Avatar of RickyG85


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current Well, things are calming down enough I will have time to at least attempt playing/running games, again. Wish me luck
13 days ago
I'm back, sort of. Might be awhile before I try to start running a game, I don't have a great history there...
23 days ago
What is it about work that makes you long for vacation as soon as you get back from one?
1 mo ago
I'm on holiday for a few days, update to "Entomagical" is on its way
1 mo ago
I'm down to chat


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Most Recent Posts

Do we submit character sheets in pm, or here?
@RickyG85 Pretty much, my headcanon for Armour Digivolution is "Rookies don't actually go to Champion level, they are still Rookies, just equipped with Champion level firepower. So, i kinda like the idea that the Armour works on other level Digimon or just on the kids themselves if they need to protect themselves when their partner isn't around or incapacitated.

You could call out "Digi-Armor Overlay!"
Oh, humans doing the armor digivolve? Sounds cool, I'm down!
Scars of Frankenstein
another "I'm excited for Halloween" sort of setting; I've shared this idea before, Frankenstein happened, and players are running around in "neo-victorian" modern world, and a Buffy-esque (see: monster of the week) vibe to the adventures.
tentatively interested... So, an extra read over just to make sure I didn't miss anything crucial, and it's pretty clear to me this is either in, or similar to, the original 2 seasons (especially with the armor eggs), am I right?
Endless Autumn
Spooky encounters in a town on an island where it seems like it's always October...
Wild idea: the first successful test of the Death Star was on Krypton

That is all
"Scars of Frankenstein"
Modern setting, horror. A university and the surrounding city find themselves experiencing a series of strange events and unnatural encounters. This is a universe where the events of stories such as "Frankenstein" and "The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" etc., weren't fiction, although much of the truth surrounding the tales were suppressed/misrepresented deliberately.

Open to improv, which will hopefully better encourage more creative, proactive rp. Emphasis on atmosphere.

I’m gonna keep it a stack of Denny’s with you I thought you were an Admin for like


honestly, me too.

Good for you, man!

Surprised I'm seeing anti-poo sentiment? 'was always nice to me, I dunno what them others are on about... is it a joke? Of course, I make a point of not being around a whole-helluva-lot, so, what do I know?
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