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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 3 days ago

Kazenosuke's House


”Camael and I alone will crush you! The others won’t even need to get involved, they can sit back and watch you whimper as my flames cook you! If you fight as badly as you tell jokes, this won’t take long. Prepare yourself, vagabond!”
Vară Riemsianne

"Whoa! This is the first time I've seen such a yokai!" Kazenosuke was actually taken aback when Vară transformed into a more fierce appearance, making the swordsman instinctively unsheathe his sword from its scabbard. "Looks like I've bitten more than I could chew! Haha!"

Kazenosuke first spun his sword but jumped to the side to evade Vară's fiery downward strike. The burning embers that spewed forth were all shattered against the twirling blade. Vivian moved to intercept him and strike with her sharpened, icy leg but it met Kazenosuke's spinning sword and stumbled her, allowing the dancing swordsman to land three, quick slashes on the Glacies. Fortunately, Vivian's monstrous physique protected her for now.

Kazenosuke raised an eyebrow when the shadowy rats emerged from Zeka's black fog to overwhelm him. The dancing swordsman smirked as he spun with his blade and scabbard stretched out, reminiscent of a ballerina should Vivian see it. Once the swarm was dealt with, Kazenosuke kicked one of the still-hot embers into the dark fog... which missed Zeka, but it was close.

Unknown Forest


~ @The Irish Tree (MAT) ~

"My ears are ringing!"

"It's not the shinobi! Look! It's a monster!"

"What was that?! I can't hear you!"

One of the Firethrowers was pushed into the inferno by Matsuri's firework, joining the flames he started and never returning. But when the little Inari looked again, the Varjans were further thinned out. Now, only two Firethrowers were left out of the original five and several Brigands were left standing.

Still, Matsuri was noticed but fortunately, both the remaining Brigands and Firethrowers were covering their ears and disoriented from the little Inari's Bang-Bang Bomber. With this happening, Matsuri now had enough time to--


Someone seized Matsuri's arm from behind, a Brigand had somehow sneaked up behind her. He was clad in mere fur pelts and had a one-handed axe in his other hand. "You annoying fox! I'll rip your ears out and wear them as a necklace!" He raised his axe to swing against the little Inari.

But Matsuri possessed the physique of a monster, she was quick enough to do something about this. Or will she be too consumed by fear and be frozen by shock?

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD), @AzureKnight (LAV) ~

”Err, however, it he couldn't come back with me currently as through less than good news - we've found evidence that his daughter has apparently betrayed her people by siding with the Varjans. He's further investigating the matter, but he'd assured me that you could call on his bow at anytime.”
Lavinia Isabella

"You've done well, Madam Lavinia. Although, this is the first time I've heard that he has a daughter." Takeshi remarked, breaking from Kirei for a moment. "However, it is good to know that Lord Takamori is alive and willing to join us. Still, we should help him find his daughter if we can. If what you say is true, then she is a danger to the people of Shizuyama."

”My goodness, I didn't know we had spelunkers as part of our merry little group. We could you possibly be off to, dressed like that.”
Lavinia Isabella

"I'm quite curious too." Ayu also chimed about Ripcord, putting a hand on her hip. "Not only are most mines in this island over at Ginirokaze, what are you planning mine and what are you gonna use it for?"

Despite searching, Umami would find that Terauchi Temple did not have any sort of request board. Only the words and gossip of peasant refugees who were brave enough to speak to the yokai they were taught to fear all their lives and ask for their aid.


”Milord, I'd like for you, Ayu-chan, and Janus-san to understand that I'm quite confident in my smithy skills as well. If you ever need weapon repair, armory resupply, or general tools, simply come to me and I'll work my literal magic. The metal I generate is leagues above most of what you'll come across; You won't be disappointed in my work. Heh, although I'm more comfortable with making weapons that household tools, if I'm being honest. ”
Kirei Kannazuki

"I see. Not a mere warrior but a magical blacksmith as well who can conjure metal at will. You have quite the repertoire of skills, Sir Kannazuki." Takeshi remarked. "But I would not underestimate the skills of our local smiths as well. You might be better than them at the craft, but you are far more useful in battle than they are. That said, your abilities have been noted and I'll definitely call upon you should need arise."

Takeshi joined Kirei as he greeted the Claremont sisters, keeping quiet as the siblings did not seem the social sort. Before the interaction could go any further, Kirei sensed something's chi coming fast to the temple.

”Appears we've more company Milord. I can tell it's another yōkai, so she's likely an ally.”
Kirei Kannazuki

"A member of the taskforce, I assume?" Takeshi commented as Tomi descended from the sky.

"You are not Shizuka, but you bear the same scent? Who are you? Actually... where are we? I do not recognize this temple. Well—I do, but also... not? It feels different. Are you the task force?"
Tomi Oro

Takeshi would have answered first, but it appeared this golden Dragon was asking Kirei directly and would only accept answers from him.



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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 1 hr ago

ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Ayu) & @AzureKnight (Lavinia)
Despite the attempt at camaraderie meaning and the curious line of questioning, Ripcord addressed neither, as she carried on for the premarked zone that she would build up into the dining hall for she and her sister to effectively use as a house and food hoard.

And, speaking of her sister...

"There’s no kinda job board or anything around here," Umami says, swooping in on leathery wings. "Iunno what needs doing, so... what are we doing?"

"We’ll just work on the dining hall until something needs to be done," Ripcord says. "We don’t have all day to be asking people if they need help, after all."

Umami nodded, before transforming into her Wererabbit Form, "Ready to dig away!"

Ripcord chuckled, lightning a cigarette as they prepared to break ground.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 1 hr ago


@AzureKnight(VRA), @Rezod92
Vivian was quickly knocked back from Kazenosuke's skillful deflection, and reminded of how it felt to truly compete against a master of their craft. Kazenosuke humbled himself, as he was dancing with his sword as his partner. Compared to the three of them flailing desperately just to land a hit, this was...embarassing. A one-sided affair. As such, Vivian would take it upon herself to correct it. A dance wasn't only conducted with the legs...it needed the entire body in harmony.

Gliding past Kazenosuke, right to Vară, Vivian would promptly slap her rear before she began her next attack, clapping her frozen hands together once after. "What an unsightly display, Vară. Should a lady of your standing really be so enraged merely from so slight an insult? You can't best him swinging wildly. Nor can I. As such, its in all of our best interests if you, the sneak, and I coordinate better. I have speed, you have power, and she has range," Vivian explained, hoping that her chilling waking up call had at least gotten Vară's attention...

Even if, admittedly, she was really happy she did it, solely due to leeching enough ambient heat to feed her for a few days. Seriously, this girl ran ridiculously hot. Turning her head to Zeta while she planned out their conjoined attack, Vivian would call out with: "I don't know a single thing about your powers, but...utilize your range as best you can. Don't let him breathe between our attacks."


While Matsuri's plan had worked, one of the armored goons was a lot faster than she was expecting, catching her by her wrist and poising himself to hack her ears off! Letting out a yelp of surprise, Matsuri knew she had to act fast...but what could she do against a soldier in full armor from this distance? Her papa hadn't really taught her how to fight especially well, and she'd lost her range advantage...she couldn't even slip free of the man's iron grip. But, she did still have a few tricks up her sleeve. With all the speed she could manage, she manifested a Starlight Sparkler and ignited it with her magic, swinging her free hand to wrap the stream of light around the Varjan axe's shaft, slapping it away as his hand came down with the intent to swing.

Spared from that blow at least, Matsuri would struggle against his grasp for a moment before remembering the most important self-defense tactic that one of her many aunties at the fireworks factory told her:

"If a guy won't take a hint, just go for the groin!"

And so she would, winding back a kick and slamming it into the groin of the Varjan soldier, unaware that, on average, even a fledgling mamono was several times stronger than the average human. Might need to go to a smith to fix his family jewels, but for now, Matsuri would use the window she'd created to back off from the brigand, running away from him. As long as they were focused on her...maybe whoever was thinning them out could take care of the rest!
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree (VIV)@AzureKnight (VAR)

"I don't know a single thing about your powers, but...utilize your range as best you can. Don't let him breathe between our attacks."

"Very much NOTED!", Zeka responded, yelping on the last word as she narrowly ducked a burning ember Kazenosuke kicked in her general direction, which kinda threw the mouse girl for a loop because how the hell did he know where she was in the fog? "And I agree with Vivian, Vară! He wants you to be angry, chill out!"

The fight had just recently began, but from Zeka can already observe, Kazenosuke was skilled. Incredibly so. Fend off a strong mamono in combat was already challenge to humans, but taking on three? And still be confidently standing?

Well, despite that mouth of his, he can back it up. No wonder this Takeshi guy wants him., she thought to herself before focusing back on the fight. Okay, my swarm isn't enough. So maybe....

Once more, new wave of shadow rats scurried from out of the fog, only this time...

"Umbra Art: Shadow Clones."

Four shadowy copies of Zeka herself rushed out of the fog as well, wisps of darkness emitting from their forms as they locked onto the ronin, glowing spectral claws at the ready.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 22 min ago

S T E E L P E R F E C T I O N : S O V E R E I G N W I N D

Terauchi Temple: @PaulHaynek @Enkryption @FroggRFlowR

The dragon girl spoke of very odd things. She apparently was somehow familiar with Shizuyama, and even the Taskforce and Terauchi Temple specifically. However, there was one word that she uttered that truly caught his attention. A name he hadn’t heard in over a decade.


Kirei’s eyes widen, appearing like a menacing tiger’s. The lax and lackadaisical disposition he held prior was instantly replaced with the sharp threat of a predatory cat.

”How do you know that man?” He spat. ”Who are you?” He walked closer to her, but everyone present at the temple grounds would begin to feel the immense chi emitting from him.

”Answer me. How have you come to know my brother? You can’t be his wife, he swore he would never love again. Not after what happened all those years ago. Is he here on this island? Did you come here with him under orders from Kyouko-san?”

I C Y C R E E D : B E W I T C H I N G D A R K N E S S

Terauchi Temple: @PaulHaynek @Enkryption @FroggRFlowR

Lavinia wasn’t awfully offended by having her inquiry ignored by Ripcord, although it may not be the same for Ms. Ayu, she silently chuckled to herself in thought. She and her sister were off in their own little world, playing at being busy bodies. Overhearing their conversation, they meant to build an entire dining hall, hence why she donned mining gear. The thought of an actual dining hall indeed sounded nice to the witch, but she was even more curious as to the method the girls would implore to actually build it.

Her curiosity was interrupted, as she sensed the chi building up from their captain and his boiling emotions. It seems the new arrival in the form of the dragon girl had pushed a button that she perhaps shouldn’t have. However, she could sense that Kirei was still holding himself back through the midst of the menace emanating from his being. Hopefully things wouldn’t get violent.

”Ms. Ayu, it seems our new friend is already making things a bit more lively. Hopefully Lord Takeshi and help quell things before they get too…extreme.”

N O B L E S S E O B L I G E : S O U L O F F I R E

Kazenosuke's House: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree @Rezod92

Vară, unfortunately, would find that her initial strike only hit the earth, with him effortlessly deflecting all of the ensuing embers with his spinning blade technique. That’s the second strong human who’s shrugged her off since being on this island, the first being Na-Kratz. What was with these strong humans everywhere? There was also Kirei, Lord Takeshi, and even Janus and the late Sidonus. Though she was still livid at Kazenosuke, the thought of all these strong human men began to make her blush a bit.

She quickly waved away these feelings; There was no time for impure thoughts! This was a battle, and one she had to win.

However, just as she was about to prepare for her next attack, Vivian waltzed to her side after her brief scuffle with the vagabond. Vară let out a cute and shrill yelp at the sharp, cold sting of having her butt slapped. She turned to Vivian with an expression of exasperated anger, still holding her backside with a tear rolling down her eye. ”O-Ouch! You, you skank She exclaimed. ”How dare you treat high-born posterior so brusquely! Plus, I’m not that type of girl… She listened as Vivian and Zeka essentially told her to calm down and work together in this battle, contrary to her statement at the beginning of the fight.

She bit her lip, her eyebrows twitching, but she ultimately swallowed her pride and took heed to their words. ”Very well Vivan and…Zeka was it? While it pains me to admit, this man is…very strong. I can’t believe that a high born demon must team up to defeat one foe, but I know better than most that there’s more at stake here than just my pride. Very well, it is as you say: My power and dominating beauty, your speed and grace, and Zeka’s tricks and misdirection. Let’s make quick work of this fool!”

Vară looked on as Zeka sent her squad of darkness clones at Kazenosuke. Her confidence faltered a bit, as when she tried a frontal assault it only led to her embarrassment. It was painfully clear that in a contest of pure martial skill, Kazenosuke was her superior. His style rendered her “overwhelming power” useless. A different approach would be needed. That’s when she made her decision:

Holding her axe over her head, Camael began to float in the air and began to spin. Soon, her servant transformed into his monstrous form.

”Camael! Support Zeka and strike at our comedian swordsman!” She said. With a fiery bellow, Camael attempted to pincher Kazenosuke inbetween himself and the clones headed toward him. Vară then turned to Vivian.

”Let’s you and I plan to strike his blindspot whilst he’s distracted.” She said, charging a large Lotus Bloom spell.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by FroggRFlowR
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Member Seen 19 days ago


Tomi's lazy and relaxed stance changed to a surprised one when the man's tiger-like, angry stare fixated onto her own now confused eyes. The fact that this man was not Shizuyama was now abundantly clear. Him taking a step forward actually caused Tomi, a dragon, to take one backward. Not exactly out of fear per se, but the man was intimidating. Furthermore, the intense energy he let out wasn't amiss on the gold dragon who was always on the lookout for powerful individuals.

"Hrm... h-hold on. Who..." she began speaking in her soft voice, stammering her words as a drop of sweat would go down her forehead. Then, however, he said something that explained all of it.

Well. Some of it really.

"Ah! So you are Shizuka's brother!" Tomi said, her behaviour changing completely. It was as if the doubt and confusion of a second ago lifted totally. Her own, at least, as it seemed the man's own anger wasn't quite taken into serious consideration by the inconsiderate Tomi.

"My - you are just as cute as the Captain! Look at you!" Tomi jumped in little excitement, hands joined together. Perhaps part of her joyfulness was due to the fact she was realizing - wrongfully probably - she would not be punished by said Shizuka for falling asleep. Again.

"I did come to the island with him, and the rest of an intervention force. Though I do not feel any of them around anymore... Actually, everything feels slightly different. Even this temple. Kyouko-san?...Hmmm." she looked up, finger to her chin. "Yes, I believe she was that lady that hired us? I don't recall too much of that meeting."

She then sighed deeply before going back to the other part of the man's question. "Alas... I am not Shizuka's wife. He was very strong for a human, but kept refusing my advances. It was not meant to be... So I'm still on a quest to find a suitable mate! Who knows..." Her eyes half-closed to a more seductive stare as her tail came forward, slightly brushing the man's arm in a teasing motion. "...Perhaps you're looking for a mate as well?"

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
Avatar of PaulHaynek

PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 3 days ago

Kazenosuke's House


Kazenosuke simply readied his sword as the next wave of attacks came at him, a confident smirk on his face. Notably, he was not doing his signature spinning-sword technique.

He parried the swing of the first spectral copy, but slashed away the second before it could even think about swinging. He blocked the claws of the first copy again, and then blocked the third copy with his scabbard. Kazenosuke then spun, slashing the two spectral copies into nothingness with one stroke.

It was then that Camael came at him, a larger and hardier foe. Kazenosuke could only hold up his sword and scabbard to keep the draconic familiar at bay, and underestimated the speed of the fourth spectral copy which managed to land a slash on his back. "Urk...!" The swordsman then kicked the spectral copy away, while still figuring out how to deal with Camael.

Unknown Forest


~ @The Irish Tree (MAT) ~

After getting disarmed by a whip of light, the Varjan Brigand then received a full kick to his nether region from Matsuri. And it was no mere kick, for Matsuri was a monster and was physically stronger than an average human of her age. The Varjan was in so much pain that he was muted, unable to give voice to his anguish. He released the young Inari and clutched his groin before crumpling into the ground into unconsciousness.

Matsuri was now free to turn her attention to the other Varjans. But she quickly found that there were no more Varjans to distract. In that short time, her shadowy ally had dispatched the rest of the invaders and left the young Inari alone in the still-burning forest. The flames providing bright illumination for the night.

For several moments, Matsuri's only companion was the crackling fires burning the the trees down. And then, the young Inari saw it. She witnessed a figure emerge between the blurry line separating the fire's illumination and the dim view beyond, as if it was a mere curtain or veil. The figure was a fair-skinned girl, dressed in black with blood-red eyes and spiky, black hair. In one of her hands, was the packed lunch that Matsuri had left for the shinobi.

The shadowy girl then held out the packed lunch towards the Inari, as if wanting to give it back.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD) ~

Ayu could only raise an eyebrow at her inquiry being met with indifference, but the Claremont sisters were left free to begin their construction of their dining hall.

The sisters' activities soon became the source of entertainment for a group of refugees who had nothing to do to pass the time. The group shuffled at times, people leaving and people joining. Right now, there were two men and three women in the group watching the Claremont sisters.

"What do you think they're doing?"
"Heard they were building something."
"Building what?"
"Don't know. Why don't you ask them?"
"Nah. They look like they'll eat me if I look at 'em funny. Wanna take bets instead?"


~ @FroggRFlowR, @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV) ~

”Answer me. How have you come to know my brother? You can’t be his wife, he swore he would never love again. Not after what happened all those years ago. Is he here on this island? Did you come here with him under orders from Kyouko-san?”
Kirei Kannazuki

"Alas... I am not Shizuka's wife. He was very strong for a human, but kept refusing my advances. It was not meant to be... So I'm still on a quest to find a suitable mate! Who knows... Perhaps you're looking for a mate as well?"
Tomi Oro

Tomi, upon a realization that Takeshi did not fully comprehend, was no longer fazed by Kirei's agitation. She even tried seducing the blacksmith-warrior, as if he was not ready to lunge at her with an attack at a moment's notice. Takeshi felt it would be best to leave these two to resolve their issues or misunderstandings. On the other hand, he felt responsibility for this taskforce not to fall apart, or at least not hurt anyone falling apart, and decided to intervene.

Despite the fierce chi that Kirei emitted, Takeshi placed a hand on his shoulder. "Sir Kirei, please. This golden Dragon seems to be only lost, at best, or a ditz, at worst. I think patience is the key in resolving this situation." Takeshi said. "And besides, a fight between you and a Dragon here would only lead to wanton destruction of this refuge."

Takeshi then addressed Tomi. "Greetings, Dragon. I am Takeshi Oja, heir to my father Hideo Oja, the Island Lord... Well, perhaps the Island Lord now since I know not of my father's fate." Now this was clear evidence that something was off, since Tomi knew Takeshi to be... brighter in color and not at all gloomy like the young man before her now. "Why don't we start over to clear any confusion? Do you mind introducing yourself and telling us how you came to Shizuyama?" The young lord asked.

Meanwhile, Ayu and Lavinia watched the tense exchange from afar.

”Ms. Ayu, it seems our new friend is already making things a bit more lively. Hopefully Lord Takeshi and help quell things before they get too…extreme.”
Lavinia Isabella

Ayu sighed as she scratched the back of her head. "I sure hope so. The new dragon girl seems to have struck some of Kirei's nerves. Last thing I want is for a Dragon and a dude blowing up half of Terauchi Temple because they couldn't keep it in their pants."

"Speaking of the young master, I'm surprised he's this accepting of a yokai's help. His father, the Island Lord Hideo, is absolutely strict in keeping yokai out of Shizuyama. In a morbid sort of way, I think it's best that his father is not here to see this." Ayu remarked. "Err, don't tell him... anyone else, that I said that."

"That said, there are people in Shizuyama who will disapprove of Lord Takeshi's decisions. I mean, really disapprove." Ayu continued grimly. "I just hope they will see the reason in the young master's choices."



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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree (VIV) @AzureKnight (VRA)

Unseen in the fog, Zeka smirked as her only remaining clone scored a hit on the ronin. However, her moment of triumph would be short-lived as she realized the toll this "spar" was taking out of her. Between maintaining the fog, summoning the rat swarm and creating dark clones, she could feel her mana pool running low and without the fog, Kazenosuke would have the freedom to move around. Knowing they can't let that happen, Zeka quickly moved to Vivian and Vară's position.

"Girls, I can't keep this up forever. We need to wrap this up now.", Zeka urged as she sent another wave of shadow rats, as well as two more clones to back up the clone that managed to hit their target. "Between Vară's dragon buddy and me throwing everything but the kitchen sink, I think Kazenosuke is pressured enough for you two to go in and finish it."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
Avatar of The Irish Tree

The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 1 hr ago


@AzureKnight(VRA), @Rezod92
Colorful language aside, it was good to see Vară regain a modicum of reason. Thankfully, with her senses returned, the demon noble thought to manifest her companion to assist Zeka, with Vivian haughtily tossing a lock of her frosty hair over her shoulder. "Just so you know, I will have to reprimand you for that skank comment. But that will come later. For now-Oh. You're here too now, little mouse," Vivian noted, before listening to Zeka's prompt for them to finish it.

"A sound suggestion," Vivian said, raising her rock-inlaid arm before hopping once, her legs turning to needlepoints that scored the ground beneath, covering them in a thick layer of frost before she leaned forward, surging along with her ice to match Vară's pace. With her demon companion's power, Zeka's magic, and her own speed, this would have to be the decisive climax of this battle.

Circling around Kazenosuke once, Vivian would raise one leg in a perfect split above her head, preparing to match her timing with Var's to deliver a two-pronged attack with no way out. It wasn't exactly a graceful sort of move, but this was her first time dancing not only with a swordsman, but as a trio with varying styles in a land she didn't know.


Surprised by her own freedom, Matsuri hurriedly moved to a better position to try and get a shot at the other Varjans, only to find that they'd already been routed. Just as she was starting to wonder if the shinobi had done this, a figure emerged from the heat's haze to...return her lunch.

Dumbfounded, Matsuri accepted it with both hands, ears twitching as she blinked a few times behind her mask. "...Eh?" she asked, before remembering that this was the packed lunch she'd left a few hours ago. Not an unwelcome returned gift, but she really hoped this shinobi woman wasn't starving herself for courtesy's sake. "Oh, right! I'm Matsuri," the inari said, lifting her mask to face the shadowed woman with her usual face. "Thanks for helping out there. I'm sorry about the forest, but...a-at least the fire should stop, once the two fires hit each other and run out of stuff to burn."

Before the shinobi would do that special ninja vanishing trick though, Matsuri would blurt out: "Oh and Takeshi couldn't come, he was busy dressing up as a miko! For...some reason. I didn't really ask." ...How terrible of a blunder would it be if she came all this way, searched all this time, and found the person she was supposed to only to part ways without saying the code phrase?
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 1 hr ago


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Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by AzureKnight
Avatar of AzureKnight

AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 22 min ago

S T E E L P E R F E C T I O N : S O V E R E I G N W I N D

Terauchi Temple: @PaulHaynek @Enkryption @FroggRFlowR

Kirei looked at Tomi with utter perplexity, she gave a whole monologue but didn't seem to be saying anything that made sense to the parties present. However, it was certainly something that she did, in fact, know of Lady Kyouko and her taskforce.

"...You said your name was...Tomi, yes?" Kirei responded. "I still don't understand how it is you know of Kyouko-sama and this taskforce of ours, going as far as claiming to be a member of it somehow. I'm even more curious how it is you've come to know my brother." Turning to the side with a sharp glare, he clicked his teeth as he tried to vent his frustration.

"For now, however, I will ultimately leave what happens with you to Takeshi-san. Kyouko wanted us to honor his wishes as we aid him in this journey. For now, I have some other matters to attend to."

Walking off, he overheard some commotion regarding the Claremont Sisters, and decided to investigate further.

Collab with @Enkryption

I C Y C R E E D : B E W I T C H I N G D A R K N E S S

Terauchi Temple: @PaulHaynek @Enkryption

Lavinia gave Ayu a curious look with her covered eyes. She was aware that Shizuyama as a whole was anti-monster and didn't allow them into their borders. But, it seemed that the man who currently enforces the decree, Lord Hideo, was particular heavy handed in ensuring that it's followed at all times.

"Worry not, love, my long ears have heard you loud and clear. I just hope as well that no serious trouble comes to the young lord." She said to Ayu.

After a little while, she noticed that Kirei and the Claremont Sisters were up to some kind of commotion off toward an old looking shrine. Her curiosity overtaking her, she decided to go over to investigate.

Refer to the "Of Kilns and Monsters" collab

N O B L E S S E O B L I G E : S O U L O F F I R E

Kazenosuke's House: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree @Rezod92

Vară watched carefully as she tried to find any opening that would allow her and Vivian to attempt a coordinated counter against Kazenosuke. At this point, it seemed impossible, the man certainly proved he was worthy of his renown. The ronin didn't bat an eye as the clones Camael advanced toward him. He easily dispatched three of the four clones Zeka made, and even held off her familiar easily enough.

”Ugh, Gods! Just who IS this guy!” She groaned. ”Is he a hero or something?” She wondered that if human warriors this strong existed on this island, how strong were the Varjans that they were still able to effectively take it over? The fight having dragged on this long, she was quietly starting to lose her confidence, as three powerful mamono were barely holding their own against one human.

Just as those thoughts entered her mind, Zeka's fourth clone was able to score a hit on Kazenosuke's back, though he was able to dispatch it soon after regardless. He then turned his attention back to Camael, seemingly now in a worse position to deal with the bulky servant.

The real Zeka came up to the other two girls, stated that now is the best and perhaps only time they'll have at a shot at the snarky swordsman. Vivian was in agreement, and motioned for Vară to follow her lead. She skated to circle around Kazenosuke and attempted to strike him with a kick at his blindspot. Channeling the rest of her demonic energy, Vară's fiery aura tempered to a boiling point as vermillion embers gathered around her. Using hand motions, the embers turned into several wisps; It appeared that she was going to use Firefly, but the fire bombs were bigger than normal, and likely more powerful. She then sent them out toward the swordsman, flickering sparks flew all around Kazenosuke until he was completely surrounded.

”Don't worry, you won't die from this attack. Maybe~” She mused. ”Firefly Destruction!” She exclaimed. "Along with Camael for good measure!" Camael would act as Vară's frontal attack, whilst her wisp were secondary fire for added damage. Camael charged his lumbering body Kazenosuke and make him the receiving end of a claw swipe.

Vară was secretly praying that this gambit would decide the match, as she wouldn't have anything left after this attack. She would have no choice but to dismiss Camael, lacking the mana to keep him bound to the material world. She would likely have to revert to her normal form as well, which would leave her completely defenseless.

She didn't even want to think about that scenario happening...
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by FroggRFlowR
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Member Seen 19 days ago


Tomi stared at Kirei with a truthful interest, or at the very least what passed as such for Tomi. Interest in the gold dragon was fleeting at best, though came in powerful episodes. It required a level of care and effort to maintain; things that Tomi did not have in ample reserves. Still, her eyes switched from Kirei to the other young man beside him, some Takeshi Oja.

"Oja?" she repeated. He looked nothing like the Takeshi Tomi knew of. This little presentation speech of his resonated in her mind like an old memory, like a déjà-vu. She looked at this 'Takeshi' from head to toe. His short black hair and evenly dark colored clothing - nothing like what she remembered.

"But..." before she could speak, however, Tomi was cut off by Kirei who seemed to lay out his inner thoughts out loud for them to hear, but not to answer. Seemingly frustrated with the Dragon and her story, he walked away to deal with some other matter. "And there he goes..." Tomi muttered in a sigh. It wasn't the first time a Kannazuki walked away from her in frustration, she ought to admit. That too felt like a familiar memory, she thought, with an inner laugh and a smirk.

"My name is Tomi Oro. I am a Gold Dragon from further north on the main continent, but I couldn't give you an exact location." Tomi started divulging information about her origins. From where she came from to hear early years to decripbing her lair in a little more details than necessary, taking extra care describing her pride and joy: the treasure hoard she left behind when she took off on her personal quest. Eventually, her story made it to where they now are.

"So... I decided to take a nap and this is where I woke up. I took flight and ended up here. The good news is I think I understand what happened." For the first time since Takeshi looked at her, Tomi finally had a more serious air about her. Finally, the man might feel emanating from her all the raw power, magic, and ancestry that one may have expected from a Dragon - even in human form.

"Everything feels different; the scent, the air, the colors of the clouds and the color of the leaves. So slight the changes are that I failed to see it at first, but I feel it. This place... it's not Shizuyama. At least, it's not my Shizuyama." She took a step towards Takeshi, leaning in closer and closer to his head until... she picked a strand of his black hair in her hand to smell it. Was it necessary? No, but it was solely to emphasize her next point.

"Even you, Takeshi. I met you from where I come from, but you are wholly different, down to your scent. So, I do not know how, but it seemed I have slept my way to an... Alternate Shizuyama. Somehow?"

All air of seriousness left her just as quickly as it came when she slouched back into a pout, arms crossed, and lamented: "Definitely a Tomi thing to do... Just my luck!"
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 3 days ago

Kazenosuke's House


Kazenosuke wast still holding off Camael at which hour the next waft of attacks cameth. The dancing swordsman hadst to bethink apace and did start by spinning pushing the draconic familiar hence a did bite ere spinning to giveth his scabbard did thrust enow force to stumble Camael hence.

His bodkin wast a blur to dispel the shadow rats from Zeka. He then ramm'd his bodkin at one of the incoming shadow clones and dispelling t, leaving only two remaining. He did kick one hence once moo and crouch'd down to throweth ov'r his shoulder the last one. They weren't eliminated, but t didst buyeth him enow time f'r the next attacks.

Kazenosuke hath tried to useth only his scabbard to block Vivian's downward leggeth strike, only f'r the icy leggeth to wend through and hitteth the dancing swordsman. Just in time f'r Vară's fiery orbs to lunge at his position and explode.

The swordsman wast launched, leaving a smoke trail, past Zeka's fog and to the wooden walls of his bawbling home. After his corse did slide down to the did grind, Kazenosuke hath used his bodkin to prop himself back up. His forks wast wobbly, one couldst sayeth he wast on his last forks. Clutching the area whither Vivian hitteth him, he did point his blade at the almost victorious yokai. "You. bethink t's ov'r. ? I've still did get some square hath left in me. "

The three taskforce members would eke notice yond a huge number of crows has't gather'd in the trees surrounding the square. They hath seemed ingraft, just curiously watching the hurlyburly unfold. But clearly, they wast not. The taskforce couldst coequal detect faint traces of charm within those folk

Unknown Forest


~ @The Irish Tree (MAT) ~

"Oh and Takeshi couldn't come, he was busy dressing up as a miko! For...some reason. I didn't really ask."
Matsuri Okitsu

The shinobi wench didst not appeareth to beest interest'd in talking, as the fires hath continued to burn the forest down. In fact, the lady hath brought out that lady sickle weapons and hath seemed to beest getting eft to start a square with matsuri until the young Inari hath said that lady last sentence.

That lady weapons wast still out, but they and that lady posture wast anon did relax. Any fighting intent wast anon gone. "Thou has't mine own ears, yokai. Doth not waste those folk. " The shinobi hath said coldly and apace. "Spare nay details. Bid me everything. " the flames wast dying down 'round those folk, but still did illuminate enow yond Matsuri couldst still see the shinobi.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD), @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV) ~

The refugees were still distrustful of the taskforce, despite Umami and Ripcord humbling themselves to them. They were drawn in when Kirei joined them in renovating an old and unused shrine at the corner of Terauchi Temple. Things were going pretty smoothly, the taskforce even gathering quite a crowd of an audience, until Lavinia joined them and assumed some things about the Claremont sisters. Things that struck a nerve with the siblings.

"Uh, oh. Looks like they're about to fight."

"Let's get out of here before we get caught up in all that."

The refugee crowd was listening in on the commotion inside. They dispersed before anything... loud happened, and they were all gone by the time Lavinia and the Claremonts resolved the misunderstanding.

Ayu, having noticed the fleeing villagers, went inside the newly-refurbished shrine. "Hey, do any of you mind explaining to me why people suddenly fled from here?" The spymaster's eyebrow raised when she saw a large kiln in place of the old shrine she knew. "Wait, isn't this the-- Ugh, never mind. I suppose it's dedicated to no one anyway."

"Now then, what did you all do here that warranted people freaking out?" Ayu jumped to conclusions before noticing the mark on Ripcord's neck. "Whoa, and what's that on your neck?"


Takeshi did listen intently to Tomi's introduction and explanation of that lady situation. He gather'd yond the lady wast from an 'alternate shizuyama' as the lady mention'd. A similar, but different ordinary from the implications. The young lord couldst only wonder at how a seemingly simple dragon couldst accomplish such a feat. Peradventure thither wast moo to this Tomi Oro than hath met the eye? 'r peradventure the lady wast simply falsing through that lady teeth. Although, dragons wast not famous f'r their deception.

"Even you, Takeshi. I met you from where I come from, but you are wholly different, down to your scent. So, I do not know how, but it seemed I have slept my way to an... Alternate Shizuyama. Somehow?"
Tomi Oro

Takeshi stoodeth his did grind at which hour Tomi did get closer to him, although he didst bite his lips at which hour the dragon's visage wast very close to his. However, Tomi wast only interest'd in the smelleth of his hair. How different t wast from the takeshi yond the lady kneweth.

"Definitely a Tomi thing to do... Just my luck!"
Tomi Oro

Clearing his throat and his fluster'd visage, Takeshi madeth his reply. "So. thou art from an alternate shizuyama, an alternate ordinary. I doth not knoweth if 't be true this. 'travel between worlds' is possible. I doth not coequal knoweth if 't be true thou art simply falsing to me. But f'r anon, i shalt believeth thee. Besides, t's not like i has't evidence to the contrary. "

"well hath met, then. Madam Tomi Oro. " takeshi madeth a brief bow, but he hast other questions to asketh. "May i asketh, what doth thee plan on doing anon? Thou sayeth this is not thy shizuyama, not coequal thy own ordinary. I would very much appreciate thy aid 'gainst the Varjan invasion of mine own home, but I would eke understandeth if 't be true thee hold nay obligation to this lodging and would prefer to leaveth and behold f'r a way back home. "



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Hidden 12 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@PaulHaynek @AzureKnight (VRA) @The Irish Tree (VIV)

"Got him! Finally!", exclaimed Zeka, stepping out of the disappearing fog as her rats and clones faded away. "Seriously, that fight was a pain in the ass. I didn't think humans could get this strong."

Kazenosuke, unsteady and damaged, got back on his feet and pointed his sword at the trio.

"You... think it's over...? I've still got some fight left in me..."

"Dude, you're not fooling anyone. Just cut the crap and take your loss....like.....a......man?"

The mouse's statement trailed off as noticed something very odd amongst the surrounding trees:

Crows. Murder upon murder of crows, perched on the branches. Watching. And judging from the magical energy she was sensing from these birds, they were anything but normal.

"Vară? Vivian?", Zeka notified to her companions. "What's up with the creepy birds?
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Hidden 11 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

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ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Ayu) & @AzureKnight (Kirei/Lavinia)
Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

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S T E E L P E R F E C T I O N : S O V E R E I G N W I N D

Terauchi Temple: @PaulHaynek @Enkryption @FroggRFlowR

Noticing that the almost skirmish between Lavinia and Ripcord was attracting unwanted attention, Kirei quickly attempting to dispel Ayu's concerns. ”My apologies Ayu-san, but please pay it no mind. There was just a minor disagreement between some of our taskforce members. but it's since been resolved. You may put the refugees minds at ease.” He said to her.

However, Kirei couldn't say that he was quite prepared for the scene that followed Ayu inquiring about the mark on Ripcord's neck. What at first started as impromptu surgery where the operating tools were mandibles and nails, eventually turned into a violent looking love session.

”Uh...Perhaps we should leave these two along, Ayu-san?” He said with a nervous laugh.

I C Y C R E E D : B E W I T C H I N G D A R K N E S S

”Ah. It is as Captain Kirei says, and I do apologize for any disturbance I've caused the people here.” Lavinia responded.

She then looked at the sisters as they did their, 'thing', one would call it. Unlike Kirei and likely Ayu, Lavinia wasn't as taken aback by their violent play. In fact, she actually found it to be quite fascinating, perhaps even feeling a bit of jealousy. In spite of everything, that pesky mark they tried to be rid of still wouldn't go away.

”Ripcord, my dear, perhaps I could offer my expertise on this matter.” Lavinia said. ”Would it be fine if I inspected that mark and gain insight into its exact nature?”

N O B L E S S E O B L I G E : S O U L O F F I R E

Kazenosuke's House: @The Irish Tree @Rezod92

Seeing Kazenosuke push back most of Zeka's clones, in addition to even tumbling Camael away, caused Vară's heart to sink into her chest. But she didn't have time to lose focus, she had to think on ending this here and now. Thankfully, Vivian provided just the opening she needed. Vară's Firefly attack hit its mark, sending the dancing swordsman flying back with a trail of smoke. However, much to Vară's disbelief, Kazenosuke was still able to stand back up, albeit with weak stride. Stumbling back a bit, he held out his sword and announced his unwillingness to surrender.

Vară, no longer able to sustain her current form, reverted back to her normal human appearance. Camael, with a reluctant bellow, dissipated back to the Spectral Realm, no longer having the necessary mana being supplied to it. Much like the swordsman, Vară could barely stand herself, falling to one knee with labored breathing.

”Please...just give up already.” She barely got out. ”Why must humans be so stubborn, we didn't come here to fight with you!!”

She then noticed the large gathering of crows looking down at them, as Zeka pointed out. She could also sense that the avians were laced with a bit of magic.

”No more... Vivian, could you please do something about this?”
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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@AzureKnight(VRA), @Rezod92
The fight raged on with the trio pushing Kazenosuke, skilled as he was, though it was growing clearer that the swordsman couldn’t match the combined strength of two martial mamono and a magical backup. Vivian had heard some mamono courted in this fashion, beating their would-be lover to a pulp beforehand to gauge their strengths. Vară had run dry on stamina, and Zeta seemed alright, and finally, Vivian was growing tired from regrowing her limbs after each clash with Kazenosuke, but in the end they’d finally gotten a slight advantage just as some disturbance surrounded them.

Vivian would narrow her eyes at the birds, then lower her posture. "Whatever is going on here, it has nothing to do with us. However..." Rather than striking directly at the crows, Vivian would approach Kazenosuke, standing at his side. "I have a sneaking suspicion they're trying to eliminate two birds with one stone. Kazenosuke, one of the most skilled fighters in the land, and three monsters that had just exhausted him. Strategically speaking, killing us all now while we're exhausted cleans things up nicely," Vivian surmised, looking to Kazenosuke. "Oh, and, if these are Varjans, I will have to remind you that you were indifferent to those who'd have a knife at your back at the earliest convenience."


Oblivious to the ninja almost assassinating Matsuri right as she opened her mouth, the Inari raised her bowed head and would get to explaining. "Okay! So, Lord Takeshi has gotten help from Lady Kyouko, who's sent monsters from Zipangu like me, and others from other places here to help you all out. I think its because nobody wants Varjo to have a big foothold out here," Matsuri said, then explaining the teleportation, how Ayu and Takeshi were doing, how they were searching out allies, and how Matsuri was SO glad she didn't spend all day in the woods without finding any shinobi.

"...So anyways, I'm just super glad that I found you! Takeshi said there was a whole other wave of Shinobi that might be with you, so...are they also hiding out here in the forest? Takeshi can use all the help you can provide!" Matsuri said, once more bowing, and offering the boxed lunch once again. "Oh and please, do at least try a little. Folks back home are insanely good cooks!"
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 3 days ago

Kazenosuke's House


"I have a sneaking suspicion they're trying to eliminate two birds with one stone. Kazenosuke, one of the most skilled fighters in the land, and three monsters that had just exhausted him. Strategically speaking, killing us all now while we're exhausted cleans things up nicely, Oh, and, if these are Varjans, I will have to remind you that you were indifferent to those who'd have a knife at your back at the earliest convenience."

Kazenosuke was not swayed by Zeka's or Vară's words, but Vivian's assumptions elicited a reaction out of him. "Pfffft... Bahahahahahaha!" He laughed out loud.

The dancing swordsman waved a free hand, and all the crows that perched in the surrounding trees flew away to resume their lives. "Unfortunately, no Varjan I know can do what I can." Kazenosuke allowed the three yokai a moment to realize he had power over the black-plumed avians. "But they have their own ways in wielding animals in combat. Good old-fashioned training, which I suppose makes them better than me."

With the crows all gone, the exhausted Kazenosuke leaned back into the wooden wall of his abode. "Alright, alright. You girls win, I give up." He surrendered, tiredly sheathing his blade.

Kazenosuke closed his eyes before raising a finger at the yokai. "You girls fought pretty hard. You fought to win. I could feel all that in our spar." The dancing swordsman surmised. "But what I can't figure out is why? Why fight this hard for an island with no yokai and whose denizens hate you? You three could be out there living... I don't know, peaceful lives literally anywhere else." Kazenosuke was almost complaining in the taskforce's behalf. "...There are no riches here. Nor is the island strategic, I think. Yokai only come here for men, and I can feel that none of you are particularly looking."

"And you three do realize that no matter what he says, Takeshi can just stab you in the backs once the Varjans are vanquished. Right?" The swordsman finished. "You have to know that. None of you are stupid."

Unknown Forest


~ @The Irish Tree (MAT) ~

"Okay! So, Lord Takeshi has gotten help from Lady Kyouko, who's sent monsters from Zipangu like me, and others from other places here to help you all out. I think its because nobody wants Varjo to have a big foothold out here,"
Matsuri Okitsu

"Lord Takeshi... willingly collaborating with yokai." The shinobi girl remarked darkly. "Grim tidings..."

"...So anyways, I'm just super glad that I found you! Takeshi said there was a whole other wave of Shinobi that might be with you, so...are they also hiding out here in the forest? Takeshi can use all the help you can provide!"
Matsuri Okitsu

"Indeed, there are still many of us. Lord Hideo, Lord Takeshi's father, actually ordered all of us to try and find a way to pass through the Varjan blockade to get help." Kageho suddenly stopped to correct herself. "Human help. We were to keep sending out operatives until someone succeeded or all of us died. It was Lord Takeshi who rescinded the order behind his father's back, instead ordering us to simply hide and fortify what we can."

"I thought it was a mercy from Lord Takeshi, but now I suspect darker motives if he sought help from yokai..." It appeared Matsuri's phrasing had caused a misunderstanding in Kageho's mind.

"...I cannot promise aid, but I will meet with Takeshi for an explanation." Kageho put away her sickles, the blades gleaming ominously at the young Inari. "Make your way back to Lord Takeshi. I will follow you from the shadows." And with that, the shinobi disappeared into the darkness of the night. Seemingly leaving Matsuri alone.

With her objective accomplished, Matsuri can head back to Terauchi Temple or go somewhere else.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD), @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV) ~

”Uh...Perhaps we should leave these two along, Ayu-san?”
Kirei Kannazuki

"Yeah, I think we should." She replied with a sigh. Unfortunately, the sisters would be done with their 'session' before either Ayu or Kirei could leave.

"Spywoman, where’s Takeshi at? I’d rather not wander this place on a fruitless endeavor."

Ayu was looking away from Ripcord and Umami, but returned her gaze once her attention was called. "He's here somewhere. Don't you worry." She replied, again with a sigh. "Let me fetch him so I can just leave him to deal with you two."

"I am being summoned?" Just as Ayu turned around, Takeshi had arrived after overhearing his name being uttered. "I was curious on why some of the refugees were moving away from here so I came to check. It seems someone's looking for me."

"Yep. The sisters over there seem to need your help." Ayu pointed at the Claremont sisters with a thumb. "There's a mark on the Shoggoth girl's neck that won't come off."

"Hmm, let me see." Takeshi approached the sisters, Ripcord in particular, and immediately found and recognized the mark. "Huh, so the Varjans know how to put one of these." The young lord said. "I don't know what the Varjans call it, but here we call it 'Marked For Death'. It's a fairly simple marking spell that helps hunters designate prey, preventing the targets from effectively hiding. Other than that, it's quite harmless albeit annoying. The spell isn't that used anymore since it's more work preparing the spell than building a trap or something similar."

"Removing it is also fairly simple, although quite intimate and some might call disgusting. I can perform the removal process if you want it gone immediately." Takeshi offered to Ripcord. "I would teach it to your sister, but the ritual requires Spirit Energy."



Hidden 9 mos ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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@AzureKnight(VRA), @Rezod92
Kazunosuke’s mild prank aside, he did have a valid question to ask the three. Why bother helping humans at all, when as soon as this was over, they’d likely be banished? Or even betrayed? This was a fool’s errand, start to finish, that could only end well if humans overcame their fear of monsters. But, given the island’s history, that was…less than likely. Still, Vivian would answer:

”Why do you practice with a sword, despite knowing one day it might cut you? Why fight and grow stronger when some day, you’ll be weak and old? Humans are far too foolish to think at lengths on something’s motives. I myself have no intention of sticking around, but your friend and lord leads a hopeless rebellion, backed by people his nation fears, and fighting an engine of cruelty that would cut down everyone to the man if it meant seizing Shizuyama,” Sitting with one foot spiked into the ground, Vivian demonstrated impressive balance as she crossed her free leg over the spiked one, spreading her arms a bit as she continued.

”I know how it feels to push yourself to breaking. Knew the risks of it far beforehand. And yet still, I chased victory. I don’t know if I’ll find what I seek here, or anywhere, but I know that I will find nothing by running forever. And besides…the spirit underdog humans show is amusing. I saw a man your age with a quarter the skill pilot a ship through rough waters, not surrendering even as Varjan cannonfire rained down on his vessel. …When I see determination such as that…I can’t simply ignore it.”

Vivian would then rise from her perch, leg turning back to its normal pointed, yet humanoid frozen state. ”I look forward to working with you, Dancing Blade.”


”Hmm…it makes more sense to keep you all held back for now, rather than just throwing you out into the wild and hoping one makes it,” Matsuri said before shrugging slightly. ”But, I’m not as smart as a lord for sure. Still, I’m really glad that there are still some shinobi around! I bet together, we can make those Varjans pack up before the end of the year,” the fox woman said, infinitely hopeful as she removed her festival mask, looking Kageho in the eyes just before she said to head to Takeshi, and that she’d follow from behind…before completely vanishing.

Pouting slightly, Matsuri would fold her arms. ”Lady Kyouko said they don’t trust yokai, but I didn’t think she’d be opposed to being seen walking back together…” the Inari grumbled, misunderstanding a little bit of why Kageho didn’t want to walk back directly next to her. Still, she didn’t have much left to do, and would resolve to return to the temple to report in.
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree (VIV) @AzureKnight (VRA)

"You girls fought pretty hard. You fought to win. I could feel all that in our spar. But what I can't figure out is why? Why fight this hard for an island with no yokai and whose denizens hate you? You three could be out there living... I don't know, peaceful lives literally anywhere else. There are no riches here. Nor is the island strategic, I think. Yokai only come here for men, and I can feel that none of you are particularly looking. And you three do realize that no matter what he says, Takeshi can just stab you in the backs once the Varjans are vanquished. Right? You have to know that. None of you are stupid."

"Well no shit, pretty boy. We definitely don't expect an island of bigots to have the integrity, honor and gratitude to not try and murder the ones who bothered to help them out of the hole they found themselves in.", Zeka retorted, quick as a whip. "My reasons aren't as eloquent as Vivi over here but are far simpler. One reason is the opportunity to steal from those who actually deserve to be stolen from. Varjan artifacts are highly sought after and people would pay a handsome penny to get their hands on them. Wouldn't be much of thief if I turned down such tempting payday offer, huh? And the other reason is...Well..."

The mouse girl put her hands in her pockets and shrugged, looking away in thought.

"...You needed help. Even if you hate our existence, as pointlessly stupid as that is."
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