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Current Fix your goddamn servers, Bungie.


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"Ah, Miss Zeka Willows. I'm glad that you have arrived. A little late, if I am to be honest, but better late than never. My taskforce will need any help they can get."

"Uuuh, yeah. I can see that plainly.", Zeka responded as she took in her surroundings, noting the large ships receiving cargos of weapons and supplies, all of which were tended to by sailors and soldiers. "You sure you need someone like me in your posse? A thief is kinda out of their element on a battlefield."
@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree (EUL)

Despite blushing at the intimate contact, Kerry was rendered speechless. Not just from Eula's words, but from her actions as well. The hornet has rarely ever seen.....well, any mamono behave like this. The level of compassion that Eula showed was.....damn near human. She could see it in the automaton's eyes, yet....there was also something else in them.

A part of her that was......damaged. Broken.....and it was something that no workshop can fix.

Seeing this reminded Kerry of a certain lesson.....Back in those simpler days...

"....if not more.", Kerry whispered to herself before sighing, smirking to herself.

Nearly 10 years since she left home and her dad is still taking her to school.

"Well, Eula, it's like you said: There is a shit ton of things to care of and the locals do need our help, no matter how much they bitch about. So let's bury this hatchet so we can get back to saving this island, yeah?"

@Sho Minazuki

Garrick's reptilian eyes narrowed as he took in the strange and thoughtless movements of his opponents. The conclusion was obvious: They were mind-controlled and were meant to merely stall him.

Seeing as time was of the essence.....he will make this quick.

The large cryptid charged forward, dropping into a roll to avoid fire from the two Geo gunners. As he rose, Garrick stomped the ground hard, unleashing a minor quake to trip his enemies. Before a gunner could recover, Garrick body slammed him into a wall before taking Azure Vein and throwing it, impaling the other gunner through the chest. Instincts flaring, he side-stepped to avoid a slash from behind. In response, the cryptid threw a powerful hook to swordsman's temple, an audible crack echoing in the area as they fell to the ground. The last two swordsman tried to end him with a pincer maneuver, but was thwarted when Garrick's tail swept the feet of one while dodging and uppercut the other. Wanting to end this, Garrick shot his grappling hook to catch his airborne victim before slamming him back down into the other opponent that prone on the ground, finishing the duo simultaneously.

With the deed done, Garrick reached out with his hand, Azure Vein returning to him as he went deeper into the ruins, in pursuit of the Ameno thief.
@The Irish Tree

"Well...I must admit, I'm rather upset Kikyo didn't pass my message along. Especially after she ranted at me about how I was simply saving lives so they'd be indebted to me."

"Tch, I believe you.", Kerry scoffed. "The sentiment is probably shared by everyone in Takeshi's inner circle. So ungrateful."

"You left, and as such were no longer a threat to the humans in the village. I had no reason to give chase. After you and Relica left, I followed the Monk back to his actual home, and there I helped cure the villagers of the disease that was affecting them. It turned out to simply be some poison in the well that was causing the issue. Likely Varjans."

The hornet stared at Eula with wide eyes, stunned at this revelation. Turns out there WAS village that was sick. Which means....

I robbed a monk of his money for no reason.

Regret and guilt suddenly manifested within her, like giant cockroaches that were crawling up her back.

"Are you serious?", Kerry uttered as she got up and began pacing, chitinous hands on her head as she came to grips over what she had done. "Then why the hell were we at that first village!? Why waste our time going there instead of going straight to the one that needed our help!? Now I feel like an absolute shithead! I...I have to tell Shizuka about this! FUCK!"

At this point, Kerry stopped pacing and took deep breaths to calm herself down. She'll have to resolve this issue as well. Sooner rather than later because if word got around that a member of the taskforce robbed a monk, it would destroy any and all trust the locals may have had with them, however meager that trust was. For now though....

"Okay, note to self: Give that monk his money back. Feel free to hold me to that promise, Eula.", she proclaimed as she sat back down to resume the discussion. "Second and final topic: Why did you shoot a warning shot at me? I get it, I robbed a local and that definitely is a major no-no in the taskforce. But like Relica said, that shot could've taken my head off. I've never seen an automaton react that strongly before. So...why?"
Kicks door down


@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree (EUL)

"Peace, Hornet. I may look like the Varjans, but I assure you they consider me more an enemy than you are. I am Revuel Arvida from the Scarce Legion. My legion has forsaken their oaths to justice and has joined forces with the evil and wicked Varjo. I am here to make sure they don't harm anymore of the innocent and further besmirch the name. When I heard that a sizeable force of Scarce Legion was invading Shizuyama, I immediately sought passage. That was how I met Lady Kyouko, and she graciously sent me here to fulfill my mission."

"Hello, Kerry. I believe he can be trusted. What brings you here? Did Kikyo deliver my message to you?"

Kerry stared at the bald man for a moment longer....before sighing, hand moving away from her spears as she relaxed.

"Alright. If Eula says you're good, then you're good to me as well, Rev.", she spoke to the rebel Varjan before turning her attention to Eula, grabbing a nearby stool as she made her approach. "And no, I came here on my own. Kikyo was too busy reminding people that 'the mamono are not to be trusted. They're lying deceivers and we don't need their help' and blah blah to-the-surprise-of-fucking-no one blah."

The hornet set the stool down in front of Eula and promptly sat down, taking a deep breath before giving the automaton her full attention.

"First off, I need to know: What happened after I flew off? Part of me expected you to follow, but you didn't, so that must mean you stayed."
@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree (EUL)

As her allies discussed on what to do next, Kerry wandered over to Relica's converted workshop. Upon entering, she would find Eula, suspended on a stand with wires and tubes connecting her to various machines. She also see another resident, one she's never seen before. A bald, clean-shaven man wearing dark red armor that looked a bit similar to Varjan Warlocks she has fought so far.

"And might I ask who you might be?", she queried with suspicion, her hand twitching toward one of her spears.
@Sho Minazuki

"Garrick, was it? Me and my men will secure the area around the ruin, perhaps you could take a look at the ruin itself? Some of my men will be with you"

Garrick nodded and gave a hum of acknowledgment as he strode forward toward the ruins, his eyes surveying the surroundings for anything unusual.
@PaulHaynek @AzureKnight (SHI) @Restalaan (GRI) @The Irish Tree (LIL) @Enkryption

Oh shit, he listened to me. Maybe there is hope for us yet., Kerry thought in jest as she turned her attention to the Elite, who seemed unwilling to call it quits even when his underlings are in full retreat, which she merely shrugged at. With Gringor taking care the pillar, she can wrap this up once she has taken care of this fool. The Elite made wide slash at the hornet, only for her to flip over his head, wings buzzing. Undeterred, the Varjan spun around and attempted another slash. Kerry gracefully dodged again, flipping backwards before rushing forward with an overhead slash of her own with Dusk. The Elite raised his sword to block the strike, a loud clang being heard throughout the area. Before Kerry could do anything else, she noticed movement approaching from the tree line. A second later, that movement revealed itself to be...

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU THREE BEEN!?", the hornet exclaimed as Shizuka, Liliana and Alice had returned from their quest, just in time to the end of the Varjan assault.
@Sho Minazuki

Garrick gave a silent nod of acknowledgement as he boarded the skiff, paying no mind to the unsettled and intimidated stares he was getting.

He was used to it.
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