I hope this is acceptable.
Birthday & Age
Gender & Sexual Orientation
Other Labels
My Dreams
Extra information
Face Claim - Hamzah Saman
I hope this is acceptable.
CMH Personnel File
Asim Stanley Bitar
Birthday & Age
November 16th, 32 years old
Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Gender & Sexual Orientation
Male / Hetero
Other Labels
Army Combat life saver, Arabic, Asatru, Traumatic Brain Injury, Night Terrors.
Slave Driver > Hard Ass > Veteran > Caretaker > Heathen
Slave Driver > Hard Ass > Veteran > Caretaker > Heathen
Paramedic Operations Manager for ground and air ambulances. Part time Physical Therapist.
Standing 6’5 and being a little over 220 lbs. with broad shoulders and an athletic body, Asim can be a bit intimidating. Normally keeping his thick black hair shaven leaving only his short beard. He has a darker skin tone matching his Arabic ethnicity but speaks without an accent in a rather deep tone of voice. He has many small and large tattoos across his back, chest and arms mostly related to his time served in the army. Scars also litter his fore arms, mostly small scratches and cuts. However, he does have a rather large burn scar across his right side that climbs toward his right pectoral.
Normally one can find him wearing nice dark business suits with a comfortable white shirt and red tie. Occasionally slipping on scrubs or workout clothes when working with the physical therapy department. Outside of work he wears whatever is comfortable, mostly slacks or shorts with a loose fitting t-shirt or tank top.
Normally one can find him wearing nice dark business suits with a comfortable white shirt and red tie. Occasionally slipping on scrubs or workout clothes when working with the physical therapy department. Outside of work he wears whatever is comfortable, mostly slacks or shorts with a loose fitting t-shirt or tank top.
CMH Psychological Evaluation
The Positive:
- Composed
- Dependable
- Perceptive
- Someone you can open up too.
The Negative:
- Stubborn
- Blunt
- Harsh
- Reserved
Evaluation Observations:
First impression is that this man is stern and intimidating. Through size, position, and the way he carries himself up and down the halls. That combined with the fact that he has what some have said is a resting bitch face or a near permanent scowl. That’s until you get him to smile with an off color or morbid joke. Normally keeping to himself and helping out when his management job is slow or his assistant manager has everything under control. Even with his stature he still tries to be open and welcoming, Asim just isn’t all that great at it. It doesn’t help that he’s often seen telling other people to get back to work when they are slacking.
First impression is that this man is stern and intimidating. Through size, position, and the way he carries himself up and down the halls. That combined with the fact that he has what some have said is a resting bitch face or a near permanent scowl. That’s until you get him to smile with an off color or morbid joke. Normally keeping to himself and helping out when his management job is slow or his assistant manager has everything under control. Even with his stature he still tries to be open and welcoming, Asim just isn’t all that great at it. It doesn’t help that he’s often seen telling other people to get back to work when they are slacking.
Actual Personality:
Aside from his intimidating military honed first impressions he’s actually quite caring towards others. Sure he pushes his people to nearly no end, but he just wants to see them grow. One can often find him comforting or talking to overwhelmed nurses or doctors trying to help them through a breakdown. He knows that this work is stressful even if he makes dealing with all the stress easy. Asim will always try to be the support structure for his fellow employees. Like a good officer, he cares about his people.
As for his friends? Well, he doesn’t have too many friends outside of work. No significant other or relatives in the area either. Outside of work, unless invited somewhere, he spends his time exercising, working in his yard, or helping his older neighbors with theirs. Occasionally when his night terrors get the best of him or his anxiety and depression start to kick in, he locks himself away to read poetry or cook.
Aside from his intimidating military honed first impressions he’s actually quite caring towards others. Sure he pushes his people to nearly no end, but he just wants to see them grow. One can often find him comforting or talking to overwhelmed nurses or doctors trying to help them through a breakdown. He knows that this work is stressful even if he makes dealing with all the stress easy. Asim will always try to be the support structure for his fellow employees. Like a good officer, he cares about his people.
As for his friends? Well, he doesn’t have too many friends outside of work. No significant other or relatives in the area either. Outside of work, unless invited somewhere, he spends his time exercising, working in his yard, or helping his older neighbors with theirs. Occasionally when his night terrors get the best of him or his anxiety and depression start to kick in, he locks himself away to read poetry or cook.
"There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and pulling people up." - John Holmes
Off the Record
My Dreams
His goals are few and simple. One would be to live out the rest of his life in peace, to only fight when protecting himself or a third party. Another goal is to simply help where he can and bring a little joy into this dark world. He wouldn’t mind finding someone to call his own, the best friend he could open up too and spill his secrets. A woman that could sing to his angels and calm his demons. After all, he doesn’t want to be alone forever.
- Being alone forever.
- Being helpless.
+ Hot food
+ Cold nights
+ Fall and winter
+ Whiskey
+ Good company
+ Hard working coworkers
+ Slow work days
- Cold food
- Lazy people
- Caffeinated drinks
- Downtime
- Nightmares
- Rude/overly obnoxious people
- Crowds
His reputation is one of diligence and hard work for both himself and the people he supervises. Even if others think he’s a dick he knows he has a job to do and the responsibilities that come with it.
Extra information
Face Claim - Hamzah Saman