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Well, you could switch Fran with Mordred for base guard and have both Conner and Scarlett both go out and do recon with their Servants.

Unless you had something else planned?
@vancexentan @Enkryption @The Irish Tree

Conner would raise an eyebrow at Scarlett. He could feel Fran's growing irritation with the woman's comment. Did she not hear what he said?

"Yes, I'm having my Berserker on lookout duty.", Conner began his explanation. "In case you didn't hear, or you just didn't care to hear, I told Fran to scout the surrounding estate and to not engage anything if she saw something. Now, according to what Archimedes just said, there are skeletons nearby, but not near enough for Fran to warrant her going after them. I'm well aware of how Berserkers normally behave, but so far, the one I got is slightly different. Yes, she speaks very simplistic and in broken sentences, but she is understandable and to the point. That showed me that her mind has enough clarity to not be that effected by her Madness Enchantment unless a mind-altering enemy is around, so therefore I trust her in doing this task. She's keeping to the property and not out into streets. Fran is probably on the roof of the house right now."


Fran's response echoed in his mind, confirming that she was where he thought she was.

"I did this so that we have an immediate sentry on guard for anything that would've jumped us as soon as we set foot here. Now, your Lancer put up a good idea. While Berserker keeps lookout for our temporary base, you and Celtchar can go out and see what else is out there. If you put down the mage that's summoning all of these undead, that'd be a good step forward. Hell, if Leon is willing, have Saber join you."

"Ugh....God, I hate that feeling.", muttered Conner, shaking his head to rid himself of vertigo as he and his teammates stood in middle of a seemingly deserted Japanese house, Fran standing beside him. "Well, let's not waste any time with this. Fran, go spirit form and scout the surrounding estate. If you see something, do not engage and just keep an eye on whatever's out there. We wouldn't want trouble busting through that door when we just got our feet on the ground."

"Hmmm.", Fran responded with a nod, disappearing to go do her task.

Meanwhile, Conner moved to the window and saw the same darkened sky-scrappers. Feeling a hunch, he went over to the nearest light switch and flipped it on.

The room remained unlit.

"A city wide power outage? Was it like this before Team A dropped in as well?"

"Hey! Its you again? Seriously? Fate really has a weird sense of humor huh?" Mordred said strolling past her master up to Berserker. She looked Fran dead on with a rather serious face before it turned mischievous. "Alright I'll let it go this time you hear? I don't remember much about it but I know when I'm looking at someone who's hit me hard enough to knock me on my ass. Not many people can do that!" Saber said as she gave Berserker a wide grin.

"....Hmm.", Fran replied with a nod....and a small smile. She did, indeed, remembered Mordred and the fight they had in a previous Grail War. Despite the loss she took in that battle, the fact that the blonde Saber acknowledged her strength was.....uplifting.

"Hey! you with the silly looking hair cut! You're her master so make sure she keeps up with me out there got it? No slacking off." Mordred says ignoring the comments in return for hers as she strolls back to her own Master as if she didn't do anything.


"Errr....y-yeah. Heard you, loud and clear. I'll...do my best.", responded Conner, more as an afterthought as he still caught up on the previous comment. Silly hair cut? Oh, that woman did NOT understand...

Next to summon was Scarlett....who ended getting a monster-killing Lancer.

Conner noticed Fran gripping her mace tightly and a frown marring her visage.

"Hey, relax.", he reassured the Berserker. "Celtchar is on our side, he won't hunt you. Would kinda defeat the purpose of all this, don't you think?"

Then Elise went last, her Servant being....

"That has got to be the most flamboyant Caster I have ever seen.", the young man commented, surprised and amused at Bunbuku Chagama's.....unique introduction.

"Nnnnnn...", mumbled Fran, feeling a sense of foreboding, but less of impending doom and more of an incoming headache. Bunbuku's outgoing attitude reminded her of another Servant she met in the past, a certain Rider of pink hair. She hoped the Caster Servant wouldn't be as annoying as he was...

In the end, Team B now had a Saber, Berserker, Lancer and Caster to their ranks.

"Okay, so our chances have gone from 'hopelessly impossible' to 'won't immediately die when we get there'......eh. Gotta start somewhere, I guess.", Conner said with a shrug, attempting to hide his nervousness through acting nonchalant.

Something which Fran saw through.

"Wor....ried?", Fran asked her Master, tilting her heard quizzingly. Conner looked at the Berserker for a moment before turning away with a resigned sigh.

"For a Berserker, nothing gets past you, huh?", he began with a honest smirk. "To be more accurate, you could say I'm scared. Who wouldn't be? Anyone here who says otherwise is a damn idiot and a liar. So many things can go wrong when we get there. Hell, they may already have, given Team A's unknown fate. So yeah, I'm scared. And yet....here we are. So why not give it the old college try?"

Despite having fear of the unknown dangers that await them, to see her young Master stand tall to face such fears, to face such dangers...

....Such bravery was something Fran could definitely get behind and protect, along with humanity's future.

"Aah! Aaaah!", Fran concurred with Conner with a firm nod. If his bravery was not enough, then she'll gladly lend some of hers.

Seeing this, Conner gave a resolved nod of his own before turning to Leon.

"Fran and I are ready to go." Conner announced, already giving his Servant a nickname. "Call it, Cap."

"Welp, looks like I'm on my own for this one.", Kerry said to herself as she flew southwest, towards the dojo of one of Takeshi's allies, Takamori. As she flew, she took in the lovely scenery of the land, including a village that featured ponds that gave off steam.

Yoooo, are those hot springs!? Okay, if we do end saving Shizuyama when all of this is said and done, I've got to have myself a soak in one of these!

The images of future blissful relaxation, however, were short-lived as Kerry touched down in the training grounds of the dojo.....or what remained of it.

"What the hell?", she muttered to herself, now on high alert and a hand on Dusk as she cautiously approached the ransacked abode. The signs of past fighting were obvious, from the arrows embedded in the wooden walls to the sliding doors being busted wide open. There was blood everywhere on the grounds yet no bodies, at least none that the Hornet could plainly see.

A Varjan attack? If so, then they are not wasting anytime taking territory. But I don't see any bodies, Varjan or local. Just what the hell happened her-

Her thoughts were interrupted when her instincts flared up. Before she could even blink, an arrow impaled itself into ground mere inches from her foot. Quickly turning toward where the shot came from, Dusk already out and in her hands, she saw a light skinned, dark haired man with glowing yellow eyes perched on the rooftop of the building, a bow and a nocked arrow aiming right at her.

"Don't move, or the next one will land a little closer." He warned Kerry. "Now tell me what you're here for. This island is being invaded and I don't wanna waste my time on a yokai looking for a man to catch."

"Hmmmm....If I had to guess, you must be Takamori.", Kerry replied, her grip on her spear tight. "And before you ask how I know your name, I'm here on behalf of Takeshi Oja. He wanted to come and see you personally, but he couldn't. Something about still being dressed up as a miko? Anyway, as much as I want to do some hubby-hunting, now is not a good time for that so why don't you just put the bow and arrow down, hop off the roof and get over here so we can talk this out. Maybe tell me what happened to your dojo?"

Damn, that sucks. Though I haven't interacted without much, I'm gonna miss ya.
I'm all ready to go when you are. But if Tree and Enkryption wanna conversate, I'll oblige.
The Throne of Heroes is a giant college campus and you can't tell me otherwise. XD


Truly, that was all Conner could say as he stood wide-eyed and slack jawed from witnessing, for the first time, a Servant summoning....and what strong start to Team B's roster.

Sir Mordred of the Round Table! The knight that brought the end of Camelot and King Arthur's reign! And also....a.......woman?

I have so many questions...

But such questions will have to wait as the young stepped forward.

"I'll go next. Any later and I'll be too nervous to say the oath right.", replied Conner as he walked and placed himself where Leon once stood previously. Seeing Archimedes give him the go-ahead nod, he raised his right hand forward, the emitter above glowing once.

Conner took a deep breath to steady his nerves and heart....and he began his chant.

"Let silver, and steel be the essence.
Let stone, and the archduke of contracts be the foundation of our connection.
Let rise a wall against the destruction that shall come.
Let the four cardinal gates close to open up a new world.
Let each be turned over five times, simply breaking asunder the fulfilled time
Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."

Much like before, a ring of white light formed around Conner, inner rings spiraling with ever-increasing haste. The young man carried on.

"Let it be declared now;
your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword.
I ask of you to willing submit to the service of the world.
Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth."

The circle brightens. The literal lightshow begins, once more.

"An oath shall be sworn here.
I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven;
I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell."

Again, like before, a golden ring appears. If Conner wasn't so focused on completing his chant, he would've noticed Archimedes raise an eyebrow at this. The 18 year old would later learn that seeing two gold rings in a row during a Servant summoning was very rare.

"This is a call to preserve the future!
This is a call to serve mankind;
This is a call to save the world!"

Eyes narrowing as he felt the wind howl against him, he laid his left hand on his outstretched arm, steadying himself as he started to feel a burning sensation on the top of his right hand. This is it!

"From the highest Heaven, and from the deepest hell attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"

As soon as Conner finished his oath, the light from the accumulated magic exploded, temporarily blinding everyone as a Servant was brought into the world. As the light quickly faded away, Conner checked his right hand and, sure enough, his Command Seals had appeared. A simple yet intricate of a tree without leaves, divided into three equal segments. He then turned his gaze toward the center of the summoning circle. And there.....stood his Servant.

A petite young girl with peach colored hair, her bangs completely hiding her eyes, wearing what appeared to be a white wedding dress, complete with a veil that fluttered behind her head. What caught Conner's attention the most was the golden horn that protruded from her forehead, as well as the golden prongs on both sides of her head, adorned with brown ribbons. On her hip was a golden egg-shaped capsule and in her hands, a large battle mace. The girl looked around the room, seemingly lost for a moment, before turning toward Conner.

"Uhhhhhhh...", the girl moaned, tilting her head. "Ber....ser...ker. Fran....ken.....stein. Mas....ter?"

For a solid three seconds, Conner was left stunned over the fact that the first Servant he had just summoned was an iconic figure from classic horror fiction, who was also a woman, until realizing said Servant just asked him a question.

"Uhhh, right. Ahem, sorry.", said Conner, a bit embarrassed and shaking his head. "You said your name was Frankenstein. As in Frankenstein's monster?"

Frankenstein gave off a disapproved grunt but nodded, something that Conner would take note of. He would also take note of the amount of clarity she was displaying. She was talking very simplistic and in broken sentences but other than that, she understood what he was saying. Weren't Berserkers suppose to be afflicted with madness?

"Alright, then. To answer your question, yes. I am your Master. My name is Conner and I'm happy to meet you. You already know the stakes, right?"

"Mmmm.", the Berserker nodded once more.

"Good. We got our work cut out for us and then some, so let's work together and save this world, yeah?"

With a final nod to each other, Conner led his Servant off to the to where Leon and Mordred stood. Frankenstein's gaze would linger on the blonde knight as an unusual feeling of familiarity passed over her. Why did it feel like she had seen this particular Saber before?

"Takamori is a warrior whose eyes allow him to predict his opponent's next moves. An ability we could have used in Sanjo Beach if he showed up... but maybe it was good that he didn't or else we might have lost him too.

He has an archery dojo to the southwest. We can start looking for him there. We'll certainly need his unique ability."
Takeshi Oja

"I think I'll help in finding this Takamori guy. Sounds like he would've been invaluable on that beach and he's definitely gonna be invaluable if we want any hope of driving these Varjan pricks off this island.", Kerry said, stretching before turning to her teammates. "Anyone care to join me?"
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