"Hey, Rev. You're....probably wondering why I'm here.", Kerry spoke, suddenly feeling somewhat nervous. Makes sense, seeing as how this was going to become important in the later months. "Are you busy right now? There's something I need you to....check on. Actually, it'd be more accurate to say I need you to confirm something."
"Right.....details. I'll get straight to the point then."
Kerry took a calming deep breath as she took seat on a nearby chair.
"Alice and I had....sex last night. And just a few minutes ago, after I came back from helping out Takamori, I puked and felt so weak that Alice had to carry me over here. Basically, Rev...... there's a strong possibility that I'm pregnant."
Kerry winced as Revuel told her to make preparations to be teleported back to safety. She saw that response coming....and she wasn't looking forward to the ensuing argument.
Pretty sure this same argument is gonna happen with Shizuka when either Alice or I tell him about this., she thought to herself before focusing back on the conversation.
"I appreciate you looking out out for me and my budding family, but....there's no need, Rev. Alice and I are staying."
"Oh, you're right, Revuel. How could I be caught so unaware of the situation? It's not like that was the first thing that came to my mind when I found out about this.", Kerry responded sarcastically. "You think I want to have my kid here? I don't! At least....initially, I didn't. But...."
She placed a gentle hand on her stomach as thought back to Alice's words...
"...You're right. I don't owe Shizuyama or it's people anything. But Alice, the 'father' of my child, firmly believes this place is worth fighting for, risk and all. And if she's not leaving, then I'm not leaving either.
"Nah, I understand plenty.", the hornet replied as she rose from her seat, mind pondering. Kerry already figured her growing egg will be taking in all the nutrients and energy it can get to develop properly, including her own mana. She will have to pick and choose her battles more carefully now and that means no more flying solo on missions for the time being. A crying shame, but if it means her child will be safe, she'll gladly take it.
"Seeing as how you'll be telling Kyouko about this, I guess that means telling Shizuka about this bombshell will be left to Alice and I?"
"Mmmmm.....Nah. You tell Kyouko. I'm already in for an earful from Shizuka.", Kerry quipped back with a smirk. "Later."
With that, the hornet exited Revuel's hut, her mind now contemplating as she strode in the direction toward the hot springs.
I think a dip in the hot springs is definitely the right call for now, but after that....Hmmm. What would make for good nesting material around here?
Revuel Arvida's quarters was a separate storage hut inside Terauchi Temple. He had requested for an isolated room since he had items on him that was... best not to be disturbed by the lay person. The door was, of course, usually locked so Kerry had to knock to call the spellcaster. The door was answered in a second.
The spellcaster was out of his armor and wearing crimson, silk robes. "Ah, Madam Kerry. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He greeted the Hornet, a bit surprised as to what she wanted from him.
"Hey, Rev. You're....probably wondering why I'm here.", Kerry spoke, suddenly feeling somewhat nervous. Makes sense, seeing as how this was going to become important in the later months. "Are you busy right now? There's something I need you to....check on. Actually, it'd be more accurate to say I need you to confirm something."
Kerry's subdued tone alarmed Revuel with concern. "Confirm something? What exactly do you need to confirm?" He asked but quickly motioned to Kerry before she could respond. "Here, come inside."
Revuel made this little, one-room hut his own in a very short while. His crimson-colored armor set was stashed to the side, the couple of tables that could be seen were filled with books, scrolls and free papers, a particularly fancy sword and a large dagger hung from one of the walls. "Don't touch anything, by the way." Revuel told Kerry as the latter entered.
"Now then, tell me what's going on. Spare no details, and I will help you as best I can."
"Right.....details. I'll get straight to the point then."
Kerry took a calming deep breath as she took seat on a nearby chair.
"Alice and I had....sex last night. And just a few minutes ago, after I came back from helping out Takamori, I puked and felt so weak that Alice had to carry me over here. Basically, Rev...... there's a strong possibility that I'm pregnant."
Revuel was silent for a good few moments, processing what Kerry had just said and wondering if he should believe them. After a blink and a little shake of his head, he finally decided to accept the information. "Alice... is a male? Huh, I could have sworn she-- he was a monster girl. Well, I suppose I was wrong about this kind of thing before..." He noted, incorrectly.
"So you think you are pregnant? Let us be certain." Revuel hovered a hand in front of the Hornet's torso. His eyes widened as he sensed Demon Energy emanating from within that did not belong to Kerry. "Hmm. It is as you said, Madam Kerry. You are indeed pregnant. In fact, your child seems to be growing exponentially faster than your normal embryo. Well, egg in your case, I suppose." The spellcaster revealed and explained. "If I had to hazard a guess, your child will probably be born in about... several months' time. Far earlier than the normal nine months."
Removing his hand, Revuel released a long sigh. "I would chide you and Sir Alice for letting this... unprofessionalism get this far, but the taskforce is no organized military. Not to mention that you are a monster, restraining libidos isn't exactly your kind's forte." The former Warlock then went over to his table of books and scrolls. "I shall ready the teleport chamber and let Lady Kyouko know you're coming. Go get your husband and meet me in the teleport chamber in an hour, then we can transport your family to safety." He ordered Kerry. "Don't forget to say your farewells to your fellow members."
Kerry winced as Revuel told her to make preparations to be teleported back to safety. She saw that response coming....and she wasn't looking forward to the ensuing argument.
Pretty sure this same argument is gonna happen with Shizuka when either Alice or I tell him about this., she thought to herself before focusing back on the conversation.
"I appreciate you looking out out for me and my budding family, but....there's no need, Rev. Alice and I are staying."
Revuel looked back to Kerry, confusion on his face. "Staying? Madam Kerry, you do realize this whole island is a warzone, right? Places like this Terauchi Temple are safe most of the time, but it is hardly a home for you and your family." The spellcaster replied. "Not to mention that you, yourself, the bearer of the child, will also be in danger. A hit to your stomach can do irreparable damage to your unborn. And believe me, the enemy has a propensity for body hits." Revuel protested Kerry's decision.
The former Warlock then went back to Kerry and pleaded his case. "Milady. As Lady Kyouko has told me, none of us have an obligation to this island. We are free to leave anytime we wish." He then smiled at the Hornet. "Do not worry about us, too. I'm sure we'll manage fine without you."
"Oh, you're right, Revuel. How could I be caught so unaware of the situation? It's not like that was the first thing that came to my mind when I found out about this.", Kerry responded sarcastically. "You think I want to have my kid here? I don't! At least....initially, I didn't. But...."
She placed a gentle hand on her stomach as thought back to Alice's words...
"This place, while stuffy and ignorant, isn’t without culture and charm. A few bad apples wouldn’t spoil a batch, if we take them out quick enough. We have supporters. I’ve seen it... Right here, Kerry. Even if we don’t believe it, even if we don’t see it, we have those here, and all across this island, that believe we can make a difference! They aren’t all with us, but they aren’t all against us. All we have to do is keep moving forward. We’ll make this our home...
"...You're right. I don't owe Shizuyama or it's people anything. But Alice, the 'father' of my child, firmly believes this place is worth fighting for, risk and all. And if she's not leaving, then I'm not leaving either.
Revuel shook his head. "Your husband's devotion to the island, and your devotion to him, are admirable. Still, I believe this is incredibly reckless and exposes you and your child to avoidable risk. I will have words for the Sir Alice once I see him."
"Anyway, it appears you have made up your mind with this inadvisable choice so I will simply hope you heed these other advice." Revuel continued. "Your child is growing at an increased rate. That is reason to believe that you will be... debilitated at times thanks to your body pouring resources and nutrients in rapidly growing your child. I recommend resting often and regularly intaking food and... love from your husband in order to have enough energy for activities. That said, I also recommend not exerting yourself. I assume you'll still be taking to the field? If so, then I recommend taking a companion to any excursion. That way, should you... 'be ready', you will have someone to help you at that very delicate time."
The spellcaster then sighed and went back to his table. "Do you have any other questions? Anything you don't understand?"
"Nah, I understand plenty.", the hornet replied as she rose from her seat, mind pondering. Kerry already figured her growing egg will be taking in all the nutrients and energy it can get to develop properly, including her own mana. She will have to pick and choose her battles more carefully now and that means no more flying solo on missions for the time being. A crying shame, but if it means her child will be safe, she'll gladly take it.
"Seeing as how you'll be telling Kyouko about this, I guess that means telling Shizuka about this bombshell will be left to Alice and I?"
"I believe that would be for the best. The terms on how you share that information will be controlled by you." Revuel replied. "If you also want to tell this to Lady Kyouko, yourself, then that would also be optimal. I do not want to face her wrath for failing to convince you to leave." He finished by whispering something to himself.
"What do you plan on doing now? Take some rest? The hot springs near here should alleviate any anxiety you have." The spellcaster asked the finishing questions.
"Mmmmm.....Nah. You tell Kyouko. I'm already in for an earful from Shizuka.", Kerry quipped back with a smirk. "Later."
With that, the hornet exited Revuel's hut, her mind now contemplating as she strode in the direction toward the hot springs.
I think a dip in the hot springs is definitely the right call for now, but after that....Hmmm. What would make for good nesting material around here?