--- Near the northern edge of the settlement ---
A voice rung clear. Brom turned to look see it was another blonde elf though this one had green eyes and looked less like she had a string of bad luck. Well, the words certainly fell out of her mouth, but her heart was in the right place. Brom flashed her a friendly smile and said, "Oh? I would certainly be grateful if you did come along. Your help would certainly be welcomed, miss."
Brom glanced around what was becoming a small squadron for the forest adventure. It was certainly something, but his eyes fell upon the anxious looking green haired woman that was behind the red headed man. What in the world was wrong with her? She looked like a shaking leaf that could've been blown away into the horizon by a mild gust of wind. The poor thing looked completely out of her element. It was a miracle that she even made it this far, but then again, it was also a miracle that she also happened to be a farmer.
Thank the gods above. He thought himself. There was now a less likely chance that they would starve to death in the future. Still, they had to deal with more immediate issues.
"I'm not sure if we'd be able to look today, but we can look tomorrow. In the meantime, the miss and I will do our best to get some more-" Before Brom could finish his sentence, the sound of a vielle rung throughout the decrepit hamlet followed by the voice of that foppish looking young man.
Is this really the time? It was some fine playing, do not get Brom wrong, but everyone was planning and working on survival and this guy thought it was a bright idea to play a concert. Well, he just wouldn't get food tonight.
Brom simply would've just ignored him, but the bard was simply put being too much of a nuisance to be ignored. The music got closer and closer until the dwarf was watching the human bard getting too cozy with the elf he was speaking too. She looked tense, unsure of herself. In other words, she looked uncomfortable with his sudden advances.
It was a split second, but Brom actually looked annoyed at the bard's presence, his brow was furrowed, his eyes squinting, the corners of his mouth were tugged in a frown. Again, that was only for a split second before he wore his typical smile. There was no need to be confrontational. They had to live with each other, so there was no need to be make an uncomfortable atmosphere.
Brom casually slipped his way between Rinn and Myrr. While he was someone of short stature, he was still someone that took up quite a bit of space with his naturally bulky dwarven frame. He gave the bard a smile and said, "Hey, nice playing there Mr. Arniman! It's definitely something that would lift our spirits up later, but I think at the moment maybe your attention should be focused on helping us in different ways. Why not help the lovely couple out? I'm sure we'd all be thankful." How does one get a slacker to work? In this case, play him like the fiddle that he played.
There was no way he was going to even entertain the idea of suggesting that he'd go with Yingmei to check out the fertile lands. It was safer to have him be around Daryl and Sheryl. There was no way he would be dumb enough to try and hit on a married woman, one whose husband looked like he could tie him into pretzel knots with ease. Or maybe he was?