Avatar of ReusableSword


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2 yrs ago
Current i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
7 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
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Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.

Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.

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interested but at work lol
Grikgar /Grik/ Seeker

// Unggoy Ultra // Demolitions and Artillery // Location: Enemy Stronghold

Grikgar shifted quickly from one point of cover to the next. “Copy Grik be careful now. Many explosions good for Grik but not good for everyone else.” Getting to the pillar next to the Spartan Grik nodded and activated the shield he got from the jackal. The bright orange glow of the shield illuminated his position in time for the machine gun to open up on his position. “Grikgar create opening for Spartan.”

Turing from cover his shield flared then broke along with his energy shield, Grik gar was only able to get two shots off with an unsteady hand before diving back into cover. “Shields recharging.” What a rush, a bit risky but a rush all the same.
wip for star wars maybe: roleplayerguild.com/topics/184403-sta…
Reason for being present in the Bitter End: some characters should be seeking Callidus, but I'm open to some players being at the End for other reasons.
Looks: (pictures acceptable)
Personality Description:
Character bio: in four bullets or less
Short IC scene (optional but welcomed): you can skip looks, history and personality description if you can write a brief scene that communicates some of the key info about your character.
i havnt seen gisk in a while so idk?
Merik Roak

Merik was quite proud of himself while the other goblins ran off from his roar. Goblins were always a fun fight and it would seem it wasn’t over. More goblins came up the wall dressed in rag tag armor and shields. Just from the look and combat ability he could tell that these ones were definitely going to be fun.

One of them that seemed a bit bigger than the others proclaimed himself as the chief and said something akin to them being better than everyone else then going on about the ram he had destroyed. These goblins were definitely full of themselves, the soldiers regrouped rather quickly and formed a shield wall to oppose the goblins. This was definitely a fight he wasn’t going to miss out on.

With his mighty blade in his hand Merik sprinted for a moment and leapt over the soldiers and landed in front of them. Standing slowly with a growl akin to a predator he smiled at the goblins, “Finally, Food!” Merik’s eyes glowed a slight red, muscles bulged, it almost seemed like he grew larger. With another deep breath and low growl Merik charged the opposing wall intent on swinging his sword in a mighty swing from right to left in an attempt to wipe the filth from the walls. It was safe to say the Lizardfolk entered into a rage.
Merik Roak

Merik was quite happy with how his attack panned out, not only did the ram now create another obstacle for approaching forces but the burring wreck helped keep them back as well. The next volley made him duck back behind the battlements. Two large stones soared through the air, one causing damage to some buildings beyond the wall but the other destroyed more of their defenses.

Following along the back of this volley were more Goblins, they seemed to come in two groups. One group rushed towards the gate yet again with more explosives, the other intended on scaling the wall with grappling hooks and ropes. Ruduf was already rallying the human defenders and taking care of the goblins on the wall which meant it was up to him and the archers to stop the destruction of the gate.

Merik seized this opportunity to attempt to strike fear into every enemy beyond the walls, and possibly even a few allies. The large lizard drew his massive sword and stood on top of the battlements with his sword held high. Taking a deep breath the dragon touched let loose a deafening roar akin to what one would expect from a dragon. It was a fear tactic to both stop the enemies in front of them and to some of the stronger ones that may have still lingered in the forest, a challenge. It was a shame he couldn’t roar like that all the time.

Stepping down from the top of the wall he quickly began picking up whatever javelins or wooden poles had been left near him in an attempt to kill or slow the sappers. If he ran out or couldn’t find more there was plenty of broken stones to be used as ammunition.
Grikgar /Grik/ Seeker

// Unggoy Ultra // Demolitions and Artillery // Location: Enemy Stronghold

Grikgar found his place in the formation just behind Tatsuma, it seemed the others took up positions to either the left or right of the hunter. The moment the doors opened they came under fire. The others dived to the sides in the hail of bullets but Grik stayed behind the portable hardcover of the Lekgolo. He knew he likely wouldn’t make it to either side in one piece and with the hunter crouching down and absorbing the shots he could at least stay here for a little while.

All the Unggoy had to do was double check his weapon and wait for his opening. The opening in question came when smoke grenades from his walking cover was deployed. Before he could take advantage he could see the Spartan readying a grenade so he did as well. Grikgar through his grenade to what he could tell was the back of the fortified position in front of them then carefully started to climb up on the back of the hunter.

Getting his cannon just up far enough over the hunter to clear its head, Grikgar quickly emptied an entire magazine of his fuel rod cannon into the enemy positions. Right after the last shot was fired he let go and slid down Tatsuma’s back and began the reloading process. “Reloading.” He called over comms. It would not take him very long to insert the next magazine.
Victor Astorio

This wasn’t the most entertaining night that Victor had gone through. He would rather be torn apart in the arena by the princess again. The count simply figured that if he was going to have to sit on the side lines for this political knife fight he might as well try to learn something. Victor adjusted himself in his seat so that he was not slouching or seeming to be uninterested with the conversation. Instead he took the new glass of blood and took a sip.

The taste wasn’t horrific but it definitely would not be as surprising as Salem’s blood. The mix of tastes did seem to overwhelm each other from one moment to the next but it wasn’t terrible. Now Victor had to focus back in on the conversation, figure out what he could from what was going on. This type of fighting was sometimes just as dangerous as his own fights. Varis had to of set this room up from the start to set the tone just like he would in a battlefield. From how they were seated, to the paintings on the wall, to how he dressed himself and his mage.

Their seating arrangements put ben in the center that was a given seeing as it was an introduction of sorts to the others. The paintings on the wall behind him was more than likely put there with an attempt to poke at his own feelings towards fighting perhaps or a prod at a possible disdain for his own family. A shot in the dark if anything but the picture itself was wrong, the lord wasn’t one to be so merciful. Lord Perion had told him that he made that traitor suffer like all the others, death by a thousand cuts. So what of how he was dressed then?

Varis seemed to be dressed rather plain with Arron dressed a bit flashier. Trying to pull a sympathy card wouldn’t work with Victor he could see that the boy had changed in a downward direction in his opinion. The boys figure had grown a bit leaner and he had lost a bit of muscle mass since when he first saw the boy. Perhaps he was abusing the mage in small ways to get past the rules of this place. Either way even Salem had more muscle mass then that boy now.

Even as he was analyzing the situation the conversation continued, Varis was going on the offensive. With house Eve in their current state even a simple rumor could spread doom and gloom about the young count. Their where a few traps in his words that Victor could see but there where definitely more than just that. Ben’s reaction was again defensive but held a bit of honor to his words. Even if they were not true using a parent as a driving force was still admirable. A quick glance at Amaris was all he needed to see that she had composed herself again and was now reading into the situation just as he was trying to. More than likely she was able to read the situation better than himself.

The comment about Ben’s mother made him think about it a bit more. Victor had never known his mother. In fact, every time he tried to remember back past the age of ten he was all ways met with a sharp pain to the back of his head. Almost like getting hit with a cattle prod. The sensation making him wince slightly while he continued to listen to what was being discussed.
Grikgar /Grik/ Seeker

// Unggoy Ultra // Demolitions and Artillery // Location: Enemy Stronghold

The words from the Spartan made Grikgar flinch slightly and he skidded to a stop. Shifting a bit too early to turn he found himself hopping on one leg to stop him from falling over. The Unggoy then made his way back down the other hall with the all too familiar run / waddle that grunts did when they were in a hurry. “Grikgar understands, right side is best side.”

He stopped next to the human who called himself Roy and tossed him the spiker grenade he found. “Here go, this grenade fun.” Honestly those grenades where fun but they just didn’t fit right on his belt. The grenade itself was designed to maim and cause fear more than it was designed to kill. But Grikgar has seen how the spikes from it ricochet in the confined forerunner structures like these and are quite useful in tight areas. Before the man could answer he was off again moving down the right hall this time.
Truus {Vulcan} Kepler

The reply from the locals was what he was expecting, at least these people where not going to just go hide in a hole. This made the man smile, “it’s good to see you lot have some balls. May end up partially destroying a building or two setting up. But whatever I destroy ill help you build back up.” Vulcan wasn’t one to make idle threats or promises if he did either one he was always serious about it. Turning to look at Holly he nodded, “Understood fire team leader.” Essentially that was what she was with their numbers.

The super soldier made his way back to the ship and after a few moments stepped out of the ship in Approaching Storm. He was carful and took his time looking over the area. With the hand of his Mech he began digging three shallow holes in right inside the gate in a triangle pattern that was spread out. He wasn’t going to set the charges just yet only finding their homes. His voice came over the comms and his Mech’s PA system, “If you have any scrap metal, ball bearings, or any small explosives you would like to add get it in these holes.” This would help against anti infantry as well as Mech’s they might have.

With that Vulcan moved to the building looking directly at the main gate and started to set up his position.
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