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9 yrs ago
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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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Wow, can't believe I missed this. Any room still?
Sorry for the short post. Kinda had a hard time trying to figure out what to do in this situation.
Great, intangibility. As if it could have gotten any worse. Still, they were not out of luck; manifestations all revolve around some kind of logic even if they don't appear to do so on the first glance. These battles were always a puzzle to solve, each one with their own pieces that they had to put together with quick trial and error.

However, trial and error would have to wait. For a split second, Mathias saw that the greater pattern of the smoke shifted. He could feel it, the rush of fangs and claws descending upon him. There was no thinking, only reacting. He could feel it. The magecraft coursing through his body, through his legs. In a split second, one would have thought he flickered out of the way of the incoming assault.

In the brief window of time that Mathias dodged out of the way, he pointed the barrel of his gun where he assumed the Manifestation would be and peppered it with arcane bullets though he doubted that it would even harm the creature. If only he had the schematics for some magical weapon that could kill intangible manifestations, but life was never that easy.

Over the hail of gunfire Mathias shouted, "Raf, coordinate with Emma and find an opening for her pup to attack the bastard! Cid, Dirk! Provide cover fire!"

What was he going to do? He needed to figure out the nature of this creature and fast because he was not certain that Emma's manifestation was going to be enough to even put that thing down on its own.


Well, someone was excited. Basil chuckled as he grabbed his mandolin case and flicked the locks open. "Alright, I've got a feeling that I know what you like already," he said as he pulled the mandolin out of its case and plucked its strings as he fiddled with the knobs, humming the pitch that the strings needed to be tuned to. With a satisfied mutter he then said, "And here we are."

Basil looked back at the Gothita and his fingers began to pluck the strings with deft fingers though it started off with a repeating single note before he started to add a folky melody that carried a comforting sweetness if a bit melancholic. Then he started to sing softly, vulnerably though the lyrics were something that would have gone over such a young Pokemon's head though to anyone passing by that were in earshot it sounded like a song about loving like 'real people do' and had lyrical imagery of dirt, bugs, and digging as if someone fell in love with something they unearthed.

Some would have said that there was a grimness to it, but Basil played with such a gentle smile for his audience of one. But after that, Basil decided to walk around the village. He had no idea if Anise and Amelia were done so he ventured to the herb store out of curiosity.
Will try to get something up a day or two
@Sanguine Rose@Zarkun

"Sounds like I'm missing out on the fun." For a second it could've been mistaken as a joke, but no, there was no jest. Nolan genuinely wanted to fight whatever the red beast was, but that was neither there nor there. What was more important was what the corporal had to tell him.

That was not the answer that Nolan wanted to hear. They had so little information on what was going on and the more he probed the more he realized just how precarious their situation was. And what the hell was the deal with the artillery backing out after giving their word? No matter how dangerous the Asterin were, there was no reason for the artillery to back out of their promise and judging by the reactions of the corporal and everyone else, the Asterin were behaving strangely. Then again, the monsters were acting unusual anyway. This whole situation was suspicious.

However, thinking about it was energy wasted. Nolan glanced back at Ria before he turned his attention back to the Corporal. "We will rest for the time being. Is the canteen available for us?"


Oh, there she was.

"And here you go." Zenith placed the plate of food in front of Trinity.

So, what Trinity received was definitely not French Toast because she asked for Egg Toast and as Zenith did what Zenith does when he gets vague orders, winged it. In fact, it probably looked and smelled completely far removed from what she had initially thought. What did she get? What was sitting in front of Trinity were scrambled eggs so creamy that they looked like they were about to become custard topped with specks of what could only be described as smoky and aromatic, yet spicy and sweet pepper flakes that were a deep shade of red, sitting on top of a slice of grilled eggplant and toasted sourdough focaccia filled with zaatar and olives.

Before Trinity could comment that this was definitely not what she ordered, Zenith was already looking back at the pink haired girl. Didn't he just put that plate down a second ago? "Yeah of-" However, he never got a chance to finish his sentence. The chef was tugged by the sleeve by Jenna across the guild hall. "W-wait a minute! Don't stretch the fabric!"

Eventually, they were back in the kitchen. Zenith checked his sleeve that most definitely stretched with a pout. "What was so important that you needed to drag me" And there it was. Looked like he was going to have to do some mage work for a change.

"Don't have much faith in our new recruits?" He leaned against the counter with a joking grin. His hand reached for a pitcher of coffee and poured himself a cup that he had laying about."Don't worry, I'll bring them back in one piece. So, what's the job?"


Basil smiled at the little Gothita's nod and gently patted her tiny head. "Well, I look forward to travelling with you then, Stella."

The young noble sat down on the grass with a plop. "I won't push the matter anymore. I think we've both had a pretty tiring day already, so, I'll end this with one more question. Do you have any song requests?"
Just post when you can. There's no rush.
Sorry for the delay.
There was an extensive list of things that Mathias never wanted to face within the confines the Dark City and it certainly was not an exhaustive one. However, if there was one thing at the top or at the very least close to the top of his list that he never wanted to encounter then it was a conceptual Manifestation. They were annoying, to say the least. Manifestations that leaned towards the conceptual end were hard to locate, hard to track, and their nature painfully difficult to decipher on case-by-case basis. Did that mean they were impossible to kill?

Well, in his experience it was very possible to kill a concept.

"The objective hasn't changed. Keep your guard up." What else was there to say? They had a job to do, and they couldn't make a tactical retreat without reason so they could only push forward. He didn't like it though. There were too many strange occurrences happening all at once and it was keeping him on edge.

And then static crackled in his ear and out of habit, he pressed into his ear as if there was an actual earpiece in it. Old habits were hard to kick. "We're intact, but this is far from normal. The City looks like a Dali, and we've got a rogue conceptual Manifestation lurking around. I'll keep you posted," said Mathais.

His focus turned to Dirk. Right, they spent enough time scouting the route. They needed to-

The sound of metal screeching caused Mathias to turn around and saw pieces of the carrier were torn away


The Manifestation got the jump on them. They were careless.

Mathias felt Rafael's weight collide into him and pushed him down onto the road. As soon as they met concrete of whatever facsimilia of it that the Dark World produced, Mathias heard an ear-splitting explosion tear through the air followed by the powdered debris of the building that surrounded them.

"Thanks Raf, I owe you one," he said as he stood back up. In mere seconds, yellow energy crackled and twisted into hexagonal patterns, gathering into shapes as a clear image of what he needed came from Mathias mind. Just like that Mathias was holding an enchanted AK-47, pointing it forward as his eyes focused on what was being obscured through the debris.

"Everyone, maintain positions! Stay alert!" Mathias ordered. The objective has changed. Kill the fucker and get out.

He took a deep breath, and his eyes now shimmered with that hexagonal pattern from before. Mathias could see it, the structure of the smoke so to speak. One would say that the smoke was ever changing, but it had a natural flow, a pattern that it took. What he was looking for was the moment that the pattern would break.
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