
Instead of yellow, the color of her clothes are dark silver. She has tanned skin and her hair has navy highlights.
Name: Zeka Willows
Race: Large Mouse
The Umbral Orb- A powerful artifact filled with ancient dark energies of a bygone era that Zeka managed to steal from a Baphomet. It hangs as an amulet on the side of her pants. With it, she can: Create and manipulate dark energy, create dark copies of herself, can use umbrakinesis, can become dark mist, shadow walk(teleporting through shadows) and summon dark familiars in the forms of.....well, rats. She can even create spectral weapons, with preference being daggers and bows. Zeka can also create what she dubbed as the
Null Cloak, a hood-like shroud of darkness that lets her become transparent in dim light and near invisible in the dark, going completely invisible at midnight for one minute.
Quiet as a Mouse- Small and agile, Zeka excels at hit and run tactics in a fight, as well as being an silent and elusive skirmisher in larger fights.
Personality: Adventurous, mischievous, rebellious yet down to earth, smart and willing to do the right thing. A chaotic rat with a heart of gold, always ready for the next big score.
Born from the union of a stealthy large mouse who caught the eye of an exiled ex-Order sorcerer, Zeka spent much of her childhood exploring and causing mischief in her hometown of Gnoll City, a quiant yet prospering mamono-friendly port town on the edge of the Old Continent. Naturally, seeing such a restless and eager spirit in their daughter, Zeka's parents knew she will soon outgrow her stomping grounds and yearn for the world beyond her home. And so, as any loving parent would, they prepared her. Her mother taught Zeka what it means to be a large mouse, how being quick, quiet and smart made a world of difference. Her father taught her magic, even though he told her that, despite being blessed with his genes, she would need a catalyst to help unlock her magical potential. This would not discourage her, as she vowed to find a way. When she finally came of age, with heartfelt goodbyes, Zeka bid her friends and family farewell and set out on her new journey.
Her opportunity came in the form of a group of witches searching for new recruits for their local Sabbath. Pretending to be interested in joining, Zeka followed the witches back to their headquarters, a castle ruled by their baphomet. As they gave her a tour, she managed to slip away and began exploring the castle on her own. Soon, she found room containing and an ominous looking orb. Before she could make a grab for it, Zeka was caught red-handed by the baphomet and her witches. As the witches held her down, the leader decided the mouse's fate:
Corrupted into a lust-crazed minion by the very orb she tried to steal.
However, as she was being subjected to the orb's energies, to everyone's shock, Zeka did not become corrupted. In fact, the very opposite happened: The orb reacted favorably to the mouse and was giving her power. At that moment, Zeka had finally found it......
Her catalyst. Taking advantage of this newfound gift, the mouse caused the entire room to be engulfed in a dark fog, blinding and confusing everyone. She snatched the orb out of the baphomet's hand before escaping through the glass window, inadvertently becoming invisible as she vanished into the woods.
As Zeka explored new places and took in new sights, her need to cause trouble didn't subside. And with dark powers at her disposal, she found herself with a new job:
Every city and town she went, she offered services as a thief. And with her skills and powers, she became good at it. Great, as a matter of fact. Earning the title "The Shadow Rat" for her ability to get in and out of highly secured fortresses, Zeka's name quickly became known across the land....
It was through this that her name became known to a certain Inari, who just so happen to be in need of such skilled individuals for the crisis in Shizuyama.
Zeka didn't know who this Lady Kyouko was or how the ryu's letter got to her, but one thing was certain: A new adventure was calling...
....and she'd be a fool to not answer it.
"Hey, is this yours? Hehe, nah, I'm kidding, I didn't take anything. You wouldn't have noticed if I did. Only if it's something of worth do I even bother. Finacial, sentimental, informational. Doesn't matter. If you want it, I can get it. So....what needs stealing?"