gift. She claimed it was something to take our minds off, but I can safely say that none of us expected her to bring a Pokemon into our home. It was something that began with Z, I don't know I'm not an expert, but I dare say that it was an adorable creature if a bit precocious. However, the part that surprised me was that it started to transform into everyone in the room. It was quite startling, but I must admit it was fascinating.
When I asked Aria when she found this Pokemon, she said that she found it in the Illusive Woods. I told her that she was mad for entering those woods though she reassured me that it was quite safe though I have my doubts. Still, I suppose it's fine if she could traverse them.
I must say that while I appreciate the gift, I'm not entirely too keen on being gifted a pet, but Louisa was so happy for the first time in months. I suppose it will be fine. Maybe it would be a good distraction from our grief. After some delegation, we named the Pokemon, Marie.
April 9th, 1895 Dear Diary,
My apologies for not writing in you. Life has been unexpectedly busier with the introduction of Marie. It seems to be in her nature to cause mischief, the little minx. She stole a pie, an entire pie, and ate it all in one sitting! Made herself sicker than a sober sailor, walking around with an extended tummy. It doesn't help that she's cute with it, but my dear husband and daughter could at least be a little stricter when it comes to her antics, just so I don't feel like the villain at times. Still, I can't say that Marie is an unwelcomed presence. I write this as she is curled up on my lap.
I really should stop by and thank Aria for gifting her to us. Speaking of Aria, I have heard that she's been going off into the woods again lately. I know that she told me not worry, but as her friend I cannot help, but be concerned for her safety going in there alone, even with her partner Pokemon. I do have to wonder why exactly she has been going on these frequent excursions lately. Are they just for pleasure or is she looking for something?
She isn't well, she shouldn't be exerting herself as often as she is. All I could ever ask of her is to just take better care of herself. I just lost someone important to me already, my heart cannot bear the thought of losing her as well even when I know that it is inevitable. I really should call her tomorrow morning. Maybe I can make her see reason?
April 12th, 1895 Dear Diary,
I just came back from visiting Aria. It was a nice time where we chat and shared stories over tea and light snacks. She definitely enjoyed the stories I had to share with her about Marie. However, she seemed off and I don't mean sick or sicker than how she usually is. I mean she seemed like she was far away mentally, not entirely where she was. It was as if her eyes were focused on something that I couldn't see the entire time though I suspect I have an idea where she was staring off to.
Perhaps it was a mistake for me to ask her upfront, but I had to know. What was she looking for? She told me that she was simply enjoying her walks there. If that was true, then she would've looked me in the eyes. I decided that it was best to not push the issue and just accept the answer. I have never seen her lie to me before. I wasn't even sure she was capable of physically being able to tell a lie. What in the world could be so important in those woods that she would risk making herself sicker?
Maybe I shouldn't be so obsessive. I have a family that I need to take care of, especially after everything that has happened. Louisa needs a mother; I can't let my husband shoulder it all. But still, I cannot shake this sinking feeling in my gut that something is going on with Aria. She's the best friend that I have, but she's shutting me out. I really don't know what to do.
August 1st, 1896 Dear Diary,
I had not meant to leave your pages blank for so long. I suppose I felt that there was no need. After Aria brought Marie, life really did become much more exciting. I was able to grieve, but not be swallowed by it by having to take care of such a rambunctious creature. Not a single day goes by without her bringing mischief into our lives though I am grateful for her. She brings joy to our lives, and she protects my daughter fiercely. Why the other day a group of boys were pulling her hair and Marie chased them away while trying to bite their ankles.
Sven my dear husband is recovering as well. Despite his disability, tends to help me these days with the garden. I think he wants to spend more time with me after what happened though I like to think he also enjoys it too. If there is anything about the house I adore, it is the garden though Marie is developing a habit of taking flowers from the garden and presenting them as bouquet. It would be adorable if it wasn't so destructive!
I do sometimes think about my baby. It's a dull ache now, but it's a pain that I can live with. There are things that we all must live with no matter how terrible. I don't mean to tread upon old ground, but it's also human nature to think about things that bring us our own misery.
Speaking of treading on old ground, Aria, there is something odd about her. Odder than usual. She is more much more anxious these days with multiple projects. Does she sense her impending demise or is there something more? I know that she still traverses the Illusive Woods, but for the life of her she never tells me why she keeps going back there. What exactly is there that leads her back there? What could be so important that a woman as sickly as her is compelled to a point of obsession?
Maybe I should let it lie, but I don't know if I can.
December 31st, 1896 I can't take it anymore. I refuse to let Aria keep me in the dark, not on this. After all these years, she refuses to tell me why she keeps going back into woods. I finally got so fed up with her I asked her why she won't tell me. She couldn't even give me an answer. She just got up and left. For my safety, I'm going to bring Marie with me and let her navigate me through the woods. I will get my answers.
January 1st, 1897 I... I don't... I never wanted this. I never wanted this, but I can't stop thinking about it. It's wriggling, scraping inside at the forefront of my mind. It won't let me ignore it. I don't like this. I need it out. Get it out. Get it out. GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUTGET IT OUT GET ITOUT GETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUT!
There were splotches of a faded brown liquid on the page.
August 1st, 1932 Time is a tree.
"What are you doing in here?" At the doorway was Mr. Osman in his wheelchair. He looked too shocked to even be angry at her for reading Elanore's diary. "Please, put that down."
Items: Key Items: Pokedex, Umbrella, Mandolin, Sketch pad and Graphite Pencils sketch of mirror (probably useless) Old Rod, Forearm Guard (Bracer), Dragon Chew Toy, Swanna Pail, Fruit Basket
General: 6x Potion, 5 Super Potions, 4 Great Balls, 12 Pokeballs, 3 antidotes, 3 paralyze heals, Red Scarf, Blue Scarf, Fighting Gem, Rock Incense, Repel, Ability Capsule, Moon Stone Black Belt (Equipped), Cheri Berry, Chesto Berry, Pecha Berry, Rawst Berry, Aspear Berry, Leppa Berry, Oran Berry. Persim Berry
TMs: TM57 Charge Beam, TM89 U-Turn
Badges: Shrine Badge
Pokédollars: 19,935
Pokémon Name: Cecil Species: Darumaka Gender: ♀ Type: Fire Personality: A jolly, over confident creature that will sass the hell out of people and demands cuddles. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: It tries to mimic Basil drawing, but all that it makes are just scribbles and blobs. Also likes marmalade sandwiches. Her goal is absolute domination on the battlefield and help Basil out of his shell. Level: 15 Moves: Rollout, Tackle, Incinerate, Rage, Fire Fang, Headbutt Ability: Hustle Held Item: None Health & Status: 20%
Pokémon Name: Crocus Species: Bulbasaur Gender: ♂ Type: Grass/Poison Personality: Crocus is a curious, friendly creature. A bit too friendly and trusting for its own good. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: His goal is to be an adventurer and go where no Bulbasaur has gone before! Smells like freshly cut grass. Level: 15 Moves:Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Take Down Ability: Overgrow. Boosts power of Grass-type moves when heavily damaged. Held Item: None Health & Status: 100%
Gender: ♂ Type: Fighting/Flying Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 17 Moves: Detect, Tackle, Hone Claws, Karate Chop, Wing Attack, Roost, Aerial Ace Ability: Limber. Cannot be paralyzed. Held Item: Black Belt Health & Status: 100%
Pokémon Name: Gender: ♀ Type: Psychic Personality: (Not entirely up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Not entirely up to player.) Level: 74 Moves: Pound, Confusion, Tickle, Play Nice, Fake Tears, Double Slap, Psybeam, Embargo, Feint Attack, Psyshock, Flatter, Future Sight, Heal Block, Psychic, Telekinesis, Charm, Magic Room. Ability: Shadow Tag. By standing on a target’s shadow, this Pokémon prevents the target's escape. Held Item: None. Health & Status: 100%
Gender: ♂ Type: Electric/Poison Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 1 Moves: Belch, Tearful Look, Nuzzle, Growl, Flail, Acid Ability: Rattled. Raises speed if hit by a Bug, Ghost or Dark-type attack, or if Intimidated. Held Item: None.
Gender: ♂ Type: Dark/Dragon Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 9 Moves: Tackle, Dragon Rage, Focus Energy, Bite Ability: Hustle. Pokémon’s attacks are more powerful, in exchange for accuracy. Held Item: Health & Status: 100%
LIKE HELL IT'S WEAK! Basil screamed internally with a completely straight face. However, it was odd. Basil was somewhat aware of the Gothitelle in question from his little escapades of when he would sneak off the family estate and explore his home city and busk in the more populated areas. The Factory District was not one he frequented often, but from what he heard on the streets he was aware of how powerful she was and how beloved by the locals she was. He had heard that she had a child, but no one ever said anything about it being so powerful, which would make sense if it was a fresh hatchling though if the one, he had was the same then it made no sense.
What the heck happened in the short time that he left Worldedge? If it was the same Gothita, then it raised questions how it became so strong and why she was on the run. Who were those people? Concerned locals trying to bring her back to her mother or something else? Whoever they were, they were probably stronger than him and without being aware of their intentions he needed them to get them off his scent.
"No, that will not be necessary. Chances are you're that a trainer already has it." A trainer indeed already caught it, that was the problem. Basil gave the policewoman an uncertain shrug. "I wish I could tell you more, but they were just dressed in normal clothes. The only thing that I can say is that they were weirdly well organized, somehow were able to track it from Worldedge to Lakewatch, and they were very much ready to fight a freakishly strong Pokemon around pedestrians. They could be dangerous." That much was true at least.
"Oh, uh, you need my name for the statement, right? It's Basil Rivens and uh, yes, that Rivens," the Noble said with an awkward grin. He really did not like dropping his surname, but he really had no other choice in this context. Perhaps she would even take his words more seriously After doing whatever else was needed like signing a statement or whatever, Basil gave the Officer Jenny a polite nod. "Thank you so much and my apologies for taking your time. Have a nice day."
Once that was done, Basil left the station. He walked as far as he could from the station and looked for any spot that was too open to the public eye. Once he did, he pulled out a Pokeball and with a ray a white light come out the source of his troubles.
"Alright, we need to talk." Basil knelt down, so he was closer to eye level with the Pokemon. "I need to know what is going on. I know you're the Gothitelle's kid from Worldedge, but I don't expect you tell me anything for free so let's play a game." From his backpack he pulled out some graphite pencils and a drawing pad. "We'll ask each other questions and we have to answer. The moment one of us doesn't answer, the game is over. You'll answer my questions by drawing on my pad here. Do we have a deal?"
"Keep your guard up. We still have an Alpha to possibly contend with. Over." He glanced around their surroundings with uncomfortably paranoid glances. This was going too smoothly. It was entirely possible that the swarm from before decided that they were not worth the effort, but a strange nagging would not stop clawing the inside of his stomach. They were intelligent creatures that utilized sophisticated pack hunting strategies to hunt down their prey and there was something else to consider; just because they couldn't see the Asterin didn't mean that the Asterin couldn't see them. They were predators, pack hunters that stalk their prey. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that they were following them, biding their time.
Maybe he was just being paranoid, wasting his energy over imaginary scenarios. If they haven't been attacked again then maybe the Asterin really gave up. However, he had not survived on his own for as long as he had by taking everything at face value. Nolan took a deep breath and focused his gaze. However, a thought occurred to him. Pressing his earpiece, he asked, "Hey, what exactly are the hunting patterns of Asterin?" He knew that he was showing his lack of knowledge, but he was not going to let a foolish sense of pride force him to remain ignorant to the enemy at hand.
It was times like this that reminded Nolan that he was a stranger in a strange land. These were monsters that he was not acquainted with, something very much to his disadvantage. However, he was more wary of the people than the monsters. One inkling of suspicion and everything he was working towards was over.
Items: Key Items: Pokedex, Umbrella, Mandolin, Sketch pad and Graphite Pencils sketch of mirror (probably useless) Old Rod, Forearm Guard (Bracer), Dragon Chew Toy, Swanna Pail, Fruit Basket
General: 6x Potion, 5 Super Potions, 4 Great Balls, 12 Pokeballs, 3 antidotes, 3 paralyze heals, Red Scarf, Blue Scarf, Fighting Gem, Rock Incense, Repel, Ability Capsule, Moon Stone Black Belt (Equipped), Cheri Berry, Chesto Berry, Pecha Berry, Rawst Berry, Aspear Berry, Leppa Berry, Oran Berry. Persim Berry
TMs: TM57 Charge Beam, TM89 U-Turn
Badges: Shrine Badge
Pokédollars: 19,935
Pokémon Name: Cecil Species: Darumaka Gender: ♀ Type: Fire Personality: A jolly, over confident creature that will sass the hell out of people and demands cuddles. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: It tries to mimic Basil drawing, but all that it makes are just scribbles and blobs. Also likes marmalade sandwiches. Her goal is absolute domination on the battlefield and help Basil out of his shell. Level: 15 Moves: Rollout, Tackle, Incinerate, Rage, Fire Fang, Headbutt Ability: Hustle Held Item: None Health & Status: 20%
Pokémon Name: Crocus Species: Bulbasaur Gender: ♂ Type: Grass/Poison Personality: Crocus is a curious, friendly creature. A bit too friendly and trusting for its own good. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: His goal is to be an adventurer and go where no Bulbasaur has gone before! Smells like freshly cut grass. Level: 15 Moves:Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Take Down Ability: Overgrow. Boosts power of Grass-type moves when heavily damaged. Held Item: None Health & Status: 100%
Gender: ♂ Type: Fighting/Flying Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 17 Moves: Detect, Tackle, Hone Claws, Karate Chop, Wing Attack, Roost, Aerial Ace Ability: Limber. Cannot be paralyzed. Held Item: Black Belt Health & Status: 100%
Pokémon Name: Gender: ♀ Type: Psychic Personality: (Not entirely up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Not entirely up to player.) Level: 74 Moves: Pound, Confusion, Tickle, Play Nice, Fake Tears, Double Slap, Psybeam, Embargo, Feint Attack, Psyshock, Flatter, Future Sight, Heal Block, Psychic, Telekinesis, Charm, Magic Room. Ability: Shadow Tag. By standing on a target’s shadow, this Pokémon prevents the target's escape. Held Item: None. Health & Status: 100%
Gender: ♂ Type: Electric/Poison Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 1 Moves: Belch, Tearful Look, Nuzzle, Growl, Flail, Acid Ability: Rattled. Raises speed if hit by a Bug, Ghost or Dark-type attack, or if Intimidated. Held Item: None.
Gender: ♂ Type: Dark/Dragon Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 9 Moves: Tackle, Dragon Rage, Focus Energy, Bite Ability: Hustle. Pokémon’s attacks are more powerful, in exchange for accuracy. Held Item: Health & Status: 100%
Somehow, Basil knew that he should not have been surprised, but he was. Even in a village as peaceful and high in the sky, there had to be something resembling law enforcement. Well, after talking to some people it turned out that there was one, such as it was. What he found was not a building that imposed authority, but what was essentially a shack. "Well, it is what it is," the young noble muttered to himself.
Upon entering, he saw a young police officer sitting with one mean looking purple dog watching television. In the back of his mind, Basil could not help, but wonder if it was one of his family members though he would have to tuck that thought away. The policewoman approached him and asked him if she could help him.
"Uh, hello. Yes, I would like to make an inquiry." Basil cleared his throat. How in the world could Basil ask without implicating himself? Well, it was obvious; lie like his life depended on it. "Have there been people looking for a Gothita? Did someone important lose it? I was leaving Lakewatch when I was approached by a group of people looking for it. Apparently, she's very strong from what I can tell." It wasn't entirely a lie. Technically they did approach him, and they were looking for the Gothita.