@PaulHaynekTakamori then slid down the roof and landed on the ground with grace expected of a samurai. "Tell me everything you know, yokai. How you know Takeshi Oja and how you got him out of Sanjo Beach. The Varjan invasion force, at least the main bulk of it, was landing there. Takeshi survived, but did others? What about his father? Lord Hideo Oja?" He shot Kerry a lot of questions. "Don't tell me we actually won and repelled the Varjans."
"Well, I don't personally know Takeshi, but an Inari named Lady Kyouko does. I'm part of a taskforce she sent to investigate what's been going on in Shizuyama and to help you locals out whenever and wherever we can. I actually came to the party late, but was able to help rescue your lord and get him out of Sanjo Beach along with my teammates. As for the beach..."Kerry momentarily looked away and gave a sad sighed, recalling the devastation and death she saw that day.
.....Sanjo Beach has been taken. Sanjo Town, as well. Again, I came in late, but form what I could tell, there was a lot of dead. Most of them were.....your people. I'm sorry. If there is any silver lining to this, the residents of Sanjo Town evacuated before the Varjans overtook it, so it's not a total tragedy. As for Takeshi's father.....I'm not sure. He's not with us and wasn't among the dead when I flew over the beach and town. So either Hideo is missing or captured.""As for what happened here... Well, Varjans happened." Takamori started. "I was packing up to join the battle in Sanjo Beach when out of nowhere, a band of those bloody Varjans assaulted my home." Taking a look at the ruined dojo, Takamori continued. "I hid my daughter under the floorboards and led the Varjans away from here before picking them off one by one. When I came back... she's nowhere to be found, and the corpses of the Varjans I killed here were also gone."
"They've taken her, yokai. And I intend to find her." Takamori approached Kerry as he finished. But then added something after a sigh. "...I cannot join Lord Oja until I do."
The hornet's eyes widened at this revelation before her face softened into a look of understanding and sympathy. There are very few circumstances that can take precedence over stopping a evil invading force that's threatening to conquer your home. Takamori's plight, justifiably, was definitely one of them.....
.....and one that Kerry can sure as hell get behind.
"Well, good thing you met me, huh?", she spoke, resolve evident in her eyes as she twirled Dusk before laying the spear between her shoulders.
"Listen....I understand why you and your people have your guard up whenever you see me and my kind. I'm a mamono, or yokai as you call it. I'm different from you in many aspects, this is true. But at the same time, do we not breath the same air? Do we not feel the same wind on our skin? Do we not bleed, just like you? While yes, some mamono are warranted in you being very cautious of, know that not all of us are like that. Sure, someday I wish to find the one guy I want to settle down and spend the rest of my life with. But it won't be today. Hell, that day won't be coming for a little while. Because right now, all I see is a father ready to move heaven and earth to save his child, yet knowing he can't do this by himself. Like all of Shizuyama currently, you need all the help you can get if you want to even hope to stand a chance against our enemy."Planting her spear into the ground, Kerry put out her hand toward Takamori.
"Shizuyama needs you, but that can wait. For now, I'll help you save your little girl. On that, you have my word."