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--- Near the northern edge of the settlement ---


A voice rung clear. Brom turned to look see it was another blonde elf though this one had green eyes and looked less like she had a string of bad luck. Well, the words certainly fell out of her mouth, but her heart was in the right place. Brom flashed her a friendly smile and said, "Oh? I would certainly be grateful if you did come along. Your help would certainly be welcomed, miss."

Brom glanced around what was becoming a small squadron for the forest adventure. It was certainly something, but his eyes fell upon the anxious looking green haired woman that was behind the red headed man. What in the world was wrong with her? She looked like a shaking leaf that could've been blown away into the horizon by a mild gust of wind. The poor thing looked completely out of her element. It was a miracle that she even made it this far, but then again, it was also a miracle that she also happened to be a farmer.

Thank the gods above. He thought himself. There was now a less likely chance that they would starve to death in the future. Still, they had to deal with more immediate issues.

"I'm not sure if we'd be able to look today, but we can look tomorrow. In the meantime, the miss and I will do our best to get some more-" Before Brom could finish his sentence, the sound of a vielle rung throughout the decrepit hamlet followed by the voice of that foppish looking young man.

Is this really the time? It was some fine playing, do not get Brom wrong, but everyone was planning and working on survival and this guy thought it was a bright idea to play a concert. Well, he just wouldn't get food tonight.

Brom simply would've just ignored him, but the bard was simply put being too much of a nuisance to be ignored. The music got closer and closer until the dwarf was watching the human bard getting too cozy with the elf he was speaking too. She looked tense, unsure of herself. In other words, she looked uncomfortable with his sudden advances.

It was a split second, but Brom actually looked annoyed at the bard's presence, his brow was furrowed, his eyes squinting, the corners of his mouth were tugged in a frown. Again, that was only for a split second before he wore his typical smile. There was no need to be confrontational. They had to live with each other, so there was no need to be make an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Brom casually slipped his way between Rinn and Myrr. While he was someone of short stature, he was still someone that took up quite a bit of space with his naturally bulky dwarven frame. He gave the bard a smile and said, "Hey, nice playing there Mr. Arniman! It's definitely something that would lift our spirits up later, but I think at the moment maybe your attention should be focused on helping us in different ways. Why not help the lovely couple out? I'm sure we'd all be thankful." How does one get a slacker to work? In this case, play him like the fiddle that he played.

There was no way he was going to even entertain the idea of suggesting that he'd go with Yingmei to check out the fertile lands. It was safer to have him be around Daryl and Sheryl. There was no way he would be dumb enough to try and hit on a married woman, one whose husband looked like he could tie him into pretzel knots with ease. Or maybe he was?

Is it cool if I throw up a post or should I wait for everyone else to post?
Bird man is gonna be stuck on dish washing duty.
--- Near the northern edge of the settlement ---


Not that it ever crossed Brom's mind but thank the gods above that these were amicable travelers and not blood thirsty barbarians. What he was greeted with was the strange cavalcade of people from various different walks of life though the first of the group to reach out to him was this quite well-built man with an excited grin and held out his hand.

"Hah! Glad to meet a friendly face! The name's Brom, I hope we along! Nice beard by the way!" Brom extended his hand to greet the human's handshake and matched his firm grip, arm muscles rippled in an overly dramatic wave of masculinity with big, bearded grins. One they finished exchanging greetings, Brom's attention was turned to the sound a wagon creaking forward and found himself staring at a sour looking ass. A donkey, not the other kind. All three of the occupants looked like they were made of money, or at least the elderly gentleman and the little girl. The young man looked like he may have sired children in different villages before he ended up here, but Brom was not one to judge by appearances.

The only one that Brom had not seen yet was the dwarven woman. Maybe she really was just passing through to wherever she was planning to go or still had some business to attend to before coming to the encampment. It was not like he had much time to think about her; everyone seemed ready to get to business, or having lunch. The little girl on the cart had a large smattering of strawberry jam on white bread while the older gentleman ate orange marmalade. The sight of this food caused a flash of concern to go across Brom's face.

That's all they could find? Brom looked around the crowd and started to mentally count the amount of people that were there. He counted in his head the amount of people, including himself and even accounted for the female dwarf. Thirteen people in total with maybe more on the way if there were others that were compelled just as they were.

This was bad, really bad.

However, he caught the smell of something coming from downwind. It prickled his nose with a faint, yet sharp brininess. Salt? Are we near a beach? The cogs in his head began to turn. Perhaps things weren't going to be so dire after all, but there were other priorities that they needed to meet immediately first.

A red-headed boy called out to anyone that would listen. For now, it was best to get to know everyone and figure out what skills they had to offer. Brom raised his hand to catch the boy's attention. "I'll come with you. I'll forage along the way to get a better idea of what we've got to work with going forward."

He looked up at Adrila who seemed very keen at bossing people around. Was that what she did for a living? "I think most of us can split some logs, but I doubt we realistically have the tools to cut down a tree just yet." He sure as hell wasn't carrying around a saw or an axe. Also, he was pretty sure that the donkey would spit at them before it would allow them to use it to help hull lumber over.


How in the world has she not ran her business into the ground yet? Basil thought to himself while he watched the cashier stand there stunned. Also, was that actual lightning in the background behind her or was he just seeing things? Maybe he should find a place that sells a mortal, and pestle and make his own medicinal concoctions rather than commission her. Or maybe he'd give her the commission out of pity.

However, he had his attention pulled away by the boy in one too many jackets. Basil arched his brow and hesitantly said, "Uh, yes, that would be cor-" He didn't even get to finish his sentence. After the boy fished around his bag, he placed a glass bottle filled with a red, strangely warm liquid. It looked like it could burn a hole through the floor if he poured it out.

His eyes however widened in surprise at the explanation. "Wait, you made this?" Basil looked down at the bottle and then back at him. "How is this even possible? You can't even get this commercially. The Mercia family would go ballistic if they found out you could do this."
Well, there's something. Brom is gonna Brom.
--- Near the northern edge of the settlement ---

@Rune_Alchemist @CitrusArms @ERode @Xaltwind @BunniesOfDoom @Zeroth

Brom beamed as the elf returned the handshake. "Likewise, Adrila!" He released her hand and turned his attention to his fellow dwarf and gave her a polite nod. "Be seeing you around, miss." Was he actually going to see her again? Hell, if he knew. It could have just been a chance encounter, and they would never see each other again or maybe she was drawn here just like them. Well, it didn't matter. Brom just walked on side by side with his newest companion without a care in the world, even if the town was a crap sack forgotten by the ages.

There was obviously proof that there was something here, a long, long time ago though it was a remnant of what it once was. The walls were crumbling away, some buildings looked like they were only being held up by sheer force of will. Even if any of the outside of some of these buildings looked salvageable, it obviously did not mean the internal structures within the buildings were not utterly compromised by time. Brom certainly was not a carpenter, but this was going off the assumption that he was going to live here. Why else would he feel compelled to walk countless days to some place far off any known map?

Off in the distance he could hear something, voices. His eyes lit up with joy at the prospect that there were other signs of life. However, he wasn't the only one who noticed either; Adrila with a cautious whisper and squinted eyes was quick to inform him of what he already noticed. "Why are we whispering?" whispered Brom. The thought that there were any bandits out this way had not crossed his mind for one reason: there was nothing here. There were no trade routes with caravans, no towns with businesses, or even a simple farm to pillage. There was, in the words of one of his old bosses would say, absolute fuck all.

However, maybe he should have been cautious. Perhaps there could have been bandits all the way out in this abandoned place. The world may never know because as soon as Adrila went to whisper to him a second time, there was only a metaphorical dotted outline flashing in out and of existence where he once stood. The elf would watch Brom happily bounce along the dirt path with his stubby legs.

"Hello everyone! Are you all travelers? My friend here appears to have gotten lost and needs to inform her employer that she is very much alive, albeit respectfully she does need a washcloth." Brom turned back to the elf who was most likely mortified by Brom being, well, Brom. "Come on, Adrila! Don't be shy!"
Had a super busy day yesterday. I'll try to get something up soon.
Hey quick question. What season is it right now in-game?

Edit: Re-read the first post. It's spring. Guess I know what I am going to have Brom do first.
--- Near the northern edge of the settlement ---


Brom blinked with a look of mild confusion as he processed what his fellow dwarf just said. Tell the elf where they were? He'd have just as much luck telling her where they were if he grabbed one of his kitchen knives and threw it at a random point of the map; he was just as lost as the elf though perhaps a bit cleaner and less stress lines around the face. Then again, his fellow dwarf did not seem exactly to have much going on in her head. She's a few potatoes short of a stew. He thought to himself before his attention turned back to the elf.

Clothes made of fine material, articulate, and stood straighter than a ruler against a wall. Definitely the noble type or at the very least noble adjacent, the kind of person who he would help make meals for when he worked as a personal chef for a noble in the kingdom's capital. His eyes glanced down upon her compass. What the hell did she do to it? Stomp on it repeatedly? However, out of respect he stood there in silence as he listened to her entire harrowing tale.

What an unfortunate woman, was all Brom could think of looking at the elf. It was not just because of her story. He was not sure if the elf was aware of this, but she was terrible at hiding her emotions; he had a front row seat to a one-man pantomime of this woman's inner turmoil. Ignoring that, her story confirmed one thing: he was not the only one being drawn in to this town. Did that mean that there were others like them coming from the other corners of the world here?

"Well, no use in sulking. How about we go see if there are other people? If you're lucky, there's someone that can help you get back home or at the very least, find a well so you can wash your face. Oh, the name's Brom by the way!" He held a rather beefy hand out towards the elf. It was covered in a litany of scars and burns marks, and along his index finger was a raised callus. His handshake, if she accepted it, would certainly have been a firm one though he would've taken care of not squashing her hand like an overripened tomato.
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