Avatar of Remram


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9 yrs ago
Current -Insert bs here-
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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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Life's been shit but it could be worse.
I'll wait for at least Zeroth to post.

Sounds like an anime. The Dwarven Chef Can't Be This Adorable
Life seems to be going out of its way to keep me from getting it done. Gods above.
Will try to be finished by tomorrow
--- Village Center > Springwood Forest Outskirts ---

Late Morning / Early Midday

Well, the blacksmith was certainly pushy, but he was not wrong either. "Very well, if that is what she wishes," he said with a shrug. It was better for the farmer to find a suitable plot of land as soon as possible, but he would've liked to have more hands-on deck, but it was what it was. With that they headed off... in the same direction that he just came from only mere moments ago.

I really should've paid more attention when I was passing through. Brom thought to himself with a blank expression of disappointment in himself. It was what it was, but did he ever feel silly not to check the woods for anything when he hiked through them earlier.

The late morning late painted the vale with a gentle light, the wildflowers swayed back and forth among the tall grass. The air was perfumed by the gentle scent of flowers, grass, and sea salt far off from where he assumed to be a beach. Brom walked in step with his newfound comrades though it was quite a task for someone of the shorter persuasion to keep up with the taller races with his stubby legs. Unlike the herbalist, Brom held no reservations being around strangers; he just walked around with a grin on his face and a clattering of pots and pans from his bag.

Eventually, they were just on the outer permitter of the forest. There were mainly, if only birch trees, and while it was an acceptable wood for smoking it was not what he was looking for exactly. While it does impart a delicious flavor, the bark had to be peeled off due to high amounts of resin found in it and the wood itself burns hot and fast, which is typically not conducive for smoking food unless it was mixed with another kind of wood.

Brom frowned to himself until he saw a slime off in the distance. He watched as the blue blob rolled thoughtlessly around, unbothered before it vaulted itself into the air before landing off in the distance with a thud like a sack of potatoes. Well, that happened.

His ears perked up when Myrr mentioned useful properties of slimes. The uses were actually quite similar for when, in a pinch, one could use slimes as thickening agents in foods like stews, sauces, and so on once they were properly cooked. Before he could chime in, Myrr had already dashed off and for good reason.

Brom rushed after her to take a good look of the plant himself. There were no flowering bulbs, which meant that this was still a young plant they could actually harvest. "Stinging nettles are actually quite edible. Blanche and drain them, then you have a wonderful product that's like spinach."

However, his attention was pulled away nature's bounty by the one leading their little expedition. Did he really just call him sir? The dwarf certainly was no knight and had no stature in high society. A chortle escaped from his lips as he shook his head. "Just Brom is fine. I am no sir, just a humble chef out in the middle of nowhere." He said as he watched as Myrr excitedly went to examine a patch of dandelions.

"She is right though. We do need to go into the woods if we want to find-" His nose twitched for a moment as a family sharp scent wafted through the air and as if his head was on a swivel, he turned to look at the source. Did his eyes deceive him? Between the flowers and grass, there were peculiar weeds strewn about, green grass with a long, hollow leaf. With pep in his step, he went to examine the plant and knelt down to get a closer look. Gently, he took a piece off the tip and held it up to his nose and took a whiff. This was garlic, wild garlic! A foundational ingredient in the cuisine of so many cultures!

Why was there garlic here? Were they near any wetlands? Oh, it didn't matter! Brom's face was lit up with a giddy excitement that he had something so important to cooking though he couldn't dig it up yet since he lacked a spade.

However, due to his excitement he forgot why they were actually there. Brom turned back to Myrr and while his beard did partly obscure his face, one could make out a faint red glowing from his cheeks and his ears. The dwarf chuckled sheepishly and said, "I, uh, haven't done much either. Got a bit distracted myself too. How about we just call it even and collect the sticks together?"
I'll try and get something up tonight
Would magnetism qualify in this rp? It's not an abstract concept like holy since it's an actual thing in our lives that is part of nature. Or would it not be that helpful in this rp?

Edit: Disregard this.
It's been kinda a rough few days, but I'll try to get something up soon.
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