"Wait, you're gonna work too? Don't you think that defeats the purpose of coming...", By the time Kira turned to face the guildmaster, the man had already wandered off into the crowd. "...here."
A festival to indulge themselves, yet some of her guild mates would rather work than play. Wasn't coming here suppose to take their mind off of guild business?
@13org (ADA)
"Your guess is as good as mine, Talia. I've never seen a mamono like Ada before. And I would know: my mom's an Echidna and I'm related to various types.", replied Kira before taking of Ada's actions and giggling. The unknown monstergirl's mannerisms reminded the Beelzebub of her younger siblings. "Yes, Ada. We grab another balloon along the way. Oh, it looks like the contest is about to start. Come on, this way!"
Taking Ada by the hand, Kira lead her two companions over to the cooking contest.
"None of the contests really interest me." Bart sighed. "I think I'll just advertise our Guild to all the people here. Try to attract clients and attention. You guys are free to join me if you'd like."
"Wait, you're gonna work too? Don't you think that defeats the purpose of coming...", By the time Kira turned to face the guildmaster, the man had already wandered off into the crowd. "...here."
A festival to indulge themselves, yet some of her guild mates would rather work than play. Wasn't coming here suppose to take their mind off of guild business?
@13org (ADA)
"Mmm, I have no interest in any of the contests either and I don't... wanna hang around Bart right now. You two are going to the cooking contest, right?" She said to Kira and Ada. "Maybe I'll just come with you two."
"Maybe we can get another balloon on the way." Talia said, patting Ada on the head. "Say, Kira. Have you any idea what species of monster she is?"
"Your guess is as good as mine, Talia. I've never seen a mamono like Ada before. And I would know: my mom's an Echidna and I'm related to various types.", replied Kira before taking of Ada's actions and giggling. The unknown monstergirl's mannerisms reminded the Beelzebub of her younger siblings. "Yes, Ada. We grab another balloon along the way. Oh, it looks like the contest is about to start. Come on, this way!"
Taking Ada by the hand, Kira lead her two companions over to the cooking contest.