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Current Fix your goddamn servers, Bungie.


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@PaulHaynek @Xaltwind (REL) @The Irish Tree (EUL)

The deadest of deadpanned stares was all Kerry could give to the monk as the man, rather pathetically, tried to feed the trio another lie, somehow getting the mother to join in on it.

It really makes one wonder how the hell the Demon Lord hasn't already conquered the world if humans THIS STUPID roam these lands.

A question that would baffle even the most studious Sabbath member, certainly.

The hornet turned her attention toward her two companions.

"Alright, who's kicking his ass first?", Kerry asked Relica and Eula.
@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree (EUL) @Xaltwind

As young Jin slid the door closed, Kerry stood on the threshold, wide eyed at this particular revelation. As this news swam in her mind, she took the time to scan the other houses. She could go to another house to ask again.....and that's what she did.

Only to get the same answer. No illness or disease. So, naturally, she went to the last house. Fourth verse, same as the first.

Everyone in this meager village said there was no disease here. In fact, now that she noticed it, the place looked untouched by war as well, as there was no evidence of Varjans running through here. Which told her two possible explanations:

Either we're in the wrong village....or someone's bullshitting.

Eyes narrowing, Kerry marched straight back toward the first house, sliding the door wide open and making her return known to all inside. Before anyone could greet her.....and before Relica could commit first degree murder in full view of witnesses, she cut them off.

"Ah, there's our....'monk'.", Kerry began as she slid the door closed. Relica and Eula would then pick up on the demeanor and tone the hornet now took on. Leaning back against the door with her arms crossed, Kerry appeared laid-back and nonchalant, a complete contrast to how she was a couple of minutes ago. But her eyes and voice told them something else:

She was suspicious at the monk and was being interrogative now.

"So, I found out something interesting while I was out and about.", she continued her statement the monk. "I went over to the house next door, you know to see who else fell under to this 'disease' you speak of. You know what the kid who answered the door said? No one is sick over there. No one in the village is. So, like anyone with a shred of a brain would do, I went over to the next house to confirm this. I got the same answer there, too. And before you ask, yes, I did go to the last house, 'cause screw it, let's do all of them. Same answer. All the while, it got me thinking of everything that came up on our way here, to this point in time."

Kerry then turned her attention to Relica and Eula.

"Isn't odd that the only Varjans we've ran into was the Elite-led patrol we fought some ways back? Given how tiny this village is, I wouldn't put it pass those pricks to miss this place completely. And the only person even remotely under the weather here is the kid in bed and that's because he ate something he wasn't supposed to eat. Also, Rel, remember that question you asked earlier? How would our 'monk' know just how contagious the disease is after, as he claimed, the Varjans had been through here?"

"I-I'm sorry, madam yokai. But I'm afraid we can't help with whatever you need."

Heh. Cute kid., the hornet thought to herself, the task at hand mercifully ridding all of the embarrassment she was feeling moments ago.

"No, no. I'm not here for you to help me. I'm here to help you, your dad and everyone else in this village out.", Kerry began, going on the balls of her feet as she crouched down to the boy's eye level. "See, a few of my friends and myself are with a monk who wants to heal you folks. I just have a couple of questions. How many of you have fallen ill? When did the first of you get sick and how?"
@PaulHaynek @Xaltwind

Look! The boy is already shipping Kerry x Relica. Soon, he'll make fanfiction and lewd art all because two mamono were in the same room together and Kerry said something she didn't mean to let out! XD
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand Kerry outed herself. XD
@PaulHaynek @Xaltwind @The Irish Tree (EUL)

"Why not regale the boy with tales of your romantic exploits, Curry?"

Kerry, who was pinching the bridge of her nose and shaking her head as she still processed the fact these idiots ate mushrooms before learning whether or not they were safe to eat, wasn't really paying attention to what was being said around her so when Relica said her statement, she, quick as a whip and with zero thought and filter....

"Well, there was that one time back in Grelden when you and I were on 24 hour outpost duty, we got bored one night, started having drinks, one fun lead to another and then we had some really steamy se-"

Situational awareness finally caught up to the hornet as she remembered where she was and promptly shut up, hand covering her mouth as she cheeks instantly flushed red and her eyes widened in mortified horror. She didn't even need to look to Relica to know the gremlin was feeling the same, though with more fury at the fact that Kerry just babbled a secret.

Did I just say that out loud?, she thought to herself, her brain blazing miles per minute. DID I JUST FUCKING SAY THAT OUT LOUD!?

"A-A-A-A-Anyway, this is no place t-to discuss such things, d-d-don't you think!?", Kerry stammered, desperately trying to save face and rectify the situation, despite her face blushing up a storm. "H-H-Hey, kid!? You said shared those shrooms with another f-family, right!? How 'bout I go check on them real q-quick!? G-Gotta see how much this sickness is a-affecting the village, r-right!?"

Kerry was out the door as she said the last sentence, damn near running as she power-walked over to nearest house, not even knowing if that family lived in said house or not as she was more concerned in getting away from that embarrassing predicament as quickly as possible...

.....that and she didn't want Relica killing her where she stood.

He did this before, although it wasn't this degenerate.

Anyway, he has the original text at the bottom of his post.


@Xaltwind @The Irish Tree (EUL)

"Look, I can't do anything about your damaged arm here. Not right now, I didn't bring any of my tools or supplies on this trip because I didn't think I'd run into you right as I left... Didn't expect you to be this banged up either. Still, if you can just wait until I get back to the workstation at that temple, I'll get you sorted, right as rain! ... But, if nothing else, I think it'd be a good idea for you to come with us." Relica said, a concerned and genuine expression on her. "Not to hlep us fight or anyhting, no. Leave the grunt-work and meatshielding to this idiot."

"Yeah, we don't want you overexerting yourse- excuse you, say that again!?", snapped Kerry, at first being reassuring toward Eula before becoming indignant after catching the last part of Relica's statement.

"Ew, no, Eula! Don't eat that! You don't know where it's been. Well, i mean, you do. But that actually just makes it worse. If ya wanna snack on something, eat one of Curry's spears. They come back on their own anyway, so it's fine."

"You wanna get wind-punted across this island, you shortstacked rugrat!? Don't go telling people that they can nibble on my weapons! I need them, in case you forgot!"

You still can. Some of us do more than one post per update whenever one of us feels particularly up for some interaction.
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