Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 20 min ago

@PaulHaynek @Xaltwind @The Irish Tree (EUL)

"I told them to head for Terauchi Temple, and that the yokai are harmless. Well, at least to the locals." He explained. "However, I also learned that they were from the survivor camp that we are heading to. The illness struck when they gave all their food to a Varjan patrol that found them."

"Wait, that village got sick after the Varjans found them?", questioned Kerry, eyes narrowing in suspicion. All of this was sounding less like a naturally occurring contagious bug and more like a deliberately planned tactic to spread a plague throughout the island. Now that she thought about it, was it a good idea to send the hostage group back toward the temple? They seemed well enough, but...

"Right you are, madam yokai. We are on our way towards a survivor camp that is in dire need of a healer. The camp has been afflicted with an illness that I do not know yet and I must be there to properly take care of it." The monk replied to Eula. "I know you said you wanted to return to the temple, but why not join us in our mission? Traveling with a group is much better than going at it alone."

The hornet turned to get a proper look at Eula and, upon noticing her right arm, gave a slight wince. Kerry had spent enough time with Relica and the other tech-heads back in Grelden to know a thing or two about Automatons. Specifically, she learned about how damage an Automaton can take before said damage gets to a point where it actively restricts and limits her performance and requires much needed repairs. Given the condition of her right arm, and despite the clear attempt to repair it, Eula wouldn't be able to perform at full strength.

"I would very much like a third member to our team, but....", she spoke, turning to Relica. "You're the expert here, Rel. Is Eula still good to go?
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

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@PaulHaynek, @Rezod92, @The Irish Tree

"Oh yeah, for sure. I can just repair them whenever I want, 'cuz there's just an absolute abundance of spare parts and materials on this, what was it you called it again, Curry? Backwater?" Relica replied with an exaggerated and ratherpainfully obvious faux-optimism at the hornet's comment about her just needing to fix up her damaged toy. She then looked over her shoulder, gave the two rescued peasants a once-over and then looked back at her friend. "Lives aren't replaceable, no, but not all lives are worth the same. Damaging my equipment now to save two extra mouths to feed, who won't do or add anything to furthering our goals, and not being able to save a group of twenty or more later because I didn't have all my gear also isn't a very good trade." Relica commented, making her stance on the matter clear.

And in truth, she was still miffed about all this. Those two peasants didn't look like anything special, and while it may be wrong to judge a book by its cover, the fact was that according to that Ayu-woman back at the temple, the resources and provisions they had to work with were already meagre. Adding two potentially useless extra mouths, who could neither fight, craft, build or do any other sort of useful task or duty, aside from plowing a field, wasn't exactly a good idea in Relica's mind. True, they'd be helpful after the Varjans were driven off, since they could help replant and regrow food for the population, but right now that future seemd like a pipe-dream.

At the Automaton's words though, Relica's ears perked up and she turned to face the one named Eula.

"Don't you worry 'bout that. Even if it was against my better judgement to come here, it was ultimately me who agred to it... And had no real say in the matter... Anyway, Eula, huh? Hah, that's a cute name." The gremlin assured their new sister-at-arms.

Then the monkshowed up, and relayed a bunch of information. A bunch of really strange and inconsistent information. If the disease didn't spread or wasn't infectuous, as he had said back at the temple, then why had those two peons deemed it necessary to leave? If the illness had only arrived after the Varjans stole all their food, then it wasn't a disease at all, but rather starvation - and that was hardly somehting a simple monk or healer could address by going there. Finally, Kerry voiced a valid concern, which Relica quickly agreed on.

"Yeah, you say that the disease isn't infectuous or doesn't spread, baldie... But how do you actually know that? You haven't been to this place before, right? I honestly would've prefered if you hadn't sent those two off to the temple without letting someone examine them carefully first." The gremlin said, folding her arms under her plump chest and giving the man a disapproving frown.

Then came the real issue. The monk offered Eula to come along on their journey. It was, at this point, that the horney mercenary made a comment that drew Relica's attention to Eula. Spotting the damaged and patchwork-repairs of the automaton's arm, the little green-haired lady zoomed over to the side of her new acquaintance, grabbing hold of her scarred arm with her own, tiny gloved hands. Though, she did so gently and without pulling or yanking, like she was grabbing onto something brittle and delicate, like a glass sculpture or something.

"... How in the heck did you suffer all this damage? ... Jeez, I really wish you'd told me to take a look at this as soon as we met." Relica said, a somber chime to her otherwise snarky voice. Pulling down her goggles, she gave Eula's arm a good, thorough look-over, using her octo-arms to inspect the arm near the shoulder and armpit, where Relica herself couldn't reach due to her stature. Finally, she sighed and pulled up her eye-wear.

"Askin' me, Curry? On a personal levle, I'd want nothing more than to return to the temple and get Eula fixed up. To give you an idea, she's basically walking around with what would be equal to a mangled arm with a deep flesh-wound in the case of you or me. She can use it, but it ain't pleasant, or smart. You've done some self-repair I see, but that ain't going to hold forever you know." Relica said first to the hornet, then to the automaton herself. She placed a gloved hand on her chin and thought for a bit, then looked back up at her damaged monster-sister. "Look, I can't do anything about your damaged arm here. Not right now, I didn't bring any of my tools or supplies on this trip because I didn't think I'd run into you right as I left... Didn't expect you to be this banged up either. Still, if you can just wait until I get back to the workstation at that temple, I'll get you sorted, right as rain! ... But, if nothing else, I think it'd be a good idea for you to come with us." Relica said, a concerned and genuine expression on her. "Not to hlep us fight or anyhting, no. Leave the grunt-work and meatshielding to this idiot." She motioned with her thumb towards Kerry. "No, I'd like you to come along so i can keep an eye on yer condition, so things don't get worse. Is that alright with ya, Eula?" She finalized, asking strangely plitely considering how she'd been talking to Kerry and the monk previously... But perhaps that was just how she was around actually wounded individuals? Or perhaps she just played favorites.

When Eula picked up and ate some of the Varjan scrap-gear though, the gremlin made a face.

"Ew, no, Eula! Don't eat that! You don't know where it's been. Well, i mean, you do. But that actually just makes it worse. If ya wanna snack on somehting, eat one of Curry's spears. They come back on their own anyway, so it's fine."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

As Carroll slithered back towards the village that was hosting them, Alice was drifting off into an uneventful sleep - her first real rest since the training session, mere hours ago. A mistake, that. It was a small thing, but small things had the tendency of growing over time - mountains of molehills, so to speak. And, though her mortal existence was not commonplace as others, Carroll still bore the same, lascivious cravings as any Mamono; cursed, as she were.

Her stomach rumbled in desperation; a timeless cry for proper sustenance. She took what she could from Alice - a little bit here, a little bit there - but it was akin to living on bread crusts and water. A stale, hardtack diet could never replace the luxurious meal she could find in someone like the young lord or his samurai retainer. However, she couldn't betray her Alice so easily - even as her starvation was allowing her to slip through her metaphorical and manifested fingers.

And, Alice was slipping away. Recall, the aforementioned mistake, and the training done. To control multiple mindsets was a strenuous task; a juggling act that couldn't afford a single drop, yet someone had snatched two pieces out of the air before her. In Wonderland, there was no concept such as Chi; the Human Realm did not apply to the Insanity of Magic. There, it was easy to control and maintain her dying illusion, but here...

Not so much.

Her mental hold on Alice had slipped for, but an instant, yet that was long enough to do irreparable damage in her current state. By the time she had the energy to deal with it, she would have to struggle to regain her Alice as she were. By then, it would, in all likelihood, be too late to recover her. Already, she could see the wear, as she looked down upon Alice's hatless head; roots of red showing in the cascade of gold she'd so carefully built up. It wouldn't be long before the charade fell through...

Then... what?

Her stomach rumbled. She needed to eat. It wasn't too late. She could turn around, and sneak attack the Jiangshi at the cost of being attacked by the High Orc, the sister she had in the Jorougumo, and her Goblin lover. Not to mention, the unrivaled disdain of the elder stateswoman and the fostering of mistrust from the young lord; both of which would only serve to inconvenience Alice. She needed to eat, but, for the sake of her ambition, she couldn't be reckless.


No, she had to make do, as she had been.

So, she did.

Lying Alice upon the loamy soil, sunkissed and windswept, the Cursed Sword in her stolen guise of a corporeal being would look upon her eldest pawn, so close to promotion, and lie with her. A one-sided affair, as the Mad Hatter slept; ignorant to the nigh-masturbatory molestation - fiingers ghosted over unblemished skin, as smooth and pale as porcelain; lips, plush and lavender, pulled gently upon lips, prim and bubblegum, in longing embrace; her thick tail wrapped around thin legs, as they met in the middle.

Yet, this affair was quick - a top off of the aforementioned bread crusts and water.

Despite the airs of passion, it was clinical and calculated. In minutes, it was over, and Carroll drew Alice into her arms, and resumed her journey home.

Her stomach grumbled, but the rumble was gone... for now.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 20 min ago

@Xaltwind @The Irish Tree (EUL)

"Look, I can't do anything about your damaged arm here. Not right now, I didn't bring any of my tools or supplies on this trip because I didn't think I'd run into you right as I left... Didn't expect you to be this banged up either. Still, if you can just wait until I get back to the workstation at that temple, I'll get you sorted, right as rain! ... But, if nothing else, I think it'd be a good idea for you to come with us." Relica said, a concerned and genuine expression on her. "Not to hlep us fight or anyhting, no. Leave the grunt-work and meatshielding to this idiot."

"Yeah, we don't want you overexerting yourse- excuse you, say that again!?", snapped Kerry, at first being reassuring toward Eula before becoming indignant after catching the last part of Relica's statement.

"Ew, no, Eula! Don't eat that! You don't know where it's been. Well, i mean, you do. But that actually just makes it worse. If ya wanna snack on something, eat one of Curry's spears. They come back on their own anyway, so it's fine."

"You wanna get wind-punted across this island, you shortstacked rugrat!? Don't go telling people that they can nibble on my weapons! I need them, in case you forgot!"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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@Enkryption, @Restalaan, @AzureKnight, @Hammerman

"This super isn't a usual thing! I can tell you that, even if I'm not the tallest sprout here," Liliana said, putting her hands on her hips indignantly at Yurine's insinuation that the Mamono were all unruly, uncontrollable crazy people bound to fits of random rampaging. Only like...two of them were. Maybe three. Or four.

...Some number! But not all!

Still, upon seeing how gravely wounded Lunatea was, Liliana would hold her sword aloft and...a cow would materialize beside Lunatea and give her left ear a gentle lick. "...Whoops, uh...usually I don't get cows, I promise. Okay, this time, Whimsy, pretty please with sugar and cherries and honey on top, Greater Healing!" ...Another cow would be summoned, licking the back of Lunatea's other ear, before the healing spell actually happened. "...Okay, I lied. Cows happen. A lot. But they're helping a little!

Looking to Yurine, Liliana didn't seem worried in the slightest. Either she was incredibly trusting that her allies would stop Hinami, or was completely aloof to the situation at hand. Maybe even both. "Miss, are you alright? I didn't really know the situation before coming here, but...aren't these samurai guys supposed to serve Lord Takeshi? Why were they trying to fight him?"


@Rezod92, @Xaltwind

"The damage this unit sustains is irrelevant if that damage is taken to help the innocent." Eula stated, before lifting her good arm and saying: "But...your concern is noted. I wouldn't want to worry someone who is on my side. For now, I'll bind my damaged arm." Keeping true to her word, Eula would promptly use her good arm to pry open one of the Varjan armored soldiers' pieces of armor to get at their clothes underneath ripping off a large unbloodied shirt to form a sling for her damaged arm.

"As for the metal, it wasn't for nutritional value. I was analyzing its composition to find structural weaknesses, and usefulness. The alloy itself is too heavy for civilians in the village to make use of for tools. I would never eat Kerry's weapons or your drones unless told to, Eula clarified, before looking at Relica's drone that had been damaged and...


Shaking her head, she would immediately say: "Regardless, lets continue on with your assigned task. I will refrain from physical combat."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kazenosuke, Dancing Blade


Kazenosuke's House

Kazenosuke's rebuttal signaled the start of the bout, drawing his sword and immediately showing off his namesake. The whirling blade was not only an effective way to stave off any attack, but also as a distraction to gain an advantage on attackers. His advance would prove Shizuka's deductions correct as Kazenosuke first feinted a step towards his fellow swordsman, then quickly hopping over to Yuki and delivering a powerful kick to stagger her. He then delivered a powerful slash to the oni, only after did he then continue his advance towards Shizuka. The vagrant had a look of concern on his face for the sake of his comrade's well being, but he was confident they would recover quickly. Besides, he had to focus.

Shizuka's eyes were adjusted to high speed movement, and sought to find an opening in Kazenosuke's spinning blade. Using the increased dexterity gifted to him by Io, he would make for a parry that would stop his blade in its tracks, if only even briefly. Then, with the created opening, he would deliver Uryubutosen - a larger onslaught of slashes, at his foe to push him back. Hopefully, he would then be in a position to deliver a decisive blow.

Yurine the Death Keeper

@PaulHaynek@Restalaan@Enkryption@The Irish Tree@Hammerman

Kozukata Cemetery

Making a mad dash at the young lord, salivating at the powerful chi that he was emitting. However, she was stopped in her tracks as she noticed a more intense signature. Alice, who had been sitting to the side this whole conflict, has been secretly stimulating her chi to attract the crazed undead. She would find that her plan worked, as Hinami ignored him and darted after Alice. Nearly on the mushroom mamono, Alice likely had a plan of action in store for the jiangshi. However, this would be cut short, as a certain goblin pole vaulted towards his sister-in-law.

Skarsneek, utilizing impressive joint manipulation and body locking, held Hinami in place as he tackled her. Using his monstrous strength, he was able to temporarily keep her in his bind. It may be short-lived, however, as she trashed about. Snarling, her force began rolling them around on the ground. Covered in dirt, the goblin would soon find that his grip was almost lost. That was, until, Gringor came and further bound Hinami using a cloth from one of the dragon warriors. Stringing her up, he held her upside down as she continued to struggle.

However, Yurine warned that even though cloths may not be enough, as they were just a part of the warriors' wardrobe and didn't have any special properties to them. This was prove true as Hinami ripped away the cloth and caught Gringor off guard with her frenzied strength, knocking him away. Despite her continued fury, the other taskforce members would notice that Hinami appeared to be quite fatigued. Her stay in this form put a massive strain on her stamina; blue glowing sweat dripped from her and her breathing was very labored. With quickened, but stumbling steps, Hinami made one last attempt to prey on Alice before she vanished from view. That would never come to past, it seemed, as Hinami would find herself instantly bound by powerful webbing.

"My sweet sister, that's quite enough." Atsuha, using her powerful limbs, held her sister in place as she vainly struggled to break free. After a few moments of trashing, Hinami's cries ending and she passed out. Atsuha gently held Hinami in her limbs, using a bit of magic to sooth her fatigue. Alice seemed to have lost interest in the whole ordeal, which mad Atsuha think that she wanted to fight Hinami out of some sort of leisurely activity. Unsure of what to think of the woman, she watched silently as she walked back in the direction of the temple. She then turned back to the others.

"Everyone, you have my thanks in all the parts you played in attempting to stop my sister. And, I also apologize for everything." Walking over to her lover, she began to wipe the dirt off of him and help him to his feet. "Are you alright, Skars-kun?"

She then turned to Takeshi, noticing the lilies. "I see you brought the lilies with you, I'm glad that you were able to find them. Oh!, are you and Luna-chan alright?! Were you two attacked while you were away?" Since they were attacked in the graveyard, it stands to reason that the young lord would've been ambushed as well.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 1 hr ago

@AzureKnight@PaulHaynek@Enkryption@The Irish Tree@Hammerman

Skarsneek and Gringor

“Could’ve mentioned that sooner!” Skarsneek struggled to maintain superiority as he constantly adjusted and shifted the excess strength that Hinami had whenever she tries to burst out of his grip.

That was until she finally managed to do so as a single hard kick knock Gringor backwards and he skidded for a good inch.

“Bah.” Gringor snarled, and turned his axe forward, Skarsneek saw it before he desperately changed to grabbing Hinami by the hips, controlling her center of gravity, and shoving her back whenever she tried to move.

The pair struggled continued until Atsuha managed to bind the sister, letting Skarsneek finally able to relax as he rolled away from Hinami before panting in exhaustion with shoulders slumped.

Though he cheered up immensely when his lover came, wiped the dirt away, and helped him up.

“I’m always alright and all ready for some ground fights.” He cheekily said before hugging Atsuha and pulling her closer to him, her hips feeling his chest heartbeat. With that, Skarsneek felt a lot more invigorated by her presence alone as he shared an intimate moment.

“Dead sister usually isn’t like this.” Gringor ruined the moment as Skarsneek eyebrow twitched at that.

“Her name is Hinami, you bone-head!”

“What gobbo said,” Gringor continued without much of a concern.

“So what next, boss? We take the ones still alive and go back, or go after the rest?” Gringor gestured to the other living Shizuyamans that he took out, including some of the Dragon Warriors. “We need more bois, and can make them join us.”

"Do we have what Yurine got for us?" Skarsneek decided to focus the topic instead rather than agreeing with what Gringor said. It was something they could do as monsters, they're particularly good in 'convincing' others to fight for them.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nakushita
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Nakushita Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter

Member Seen 1 hr ago



Stumbling back from the unexpected spinning kick, she felt his blade contact her. Grimacing and letting out a sharp cry from both blows as she hadn’t been anticipating him coming towards her first. Finally getting her balance back and her feet steady and stable underneath her as she took a step back. Taking a moment to recompose herself as she let out a low growl underneath her breath as she winced. "That hurt damn it....what was that for...." Not being pleased by the stinging of pain he had delivered, as it had stirred up the anger within her. Losing her jovial and joking mood and becoming much more serious about the situation.

“That was unwise, I was in a good mood before, but now you have just gotten on my bad side….” Muttering with slight annoyance in her voice. Rubbing her side gingerly for a moment with one eye shut as she tried to shake off her initial surprise and discomfort. Her crimson gaze shifting towards the swordsmen and his spinning blade as both of her eyes focused on him with only one thought in her mind. Yuki having lost a bit of her composure and her usually cheery mood turning sour. Before holding out both of her hands too her sides as she let her claws out. Baring her sharp little fangs as her eyes begun to narrow as she homed in on Kazenosuke. Wanting to get a little bit of payback now for his earlier attack.

Yuki saw what Shizuka was up too, as she quickly tried to get herself into a position to make it awkward and difficult for Kazenosuke to defend himself. “I don’t like having to bring out my claws, but you are asking for it swordsman!” Yuki shouted trying to come in at him from an angle from his lower right-hand side. Bringing one of her claws towards his rib cage wanting to strike a blow back for the two that he had given her already. Trying to overwhelm his defenses alongside Shizuka, having decided to take a more direct approach to assisting him. Having intended to only support him from behind, until Kazenosuke had drawn her ire.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Mentions: @PaulHaynek@AzureKnight

Thankfully, Skarsneek and Gringor were there to help stop the enraged jiangshi. And judging by what she saw, it seemed there was no need for her to intervene as well.

As the situation seemingly died down, Yurine approached Lunatea and Liliana, who had found themselves near each other as they gathered around the body-locked Hinami. "Don't tell me this is a normal occurrence in your little squad." She crankily told the two monsters. "Else, Takeshi's trust in you is doomed from the start."

"Hmm, I wouldn't say it's a normal occurrence…" Lunatea answered apologetically, averting her gaze. "But it is true that she needs that seal in order to keep her sanity. But don't worry. It's only her who's like that."

Still, upon seeing how gravely wounded Lunatea was, Liliana would hold her sword aloft and...a cow would materialize beside Lunatea and give her left ear a gentle lick.


The summoned cow took her entirely by surprise. And so, the moment it licked her poor, sensitive rabbit ear, she pretty much jumped.

"W-what?! What are you doing?!" She protested at Liliana.

"...Whoops, uh...usually I don't get cows, I promise. Okay, this time, Whimsy, pretty please with sugar and cherries and honey on top, Greater Healing!" ...Another cow would be summoned, licking the back of Lunatea's other ear

"Kyaah! S-stop it!" She yelled to the cow. Her ears were very sensitive, you see, and they didn't take well at all being licked like that. In fact, the only person allowed to play with her ears were her parents, when she was younger, and her future husband, who was definitely not this stupid cow that was staring at her!

Thankfully, right after, the healing spell actually happened. Immediately she could feel her body becoming lighter.

"Thanks… but I'd appreciate it if there are no cows involved next time." She glared at Liliana.

Her gaze then switched back to Hinami, who now had been webbed into submission by her sister.

She then turned to Takeshi, noticing the lilies. "I see you brought the lilies with you, I'm glad that you were able to find them. Oh!, are you and Luna-chan alright?! Were you two attacked while you were away?" Since they were attacked in the graveyard, it stands to reason that the young lord would've been ambushed as well.

"Yes, we were attacked," Lunatea answered. "By Varjans at that. They wanted to think I killed the young lord. Can you believe it?" She crossed her arms under her chest with an angry expression.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

Kozukata Cemetery


~ @Hammerman, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI), @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @The Irish Tree (LIL), @Enkryption ~

"Miss, are you alright? I didn't really know the situation before coming here, but...aren't these samurai guys supposed to serve Lord Takeshi? Why were they trying to fight him?"

Yuwine sighed. "i'm afwaid iwt's nowt thawt simpwe, wittwe owne. Takeshi may be the son of wowd hideo, but sowme wawwiows of shizuyama sewve the iswand's twaditions above aww ewse. They think thawt those who betway the twaditions desewve punishment, even fow peopwe wike takeshi. Especiawwy fow peopwe wike takeshi." the owd wawwiow expwained. "nowmawwy, thiws iws nowt a pwobwem. But we awe nowt in any sowt of nowmawcy hewe."

"I see you brought the lilies with you, I'm glad that you were able to find them. Oh!, are you and Luna-chan alright?! Were you two attacked while you were away?"
Atsuha Hangai

"Yes, we were attacked, By Varjans at that. They wanted to think I killed the young lord. Can you believe it?"
Lunatea Vern Farnsworth

"eww, nowt by vawjans. By wawwiows of shizuyama." the bawe-chested takeshi cwawified. "they wewe twoops undew kikyo. They pwobabwy thought i betwayed ouw homewand by awwying with uwu. I... suppose i cawn't fauwt thewm fow thinking thawt." but the young wowd wemained wesowute. "howevew, attacking me iws a wine they shouwd nevew have cwossed. They desewved whawt happened tuwu thewm hewe."

"miwowd!" kikyo awwived with hew howse, vewy much wate tuwu the pawty. "awe uwu awwight?!"

takeshi, howevew, wooked at hew with disappointment. "i'm quite awwight, kikyo. But i was attacked... by youw men."

"i found thewm acting suspicious eawwiew, so i wawned the yokai taskfowce. Wooks wike they wewe successfuw in saving uwu." kikyo expwained befowe disembawking hew steed. "my wowd, i am vewy sowwy..." she kneewed awnd bowed hew head in fwont of takeshi.

"get up, kikyo." takeshi owdewed befowe wooking tuwu yuwine awnd the taskfowce. "yuwine, take the taskfowce awnd head fow tewauchi tempwe. I wawnt tuwu have a wowd with kikyo awone. Evewyone, uwu aww have my gwatitude fow saving me again. Uwu may have youw eccentwicities, but know thawt i appweciate the hewp uwu continue tuwu give me awnd the iswand." the young wowd then bowed.

"miwowd, wiww uwu two be awwight?" yuwine asked tuwu which takeshi nodded. "vewy weww. Wet's gow, evewyone."

Shizuyama Wilderness


With evewyone in agweement, euwa accompanied the gwoup towawds the diseased camp. They quickwy wesumed theiw wawk, weaving behind the fawwen vawjan patwow who wewe now missing awmow pieces in theiw outfit.


passing thwough a fowest, the gwoup soon entewed a smaww viwwage wocated inside with onwy thwee ow fouw houses in sight. "kishi viwwage. Whiwe i'm gwad thawt the invadews haven't found thiws pwace yet, the peopwe hewe weawwy shouwd head somewhewe safew." the monk wemawked. The viwwage was quiet, with nowt a souw outside at the time being. Pewhaps they have indeed evacuated unwike whawt the monk thought.

thawt iws, untiw... "heawew! heawew!" a viwwagew woman came wunning tuwu the gwoup. "thank goodness, uwu'we hewe!"

"mika? whawt iws iwt?"

"it's my son." the woman wepwied. "i think he ate something poisonous."

"take me tuwu him." the monk immediatewy decwawed befowe tuwning tuwu hiws taskfowce escowt. "i know we awe own an uwgent business, but i cannot ignowe thiws. Fowgive me." the monk bowed befowe fowwowing the woman tuwu hew house with the taskfowce having no choice but tuwu gow with.

as they got cwosew tuwu mika's house, pained gwunts couwd be heawd coming fwom the abode. Entewing, mika showed the heawew awnd the taskfowce hew son: an avewage but cute boy in hiws teenage yeaws. Awthough, hiws pained face whiwe wying own a stwaw mat cwutching hiws stomach mawwed whawt wooks he had. "what did he eat?" the monk immediatewy asked as he began inspecting the boy.

"just sowme mushwooms we picked eawwiew." mika answewed. "we have had no food fow a day now awnd we thought they wewe safe."

the monk nodded hiws head. "can uwu show me whewe uwu found the mushwooms?" mika wesponded with an 'of couwse' awnd the monk tuwned tuwu hiws escowt. "i wiww join mika tuwu find the mushwooms. Uwu giwws stay hewe awnd keep an eye own the poow chiwd. Down't wowwy, we won't be wong." the monk awnd the mothew then took off, with the wattew asking if hew son wouwd be awwight with the yokai with monk assuwing hew.


awnd so, the taskfowce was weft with the aiwing boy. "uuughhhh..." he gwoaned in hiws mat. "how embawwassing... Awnd i was supposed tuwu confess tuwu hew tomowwow." the boy gwoaned again, pwobabwy both fwom the pain awnd the inconvenience. "we shawed ouw food with hew famiwy a few days ago. We... might have ovewdid iwt..."

"hey, yokai. The heawew awways said uwu peopwe wewe vewy good at things wike wove..." the boy stawted. "do uwu know how tuwu confess tuwu someone without wooking wike a wosew who got sick?"

Kazenosuke's House


Shizuka aimed tuwu pawwy the spinning bwade but once hiws swowd touched kazenosuke's, the opposite happened. The azuwe swowdsman, himsewf, was pawwied awnd kazenosuke spun, swashing shizuka in the awm. Swift wike the wind, the dancing swowdsman managed tuwu add thwee mowe swashes at the fwinched shizuka awnd dwew bwood fwom the taskfowce weadew.

but the dancing swowdsman did nowt need tuwu add the thwee additionaw swashes, awnd kazenosuke paid fow iwt by noticing too wate the incoming yuki. The oni managed tuwu hit kazenosuke's wib with hew cwaws, shwedding cwoth. Kazenosuke wetawiated with a heavy swash thawt yuki couwd easiwy dodge, but then fowwowed iwt up with a stwong thwust tuwu the bewwy with hiws scabbawd, doing wittwe but sending the oni stumbwing bawck next tuwu shizuka.

kazenosuke began spinning hiws bwade again, hiws uwtimate shiewd. An iwonic use of hiws weapon.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Hammerman, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI), @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @The Irish Tree (LIL), @Enkryption ~

The west of thiws pawticuwaw taskfowce gwoup awwived showtwy aftew awice did, but the mad hattew had awweady gone tuwu west somewhewe in the tempwe gwounds. Othew than thawt, the tempwe wemained the same as evew.

"i'm disappointed thawt the tempwe was actuawwy the headquawtews of yokai sympathizews, but i am awso wewieved iwt has become a haven fow those escaping fwom the vawjan invasion." yuwine wemawked upon awwivaw at tewauchi tempwe. "i think i'ww be westing fow now. I'ww see uwu aww watew, yokai."

"oh, wow. Uwu guys have managed tuwu get yuwine." ayu came tuwu gweet the awwiving taskfowce. "awice awwived nowt wong befowe uwu guys but she's westing somewhewe awound hewe. Anyway, how did the mission gow? howd own, whewe's wowd takeshi? awnd wady kikyo? didn't she gow with uwu guys?"


*Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale*



*Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale*



Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Despite her head-start, it wouldn't be long before the remainder of the Taskforce left behind would catch up - especially, since she'd stopped to feed. As such, Carroll was looking over the mission board for anything that would put a generous distance between herself with Alice, and the meddling members that could stop her. Admittedly, she was shocked when nobody attempted to stop her, as she rejoined the town at the border of the temple and the township; where they so trusting of Alice that no-one questioned the Lamia carrying her sleeping body, or were they so foolish to not think that a more nefarious Mamono would use another as a Trojan Horse, if they knew of their relationship to the Taskforce.

And, then, there was the matter of Lady Kikyo; last seen riding by Carroll in a clear panic - a far cry from the wintry matriarch that had wrapped them in her cold embrace. It would take a fool not to assume the allegiance of the men that had attempted to sack the cemetery temple with that expression: they were her soldiers, defected from her word and whim. To what end, Carroll didn't care - men were fickle; women more so. Across the board, Humans were a baffling species, and she wanted little to do with them.

Hence, her desire to put space between her and them.

...but, she was only so honest with her disdain.

That training hadn't only changed Alice, but her, as well. Bonding with a Human - a man, to boot - had corrupted her own mentality in a way, itself. Shizuka was full of emotions to prey on; past glories, failures, and losses. Negative emotions were always the best to focus on, and his most regrettable featured this form she inhabited, now. She didn't have all the details, but enough to form this new shell.

Unfortunately, in the heat of battle, we can take more than intended. The form didn't come without drawbacks - she couldn't assume the full form of her true nature, but that was easy to overcome with more training. What wasn't was the deeply rooted emotion that lingering in Shizuka's heart for the woman she mimicked; he hated her, yet loved her, and she felt it. Whoever she was, she broke his heart and soul, and shaped him into the man he was today.

As she scanned the board, she noticed Shizuka's name stamped on one of the notices, and traced it with a finger, "Darling, ganbatte kudasai..."

Carroll drew her hands to get mouth in shock and horror, as she registered the words that came out her mouth. That wasn't what she meant! Not even in the slightest! She didn't even give a passing thought to the wannabe samurai bandit! She had her Alice! She didn't need some husband -- er, man! Shaking her crimson locks with a violence, she realized she'd been standing at the board for an inordinate amount of time, and snatched an order off the board.

A mission to deal with some loon swinging his sword on a beach. That's what she needed - a good sword fight; steel against steel; sweat dripping; bodies clashing; euphoria mating with -- meeting with! -- violence! Slamming the request down, Carroll was troubled to hide her self-inflicted arousal. "C-Carroll and Alice," she stammered out when requested her name. Turning, she slithered to the room she'd been asked to put Alice in with a quickness, and battered through the door with her tail; locks and privacy be damned. "Alice! We have a mission! Let's depart for the nearest harbor, and set sail for Hama Island!" she shouted, before she melted and converted into her mundane form.

~Half an hour ago...~
Alice only slept a short while, after Carroll had deposited her in one of the temple rooms. It was no life of luxury, but a bedroll was a bed, and invited sleep all the same. No, her rest was fractured by the nightmares - the flames of war, the smell of battle, and the sounds of death and dying men. It was unforgettable, unmistakable, and unforgivable...

Her dreams were desperate peace and guilty protest mulled into simple nightmare; recollection of the horrors she'd wrought in the name of belonging for nearly two-hundred years - hiding behind a moniker, and a monarchy, to stand above it all as the most brilliant of her kin and ken, undisputedly.

They called her a barbarian for a reason.

Yet, she'd once only dreamed of making tea from a hole in the ground.

...wait, did she?

Alice sat up, having been lying down, and staring at the ceiling. Looking around, she spied a looking glass upon the wall, and stood up to approach it. She looked at herself, the reflection of a conqueror - her Mamono nature kept her beautiful, but she knew how haggard and exhausted she looked within. "Beautiful, outside. Horrendous, inside," she lamented, as she looked at her head. Her blonde hair, as golden as the rising sun, had shifted in streaks and the roots, towards the redness of a setting sun. "My hair is dirty..." Alice grumbled, taking the color change for filthiness, as she ran her fingers through and they came back oily.

Displeased, the Mad Hatter would collect toiletries from the cupboard provided as a closet, and head out to the temple bath with basket in hand and towel covering her modesty. As she reached the bath, she ignored the rest of the bathers - a mixture of Human and Mamono - to slip into her own world. Culturally, her kind had no issue with communal... well, everything, really, but, sometimes, a woman just wanted some me time. Having come back from a hard training session to be dragged into a fight only to be cucked out of it by a Goblin and High Orc - poetic irony, that - had Alice in a bit of a funky mood.

Not to mention, unfulfilled. After all, Carroll had stirred the pot, but she didn't get to boil over; a fact that her loins were aching to remind her of - blue-balled, as they were. Alice hungered for the Jiangshi; her violence, her neediness born of a hunger only she could satisfy, her --

A sudden suck of someone's teeth brought the former Matango back to reality, and an older woman gave her a surreptitious glance, directing the Mamono to her sword. Alice blushed grass-green from the nape of her neck to her perfect hairline, as she hastily supplied an apology to the elder clergywoman, and fucking booked it for her room - leaving her hat, towel, and bathing basket behind.

Thankfully, shame was a POWERFUL demotivator - if you weren't a total humiliation sub - and Alice was able to splash into her bedroll, after locking the door, without cracking her most, and least, important bone. Humiliated to the nth degree, Alice wallowed in agony and misery, as she prayed that rumours of her curse wouldn't circulate. "Oh, why did I listen to that damn Sea Hag when she wanted to 'spice things up in the bed,' like an idiot!"

Kicking her legs in the air, Alice would rant and rave and yell at her crotch for basic biological responses before the door was suddenly battered in by a powerful tail slamming through it. Before she could entertain if it was the Temple Decency Police come to arrest her for public indecency and whatever charges the old lady cooked up, Carroll would enter and entreat a side quest upon her.

An excuse to leave, if ever there was one!

Hastily, she scooped up her demonic hand-and-half axe, and grabbed a peasant dress from the dresser, and booked it for the docks - screw shoes, they'd be useless on a beach anyways. And, so with no hat, underwear, socks, or shoes, the Mad Hatter would beat the fast retreat - racking up numerous (imaginary) charges against decency, but she didn't care as she ran.

Upon arrival, she'd be told there was a grace period, since the swordsman seemed to be self-contained to the beach, unless provoked. Due to his assumed skills and potential background, the higher-ups had requested a few days before shipping off to allow some of the more seasoned members to opt in.

As long as Alice's misadventures were undiscovered, she didn't care. Besides, it was one guy with a sword on a beach, who would wanna waste their time with that, when there were more exciting things to do - probably, maybe. It wasn't like she looked as she hurried away with her tail between her legs, so to speak.

"Well, whatever..." Alice sighed, lying on the deck of the boat, "I'mma take a nap, and get some sun in."
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

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@PaulHaynek, @Rezod92, @The Irish Tree

"Who're you calling a shortstack you muscle-brained bumble-bimbo?!"

Had this been a certain saturday cartoon by a certain company, this would've been the point in the episode where Relica would've leapt onto kerry and caused the two to end up in a distrubingly localized cloud of dust, while the sound of honking, clammering, bopping and other nonsensical sound effects were emitted from their tussle. Sadly, this is wasn't an episode of that particular brand, and instead the gremlin just glared at her companion with a large, visible vein on her temple and her hands on her waist while tryijng to look inttimidating. Y'know, despite being like, half of Kerry's actual size...

At the comment from Eula though, regarding the composition and usefulness of the defeated Varjans equipment, Relica simply frowned and shook her head.

[color=limee]"Don't think those refugees would have much use of this stuff, even if they could use it. From what I hear, these Zipanguese have this weird hierarchy of who gets to throw a sword around and who doesn't. 'Sides, not sure I'd wanna arm up people who might stab us in our sleep."[/color] The little gremlin stated, still quite aware and vary of the locals, as they had spent their past few hundred years of pseudo-isolation hating monsterkind. And she didn't really feel comfortable entrusting a mob of them - desperate, homeless and full of emotions - with pointy and sharp things. Who knew if they'd actually use them against the right side?

Then Mister Monk wanted to leave, and so they did.

Relica was a bit annoyed that the man had more or less ignored her question about how he was so well-informed about the situation in a place he supposedly hadn't been to, but she opted not to press the matter. After all, it really wasn't any of her business and, if worse came to worse, she could always level the place by releasing some of her magitek bombs should this moonk and his plight prove to be a sinister and elaborate trap.

The walk to the village was rather uneventful, apart from the random bickering and snide, verbal banter between the gremlin and the hornet, and Relica periodically checking over her back to look over how Eula was doing. Though, to call it a village was a bit of a stretch... It was more like, a hamlet... Or a settlement... Or... a handful of lone houses in the sticks... Yeah... She wasn't sure what she'd expected, but it certainly wasn't this. It looked like all the sick people were at least staying indoors and not shuffling about outside, so at least that was go--

... And there it was. A maiden in distress. Coming out of her house and running up to them without a shred of doubt that they were here to do good. Not at all phased by the fact that this travelling healer was flanked by no less than three monsters. Perhaps the woman's love for her child had made her blind and hystericcal enough to not notice them? Oer perhaps the local fear of monster didn't extend to eceryone? Or maybe it was something else entirely. Regardless, the outcome of this interaction was already as clear as transparent glass. Without hesitation or asking for their opinion, the bald bastard pulled his entourage along with him as they went to inspect the home of the distressed mother.

As the humans talked, Relica only paid a minute amount of attention to their words, but it seemed that the son of this household had eaten something he shouldn't have.

"... Idiot... Who goes and stuffs unknown fungus into your motuh just 'cuz your hungry..." Relica murmured under her breath. She wasn't wrong though, out of all the things you could eat when desperate, mushrooms were pretty low on the list of candidates. Bird egs, reptile eggs, insects, plant roots, nuts, wild vegetables... There was a whole bunch of things one could stuff in their gob that wasn't a dice roll on getting poisoned or not. Then again, these people probably didn't know the different between an acorn and a pine cone. She sighed.

Eventually, the mother and the monk departed the home, leaving the care of this young male boy in the hands of three complete strangers. Who were monsters. Relica felt a twinge of annoyance. Babysitting? Really? She, a war-veteran and battle engineer, reduced to watching over some random kid in the boonies? What the hell was this, some kind of sick joke? Yeah sure, they were meant to improve relations and prove to the populace they weren't a threat, but how was helpign one random kid and his mother, in a village with five homes, that they weren't actually baby-eating abominations of doom!?




Then the boy piped up, knocking Relica out of her own head-space. She looked over her sohulder at him, lying their on a straw mat, clutching his gut as if he'd been impaled by a spear. She then shifted her gaze to look around the rest of the house.

"Dunno, boy. Different people like different things and types, true for monsters and humans alike. But if you don't wanna look like a loser, make sure you live through this and flash her a confident smile. Nothing makes a girl happier than seeing their love pull through a crisis and come out on top smelling like roses." The old soldier grunted most of her words. She wasn't an expect on the topic, of course. The only relations she'd had was with fellow soldiers, and those hadn't been more than casual flings and heat-of-the-moment type escapades. Perhaps the bumbling bee-bimbo could offer more sagacious and useful advice.

She looked at Eula.

... No... A clinical explanation of the hormonal, psychological and pervasive chemical reactions that formed the foundation of 'love' was probably not what the boy needed right now...

"How's your arm, Eula? No worse from all the walking I hope." She asked, then looking at Kerry. "Why not regale the boy with tales of your romantic exploits, Curry?" She sneered.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

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Io at Kazenosuke's House

@PaulHaynek @Nakushita @AzureKnight

Io watched as the first exchange of blows traded between the fighters. Io wondered if there were some environmental factors that lead to the exceptional capability of humans on Shizuyama - not just Shizuka, but also Kazenosuke. Perhaps her impression of humans were colored by mainly interacting with recluses who had dedicated their lives to the pursuits of the mind rather than that of the physical. That, or the island was situated on some convergence point of profound natural (or magical) forces that imparted strength into the people. The theory was absurd, but anything was possible.

The theory could wait. While the slashes Kazenosuke dealt out didn't look like they'd end the fight, Io wouldn't let her teammates be worn down. She quickly mouthed an incantation of minor healing, seeking to heal back what the first wave of attacks had done. "Be ready. I have an idea." Io said to her fellow task force members as the healing magic washed over them.

Yuki proved with her surprise attack that while he was fast, their opponent wasn't untouchable. If Io could slow him down, the others could seize the advantage. His swords could easily deflect anything aimed at him... But what if the attack was meant for the swords? Io's grimoire glowed as she prepared another spell. 'How well can he handle the swords if they're frozen over?' Spinning was a delicate procedure, after all. Io leveled a pointed finger at Kazenosuke, casting a thin ray of freezing magic at him. The attack would obviously be dangerous to him if it passed his swords, but Io made no attempt to have it evade them. Instead, she planned for it to collide with a blade, freezing it over and making it unbalanced and awkward to handle. With any luck, it would provide an opening for her teammates.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 20 min ago

@PaulHaynek @Xaltwind @The Irish Tree (EUL)

"Why not regale the boy with tales of your romantic exploits, Curry?"

Kerry, who was pinching the bridge of her nose and shaking her head as she still processed the fact these idiots ate mushrooms before learning whether or not they were safe to eat, wasn't really paying attention to what was being said around her so when Relica said her statement, she, quick as a whip and with zero thought and filter....

"Well, there was that one time back in Grelden when you and I were on 24 hour outpost duty, we got bored one night, started having drinks, one fun lead to another and then we had some really steamy se-"

Situational awareness finally caught up to the hornet as she remembered where she was and promptly shut up, hand covering her mouth as she cheeks instantly flushed red and her eyes widened in mortified horror. She didn't even need to look to Relica to know the gremlin was feeling the same, though with more fury at the fact that Kerry just babbled a secret.

Did I just say that out loud?, she thought to herself, her brain blazing miles per minute. DID I JUST FUCKING SAY THAT OUT LOUD!?

"A-A-A-A-Anyway, this is no place t-to discuss such things, d-d-don't you think!?", Kerry stammered, desperately trying to save face and rectify the situation, despite her face blushing up a storm. "H-H-Hey, kid!? You said shared those shrooms with another f-family, right!? How 'bout I go check on them real q-quick!? G-Gotta see how much this sickness is a-affecting the village, r-right!?"

Kerry was out the door as she said the last sentence, damn near running as she power-walked over to nearest house, not even knowing if that family lived in said house or not as she was more concerned in getting away from that embarrassing predicament as quickly as possible...

.....that and she didn't want Relica killing her where she stood.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

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Kazenosuke, Dancing Blade


Kazenosuke's House

Shizuka, unfortunately, found his plan backfired. Instead of stopping Kazenosuke's blade, his own blade was parried and for his trouble received several slashes that caused him to stagger back. Yuki, quickly came as a follow up, now angered and appearing to take the fight more seriously. She was able to deliver a blow to the distracted swordsman, shredding a bit of his robe in the process. Yuki dodged his counter, but he was able to push her away using his scabbard. Gaining back the ground he lost, he again span his blade, clearly confident they wouldn't find a crack in his defense a second time.

While bleeding, thankfully the wounds Kazenosuke inflicted weren't too deep. Io had done the liberty of casting healing magic, stopping the bleeding and patching up the cuts. Acknowledging Io's signal of a plan of attack, he nodded in agreement. However, in the off chance it didn't work, he wanted to have a backup. At that point, he turned to his oni comrade. "Yuki-chan, that last exchange gave me an idea. Follow Io's lead for now and strike at our friend here as soon as you see an opening." He said. Looking at the spell Io fired, he immediately deduced the lich's plan. Slowing him down with frost, eh?

With that, Shizuka utterly vanished from beside Yuki. Just after, three images of Shizuka charged at the Dancing Blade from different angles. Despite his technique being herald as the ultimate defense, he couldn't defend against an attack from Yuki whilst being distracted. He would attempt to find a blind spot using his afterimages, attempting to further breach his guard and coming with an immediate counter if Io's ice beam was deflected. If Shizuka got parried again, he'd have to make sure to use Eseryu in order to avoid a more damaging slash.

Hopefully this would give him and Yuki an opportunity to put the match in their favor.

Yurine the Death Keeper

@PaulHaynek@Restalaan@Enkryption@The Irish Tree@Hammerman

Terauchi Temple

The trip back was met with a bittersweet silence, especially from the Hangai sisters. Hinami was still unconscious, being carried back to the temple by Gringor and Skarsneek. Atsuha had gotten injured during the fight, which she didn't perform very well in. In addition, she already exhausted mind was completely focused on using the lilies in order to help quell Hinami's rapacious nature. She didn't want to think what could've happened if things didn't go at the cemetery as they did.

Upon arriving, they were greeting by Ayu, as they usually were.

"I believe Takeshi-san and Kikyo-san were discussing something in private." She said, barely acknowledging Ayu's presence.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

"Where's your shirt, and what's with the cows?"

"It's the work of the yokai taskforce... provoked by your men."


"Kikyo, I don't want to fight the people I'm supposed to be defending."

"...Forgive me, milord. I should've kept a closer eye on them, but--"

"I know that I am defiling Shizuyama's tradition by working with the yokai, and I am willing to accept punishment for it."

"But we cannot be divided right now. Or else, we will lose Shizuyama one way or another. Is that clear?"

"I understand..."

Shizuyama Wilderness


"Why not regale the boy with tales of your romantic exploits, Curry?"
Relica Rune Nox-Umbra

"Well, there was that one time back in Grelden when you and I were on 24 hour outpost duty, we got bored one night, started having drinks, one fun lead to another and then we had some really steamy se- A-A-A-A-Anyway, this is no place t-to discuss such things, d-d-don't you think!? H-H-Hey, kid!? You said shared those shrooms with another f-family, right!? How 'bout I go check on them real q-quick!? G-Gotta see how much this sickness is a-affecting the village, r-right!?"
Kerry Maros

"W-Wait--!" The boy stammered but Kerry was already gone. With his jaw still open, he turned to Relica. "I-I had no idea the two of you were together." He jumped to the conclusion.

"How long have you two been together? Where did you two meet?" The boy started questions, powering through the pain just to know these juicy details. "How will you two have children? Err, sorry. I haven't even asked if you two are interested in children."

It was a good thing neither the monk nor the mother were here to hear all of this, and only Eula and the boy. Otherwise, the 'news' may spread faster than either Relica and Kerry could explain.


Walking to the nearest house and inquiring, the sliding doors opened and Kerry was met with a boy younger than their patient wearing a yellow kimono top. The boy gasped at the sight of the Hornet and was speechless for a moment before an older voiced called from the inside. "Jin! Who is it?"

"It's a-- it's a yokai, father." The boy named Jin replied. "I-I don't know what she wants..."

"I know the monk says good things about them, but we should still be wary." The father declared. "Just tell her to go away."

"I-I'm sorry, madam yokai." The young Jin bowed. "But I'm afraid we can't help with whatever you need."

Kazenosuke's House


Kazenosuke watched his taskforce opponent closely. His brow raised when Shizuka disappeared into three images of himself. The dancing swordsman was sure his technique could parry all three attacks, and that was assuming all three attacks were real. However, the plan changed when he saw Io cast a spell beam aimed at him.

Trusting his instincts, Kazenosuke stopped spinning his blade and brought his scabbard up to block the beam. His scabbard froze instantly and the sudden drop in temperature made him drop it, shattering into a thousand pieces upon hitting the ground. But this left him open and all three images of the azure swordsman descended upon him, where all three strikes hit. Kazenosuke tried to block, but it was late and futile.

The dancing swordsman reeled, blood dripping on his clothes. He stumbled to his abode, his back against the wall. "You... You think this is over?" He muttered before raising his sword but not doing the signature spin. "I'm still standing, don't you see?"

Fukami Port


Alice arrived at Fukami Port, searching for a vessel that would take her to Hama Island. Her tall physique and the arm infested with a Cursed Sword made it clear that she was no human, making the villagers hide in their homes at her arrival. Quite unfortunate, until a male voice called out to her.

"Yooo! Welcome to Fukami Port, madam monster!" A strange individual emerged from one of the houses. He appeared to be a western knight, so not someone from Shizuyama. But that was not the strangest part, his armor seem to be painted in a plethora of bright colors. From helm to boots, he radiated light like a clear rainbow in a drizzle. One could imagine this man not needing to put effort to get noticed.

"Sorry, the people here are pretty suspicious of foreigners. Especially when an entire fleet of foreigners are besieging their island home." The man explained. "Still, they're good people and I'm sure they'll help out a good ol' taskforce member repel these dastardly Varjans." He continued with exaggerated arm movements to help convince Alice.

"So, what do you need? Just let your Ian onii-chan know."

Terauchi Temple

~ @Hammerman, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI), @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @The Irish Tree (LIL) ~

Alice was seen heading out pretty quickly wearing a peasant's dress. To where, no one knew. Presumably she was on her way to fulfill another request.

"I believe Takeshi-san and Kikyo-san were discussing something in private."
Atsuha Hangai

"Oh, I see." Ayu replied, but took notice of Atsuha's downtrodden expression and just noticed the unconscious Hinami. "Oh gods, what happened to Madam Hinami?!" She exclaimed. "Does she need help?! I have medicinal herbs--"

"She started attacking indiscrimately while she was rescuing me and Takeshi from Shizuyaman traitors." Yurine came back after hearing Ayu's loud voice. "Her spider sister came to me specifically to see if I can help with her berserker rage. All I can do for her is put her in a relaxed state where her madness can be dealt inside her head."

"Ohhh! Thank you very much, Lady Yurine!" Ayu bowed.

"The fighting and the walking has take a toll on these old bones." Yurine told Atsuha. "But I have the necessary ingredients so we can begin immediately if it is urgent."


*Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale*



*Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale*



Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 20 min ago


"I-I'm sorry, madam yokai. But I'm afraid we can't help with whatever you need."

Heh. Cute kid., the hornet thought to herself, the task at hand mercifully ridding all of the embarrassment she was feeling moments ago.

"No, no. I'm not here for you to help me. I'm here to help you, your dad and everyone else in this village out.", Kerry began, going on the balls of her feet as she crouched down to the boy's eye level. "See, a few of my friends and myself are with a monk who wants to heal you folks. I just have a couple of questions. How many of you have fallen ill? When did the first of you get sick and how?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

ATTN: @PaulHaynek
"Sun." Alice says, floating on the surface of the water near the docks; impatiently patiently awaiting the port authority to release a boat to her, and someone to sail it. According to the captain of the boat she boarded, the shipping lanes and sailing lanes were closed to travel - especially foreign traffic - coming in and going out. As such, she had simply thrown herself overboard and into the water...

Did she expect someone to bother in the water? No.

And, yet, here she was, being called upon by a... a walking rainbow?

Upon entering the port town, Alice didn’t realize that she was bonding with Carroll, until she noticed the looks. It spoiled her cover, since a Cursed Sword immediately stained a Human as a Mamono - to them, she was nothing more than a monster. Detaching, Carroll assumed her Lamia Form - attempting to bring some ease to the cowardly; after all, a smiling face was more approachable than a wicked blade.

Unfortunately, cowardice was stronger than personality, it seemed.

From under the water, Carroll surfaced with a fish flopping in her mouth - skewered by her fangs, and slightly smudged by her lipstick. Blinking, she took in the blinding man adorned in psychotic cheer, and wrapped her tail around Alice’s left arm.

<This... is embarrassing...> Carroll started.

<Agreed.> Alice nodded.

<Should I swallow this fish...> Carroll asks.

<Maybe?> Alice offered.

<I don’t wanna with him... staring at me...> Carroll whined.

<He’s spoiling the sun, too...> Alice lamented.

<He’s also kinda cringe, as well...> Carroll says.

<Yeah...> Alice agrees.

Unblinking, Alice and Carroll would, almost comically, sink into the water; leaving nothing but the loose, peasant dress and the fresh, slime-laden blood of the fish behind for the self-proclaimed “onii-chan” Ian.

He might have come on a little strong...
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

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@PaulHaynek, @Rezod92, @The Irish Tree

Relica's sneeer vanished as quickly as it had appeared. As Kerry began to ramble about and old war-story, the gremlin was initially a bit confused. Why was she bringing up a tale about just the two of them? There was nothing ... romantic... about... that... ... ... story...

After hearing the re-telling of what happend back then in those olden days, Relica closed her eyes and folded her arms. She had a complicated face on. She was sorting through her own mind and memories, mumbling something under her breahth. Eventually though, fuzzy, out-of-focus images started appearing in her mind and, the harder and more she tried to recall, the brighter and brighter red her little face turned. Until her eyes finally snapped open, her face less green now and more of a tomato, and her golden eyes glowed with the fury of a thousand suns.

"Currrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy...!" She hissed something fierce, and the mechanical octo-arms on her backpack began to move about threateningly, menacomgöy clasping and snapping with their graspers, fully prepared to de-wing a certain hornet, out of eithe rage or embarrassment, or btoh. Fortunately for the latter, she had already fled the dwelling, and Relica's anger thus went without being unleashed, which was probably a good thing. that is, until a voice from behind her piped up and began a barrage of questions.

Spinning around, Relica found the sickly boy now sitting up, leaning forward and eyes alight with stars and sunshine, excitedely asking things that were highly inaccurate and deserving of a spanking! But, despite her rage and being a rat in a cage, she couldn't very well discipline someone who was dying from having eaten poisonous mushrooms.- Thus, the gremlin had to suck it up, try and calm down as best she could, and then answer and diffuse this whole debaucle her friend had caused.

"No, no! Shush! Shut up, boy! We're not together! As if I'd ever choose a muscle-head like that as my partner. That story was just... It was... Just... Something that happend long ago. Don't read too much into it, okay? iOKAY!?" She was... trying... to be as calm about this as possible. But given the fact that she'd just been told, and remembered, that she'd possibly done something like that with another girl was a bit... Upsetting... to the gremlin. She didn't have those sort of intestes when sober, so she felt a bit likea certain someone had used the situation to do something they shouldn't have.

"A-anyway! Obivously two girls can't have kids, boy. Well, maybe some of the more magic-savvy monsters can, the ones who can conjure up man-bits for themseves or whatever, but generally ya need a male and a female to make babies." Relica explained, her face less red now and her breathing had steadied. She was also no longer glaring daggers at everything. Taking a deep breath and looking at the boy, she walked over to the bed and put her tiny gloved arms up, beginning to push on him. "Now, you lie back down. Someone in your condition shouldn't be moving about. You don't wanna get worse before that baldie and your mom get back, do ya?" Nurse Relica was on the case! ... Well, not really, she just didn't want to deal with anymore stupid questions.

Then an idea struck her. She looked over at Eula and called out.

"Hey, Eula! You wouldn't happen to be equipped with a bio-scan module, would ya? If so, could you give the kid a look-over? If we can identify what toxins inside him we could probably whip up an antidote if the right plans and other ingredients are aobut." She suggested, hoping that the Automaton was blessed with this handy function. Otherwise there'd be no choice but to wait for the monk to get back.

... And then she could murder Kerry.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 1 hr ago


Skarsneek of the Red Hill

Skarsneek and Gringor both shared an unhappy glance, though the latter was due to looking like he was taking orders from the goblin.

The former however couldn’t care, and was focused on the health of her sister-in law.

Seeing Ayu helped even as he waved goodbye to Yurine. “See ya later granny, don’t throw out your back so soon, and thanks for herbs.”

“Alright, now sod off will you?” Skarsneek jabbed towards Gringor even as he adjusted his hold from carrying Hinami under her shoulders to a bride carry instead.

“Can gobbo handle dead girl?”

“Hinami, you mud-swimmer.” He followed up even as he grunted before steadying Hinami in his arms. “Also, what kind of man can’t carry a woman?”

“A weak one.

“Right, how original.” Skarsneek sarcastically remarked before heading off with Atsuha. “Try not to trip and break your neck.”

“And if Gobbo arms gets pulled out of socket, Gringor will help put it back.” With that, Gringor left, presumably to his own device which helped lessened Skarsneek's headache.

With the high orc gone, Skarsneek is finally able to focus on Atsuha and the whole topic of Hinami’s nature.

“We need to talk.” He commented but softly added. “But later in private, at night. Go take a break, wash up, and I’ll get dinner for you two.”

Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Gringor put the annoyance at the back of his mind as he gripped his hands, today was good. Fight was good, he didn’t win for now but that was okay.

He’ll win next time.

But still, he needed armor, those white-robes were a good start but hearing it was this…chi that powers them put a damper on things.

Wandering around and finally, a makeshift armory place, he caught sight of something interesting.

It was a Varjan armor, heavy, bulky, but also protective.

Gringor stared at it for the moment, before an idea popped into his head as he went inside and disappeared for a while.

A few moments later, he came out walking with bits of armor. Crudely but also methodically fashioned and bolted together as he noisily moved, sending panic to some at first before seeing his head and weapon to realize that it was the High Orc.

Moving around in it, it was hot, uncomfortable and tight around his chest. The previous owner body mass was much smaller than he thought.

But it was armor nonetheless, and he walked around with it to get used to the weight.

Gringor realized that to win, he needed aside from thinking, spirit energy and techniques. He needed more weapons.

The armor? It wasn’t to protect him.

It was so when he barged into others, it’ll hurt them more instead.

Still, he needed more before an idea came to him from observing those white robe bois. Recalling his strike being deflected completely, almost like how that lazy monk did it.

So off he went to where Nobutada was, hopefully, he was doing something else and not sitting there the whole day again.
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