Avatar of Remram


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9 yrs ago
Current -Insert bs here-
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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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Try to get something up soon. Way too much happened today.
This looks fun. Is there any room still?
I'm fine with whatever.


"That's genuinely incredible." Basil glanced down at the bottle, tilting it to watch the liquid shift in its glass container. "I wonder if I could put a good word for you in..." He muttered to himself. Wait, did the boy something about side effects? Nah, maybe he misheard. It was hard to understand what he said with his mouth covered by his hand.

The boy quickly introduced himself and offered his hand. The young noble smiled and grasped his hand with his gauntleted hand. "Basil, my name is Basil. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said with sincerity because he was genuinely impressed with Earl's skill and dedication in his journey to create concoction. "I'm taking the league on too. Actually, I am one of Professor Kalmia's assistants. I've only been a trainer a bit, but I can say that it's been... interesting."

Basil had this thousand-yard stare as he thought about his entire journey. Interesting was an apt word considering how much happened.

He took a deep breath and then proceeded to unload an unholy amount of information as if he needed to get it off his chest. With each point he brought up, he lifted a finger as if he listed it off. "Nearly got jumped, solved an ancient mystery with the person who nearly jumped me, unleashed a legendary Pokemon and was given a gift by it, played a game of chicken with my life with a mother Hydreigon to convince it to get the chance to recruit one of her kids which worked, planted the gift from the legendary Pokemon in the berry garden and suddenly caused every plant to bear fruit while the gift itself turned into a wooden effigy, and it turns out I may have stumbled upon a conspiracy."

All of that was said in one breath. He was slightly out of breath as he left Early to process what he said. "Oh, and I have a gym badge already." He quickly brought up with a weary chuckle before his shoulders slouched forward and heaved a heavy sigh. "It's been a week."

Not trying to give you more work, but what kind of trees can Brom see in his immediate surroundings in the woods? Any that he can use for smoking or softwood trees only?
--- Near the northern edge of the settlement ---


Brom looked at the foolish bard with wide eyes as he came to a horrifying realization. Oh Mother Mountain's beard, he has stupidity stuck between his ears. No matter what Brom said, no matter what he did this man was never going to listen. In fact, this was the sort of man that went by the beat of his own drum, or in this case, went by his own tune regardless of how he effected the others around him. In short, the worst kind of person to have in a kitchen let alone a little community trying to bring life back to this ill begotten town.

It took all Brom had not to push the bard's hand off his shoulder. They must live in peace; he could not contribute to any tension within this band of people. He had to be civil, polite, and courteous even if the fool in front of him kept prancing around like a peacock in heat parading his feathers for any potential, dissatisfied potential mates to appear. However, not even he could maintain his cheery smile as he listened to the peacock prattle on and on. Gods above did the man love the sound of his voice or what.

"Don't make yourself the final verse," Brom muttered to himself though lo and behold the seemingly immovable object met a greater unstoppable force. Adrilla led him away with an arm around his shoulder and honeyed words coming from her lips not before she flashed Brom a grin and wink.

The dwarf returned with a satisfied mischievous grin and a thumbs up. "Oh we know when we aren't wanted!" He said with a hardy chuckle. His attention though turned to the Myrr and for a split second he thought he heard her give him his thanks. His grin softened into a warm smile of acknowledgement and a nod before he focused onto the matters at hand. So, they had a blacksmith, a herbalist, and a farmer, and at least some of them had combat abilities. He wasn't sure on the farmer though.

"I know my way around a sword," chimed in Brom. "If possible, I would like to try and find some wood for smoking as one method to preserve food. Hard woods like alder, hickory, oak, and so on." If they were going to be okay in the future, then they needed to stockpile on resources that would help extend the shelf life of food though whether or not they could lug back both wood for firewood and for smoking awaited to be seen.

However, a new problem arose; it appeared that he had accidentally discouraged the farmer from looking at the plains completely.

With a shrug Brom said, "Come along anyway. Worst case scenario is that if we don't have time to look then we have an extra pair of hands to help bring wood and food back. Besides, you'd be safer in the forest with a bear than with him anyway." He briefly glanced over in the direction of the bard.

He made sure the straps of his backpack were tightly secured around his shoulders, pots and pans gently clanged against each other. "But we are burning daylight, I'm with Myrr and that we should leave now."
It's also the new year coming up, so I guess people are gonna be busy.
Just holding off on posting just to see what others will do.
Place your bets on who's gonna sock the local bard!

Sorry my dude lol
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