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[ARC 2]


The dark clouds rolled in, and throughout the town, Haku kept to the quiet areas as he looked through the place.

Once he spotted his quarry, he quickly approached the man quietly before flinging his arms once from out of sight.

Ryu Burnet, wherever he was, would soon receive a letter. One that flew towards him and stuck into a table, attached to an iron needle that would’ve easily be used for knitting rather than sewing.

Reading it, a simple message stated its intention and location.

Will be helping for the night but stay alert sir.

-H. Marine of the Kirin

In the dark depths of the forest, a blurred figure flitted past the trees almost like a wight as they blurred from one tree to another.

Haku eyes looked around as the storm was now beginning to pick up and winds interfered with his ears, barely able to pick up finer details as the entire forest shuddered.

Patrolling around the area outside of the village and expected zones, Haku landed in one of the shorter trees. Stout but wide enough for him to hide amongst it, and in this dark, he might as well be invisible.

Studying the path, it felt odd, they’ve should’ve been traces of something if the pirates planned to do something.

Then he noticed something, a fruit, alone a fallen tree log. It wouldn’t have barred a second look but Haku mind wondered idly as he looked around the forest.

Why is there a fruit out of nowhere, one that was far away from its trees?

Suspicion came and he moved closer with a leap, observing the area from above before his keen eyes noticed something.

There were a lot of tracks, and odder, it was the imprint of a person's lower body.

Someone was trapped here.

Using the branch as a foothold, he wrapped his legs and hung upside down like a bat sleeping as he took a closer gander.

He looked at the fallen log and to a set of lighter tracks, which came from the direction of the village.

Another one came.

This was where a third set of footprints came, with none of them going back to the village direction and instead headed in the opposite direction.

That struck his suspicion immensely as he trailed the tracks quickly. The rain would’ve erased everything so forgoing perfect stealth, he opted for speed instead.

Minutes passed as his surroundings blurred, his immense focus tunnel vision on the tracks as it felt like hours before he reached what looked to be a small harbor, an area that he had missed due to time constraint.

In the ever-darkening skies and light, it took a moment to recognized the tracks leads further and it didn’t take him long to realize what was going.

Moving to a higher ground, he finally caught sight of a familiar shape against the water. Being hidden almost perfectly in the dark, it would’ve missed his notice if Cadog hadn’t drilled him sufficiently.


His thoughts slowed as he took multiple deep breaths to steady himself for a moment of clarity. Only, then did he made his plan as he looked at the surroundings and back to the suspected area.

If there was a village that was kidnapped, then it’ll be imperative that he rescue them first.

But if he does that, then the pirates will no doubt range forward to the town for easy pickings and there’s a chance others might get hurt.

A choice came, and time was of the essence.

Haku steeled himself as he quickly moved away from the high ground

Using his outdoor skills, he quickly moved around and crafted simple traps. Logs and trees that stood normally but small vines at a level just above the feet, leading to people that simply walked into it having a rude surprise.

Small little holes that are meant more to suck people’s foot in, delaying them. Haku contemplated adding little wooden spikes into for further damage but that wasn’t his intention. It was a delaying action.

Just in time too, as the rain now begun to fell harshly. Now those little traps, hard to be seen on a moon light night was now invisible to all but the most competent ones.

Observing the first few pirates moving away as time crept on, Haku decided to make his move.

Cut off their way of escape, rescue the hostage and engage in a hunt.


Skarsneek of the Red Hill

From the blurred vision of his eyes, Skarsneek could only catch the tail end of the fight as Na’kratz finally fell.

Being laid flat on his back and blood oozing in small droplets, Skarsneek took a moment to recover with deep breaths.

Once the world stopped spinning, he sat back up in relief.

“Well, that went better than expected. We’re lucky he chose to be an idiot.” He muttered at the close brush they had, if Na’kratz chose differently, It would’ve been them that’ll be on the ground dead.

Small mercies, he suppose. Skarsneek touched his forehead and flicked the blood away before looking at them. “Everyone alright?”

“I suggest we get ourselves patched up, we’re gonna need to move fast. There’s still a fight to be won.” Skarsneek groggily got up to his feet, moving to the fallen sorcerer and unceremoniously tugging at his helmet.

It took a few tries but once Skarsneek managed to pried it off, he’ll spin it with one finger before catching it.

He’s not gonna cut his head off so a helmet would do.

“Hmm? This? Well, you’ll see.” He smiled cunningly to his comrades, no need for further explanation as he walked outside confidently with Na’Kratz helmet in hand.

Once he does, he’ll raise the helmet theatrically and arms wide open.

“Na’Kratz is dead! He roared loudly and felt his throat burned. “Your leader is dead!"


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Receiving such a noncommittal answer, Gringor only shrugged his shoulders and left things be.

Moments after he turned and left, something slammed his head hard enough from the back that he fell face-first into the ground.

Gringor's mind stopped working, as he tried to reason himself how he ran straight into a wall. Did it snuck up onto him?

Only when he lifted his head from the ground and looked back as his fingers rubbed the back of his head, Gringor noticed the crossbow bolt and come to rest at Keith who had a crossbow in hand.

“Funny joke,” Gringor said with a smile, though there was none of the eagerness nor sincerity in it as he cracked his neck and rolled his shoulder back. He then marched towards Keith, axe in hand instead of shoulder this time. “Here, Gringor has a joke. Dead funny joke.”
[ARC 2]


Sounds of hammering came as the mast of Kirin was finally repaired and made sail-worthy. They’ll have to request for a proper change during their maintenance in East Blue HQ but for now, the patch job their carpenters did will have to do.

Idly, Cadog left eye twitched before quickly heading back inside the captains quarter, where charts and tools laid in the centre.

“Report.” He said, seemingly to no one as he kept his gaze on the map, making and plotting a course mentally.

Then without warning, a shadow landed next to his sides. One knee against the floor as the latter face was covered in a mask.

“Multiple locations have been spotted for an infiltration, so far, none of them have traces of being used.” Haku, cadet Marine and also Cadog’s scout, returned as he briefed the latter on the geography. “One noteworthy place is the ruined city, located deep in Melody island.”

“A ruined city you say?” Cadog looked at the map and adjusted one of the pieces, a block of wood representing the area.

“Indeed. I, however, didn’t manage to fully scout the place but if there’s one sure place to hide, it’ll be there.”

“Hmm.” Cadog shook his head as he opened a flask for a quick sip. “You need to be faster, there are times where you need to read and learn the lay of the land in an instant.”


“We’re not wasting time, you’ll be tasked to defend this place should any of them come as planned. Work with former commodore Ryu Burnet- He’s the bodyguard of the mayor.” Cadog quickly had Haku catch up to speed, smacked his lips at the canteen.

“He’s a marine?”

“Former, and probably the only person worth his salt on this island.”

“The rest of us are to sail to their base of operation. Blasted storm couldn’t picked a better time, I swear-” Cadog rapped the table with the flask, signalling the start and offered Haku before withdrawing it when the latter shook his head.

“Very well, also, Captain, if I may?”

Cadog stopped to listen, inches away from the door.

“There’s a child here looking interested in joining the marine. Peppermint, I believe, Coriander says she has potential and I’ll evaluate her worth.”

“Hmph,” Cadog only grunted in agreement, giving Haku full authority and trusting his judgement on it.

“Thank you, captain.” Haku replied as Cadog left the room and he in turn, disappeared in a flash as he snuck through the small open window port.

From afar, the marines begun their preparation to leave as the ropes were untied, anchors lifted and the sails being unfurled.

Cadog look at the wind before taking a long inhalation of the salted air and bellowed loudly to his crew. “Cast off you mangy dog!”

“You heard the cap, cast off!”

While everyone was focused on the marines departure, one figure moved away and headed deeper into the island. Managing to blend themselves by looking as one of the villagers with none the wiser.

Hmm, former commodore, I wonder why he left the marines? Haku thought as he made his way closer to the mayor’s place.


This is why I hate Varjan sorcerers. He cursed inwardly between each blow, normal sorcerers would’ve been goners at close range but Varjans just had to train theirs in close combat decently.

With no other choice and chances, Skarsneek rolled with the punches instead. Na’kratz hits landed and would’ve noticed something changed if he had his mind, since it felt lighter and less impact than before.

Yet in his maddened state, it just bolstered him to go on the offense.

Skarsneek for his part, had to tighten his belt as he rolled his neck, body and shoulders to absorb, disperse then slide the attack away all at once. He was still taking damage but it allowed a breathing room for him and others to take advantage of the opening.

Then at the corners of his eyes, he had to blink severals times before realizing it was darkened shadowy hands reaching out instead of his vision getting swollen.

Sharply and instead of rolling with the punch, he snapped his head forwards instead towards Na’kratz’s fist.

A loud thump and crack echoed across the room, as the fist met the forehead.

Skarsneek saw stars in his head and legs buckled backward but it was done as he grinned proudly.

Na’Kratz’s wrist was bent, even with the armor, Skarsneek's head had forced his fist at a bad angle and such force, it had added into the damage of the wrist.

The goblin's vision, however, darkened as blood poured from the wounds of his head. Despite being a monster, taking a mailed fist straight on hadn’t been kind to him either.

Yet it was done, the brief stop had allowed time for the Io spell to grasp him in place. Hopefully.

Skarsneek can only hope Shizuka followed up, cause he certainly won’t be able to.



“Yes, Gringor is with taskforce.” He deadpanned but hearing the stranger said he’s with the Varjan but still having privilege to bash them in was odd. Still, it was annoying since he had been promised.

But honoring promises is also important, so Gringor hummed a bit before reaching to an idea. A particularly cunning idea.

“If you can’t fight, then tell me, any fighters on the Varjan side that are strong? Or important?” He asked, better to squeeze some information. Ones that they aren’t aware of at least. "Anything they can do? How many bois they lead? Where are they?"

Honestly, Gringor figured if he can bash in the head of the Warboss, it’ll help a lot. More fun too.

Eitherways, Gringor continued to make his way to the docks afterwards, he wanted to get into the fight as soon as possible.

Skarsneek of the Red Hills

"Hrng, we're still on plan since their head honcho is here." Skarsneek looked at the bigger picture since this was what they wanted as the commander Na'kratz was intent on seeing them dead personally which allow the fleet to sail closer and Varjan response to be slower.

Still, that's just buying time. They'll need to take him down eventually.

"We'll pull a little back, then when he's in the centre of this building." He flicked his finger across his neck before thumbing upwards. "I can try hiding inside the ceilings, but it only work once."

Rains at least helping them in that favor. He idly thought as he looked towards Io. "Think you can make an illusion of me? Just a simple one that you can maintain."

"Otherwise, I got a good old trick ready for him." Skarsneek smiled with mischief, his eyes already spying on the multiple things littered in this place that can pass for a goblin short horns and figure.

All he needs is one good lighting and a sneaky hiding spot, then even in the briefest of moment. It'll serve as another opening.

All of that however was thrown right out of the window as a sharp shout interrupted his thoughts before he felt multiple heavy footsteps.

He barely got a word of warning before their quarry burst through the paper thin walls grabbed Io and went right into the ground with her.

Skarsneek snapped his quarterstaff into two but Shizuka was promptly hurled toward him, forcing the latter to bowl backward and serve as an impromptu cushion. Much to his displeasure.

“Shi-!” He rolled Shizuka to one side and raced towards Na’kratz, keeping his footsteps and breath at his quietest before leaping upwards, both weapons raised above his head and bringing it downwards in a blur.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Marching his way to the port, his eyes spied the weather and it'll be night by the time he arrives.

Quickening his pace, Gringor hoped to reach there early but someone appeared in the way.

A weird but not out-of-place scene. The man also didn’t looked like he belonged to a Varjan and he was rushing, so he ignored the former until he was called out.

“Hmm?” Gringor looked at the other person with a raised brow before switching to the cart. “Busy, need to go bash some heads in.”

Moments after stepping past the man, an idea formed before he looked back at him. “But can help, if you help me bash some Varjan ‘eads in.”

If it was accepted, Gringor took his axe, prized weapon of generations of High Orcs. Each inherited it after a trial by combat, and jammed the bottom end part under the wheel of the cart.

He then found a good enough rock, placed it under and with a might heave, pulled his axe downwards. A trick he learned from his elders as they discovered the most effective way to pull a cart wheel out of sticky mud.
[ARC 2]


Passing out of the hills that Tune Town occupied, a long road streaking into the island stretched out under a sky of rolling clouds in shades of white and gray. Shadows came and went as the sun slipped from cloud cover. Leading the way in between the golden fields of wheat, Coriander’s eyes were on that horizon, a treeline visible out in the distance.

“Sorry, when I was with everyone else I was full of things I wanted to talk about, but once I got outside, my head went blank,” Coriander explained with a weak giggle.

"It's alright." Haku waved it away as he looked towards the surroundings.

The calm, serene weather, idyllic scenery and fields of golden wheat, combined with the salty air from the ocean.

To top it off, Coriander stood out among such a thing. Complemented it even.

It was a blessing, truly a blessing to see such a thing.

"“Beautiful.” He murmured out loud before realizing his mistake and cleared his throat.

"“I meant the scenery, tis beautiful.” He said as Haku slipped in a Wano accent unintentionally.

"“Are there any other towns or villages? Or is it only one located here?” Switching topics for Coriander, he moved to mapping the actual place.

“Nowhere that anyone else lives,” Coriander mused. Looking down the path, she turned to Haku, her arms clasped behind her back. “But there is another city: it’s really old!” Rocker her head back and forth, she muttered, “I’m not sure if we’re really allowed to be there but…it’s cool! You should see it! While you’re here! Feet tramping against the ground, she ran in place before darting at a pace Haku easily matched. “Let’s hurry, so we can get back before lunch!”

Haku and Coriander went from fields of wheat, sturdy enough to resist the storm, to deep green forests, the path narrowing and widening again. As they moved, Haku easily kept up with Coriander, doing his best to ensure that she got enough rest in between. Even offering a break and to carry her if needed. Coriander’s pace became a bit sluggish about halfway through, but eventually they reached a large gate. Or rather, what remained: the 50 foot tall portal fallen inward between two sides of the stone walls. Doubled over, Coriander heaved as she caught her breath. “We…made it!”

Haku stared in awe as he looked at the architecture. Never in his mind would he expect such a thing to be here in such a remote island.

It must’ve been imposing once, and it very much still was despite its dilapidated state.

“...What’s the story behind this place?” Haku said as he studied the place with huge interest, though another scary realization came when he touched a part of the stone with his hand

This place was a perfect place for hiding things.

He committed his mind to fully memorize this place, and maybe come back later. “I never expected something like this here.”

“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Coriander said as she moved into the city, years of weather having worn it down. Stepping over cobblestone roads with grass poking out of the cracks, she admitted, “We don’t really know much about it. Sorrel’s dad…er, Mr. Chervil, is an archeologist. I think they dated the city to around a millenia ago, but its destruction was a century or two closer. We call it ‘Tacet City’, but it’s not like that was its actual name.” Glancing at her own reflection, severed in half on a broken window, she added, “It’s here, but it’s like it came from a void. A city without an identity. It’s so strange, isn’t it? But I like it here.”

“A missing history huh?” Haku muttered, looking at the city's sad state.

“But it’s…sad.” Haku sighed, this kind of scenery struck a chord. “Such a prosperous place, falling into such a state and without history left. Hopefully its people survived.”

“Otherwise, they’ll really be all gone.” He concluded with a sigh and staring off at the distance.

After all, it took barely a generation for his own clan to fall from its glory. He doesn’t even know if his other cousins are alive.

”Hmm, I wonder about that.” The pair wandered into a courtyard, faced by windows from a number of abodes. ”One day Tune Town is going to be gone too. Old man Burnet is always worrying about pirates and all. We’ve never really had to deal with them though, but we hear about it in the news all the time. Just a bit of bad luck and we might not be here tomorrow. It is sad, but I try not to let that get to me too much. I want to be happy that I’m still here. That’s why I want to enjoy every day.” Leaning to Haku, Coriander offered, ”We have the Marines to thank for that, don’t we? I can’t imagine what it must be like, having to be on the frontlines, facing down the threat of death.” Suddenly growing self conscious, she threw up her hands, ”Er, sorry if bringing it up is…inappropriate.” Her cheeks turned slightly pink.

“Dying isn’t scary.” Haku gazed upwards to the skies briefly. “Failing is far scarier.”

After all, if the marines don’t arrive to deal with the pirates, who will?

“But thank you for your compliments. We’re just doing our jobs.” He replied. “While risking our lives, I’ll admit, I love traveling the seas. Now where else would’ve I thought an Island that exists on clouds, where lightning falls like its rain, and sea kings that’s wide as the horizon.”

“I never realized just how small Wano was until then.” Haku said with a childish smile, letting slip his original island from his lips.

Coriander’s eyes went wide, the young girl bounding up to Haku, eyes sparkling, “Wano? Is that where you’re from? What’s it like!?”

“Oh, yes. Land of the Samurai and once called the land of gold!” Haku waved his hand much more theatrically at that, able to tell tales of his homeland much freely. “Due to that, Wano was forced to fend off many invaders, until one day, we were strong enough to stand on our own.”

“That is due to the Samurai, warriors without peers. Why, our greatest swordsman, Shimotsuki Ryuma, is a legend, called the Sword God for his skills and feat of slaying a dragon!” Haku excitedly regale Coriander on Ryuma story, and his many, many feats.

After all, there wasn’t a samurai family alive that hadn’t aspired to be like Ryuma.

Eyes full of sparkle, Coriander smiled, but it faded to a more somber look. “Defending their home from invaders…it must have been hard. Is that why you left?”

“Partially.” That question had Haku answered slightly slower but continued on to another topic. “Admittedly, I always wanted to tour Wano. One day perhaps, but seeing the wide world is also great.”

“From where I was, my province, Hakumai.” Haku leaned against the rubbles. “Was a land filled with swamps and rivers. Travelers from other provinces were frequent, fish abound, and famous inns popped around large lakes for its beautiful scenery.”

The Daimyo of Ringo is the one in charge of it now, aren’t they? Haku pondered, recalling that his family territory was now being under their administration.

“My ances-I mean, Kurozumi Yamata, is said to have cleaved the numerous swamps of Hakumai into eight separate rivers.” He waved his hands and mimed a slashing action once. “With one swing as well!”

“Oh! Wow!”

“The Shogun promoted him to be the Daimyo of Hakumai for allowing more ease of travel for its people.” Haku explained more about his own family, feeling quite…liberated.

That story was never told ever again in Wano, nor would anyone even take it seriously without heavy embellishment. Things like it was simply eight tiny rivers, that it wasn’t even Yamata that did it but the people and other samurais.

Had any of those people even seen those rivers? Would a river be so neatly cleaved and carved?

“...But getting back to the original topic, my homeland itself was already strong long before I left.” He looked back towards the direction of the village. “Something that could be replicated, if the villagers are trained.”

Haku purposefully left out whether it be by their kingdom or marines hand. Then again, that person Cadog was talking to seemed like he fought before.

Coriander had been watching him speak, a light smile on her face, likely taking in all of Haku’s words. Raising her arms, she stretched into the sky, eyes looking to the sun. “Training, huh? I guess that’s what it means to be ready for a fight.” With a giggle, she admitted, “Maybe more people could handle Peppermint that way?” Raising her fists, she added, “You guys should see Peppermint at it before you go, she’s really strong!” Pausing for a moment, she looked back up to the sky, before realizing, “Ack! We should probably get back soon, before it gets too late. I’m, uh, actually not allowed to be here, so if we’re gone too long, you know…”

“Peppermint? Very well, though I’m not sure if Cado-Captain Cadog would agree to it.” Haku said, recalling the girl. She didn’t look that extraordinary from his view. Granted, she was the only one that seemed interested in joining the Marines.

Then it’ll be up to the captain to decide but she’ll likely be recommended or transferred to Central for training similar to what he went through.

Not unless she has some massive talent or potential, or did something so reckless it becomes bravery. Haku giggled inwardly at that, looking back at what he did then, it was absolutely foolish.

Well, that’s up to Peppermint's performance. Haku ended his train of thoughts as Coriander quickly pointed out that they should go back.

“Understood, lead the way.” Haku nodded, following Coriander as he surveyed the area one last time and compiled the information later for Cadog. Entering a light jog, Coriander started the long road back to Tune Town, as gray clouds droned on the horizon.

Due to Skarsneek story being related to Hangai sister, he'll also be retired alongside them.

In turn, another character will be joining the fight.


Skarsneek of the Red Hills

Shoot! Skarsneek realized that his hit wasn't enough as two blade whirled against him and prompted his weapon to be raised instinctively at that.

When the blades slammed against air, just inches away from his body. His mind spun in confusion before recalling Io protective spell, letting a sigh of relief and smiling at his incredible luck.

Shizuka quickly took advantage of that opening, bringing the fight to a close with a slash.

Though that's when the mist faded, and allowed the Varjans to see their top being defeated. Skarsneek was about to step up and make a speech to demoralize them until he heard it. Chanting, and growing rapidly.

"Oh, you. Haven't tripped and die from the lack of air on that high horse you're on?" Skarsneek narrowed his eyes in frustration and resignation. Looks like it was going to be out from pan to fire as he hefted his staff for another hard fight.

They'll need to take this fight somewhere that favored them more, his eyes drifted to the house and another idea formed.

"Shizuka, it's too open here and the rains annoying," Skarsneek whispered to the latter, and hoped the latter got his message to take the fight into the house. That way, at least they can prevent from being mobbed.

And if worse comes to worse, setting the whole house on fire is a sure way to distract everyone from realizing the fleet approaching them.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

"Hey, don't be a meanie! Just because they couldn't win doesn't make them losers! I'm sure they did their best!" She scolded him.

"Still lose, still losers." Gringor pointed out dismissively, sure he'll treat them better if they fight hard but it doesn't change the fact that they lost.

Afterall, two of his wives were from tribes that lost and he would also been some other High Orc husband if he lost.

Though he wouldn't lose.

As they regathered, and lady with bow departing, Gringor stroked his chin in thoughts before deciding on his course.

"Go to port, heard from weak Goblin got big fight." He said, already moving towards the direction of the port. Not really caring if others wants to follow.


Skarsneek of the Red Hills

Hmm, it's low. Skarsneek tasted the air, his senses honed and sharpened as he looked from afar carefully even as Memeptah conjured two ethereal curved swords.

He smiled ferally, this was the time to go all out.

Snapping his staff into two clubs this time, he lunged forward towards the sorcerer warrior. Passing by Shizuka as he intend to draw this into a mud slinging fight while keeping Shizuka and Io fresh.

"Haha! Worm?! How fitting!" Skarsneek feinted his left club for a swing before snapping his right club forward instead. Those magical swords might have some enchantment that can cut through his weapon, so it was better to keep striking against the flat edge instead. "You're looking like a juicy walking corpse!"


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Gringor eyes swung to the one who escaped as he reangled his axe for another strike.

A quick step from behind on his body however had him wondered what just happened as he pulled his weapon in instinct from defense before seeing the arrow lady come and followed up with another attack. Dispatching the varjan brigand, he huffed at that interruption but shrugged at the end.

"Good strike, wanna fight next time?" Still, it was cunningly brutal and he can respect as he commented with a smile.

With that, Gringor set out to look around the camp for anything interesting. So far, not much can be found since it was a prison.

Hearing Arrow lady comment however had him scratching his chin for a bit before realizing the answer.

"Simple, they fought hard, lost and captured. Then treat them well so they can join, since they're stronger." Gringor explained before thumbing to himself. "Same for orcs, losers that don't fight, not fun. Those that fight good and lose, still losers but fun and have worth."

Skarsneek of the Red Hills

"Me?!" Skarsneek hissed as he saw the lightning display aimed at him.

Moving on instinct, he surged sideways and rolled multiple times to get it off target.

In between, Io interrupted him and start a duel at point blank.

With Shizuka moving to help, this gave Skarsneek anmoment to think.

No way a mage like him dont have another trick and if they can teleport once, it can be done again.

So Skasneek stuck to the sides, ready to pounce and check where the most likely place the Varjan mage would go.
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