Avatar of ReusableSword


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2 yrs ago
Current i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
7 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
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Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.

Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.

Most Recent Posts

short but whatever
Naswaru, The Relentless

The quiet flight towards his ravenous horde of creations was interrupted. Something big punctured through the clouds nearby. It seemed that today was destined to be interesting. The large form of a three headed dragon plummeted through the clouds and towards a rather unfortunate large bird. Naswaru watched as he glided, the dragon didn’t hesitate to down and kill the unfortunate scavenger.

He didn’t waste too much time gliding over there. The beat of his wings was but barely a whisper even when he perched himself atop a broken tree overlooking his brother. The mighty three headed dragon, king of the mountains, and god of weather and storms. One to be feared if one where to get on his bad side.

The slight drizzle of rain coated Naswaru while he looked down at his kin. “If you were really that hungry you should have told me. I did make you those sky whales just for you and your mountains after all.” A toothy grin cracked from his face. Naswaru doesn’t have any vocal cords to speak of his speech is more like one way telepathy.

“If you’re looking for a meal I could use your assistance. A horde of Rognyak have grown too large and need to be hunted. 600 need to be slain but no more. Several other predators will be assisting us in this if you wish to join me and fill your belly.”

The same toothy grin persisted across the creatures face. His two large black eyes fixed on the god before him while the others continually shifted independently of the others scanning everything around them. Regardless of the others answer Naswaru unfolded his large wings and with one large push lifted himself into the air.

“It’s this way. And your dexterity is still sloppy, but better than what it was.” With a laugh the winged creature continued on his way toward the lower fields. The scent of the heard wafted high on the winds. There was something else there that he was picking up as well. Blood, the slaughter had begun. The other predators must have begun their hunt already.

@Lmpkio well naswaru could use a hand with the heard if your up for it.
ill have a post up tomorrow.
ill have a better post up later.

@A Lowly Wretch so you know I also started a creations tab for Naswaru as well. this will be mostly for things he created for a specific purpose like the rognyak.
Naswaru, The Relentless

A dark night for sure. The ravenous hounds snarled and barked at one another. They had just been fed, three hunters had gone after the pack. They had taken four of the beasts but got greedy and got killed. The massive alpha paced by the bodies. Its green scaled skin buried under thick fur was tough and hard with scars. A thick black mane traveled down its slopped raised spine. Large drops of foul smelling drool seeped from its fanged mouth.

The pack almost seemed to be in an up roar until they suddenly fell silent and cowered towards the ground. A shadow passed over them but made no sound. Their master had come.

Stepping through the gathering of these beasts he called Ridge backs. Nearly two times the size of a wolf and extremely muscular. These beasts were cunning but they were always loud. The smaller ones continued to cower until he stepped by them. The alpha didn’t cower but approached the winged creature and rubbed up against its leg. It made a sound somewhere between a whimper and a purr.

Naswaru ran his hand across its back before moving up to the ledge of the rocky hill. The view for most wouldn’t be much. Looking off into the darkness. He could see. With two large black eyes and a row of small red ones that opened along his tusks. He could see out into the darkness and around him. He has no blind spot, he can see heat, and pick up distinct smells from far away. It’s how he found these.

The view was quite stunning even in the darkness. A few other things lingered down below in the forest. Nothing interesting, these he only visited to stifle some amount of boredom. After a while the god finally turned to the pack who had finished their meal leaving only blood and torn scraps. A low growl from him was enough to silence the pack once more, “Find a challenge.” A simple order for the alpha.

The alpha ridge back stood up on her hind legs and let out a scream that almost sounded like a women’s scream. The rest of the pack joined in and suddenly they were gone. Running back into the wilds. Naswaru did have a job to do a job he was neglecting. The local Rognyak population was beginning to get out of control.

Large beasts that traveled in large hordes. Walking and running on four legs with thick hides and strong bones. They had a bad temper and would charge any that got near, sometimes even him. He made them specifically so the humans here that killed them would have warm furs to travel north and into the snow covered areas. Their bones could be used as better weapons and their meat tasted sweet and savory.

However, a recent tribe had been moving through the area. This tribe was different from the others. Sometimes they would hunt but mostly they would raid and hunt other humans. This in turn led the Rognyak to grow out of control and begin to out compete some local wildlife. It was time for him to thin the herd.

@A Lowly Wretch ive started working on naswaru's relationships and will get some of his legendary creations up sometime this evening.
I wonder how Jangel is doing? now that we have sort of lost steam.

WIP to save the spot, just need to put a bigger picture in next

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