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Skarsneek of the Red Hill

Letting Hinami rest as he gingerly put her onto a bed inside a grain storage, he sat close by even as he relieved some of her stress by using a wet cloth and a small basin to wipe her face.

It felt familiar, taking care of another younger sibling when they fall sick. Though Hinami’s case was more severe and life-threatening to others.

Idly, he wondered if there was anything that could be done. Undead usually was more docile and Hinami certainly wasn’t the lower-ranked variety. That she could talk, interact and retain much of her personality was enough to be counted to be a noble undead.

It being the consequences of a curse or ritual gone wrong, was sobering.

While sitting, nearly silent footsteps caught his attention and his hands went to the clubs immediately as he looked who was approaching.

“Oh, granny, what’s up?” He said and relaxed when the presence revealed itself to be Yurine.

Hearing that she plans to do the spell that’ll help calm her down or do whatever it’s supposed to do had him tense, but he supposed it was better to just get it done.

“I think we should probably wait until her sister gets back first, unless you need it done now...” Skarsneek said, it didn’t felt correct to do this without Atsuha but if it was time sensitive, then he’ll have to trust Yurine on this.

Though on being questioned of what to do to calm her down, Skarsneek looked back to Atsuha and Hinami before coming to a conclusion.

Raising Hinami, and being aided a little with his knee. He placed her in an embrace from the back and had her head rested against his stomach.

It was a bit different from how Atsuha does it, but she didn’t have legs anymore while he had.

“Right, this should do it.” Skarsneek said, though his position also meant he can easily change to a sleeper hold if Hinami decides to go wild again.

Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Gringor shrugged when Nobutada jested he has joined Varjan army with the new armor. “Make it too easy, no fun.”

The point of a fight was to be hard, an easy fight wasn’t worth it in his opinion.

“Fought Shizuka, and…didn’t win.” Gringor waved his hands as he focused the so-called chi or spirit energy as they’re called by the shamans. The thing desired by all mamono, something he generates and is special.

He didn’t see anything different between the demonic energy or spirit energy, since they’re essentially the same. Different, but same.

Pushing that aside, Gringor focused on what he can do with it instead as he focused it to his fist. It gathered there, made his hits stronger.

But that’s about it.

“Had arm bitten, not strong, not tough enough.” He said, recalling the sensation of teeth sinking into his flesh and bone.

It angered him as he grimaced darkly.

“So was thinking about spirit.” He then turned to Nobutada. “Seen those robe bois, dragon something. Dress little but when hit, axe bounced back.”

“Gravekeeper said it was technique, but it reminds me more of you. And you’re tougher.” Gringor then got to the heart of the matter.

“Can teach, how to make me tough? So I can make axe and armor tougher too.” He grinned, one that he hadn't done so for a while.

Morning shone through the small gaps of a wooden window before it opened, revealing the inhabitant as they greet the sunny day with sun standing at its apex.

Haku, now freshened up as he adjusted his disguise, headed downwards.

Last night showed nothing, it was deadly quiet and not even any signs of night activities.

Disappointing but hardly unexpected, it’ll take more than that to find out signs of crimes.

Still, he had a job to do.

“Good morning! Thanks for hosting me.” Haku said as he greeted the bartender and placed the money for the overnight stay. “Here, and a little extra.”

“Pleasure doing business, you going back?” The Bartender accepted the money with a pleased smile.

“Not yet, I’m off for a while and I wanna see the place for a bit.” Haku nodded as he stepped outside.

“You can take a gander at our beaches, there’s some beautiful sights there!”

“Will do!”

With that, Haku left the area and looked around the village.

Unlike last night, it was bustling and more people were seen as they moved around to make meets end, plying their trade or rarely, just stopping by for a rest before moving on.

The afternoon market of fresh fish and bounty of the sea, usually on full display by proud fisherman, was sparse. Prices was much higher too and even those sold was often chopped to pieces of fillet instead of a whole fish.

Not a great sign for the village, especially if it’s how they make their livelihood. There was some farms here, alongside livestock but those weren’t enough to provide enough for a whole island.

A perfect moment for people to take advantage of such a problem by selling food at a higher price, alongside other necessities.

But still, Haku mused that it left little signs of who would deal with it. Especially now if everyone is hoarding their supplies to be sold slowly.

Looking around the market for a moment and slowly left to the outer ranges, the one thing that didn’t seem in short supply was the coconuts at least. Large mounds of it stacked, as it was served fresh or being processed in other forms.

It was a novel fruit, so much uses and being so tasty. He had never seen a coconut tree and fruit until he left Wano but if he could, he’ll plant them by the dozens at every shore of Wano so people can taste this wondrous thing.

A small part of his mind however, didn’t deny that it was also possible for the people of Wano to outright reject the fruit simply because it wasn’t a local fruit.

Pushing that aside, he wandered around the beaches. Taking a moment to think and explore Gosa Village completely since he had only seen it at night.

Haku looked at the horizon, a quiet moment for himself with nothing in his ears aside from the noises of seagulls, waves, and wind.

A moment flashed as he recalled a lone grave, unmarked and unnamed, all so to protect its sanctity from being defiled due to its association.

Haku halted in their steps as he counted mentally how long has it been.

Too long.

He settled to one last thought before he continued his stride, she’ll certainly love this place.

Walking back to the pier, Haku had already made a round and scouted out a few places that he hadn’t been aware. The beaches was much shallower at the east, and at certain low tides, he could actually walked to another smaller connected island.

One that he had taken a look at, not that he needed the path but it was another thing to note.

Activity had slowed, with the sun now beating harshly down as most people wore hats to continue working or taken to resting under shades.

Moving right along, he’ll soon had to change to another cover or take to hiding. His identity can only last so long and people will grow suspicious soon.

However, he got the gist of the place and information to dig for more. He just need to look for a good disguise and story to-

Wait. He stopped in his steps as he glanced to the side as a new ship was currently berthed to the port. It was unmarked and unremarkable with all the trappings of a merchant ship.

The crew also had a bevy of clothes and hats that covered their faces as they unloaded their cargoes but it wasn’t too unusual as most of the other sailors was doing the same.

No, why he stopped was that he recognized all of them.

They’re marines from the 77th base.

Haku forced himself to quickly moved before he was spotted and disappeared from sight, once he was in a darkened alley, he moved at a much faster speed and double around to get as close as possible.

From there, he observed the disguised marines. With only four large wooden crates unloaded and packed for transportation in a wagon, what he assumed was the captain of the ship quickly shook hands with the transporter and headed back to the ship alongside the crew.

A storm of debate flew in his mind, who to chase after?

That passed quickly as he followed the mission parameters. Find the dealer, they’ll deal with the Marines in due time.

Cadog however was not going to be happy with this. Barely a day and they’re already moving things out? The base captain was a lot bolder than he gave credit for.

Then again, it was the best time. Cadog was no doubt on patrol, and they just resupplied with a few days of relaxation on top of it. There was no better chance.

Was that why Cadog gave that off days as well? Haku wondered as his eyes now saw the transporter leaving on the wagon.

He quickly moved, this time, fully utilizing his stealth as he moved into the crowd like they didn’t even exist. All people saw at most was just a passing glimpse at the corner of their eyes, hardly worth remembering.

As the wagon slowly left the village, this was Haku changed his approach quickly by sticking to the foliages and keeping at a distance.

Hidden as the oblivious wagon continued onwards, Haku listed the places the road leads to, there was the farm, the plantations, and dried fish processing plant.

Yet the wagon seems to go to neither of those places. Almost moving leisurely in fact as it made a whole round across the island before coming back.

That’s when Haku saw at a distance where the wagon was going.

It was the Mayor’s residence, a large mansion that probably doubled as an office or shelter in times of crisis..

Nothing too grand compared to other more extravagant mayors he had seen but it had tall wooden fences to mark its territory.

Haku changed as he put his mask on and tied his hair into a bun, ensuring that if he was spotted, no one would put the two disguises together.

During this time, the transporter stopped and opened it before resuming the journey, urging the horse to go in quickly as already, a few other men was waiting for his arrival.

Haku was wary enough and tried to spot any traps or alarms from the open field, the fence and then to the mansion proper.

Luckily, there didn’t seem to be any nor are there dogs. A quick look at the windows showed no one hidden observing as well. Security like this was way too lax and might he even say, completely negligent.

East Blue was really different, such a thing would never fly in the Grandline and Devil seas, but he supposed it was simply how it is.

With that, he quickly blurred and made his way past the open area, past the fence and then stuck close to the mansion walls, moving silently all the way.

Gather evidence, find any documents, and then get out to report this. Haku quietly thought.
sorry all, my post will be delayed, the current festivity is leaving me very little time to write a good post.

Moving through the twilight hours, Haku shifted slightly as the clothes he was in, fluttered against the night wind.

Choosing a dress and looking like a traveling woman was questionable for anyone in the Marines but this was not the first time he had done this and nor would it be the last. Besides it was the best way to get people's guard down.

So in he went into the town’s bar, lively and bright, as he straightened his long flowing hair and wrinkle in his clothing.

Oh dear. Haku got more attention than he expected as nearly everyone stopped what they were doing the moment he entered.

Taking a few calming and slow steps, he nonetheless continued on and sat on one of the chairs in front of the bar.

“One beer please, and a side dish.” Smiling to one of the barmaids, Haku cordially ordered as he took some time to look around the place.

It was furnished as well as it could, not much patchwork though not of a high quality either. The most sturdy thing here was the bar counter he sat in front, no doubt it was to allow the owner to protect themselves should anything happens.

“I didn’t see you here before, got a name, pretty lady?”

“Haley, I just got here.”

“So what's someone like you doing in our village?”

“Traveling, and delivering supplies to the closest Marine base. I just got off an off day for the job well done.”

“You’re from the Marines?” The Bartender eyes lit up in recognition, one that Haku spied seemed honest. Still, better to play his cards on the safe side.

“Non-commissioned, I simply work on the ships delivering the goods. I was recommended to come here in fact, that the food and scenery here is great.”

“Oh ho, you heard right then! We have the best seafood and beer here! I’ll serve you our special in fact, freshly caught this morning!”

“And here’s your dear, darling.” The barmaid returned and gave a winked, making Haku nodded with his own smile and thanked her as he raised the barrel looking mug to his mouth.

Taking a sip at first, it didn’t seemed poison nor drugged. At least, one he can taste. So down the hatched it went, emptying in one take, letting out a contented sigh and handing it to the barmaid again. “One more!”

The beer was decent at least, Cadog might actually enjoy it. Perhaps he can ask for a barrel to be sold to them?

For now, he had a job to do.

Hours later, with most patrons getting swept up as other drank deeply, Haku felt a little flush of his face but he got some information at least.

“-So, there was a storm breaking out of late?”

“Yes, the weather’s been terrible. Sometimes the storm just hits out of nowhere, and it’s been hitting our village hard.”

“My condolence, any injured?”

“Injured, yes, but thankfully, no fatalities.” The barmaid as she cleaned the barrel mugs away. “But we’ve been lacking good catch. You’re lucky since today was a good haul, usually, there’s less.”

That also explains the price. Haku quietly thought, it wasn’t exactly cheap for that amount given.

“But it seems everything alright so far? I mean, food aside, the village looks fine.”

“Mainly because our Mayor has been working hard to get everything running.” The Bartender commented as he wiped a barrel mug clean before giving her a plate of small hardtacks.

“Thank you.” Haku politely said before feigning to miss the biscuit once and then twice, before placing a hand on his head. “I think I might have taken a bit too much-”

“Oh, how about you stay the night? We do run an inn business as well.” The barmaid followed up quickly, and Haku agreed to it as he picked a hardtack, broke it into a small piece and munched on it.

“Sure, lead the way. I’ll pay tomorrow morning.”

So with that, Haku was led upstairs and into a nice single room. No doubt, used for occasions when there are plenty of tourists.

Haku stumbled a step as the door was opened for him, unsteadily thanking the barmaid and then locking the door before finally landing on the bed.

He remained motionlessly there for a full minute before hearing the light footsteps and creak of the stairs before silence reigned, only then did Haku open his eyes and inspected the room.

The door lock was inside, and a latch rather than a doorknob.

No faint blood scent nor any traces of it at the ceiling.

Nor are there any hidden compartments or entrances.

Just a normal room. Haku declared as he turned towards the wooden blinds covering the windows and cracked it open slightly. There was still a few patrons, moving in and out but those are far in between. Only the occasional night lamps kept the area lit.

Haku stayed in the room however, he’ll have to move out later on, once he’s sure everyone below had gone to sleep.

Reviewing so far, there didn’t seem to be any lead beyond the weird weather and Mayor.

He was no navigator, so he can’t tell if such weather was just normal or a coincidence. The Mayor able to keep things together was also a suspect, but that could be a red herring.

Think, who stands to benefit the most from the deficient supplies?

Food was one, and so was contraband like smoke, medicine, or alcohol.

Well, he had his work cut out for him as he cracked his fingers together. He’ll have to drop by the other haunts and see what else was missing from the picture.

Thus, with nothing else, he sat crosslegged and meditate. One that was taught to him by his father and mother, to better focused themselves.

With night at its apex as all shops finally closed and inhabitants retired for rest. A window opened silently before a shadowy figure crept out of it silently and almost defying gravity, crawled upwards. Leaving not even a creak of sound as they stood at the top of the rooftop.

Haku looked from atop, dressed much differently as he was fully clothed this time, head to toe, with something that look far more casual yet also making his figure much harder to figure out from a glance.

Then to complete it, he wore a white mask to cover his face with a black marking on it.

No one here would recognize it, but even if people did, he would still wear it proudly.

Pushing that aside, he decided to move around and patrol the area first to familiarize himself. It also doubled to find out if there are any people that snuck around for any underground business.

Jumping and pushing off gently but strong enough to race to another building in a single leap, Haku moved and traversed around quickly.

Come morning, barely anyone noticed the soft thudding throughout the entire village.


Just a little gear update, Gringor swiped Kalaj armor and is wearing it. Is that okay with you?

Skarsneek of the Red Hill

Skarsneek and Gringor both shared an unhappy glance, though the latter was due to looking like he was taking orders from the goblin.

The former however couldn’t care, and was focused on the health of her sister-in law.

Seeing Ayu helped even as he waved goodbye to Yurine. “See ya later granny, don’t throw out your back so soon, and thanks for herbs.”

“Alright, now sod off will you?” Skarsneek jabbed towards Gringor even as he adjusted his hold from carrying Hinami under her shoulders to a bride carry instead.

“Can gobbo handle dead girl?”

“Hinami, you mud-swimmer.” He followed up even as he grunted before steadying Hinami in his arms. “Also, what kind of man can’t carry a woman?”

“A weak one.

“Right, how original.” Skarsneek sarcastically remarked before heading off with Atsuha. “Try not to trip and break your neck.”

“And if Gobbo arms gets pulled out of socket, Gringor will help put it back.” With that, Gringor left, presumably to his own device which helped lessened Skarsneek's headache.

With the high orc gone, Skarsneek is finally able to focus on Atsuha and the whole topic of Hinami’s nature.

“We need to talk.” He commented but softly added. “But later in private, at night. Go take a break, wash up, and I’ll get dinner for you two.”

Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Gringor put the annoyance at the back of his mind as he gripped his hands, today was good. Fight was good, he didn’t win for now but that was okay.

He’ll win next time.

But still, he needed armor, those white-robes were a good start but hearing it was this…chi that powers them put a damper on things.

Wandering around and finally, a makeshift armory place, he caught sight of something interesting.

It was a Varjan armor, heavy, bulky, but also protective.

Gringor stared at it for the moment, before an idea popped into his head as he went inside and disappeared for a while.

A few moments later, he came out walking with bits of armor. Crudely but also methodically fashioned and bolted together as he noisily moved, sending panic to some at first before seeing his head and weapon to realize that it was the High Orc.

Moving around in it, it was hot, uncomfortable and tight around his chest. The previous owner body mass was much smaller than he thought.

But it was armor nonetheless, and he walked around with it to get used to the weight.

Gringor realized that to win, he needed aside from thinking, spirit energy and techniques. He needed more weapons.

The armor? It wasn’t to protect him.

It was so when he barged into others, it’ll hurt them more instead.

Still, he needed more before an idea came to him from observing those white robe bois. Recalling his strike being deflected completely, almost like how that lazy monk did it.

So off he went to where Nobutada was, hopefully, he was doing something else and not sitting there the whole day again.
I missed the last SBS, so here's one for Haku reaction to most of the other PC.

Annabelle: Haku reaction would mainly be wary, since while he doesn't know much of Annabelle's history, the scent of gunpowder alone would stand out as he knows that not many people can get that scent unless they're using it a lot. If he does know Annabelle other nickname and what she's done, he'll have to arrest her.

Rico: Would find him pleasant to be around, but since he's a pirate, Haku is obligated to arrest him on sight. That being said, if he has to chase Rico or a criminal, he'll go for the latter first since Rico crimes are not that high just yet.

Morgan: Finds Morgan a great person from a first impression and wouldn't mind be stationed there if there was an opportunity. A role model citizen by all accounts and respectable ambition.

Luna: Haku would find Luna a surprising sight since he only heard of the Minks tribe. Luna would be the first mink he would see, and would be excited to know more about the Minks.

Suiten: Similarly, Haku seeing a mermaid will make him very excited as he has never been to Fishman island. Will ask a lot of question if given the chance to know more about her homeland.

As to additional information, Cadog favorite alcohol is rum. He carries multiple flask with him and has a whole roomful of crates next to his private room.

Lots of other marines also like this because they can often barter with him to get a bottle of good quality rum, so long the alcohol they trade is something he likes.

“So here’s the 77th marine base?”

Haku looked at the base, noting immediately the pristine condition of the area. The bay itself was being occupied but it was not at full capacity, aside from one fully functional warship, the rest was empty.

If anything, their presence was the only reason why the bay looked busy. As the supplies ship made their landing and unloading to the harbor.

One he observed carefully as he moved multiple crates stacked on top one another easily while the ones unloaded by the normal workers carried one in pairs.

Still, as he made his way past the bay and gates. The guards didn’t paid attention to them, which honestly disturbs Haku with how lax they are. Was the East Blue so peaceful that they didn't need to worry about potential sabotage?

Well, no need to point that out for now as he quietly looked around to see some suspicious signs as he placed the crates in front of their quartermaster.

“Ah, yer a strong one aren’t ya?”

“Yes sir.” He then tilted his head to the sides and gestured with a nod toward the warehouse. “Want me to help put them inside, makes it faster.”

“Sure, hey, you! Show the lad where we keep our usual!” Voice raised loud enough to one of the passing marines had them quickly shuffled Haku inside as they guided him.

Cold, pristine, and only one exit. Haku mentally noted as he scanned his eyes around, the chill in the air increased as he entered the warehouse.

Purposefully, he dragged his feet and slowed himself in an effort to get more information. The floors smooth but wasn’t dull, so if things were being smuggled out, it wasn’t from the front.

So the operation was done from another route, or only a few people were involved.

Which points to the top rank officers in this base.

Though Haku had to snap out of it as the marine hollered at him to stop.

“Right! Just place them here, old ones at the front, new ones at the far back.”

“Understood.” He nodded and followed the instructions, once done, he gestured his head to the sparse warehouse. “You seen a lot of action? That’s a lot of supplies gone.”

“Nah, just minor ones. We just restock late most of the time.”

“Won’t you guys go hungry?”

“Well, there’s the village island just a few hours from here and we get paid well enough that we can afford buying extras if needed.”

A village close by?

That bears investigation then, after all, where there are people. There are always traces of crime. It’s merely a matter of finding it out, not to mention accomplices could also be there.

This was truly getting complex, he had sneaked and stolen precious things before but an investigation like this was a new experience for him.

Perhaps he was overthinking it too.

“I see, “ He ended with a gentle smile before saluting. “If you don’t mind, can you tell me the village name? I might go there to have a look during my break before we sail off.”

“Sure no problem.”

Returning from the transport, Haku sighted Cadog speaking with the captain of the 77th base. The former looked like he was browbeating the latter as Cadog was grumbling a storm as the two toured the area.

“-you water loafer, look at the place. Barely kept well, you have too many unused ports as well.”

“Yes, sir. We’ll make sure to keep things at peak condition.”

It was a weird sight to see two similarly ranked men but Cadog had seniority not just in age, and experience but also in his service record. In comparison, the 77th Marine captain was almost a greenhorn.

Though Haku kept that last comment to himself, regardless, both men are far more experienced than him in being part of the Marines.

Cadog noticed the latter even as he quietly follow the two behind and decided to let it go for now. “Aight then, you lot however keep a good job in patrolling the waters. So we’ll help patrol the area for three days, you and your boys get some rest in the meantime.”

”Thank you, sir! My men certainly will like it!” And with that, the man left a much happier mood as Cadog continued walking down the pier and lit up his smoke pipe.


“No visible signs of trap doors or hidden entrances. Floors are clean and not replaced, plaster was also not made old intentionally.”

“So the amount stolen or smuggled out is a small amount, or they have some other way of bringing it out without being detected.” Cadog surmised but that didn’t mean anything, they needed much more solid proof.

Quickly boarding back to the ship, the first mate and quartermaster were already assembled with a map in hand.

“Here’s what we can gather, there are many islands in between but not many of them are populated.” The First mate reported, marking a few of the sea routes used.

“Hmph, plenty of hiding spots.”

Haku agreed with the Quartermaster assessment, they’ll have to comb for weeks if that’s the case.

“Forget about the routes, focus on the endpoints.” Cadog waved it away and looked at the settlements instead. “There’s always a buyer at the end.”

“There’s a village here, I shall take a look at it,” Haku suggested, one that met no objections.

“I can think of a few other locations for a hidden cove or base.” The Firstmate quickly followed up as he scouted the areas that could host people comfortably, or long enough for a transfer.

The Quartermaster deliberated as he looked to the skies. “Dividing our men, we can cover those areas far quicker but that’s assuming the weather does not have a tantrum.”

“This is East Blue, not the Devil Seas. Our Navigator will spot a rain or thunderstorm miles before it happens.” Cadog huffed as he crossed his arms. “We’ll finish this in a day.”

“Very well, I’ll plan our course then.”

“Good, once the crew has their break and meal, we’ll cast off immediately.” Cadog then looked at Haku. “You too, get enough food to fill your belly for a day. You’re going in deep.”

“Yes, sir!” He saluted stiffly at that before being dismissed by Cadog, the latter already uncorking a liquor bottle before drinking it in big gulps much to the consternation of the First mate.

The moment Haku left, the Firstmate turned to Cadog. “You sure he can handle it?”

“Of course, and the seagull got to leave the nest.” Cadog watched Haku shrinking back and took another swig. Letting the rum settle in his mouth first before enjoying the aftertaste.

Later come the evening, sun was already slowly setting as most fisherman stayed for one last haul before heading back to Gosa Village.

Seas and wave gentle before a larger wave rock the surface, making way for a larger ship as it cut through the sea and horizon.

The proud white flag that flew the Marine banner made the inhabitants at ease, though some noted that it was a much larger ship, as they waved at it.

Sailors waved backwards as they sail onward without stopping before long leaving the area.

So fixated, that not many noticed that there was a blurring dot making its way rapidly toward the village harbor.

In the evening light, a silent figure crept into the village easily as a quick change of clothes had them blended into the village.

“Beautiful night.” Haku looked at the skies, it was a new moon and clouds was gathering. as he adjusted his clothes.


Alright, I need a bit more time to pump out a post out.

Really sorry for the delay.
@AzureKnight@PaulHaynek@Enkryption@The Irish Tree@Hammerman

Skarsneek and Gringor

“Could’ve mentioned that sooner!” Skarsneek struggled to maintain superiority as he constantly adjusted and shifted the excess strength that Hinami had whenever she tries to burst out of his grip.

That was until she finally managed to do so as a single hard kick knock Gringor backwards and he skidded for a good inch.

“Bah.” Gringor snarled, and turned his axe forward, Skarsneek saw it before he desperately changed to grabbing Hinami by the hips, controlling her center of gravity, and shoving her back whenever she tried to move.

The pair struggled continued until Atsuha managed to bind the sister, letting Skarsneek finally able to relax as he rolled away from Hinami before panting in exhaustion with shoulders slumped.

Though he cheered up immensely when his lover came, wiped the dirt away, and helped him up.

“I’m always alright and all ready for some ground fights.” He cheekily said before hugging Atsuha and pulling her closer to him, her hips feeling his chest heartbeat. With that, Skarsneek felt a lot more invigorated by her presence alone as he shared an intimate moment.

“Dead sister usually isn’t like this.” Gringor ruined the moment as Skarsneek eyebrow twitched at that.

“Her name is Hinami, you bone-head!”

“What gobbo said,” Gringor continued without much of a concern.

“So what next, boss? We take the ones still alive and go back, or go after the rest?” Gringor gestured to the other living Shizuyamans that he took out, including some of the Dragon Warriors. “We need more bois, and can make them join us.”

"Do we have what Yurine got for us?" Skarsneek decided to focus the topic instead rather than agreeing with what Gringor said. It was something they could do as monsters, they're particularly good in 'convincing' others to fight for them.
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