Avatar of RickyG85


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current Well, things are calming down enough I will have time to at least attempt playing/running games, again. Wish me luck
11 days ago
I'm back, sort of. Might be awhile before I try to start running a game, I don't have a great history there...
21 days ago
What is it about work that makes you long for vacation as soon as you get back from one?
1 mo ago
I'm on holiday for a few days, update to "Entomagical" is on its way
1 mo ago
I'm down to chat


User has no bio, yet

Most Recent Posts

I'll try to get a post up tomorrow night!
@Crimson Flame@Aku the Samurai@RickyG85 The IC is finally up. Sorry for not doing so earlier. Been a little busy IRL.

No worries!
@mattmanganonis my character ok, now? Also, should I change his appearance? Because Rick and Aoi at present look really similar
Newly edited! A bit more to the bio, and some details changed such removing the details that assumed Goblimon was already in the picture.
@RickyG85 Goblimon will enter Rick's life in your first post. Gonna need a little more about what he did in his past.

Ricks past, I assume?
@RickyG85 Right, as i said, i'm not against you making new variations of existing Digimon, but can you at least put in their abilities? Because i need to have a record of what you think they can do?

That occurred to me after I hit post, but it was late, and I needed sleep ^_^U I'll fix that ASAP

Edit: I added abilities!
Submitted for your approval, boss
@RickyG85 pretty much what I said above. Variations of the existing ones. Like a Lightning version of Greymon or a Fire version of Ikakumon or something like that are all good, but full on original digimon lines I'm not comfortable with because it'd hard to judge how they work.

tyvm! Working up a CS as we speak, hoping to have it submitted tomorrow!
another question: should we limit ourselves to existing digimon, or can we create originals?@mattmanganon
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