i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
7 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.
Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.
The quiet flight towards his ravenous horde of creations was interrupted. Something big punctured through the clouds nearby. It seemed that today was destined to be interesting. The large form of a three headed dragon plummeted through the clouds and towards a rather unfortunate large bird. Naswaru watched as he glided, the dragon didn’t hesitate to down and kill the unfortunate scavenger.
He didn’t waste too much time gliding over there. The beat of his wings was but barely a whisper even when he perched himself atop a broken tree overlooking his brother. The mighty three headed dragon, king of the mountains, and god of weather and storms. One to be feared if one where to get on his bad side.
The slight drizzle of rain coated Naswaru while he looked down at his kin. “If you were really that hungry you should have told me. I did make you those sky whales just for you and your mountains after all.” A toothy grin cracked from his face. Naswaru doesn’t have any vocal cords to speak of his speech is more like one way telepathy.
“If you’re looking for a meal I could use your assistance. A horde of Rognyak have grown too large and need to be hunted. 600 need to be slain but no more. Several other predators will be assisting us in this if you wish to join me and fill your belly.”
The same toothy grin persisted across the creatures face. His two large black eyes fixed on the god before him while the others continually shifted independently of the others scanning everything around them. Regardless of the others answer Naswaru unfolded his large wings and with one large push lifted himself into the air.
“It’s this way. And your dexterity is still sloppy, but better than what it was.” With a laugh the winged creature continued on his way toward the lower fields. The scent of the heard wafted high on the winds. There was something else there that he was picking up as well. Blood, the slaughter had begun. The other predators must have begun their hunt already.
@A Lowly Wretch so you know I also started a creations tab for Naswaru as well. this will be mostly for things he created for a specific purpose like the rognyak.
A dark night for sure. The ravenous hounds snarled and barked at one another. They had just been fed, three hunters had gone after the pack. They had taken four of the beasts but got greedy and got killed. The massive alpha paced by the bodies. Its green scaled skin buried under thick fur was tough and hard with scars. A thick black mane traveled down its slopped raised spine. Large drops of foul smelling drool seeped from its fanged mouth.
The pack almost seemed to be in an up roar until they suddenly fell silent and cowered towards the ground. A shadow passed over them but made no sound. Their master had come.
Stepping through the gathering of these beasts he called Ridge backs. Nearly two times the size of a wolf and extremely muscular. These beasts were cunning but they were always loud. The smaller ones continued to cower until he stepped by them. The alpha didn’t cower but approached the winged creature and rubbed up against its leg. It made a sound somewhere between a whimper and a purr.
Naswaru ran his hand across its back before moving up to the ledge of the rocky hill. The view for most wouldn’t be much. Looking off into the darkness. He could see. With two large black eyes and a row of small red ones that opened along his tusks. He could see out into the darkness and around him. He has no blind spot, he can see heat, and pick up distinct smells from far away. It’s how he found these.
The view was quite stunning even in the darkness. A few other things lingered down below in the forest. Nothing interesting, these he only visited to stifle some amount of boredom. After a while the god finally turned to the pack who had finished their meal leaving only blood and torn scraps. A low growl from him was enough to silence the pack once more, “Find a challenge.” A simple order for the alpha.
The alpha ridge back stood up on her hind legs and let out a scream that almost sounded like a women’s scream. The rest of the pack joined in and suddenly they were gone. Running back into the wilds. Naswaru did have a job to do a job he was neglecting. The local Rognyak population was beginning to get out of control.
Large beasts that traveled in large hordes. Walking and running on four legs with thick hides and strong bones. They had a bad temper and would charge any that got near, sometimes even him. He made them specifically so the humans here that killed them would have warm furs to travel north and into the snow covered areas. Their bones could be used as better weapons and their meat tasted sweet and savory.
However, a recent tribe had been moving through the area. This tribe was different from the others. Sometimes they would hunt but mostly they would raid and hunt other humans. This in turn led the Rognyak to grow out of control and begin to out compete some local wildlife. It was time for him to thin the herd.
As a Note, these creations where created over time to serve some sort of purpose for either man or gods. new creations will be listed acordingly.
Large beasts that travel in large hordes. Walking and running on four legs with thick hides and strong bones. They have a bad temper and would charge any that got near, sometimes even Naswaru. He made them specifically so the humans that killed them would have warm furs to travel north and into the snow covered areas. Their bones could be used as better weapons and their meat tastes sweet and savory. They also provide excellent fertilizer in their wake, with the possibility of being tamed.
Large creatures with light skin and multiple tendrils that flow off its underbelly. Large gas bladders keep it afloat in the sky while it gracefully drifts through the clouds. Occasionally dragging its tendrils through the ocean or large lakes to catch whatever food unfortunate enough to get in its way. These creatures travel in pods from 3 to 8 members with a matriarch as its leader. Large flat fins propel it lazily through the air. This creature was created with the help of Drakairós the god of weather for the purpose of feeding him. These creatures stick to high altitude and mountainous regions by the sea or large lakes and rarely move to other areas. This creature has the possibility of being tamed.
Boundary guardians and natural inhabitants of his home. They rarely leave his realm. One would think they looked like a cross between a heavily armored armadillo, an ancient reptile, and a big cat. Predatory in nature, these Caretakers keep the populations of the animals living here at manageable levels while also protecting his home.
New Creations:
the Voctain are a bipedal intelligent race. This particular creation has been in the works for some time due to their versatility and variants. Depending on many natural factors two parents may not have an offspring that looks like them or fills the same role. These creatures were made from humans and thus still show some human characteristics. However, they seemed to be mixed with mostly mammalian varieties. These varieties manifest parts from goats, cows, pigs, horses, felines big and small, and wolves upon birth. While other mammalian variety’s do exist, just in more uncommon situations. They don't look human, but one can clearly see human influence in them. He even tried his best to rid them of the old curses his kin put on the humans they come from. However, he is unsure of how well he was able to do this.
Naswaru was rather fond of these and molded their society the best he could. They were strong, fast, and agile. Having the intellect of humans with rawer natural instincts to help guide them. However, these were a bit stubborn sometimes and didn’t seem to adapt to well to change in their society. At times, it would even seem like they let their rage and instincts get them in trouble where their reason would have kept them out of it. They formed and bonded through family packs and then into small clans. Each had differing beliefs and practices, but they all had a few things in common. They saw themselves as honor bound warriors devoted to keeping a balance in the natural world, to act as guardians of the forests and plains that harbor the most life. To only take what they need to survive
Name: Naswaru, The Relentless.
Domain: The Hunt
Appearance: Taking the form of an apex predator, Naswaru is rather large. With a massive 35 foot wingspan of thick bat like wings and standing nearly 8 and a half feet tall. He is intimidating to most. That combined with his sheer predatory presence can make even the fearless cower or at the very least be wary in his presence. The form he took also has thick armor like scales that can change color, razor sharp claws and teeth to rend flesh and bone, as well as multiple eyes and keen senses to track prey and observe from afar.
Realm: Voctao, Home of the Wilds.
Naswaru finds his home in the deepest of forests and among the vast plains. His home can be accessed by deep caves where animals and beasts find shelter. The only two ways to access his realm is to either be invited by Naswaru personally. Or by tracking a beast or animal into his cave that the creature calls home. That being one of the beasts he created.
The inside of his cave is rather large and has multiple different landscapes and biome's. These range from snow covered mountainside’s to warm swamps and deserts. Each housing unique beast’s intent on attacking any foe who may come after them. These natural landscapes also have their own weather but all remain perpetually dark with the only light source coming from a full moon that hangs in the sky. All of these areas provide ample opportunity to both the hunter and the hunted to strike and test their skills against one another. Survival of the fittest reigns supreme here.
However, if one were to slay the beast that they came after. They would find the cave to become rather peaceful and welcoming. Once they have proved themselves, the victor would be allowed to rest and be healed before being sent out. If it were a human or a party of humans that slayed one of Naswaru’s strongest beasts, Naswaru himself would greet them and bless them with gifts. Telling them that their tribe would find good fortune for a time while hunting.
Towards the back of his massive hunting grounds lays a table-top mountain where he lives. This place is where he cares for and raises his beasts. Grooming them to be strong and powerful giving those gifts and adaptations to counter the adaptations of the others, so they can continue to grow through their evolutionary arms race.
Biography: Although powerful in his own right and looking rather dangerous. Naswaru is actually quite kind and caring in his own way. He seeks to test Humans and beasts alike, forcing them to adapt and use their cunning and intelligence to survive and thrive. At his core he wishes to see them become stronger and smarter even if it means it portrays him as a bad guy or a monster.
Naswaru is responsible for the increase in ever stronger beasts and their growth rate, at times even culling some if they become overpopulated. He isn’t one of the oldest gods, but he’s not the youngest either. Being born of the hunt he came about as the first humans started their hunt for the beasts and as the beasts hunted them. Naswaru tends to get along rather well with his kin, occasionally helping or molding certain creatures for them. However, he mostly keeps to himself. When he is not taking care of his beasts or hunters he takes flight during the night to enjoy the natural world around him and seek out stronger beasts and humans to hunt and test them.
Misc: If a creature he likes is given a name by him, he will do anything in his power to protect it. For if he does name one of his creations, it's because he sees it almost like a friend more than anything. Those creatures live atop his mountain with him.
put that on my tabula?
“So you wish to know how I feel about my kin? Very well, name them then.”
Oao - “She is the embodiment of the base advantage that my beasts have, to live and hunt in her darkness. If only she would leave her wretched cocoon, she would see just how grateful we are of her.” (A Lowly Wretch)
Ferron - “Hmm Ferron? Ah yes the metal worker. Such fine creations he mends together. If the humans were to ever gain knowledge of the workings of his metal... it would definitely be interesting. I wonder what my beasts would do to overcome that obstacle.” (Leotamer)
Sveiand - “The cold one? His land is rather sparse, I do need to give him some rather hearty creations at some point.” (jetipster)
Ragnagedon - "The destroyer. Need to watch out for him, he claims to be the child of life and death but all he does is spread chaos. I don't really like him, he has killed or corrupted every beast I have set free in that fire ridden land of his." (Legion02)
Nerplaguis – “The Decay. A necessary god to be sure. This one constantly tests both beast and human alike. His tests make them stronger. I do enjoy talking with him occasionally, although strange it can be refreshing to talk about ideas with him. Mostly about creations that would spread his creations and make my creations stronger.” (Lmpkio)
Van Kurr – “The Deep One. A strange fellow, keeping to himself most of the time. He has asked me for some rather strange creatures before on the rare occasion. Some giants among them as well.” (Vega7)
Iva'Krorh - "His resplendence is interesting to say the least. I have a standing deal with him actually. All my unique creations and beasts are born as twins. Eventually one gets set free in that forest of his for inspection, while the other gets to live. In return, he helps me with new ideas." (Rune_Alchemist)
Dirka - "Dirka?" He laughs for a moment, "the crazy one? I like her, she is good company. Sometimes she can be more than a little dangerous. Depends on her mood really." (Dealdric)
Somler - "Somler is more than a little strange, but does provide a good place to put some of my creations I don't want the others to know about just yet." (thewizardguy)
Iarus - "Deception is key in any battle, you can not judge what you can not see. Always be on your toes around this one. Even if it seems he's helping you, this one seems a bit... greedy sometimes." (Archangel89)
Azhriel - "Always respectful and cordial towards this one. I enjoy his visits to my wilds. He comes and goes with the wind, stopping by to guide the souls that get stuck in my realm. He is always welcome here." (Kalas)
Dao Rugadh - "Who? You mean Memnon? I do remember him. We don't talk much, he always seems lost in his thoughts." (Vega7)
Drakairós - "The weather god?, yes I suppose he's friendly. I get along with the right head the best... or was it the left one? Well that's going to be awkward next time we meet." (Lmpkio)
Hyperion - "hmm Hyperion is a rather righteous fellow. I don't necessarily dislike him he can just be a bit much sometimes. However, no matter how fast he goes or far he travels he will eventually realize that the dark was there first, and it was waiting for him." (Also Lmpkio)
Hayim - "The Flower. So very kind to others but doesn't let them die. They need too sometimes. Without strife, they can't grow stronger." (Duoya)
Anu'Varr - "The corrupter. This one is dangerous, her cruelty to both man and beast alike knows no bounds. Be cautious and don't do anything to rash in her presence." (Lord Zee)
Ral - "Yes I know Ral. Another fun fellow, always gives the best gifts. I will sometimes ask for some myself to give to the humans who pass my tests." (Noodles)
Gammaton - "Law and order. As long as he doesn't over step his bounds and try to dictate the natural order of things, he can do as he wishes." (Stern Algorithm)
Baina Ez Voioz – “The conqueror. Another annoying one, always going off about strange things. But honestly I haven’t talked to him much to gauge his current insanity.” (ZekariVoblis)
Quill - "The Traveler? Why yes I have met him before but not for some time. Last time I saw him he talked about a traveling companion. I wonder what he would have wanted. (Leotamer)
WIP to save the spot, just need to put a bigger picture in next
Name: Naswaru, The Relentless.
Domain: The Hunt
Appearance: Taking the form of an apex predator, Naswaru is rather large. With a massive 35 foot wingspan of thick bat like wings and standing nearly 8 and a half feet tall. He is intimidating to most. That combined with his sheer predatory presence can make even the fearless cower or at the very least be wary in his presence. The form he took also has thick armor like scales that can change color, razor sharp claws and teeth to rend flesh and bone, as well as multiple eyes and keen senses to track prey and observe from afar.
(ill get a larger picture later.)
Realm: Voctao, Home of the Wilds.
Naswaru finds his home in the deepest of forests and among the vast plains. His home can be accessed by deep caves where animals and beasts find shelter. The only two ways to access his realm is to either be invited by Naswaru personally. Or by tracking a beast or animal into his cave that the creature calls home. That being one of the beasts he created.
The inside of his cave is rather large and has multiple different landscapes and biome's. These range from snow covered mountainside’s to warm swamps and deserts. Each housing unique beast’s intent on attacking any foe who may come after them. These natural landscapes also have their own weather but all remain perpetually dark with the only light source coming from a full moon that hangs in the sky. All of these areas provide ample opportunity to both the hunter and the hunted to strike and test their skills against one another. Survival of the fittest reigns supreme here.
However, if one were to slay the beast that they came after. They would find the cave to become rather peaceful and welcoming. Once they have proved themselves, the victor would be allowed to rest and be healed before being sent out. If it were a human or a party of humans that slayed one of Naswaru’s strongest beasts, Naswaru himself would greet them and bless them with gifts. Telling them that their tribe would find good fortune for a time while hunting.
Towards the back of his massive hunting grounds lays a table-top mountain where he lives. This place is where he cares for and raises his beasts. Grooming them to be strong and powerful giving those gifts and adaptations to counter the adaptations of the others, so they can continue to grow through their evolutionary arms race.
Biography: Although powerful in his own right and looking rather dangerous. Naswaru is actually quite kind and caring in his own way. He seeks to test Humans and beasts alike, forcing them to adapt and use their cunning and intelligence to survive and thrive. At his core he wishes to see them become stronger and smarter even if it means it portrays him as a bad guy or a monster.
Naswaru is responsible for the increase in ever stronger beasts and their growth rate, at times even culling some if they become overpopulated. He isn’t one of the oldest gods, but he’s not the youngest either. Being born of the hunt he came about as the first humans started their hunt for the beasts and as the beasts hunted them. Naswaru tends to get along rather well with his kin, occasionally helping or molding certain creatures for them. However, he mostly keeps to himself. When he is not taking care of his beasts or hunters he takes flight during the night to enjoy the natural world around him and seek out stronger beasts and humans to hunt and test them.
Misc: If a creature he likes is given a name by him, he will do anything in his power to protect it. For if he does name one of his creations, it's because he sees it almost like a friend more than anything. Those creatures live atop his mountain with him.
Notes: (Leave this empty. As the rp goes on any details you wish to record go here. Once this CS is submitted Do not edit any other portion of the CS aside from this without the GM's consent.)
Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.
Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.<br><br>Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.</div>