Avatar of RickyG85


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6 hrs ago
Current Back in my day, if we wanted to rp but lacked an idea, we either made a list thread or joined someone else's
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2 days ago
Holy jeez, you guys! I'm a little late to the party, but... SOME MANGAIRO APPARENTLY GOT A JOB WITH "WHAT IF ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BUT CATS" (look up N(ya)ight of the Living Cat if you don't believe me)
6 days ago
Uh... Why?
11 days ago
@Zoie Hart I guess that depends on what you think "rage quitting" is, and why/how you're doing it? Generally, the answer is no, don't do that
24 days ago
Well, it's that day again youtu.be/E0LAs7X5ybE?si=Dwb…
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What's the point of asking to divert power and then advancing the time so far as to make it irrelevant? XD I wanted to take a couple of pot shots at Wingwraith, if only to make him soil himself :D

I hadn't thought of that. I have no excuse, it was late and I was tired.

I will point out that you can still technically do that; at least a few actions can still happen in the time represented by the line I put in there, and I'd even let you assume you landed a shot or two.
The ship replied, "Weapons systems are not currently energized, but functional. Do you wish to divert power from the thrusters?"


With thrusters at least, Septishock was able to attempt to negotiate a landing they might walk away from!

"Warning: We have fully entered the atmosphere. All occupied stasis pods successfully launched, and damage from the hull-breach has been quelled.

Brace for impact."

The atmosphere wasn't so dense that they couldn't see a land mass becoming clear- the ship clipped some kind of glacial formation, and spun counterclockwise partly before beginning to glide on water! The ship made a big splash before flipping, twice, and finally hitting ground below water, coming to a rough stop on a shore, with the bridge portion fulling submerged!

"Status Report: The ship has come to a full stop. Hull integrity at 60%; launch bay doors: Destroyed; interior explosion. Forward wing on the port side: Destroyed; collision mid-landing. Aft-starboard main thrusters: misaligned and severely damaged; impact with celestial body, probable.

Initiating environmental scans... Scanning... Scanning... Scanning..."
It occurs to me we don't know what Einhorn is up to, but I'm going to assume he is trying to help how he can.
Working up a post, aiming to get it posted this weekend.
You can totally do that
Good post, @Duthguy. My next post needs to be a lot better. >_>U

So much for "long one", but this is an action focused narrative, so I just can't find myself going into detail about who is doing what and how or whatever. I'm trying to do better, but I also needed to get this story to a point where we could reasonably do that, you know?

Y'all feel free to react to parts of that, but don't be afraid to do more, either; I like when my players get creative and surprise me! Destroy the railroad :P

We have now passed what was covered in the Intro; go nuts!
WingWraith wobbled as the rest got to there feet, trying to collect themselves and decide what they were doing, now. He found himself staring down Septishocks weapon.


Just then, the ship lurched forward, and began spinning sideways! The emergency systems and lights began flashing, a voice announcing over the comm system, "Warning- total failure of multiple systems; propulsion and navigation: Disabled. Approaching planet; crash probability: 99.9%. Emergency procedures strongly recommended."

WingWraith managed to keep his footing, this time, and was quicker to act. "Predacons, retreat!" He and a handful of others beat a hasty retreat down the corridor before anyone could stop them.

While the conflict seemed forgotten by the other mutinous Predacons (fleeing for the stasis pods, presumably), the ship called out again: "Warning; emergency launch of stasis pods imminent. All pods unoccupied at time of atmospheric entry will not be launchable; repeat: safe evacuation will not be possible upon entering atmosphere- all nonessential personnel must immediately enter stasis pods, or risk severe injury/deactivation!"

Mere moments later- "Warning! Entering planet atmosphere; scout craft launch is ill advised!" An explosion later, "-Hull Breach; sealing off launch bay-"

The comm's crackled to life, and WingWraith called out, "See you in the Pit, Maximal scum!"
Woo! Let's get this ball rolling again!

going to write up something tomorrow, It'll be a big one, escalating and moving the plot forward more
Woo! Let's get this ball rolling again!
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